METROPOLITAN Black United Front Primate Center seeks minority apprentices G rassroot News, N. W. — The Oregon Regional Primate Research Center is accepting applications for the minority high school student re­ search apprentice program. The ex­ pectation is that some o f the appren­ tices will decide to pursue careers in research related to health. This is an excellent o p p o rtu n ity fo r high school seniors to fin d out about another aspect o f health-related re­ search, to get away from the Burger King summer jobs and do some­ thing a lot more meaningful. The Prim ate Center does repro­ ductive research w ith monkeys. T h eir research led to the develop­ ment o f birth control devices and surgical techniques for operating on fetuses. Mohamed Isahakia is a stu­ dent researcher at the Oregon P ri­ mate C en ter. “ I ’ m fro m Kenya, East Africa, and have worked at the center for two years. M y purpose for coming here is to be trained in male reproductive physiology. I conduct research and attend classes at the Oregon H ealth Science U n i­ versity. M y focus is on male fertility and infertility. I ’m trying to identify elements that are relevant to infertil­ ity so later on they can be used as a means to control fertility.** M r. Isahakia’s interests center in anim al m edicine. He is a veterin ­ arian. " I wanted to change my ca­ reer toward research.” The W orld Health Organization, a part o f the United Nations, is sponsoring Isa­ hakia. He plans to return to Kenya once his studies are completed. O ver the years com plaints have been raised that research is in h u ­ mane to the animals. “ This depends on the area o f research. In pharma­ ceutical research they use lots o f ani­ mals to test drugs before they can be used on humans. Also in the auto­ motive industry they use animals for their crash program s. But under proper supervision meaningful use o f animals can be made to minimize the amount o f pain that's inflicted. In my case all I use is the sperm. There are advantages and disadvan­ tages and there is no boundary that can be draw n.’ * The benefits are to prolong life or eradicate illness in human beings. A p plicatio n s can be obtained fro m L in d a H en d rickso n , Public Information Director o f the Oregon Primate Center. You can call her at 645-1141, ext. 287. Include with the application a statement o f 200-400 words about your activities and in­ tellectual interest. Submit with the application a complete official tran­ script o f your high school record. The deadline is Friday, March 14. First Annual Banquet Honoring "The Man Of The Year" Ron Herndon Westminster Presbyterian Church 1624 N.E. Hancock Friday March 26.1962 6:30 pm til 10:00 pm Donation: Adults *9.50 Kids *7.50 Tickets: Youth Service Center 4815 N.E. 7th Ave. King Neighborhood Facility 288-0371 or House of Sounds Mohamed Isahakia of Kenya is a student researcher at the Oregon Regional Primate Canter. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) Macro Bingo benefits House of Exodus by Harris Levon McRae The House o f Exodus is sponsor­ ing an “ Exodus M a c ro B ingo” night at the Multnomah County Ex­ position Center at 2060 N . M arine Drive on Saturday, March 13th. The House o f Exodus is a non­ p ro fit alcohol and drug treatment center providing direct treatm ent, consultation and education to indi­ viduals who are in need o f help caused by alcoholism , drug addic­ tion and chemical abuse in general. The bingo game is a fund raiser and the money will benefit the House o f Exodus. “ We are the first non -p ro fit o r­ ganization in Oregon attempting to raise funds through bingo games in the magnitude that Exodus Macro Bingo is being d o n e ,” says Tom Boothe, coordinator o f the program at the House o f Exodus. 1st prize is a $40,000 Renaissance Ranch House. 2nd prize is a 1982 T -B ird , fully equipped. 3rd prize is a 1955 Classic T-Bird, Shay Reproduction. Tickets are $20 for the first two prizes and $10 fo r the 3rd prize. Iherc will be $1,000 cash prizes with dollar games and drawings for door prizes throughout the evening. Free gifts w ill include helicopter rides, H om e Box O ffice installation and motel accommodations. “ We think that this kind o f acti­ vity stimulates three separate things: O ne, it is a painless way o f gener­ ating needed funds. T w o , it p ro ­ vides a social climate fo r people to gather and have some fu n , and three, it brings businesses and social services together in a way that will lead to a better delivery o f ser­ vices,” Tom Boothe said. T he p rim a ry purpose o f the House o f Exodus is to treat and edu­ cate those individuals who are a f­ flicted and in need o f help caused by alcoholism and/or drug abuse. Exodus has four components pro­ viding four distinct areas o f treat- 2 4 , 1 9 « The EoMowmg Office« Are ? ^ I ROSALIE BOOTHE Bingo can be purchased at House o f Exodus, 1639 N .E . A lberta, Meier and F ra n k , d o w n to w n . M a rb le & Co. Real Estate, 6475 S.W . Capitol Highway, Stevens and Sons, Lloyd Center, and all G .I. Joe’s Stores. Soupline protests office closure this orna « ili HE CLOSED KttMAHEHTLV OH MARCH ment and education to those affect­ ed directly or indirectly by alcohol­ ism or chemical abuse in