Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 04, 1982, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 6 Section II Portland Observer, M a.ch 4, 1982
Let's close
the credibility gap
Bring your money home and help build our
Join those who are building a future by doing
their banking business with American State Bank.
For too long we have allowed ourselves to be
divided, have preferred not to trust each other and
have failed to do business with each other. In the
coming days of economic crisis only communities
that work together will survive.
N ancy J. S m ith
B aldw in S an itary Service, Inc.
Our goal is one million dollars in new deposits
during 1982. Right now other banks are holders
of people’s money. This money—if
deposited in our bank, your bank—could help
build a strong base for the economic development
of our community.
Carlos M o n to y a , o w n e r
Carlos Body and Fender
H enry D. S c o tt
P resident
C o ast J a n ito ria l
We invite you to join our many satisfied
customers. Come in and talk about what we can do
for each other.
L.C. Ellison.
Treasurer, N A A C P
P.S.—We do
not do business
with South Africa.
V.F. Booker, President
I Rosalie B o o th e , D ire c to r
L H ouse of Exodus
M a in Branch
2737 N.E. Union Avenue
E astm oreland Branch
4451 S.E. 28th
A n ita P a lm er, Pres.
N e w Rose C ity Cab Co.
2nd b Y am h ill S t. B ranch
204 S .W . Yamhill