Page 8 Portland Observer, March 4, 1982 FAT LITTLE ROOSTER »••H ta »>••«* entertainment 1629 S.E H aw th o rn « ZD-0884 Coming Attractions March Music 1»N .W 5th Ave 2243861 Craig Carothers. Tommy Smith Ok-Ra Sparks, Stolen Toys, Cam Paul DeLay, Buckman Allstars, Newton, KBOO Live Broadcast, Liquid Blues, Steve Bradley, Raseo C o nfidentials, Michael Denny, Brothes, Pete Karnes & Terry Robb, Tommy Sm ith. Ben Davis A The Mercy, Les Clams, Dr. Corn’ s Blue­ Odds. grass Remedy, Robert Cray. For more in form a tion call 224- For more in fo rm a tio n call 233- .1661. 566 S.W Aider 224-13» 0694 Lights O ut, Craig Carothers Band, Nu Shooz, Les Clams, Robert Cray Band, Bosworth Brothers, M r. Nieeguy, Kukrudu, Slowtrain (with Lee Garrett), Kidd, Sequel. PRODUCTIONS Presents 19196 S. MoHafla Ave q Oregon City 6664022 834S.W. 1«t. 241 Æ æ Afro-American Heritage Songs, games, dances and stories in the two-century-old Afro-American folk tradition o f the Georgia coastal island chain w ill be performed by the Georgia Sea Island Singers in two Portland appearances March 6. The group will perform a children’ s concert at St. Andrews Community Center, 806 N.E. A lberta, at 2 p.m. Then at 8 p.m. in the community center, they will give an evening concert. The Georgia Sea Island Singers, preservers of the rich cultural heritage o f the coastal islands* Black community, have performed internationally. Past appearances include concerts at Carnegie Hall and the Mexico City Olym­ pics. The group has cut five records. The singers are Bessie Jones, author o f two books on Black culture; Frankie Sullivan Quimby, who comes from one o f the few American Black families that can trace its ancestry to a definite location in Africa (the town o f Kianah in what is now Nigeria), and Douglas Quimby, a member o f the group since 1969. The concerts are sponsored by the Alliance for Social Change and the Black Education Center. Tickets for the evening concert are $5. Advance tickets are $4. Call 222-4479 for ticket outlet information. St. Andrews Com m unity School and Immaculate Heart Com m unity School jo in the Alliance and Center in sponsoring the children’ s concert. Admission for those under 15 years old is $1.50. For all others it is $3. Jack M cM ahon, Joe D obro, Richard Moore & Patty Fobare, Cam Newton, Bodin & Zanetto, Steve Bradley & D. J. Craven, Ok- Ra Sparks, Alan D u tto n , Rich England, Valérie Brown, Dennis B ixby, Stewart N o rth , Craig Carothers. For more in form a tion call 241- 2550. night out with M uddy B ottom Boys, Dick Lappe, Paul DeLay Blues Band, Folk A Bluegrass Players, Record Release Party for Goldrush, Arts A C rafts, Speakeasy Dixieland Jazz Band, Rasco Brothers, Live Video Taping o f 3 bands, Premier o f Duke Party A The Chargers, Nu Shooz. For more in fo rm a tio n call 655- 4022. 11312 S.E. Powefl 761-6252 Live m u li c & ciancino Wed.-Sat. 0-1:30 NO COVER CHARGE Gregg T rip p Band. Ron Lloyd, Rockerfellers, Sequel, L ittle Big Band, W heatfield, Fire Eye, Nu Shooz. For more in form a tion , call 761 - 5252. o Comer of S.W. 2nd 6 Taylor Full Circle, Slowtrain (w ith Lee G arrett), Diamond H ill, Tangier, B uffa lo S huffle, G em ini, Koffee, Expresso, Lights Out. For more in fo rm a tio n call 22- RODEO. SHERATON - AJRPORT (C KJTTIL I « O ttlfTiiom ) Saitewi/euf. - THE lAZZ (MARRY 1111 S.W. Jefferson St. 222 7422 Spencer Ward Quartet, Sky Trio, Red N orvo, om G rant T rio , Red Rodney A Ira S ullivan Q uintet, Jam-o-rama, and movies. For more in fo i mation call 222- 7422. i bi TffaneA. 