general. These fo u r components are: (1) outpatient treatm ent, (2) day care recreational recovery training and treatment (3) residential treatment, and (4) youth treatment prevention training and awareness programs. “ W ith all the drugs that some people take these days it can be hard to tell whether it is alcohol or other drugs causing problems. Each com­ ponent operates under the philoso­ phy o f th e T rip le R C oncept (Rights, Respect, and Responsibili­ ty). We try to decrease drugs and in­ crease responsibility. A ll employees are required to take and graduate fro m the T rip le R course so that there is a consistency in the imple­ mentation o f the Trip le R philoso­ phy,” Tom Boothe said. The Exodus A lc o h o lis m /D ru g Abuse Educational Treatment Cen­ ter is the first o f its kind located in the Northeast Portland area. T ickets fo r the Exodus M acro * Avodabie For Service: Friday at noon at the Hollywood Employment O ffice, 4 4 ,h & Sandy, a S O U P L IN E form ed, protesting the 11.9 per cent unemployment rate in O regon. Soup was provided by the Sisters o f the Road Cafe. The soupline emphasized the cuts in human services and social pro­ grams at the time when unemploy­ ment and plant closures have reached epidemic proportions. Bob Baugh, Secretary-Treasurer o f the Oregon State A F L -C IO and chair­ man o f the Em ploym ent and the Oregon Econom y Standing C o m ­ m ittee said (fro m a soapbox), “ Economic development must fo ­ cus on plant death as well as jo b jfP PRO STYL ■ V SHOP I fl 917 S.W. Alder 224-8401 (across from the Galleria) ! I | PRO SHOP—STYLING SALON Specializing in alt curly perms, styling & trimming. TCB • Care Free • Classy Curl It California Curl Gerald & Winslow b irth . No more corporate welfare; i t ’ s tim e to pu, O regon w orkers back to w ork.” O th e r speakers included M a ry B o tk in , R egional D ire c to r o f the Plant Closure Organizing C om m it­ tee and G ail W ashington, a repre sentative o f the Oregon Public Em ­ ployees Union. The P lant C losure O rg an izin g Committee (PC O C ) is a coalition of labor, community and religious or­ ganizations with over 40 sponsoring members. P C O C works on educa­ tion, research and community “ self- h elp ” program s concerning the causes, effects, and possible solu­ tions to the problem s associated with plant closures. TT P e rm Reg. $60* Limited Time Onh Interstate Tax Service APRI president attacks Reagan budget by Harris Levon McRae N o rm an H ill, president o f the New york-based A . P h ilip Ran­ dolph In s titu te, was here in P o rt­ land M o n d a y to give a speech at Reed College. M r. H ill stated that the economic and social policies o f the Reagan ad­ m inistration may undo decades o f progress in the field o f civil rights. “ Already there is much less com­ mitment to the enforcement o f the provisions o f the civil rights laws, and the Justice D epartm ent has launched few, if any, voting rights cases since Reagan took o ff ic e ,” H ill said. A civil rights activist for 20 years, H ill was in P o rtlan d to conduct a conference o f his institute's western regional group o f affiliates Friday through Sunday. The A . P h ilip Randolph Institute is a nationwide network o f organizations promoting greater p a rtic ip a tio n in the labor movement and politics by Blacks. He blasted Reagan’s “ New Feder­ alism ” proposal as nothing more than a smoke screen designed to hide (he failures o f the adm inistra­ tio n ’ s supply-side econom ic p re­ scriptions. “ The Reagan a d m in is tra tio n ’ s economic policies place minorities at a disadvantage in competing for a diminishing number o f jobs. One- third o f all Black youngsters are un­ employed. Reagan's policies are dis­ astrous in terms o f the needs o f m i­ norities,” H ill said. President Reagan's proposal to turn many o f the social programs that are b en eficial to Blacks and other minorities back to the states, will bring back the regional unfair­ ness , ha, existed before strong fed­ eral intervention created uniform civil rights enforcement and access to social programs. A recent public opinion poll said only eight per cent o f Blacks polled approved o f the way Reagan is handling the presidency. The low rating stems from a growing percep­ tion in the Black com m unity that the President is indifferent to the se­ vere difficulties facing Blacks and other minorities. H ill concludes, "T h e effect o f the a d m in is tra tio n 's econom ic p ro ­ grams has been to weaken the confi­ dence o f Blacks in Reagan and his policies. I have no idea about his personal convictions— it might be bigotry. The important thing is that the impact o f his policies and pro­ grams is extremely negative.” Are you paying too much to have your income tax return prepared? W e offer competent service at economical prices. • Personal Returns • Business Returns • Out Of State Returns Open 11 am-5 pm. Call forappt. Same-Day Service 2-3 Day Service Short Form Long Form 1040A & 40S (including earned income credit 1 0 4 0& 40 Sch. A —Deductions Sch B -In te re s t etc $10°° (interest with exclusion) $24®® and up Since 1966 • Licensed Tax Consultant 5510 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR 97217 • 283-6014 ■