6t&. : 9:00 P.M. UNTIL “licAtte : $5.00 (4 .0 0 with button) 0 « t t a HOUSE OF SOUNDS ACCORDS M u s t B e 21 - I.D . R e q u ir e d Fresh As The Springtime The Sounds Of T h e Kays, M illie . K ool, Ray. G o o d m a n b B ro w n , and C o n fu n ksh u n . We Have The Albums For You. SAVEHI Live Live "Beatlemania" Live Live Il was ten years ago that the world was saddened to hear that the Beatles were disbanding, ending an unprecedented reign over the pop music charts and the hearts o f millions. Now however, it is possible once again to experience the magic o f the Beatles. The smash Broadway hit, Beatlemania, is coming to Portland. This show has been seen by hundreds of thousands throughout North America, Britain and Japan On this tour of the Pacific Northwest, the show is playing seven different cities. I f this show is in a city for a week-long run, it makes sense to mount banks o f slide projectors. A key ingredient o f the show is a montage o f literally thousdands o f visual images from the sixties. It is impossible for the louring company to spend two entire days setting up for a one- or two-night stand . .so to solve this problem, Beatlemania’ s creators, Leber Krebs & Associates, produced their own feature length film to re­ place the slide projectors and adapted projection equipment with a much simpler yet equally effective, multi-purpose visual system. This touring company carries its regular performers plus extra orchestra members. The effect is the same nostalgic kaleidoscope that has dazzled theatre patrons around the world. Beatlemania is a vivid recreation o f a decade in which things were a little simpler, a decade whose manners and mores were beyond a doubt molded by the music o f these four amazing men. The world will never forget the group that changed the face o f modern music, and with it, our way o f thinking. And just as surely as the Beatles will never be forgotten, you'll never forget Beatlemania. Sec it. Absorb it. Y ou'll remember not only the most important decade o f our lives.. .you’ ll rediscover a part o f yourself. Beatlemania it’ s simply the greatest and it's coming to your hometown soon!!! $1.00 On All Albums Listed In This Ad Only. M ILLIE JACKSON L IV E A N D O UTRAGEOUS Now Reg. Price $7.98 DANCE THEATRE OF HARLEM April 7-10. 1 0 8 2 C iv ic A u d ito r iu m Sale ends March 11th, 1982. y PolyGram Records V * t a 5 performances! 3 completely different shows! Saturday matinee, too! I.uih. rxtttu atmhrre, brnuli/ul. ntm blr d/in rrrt. riannq /,«/>,, nr/irnt vi brn liu m m [> rn n n ii, a rln ln N ru tiw rrb , /9XZ $6.98 TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING OUTLETS: E V E R G R E E N E V E N T S (V is a /M C /c h c c k mail order) 2 2 4 -3 3 5 1 , Civic Auditorium Box Office 2 4 8 -4 4 9 6 , C elelirity A ttra c tio n s 2 2 6 -4 3 7 1 , M e ie r and F rank D ow ntow n 2 2 6 -1 6 0 5 , Salem 3 6 4 -3 1 2 3 , Eugene 342-661 1, Stevens bi Son Lloyd C e n te r 2 8 4 -2 1 0 1 . T IC K E T S : E vening.: > V il wè îÙ / Î $H. 5 0 $ 13.50. Matinee: $7.50-$12.50. T H E PR O G R A M : SHOW A: (Wednesday, April 7 at 8:15 P.M . and Saturday. April 10 at 2:15 P.M. I FO U R T E M P E R - M E N T S , EQ UUS, D O U G L A . SHOW B: (Thursdav, Anni 8 at 8:15 P.M and Saturday, April 10 at 8:15 P .M ., SERE­ N A D E , S I . C A R N A M E D D E S IR E . F IR E B IR D . SHOW C: (Friday, April 9 at 8:15 P .M .) C O N C E R T O BA­ RO CCO, SONGS O F T H E A U V E R G N E , M IR A G E , BANDA. House Of Sound 3606 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Oregon • 287-1960