Page 4 Section II Portland Observer, March 4 1982 JOB FINDER R A D IA T IO N S P E C IA LIS T The Oregon D e p a rt m ent of Energy is re cruiting for a Radiation Specialist. This p o si tion will provide broad environmental exp ert ise in assisting the D e p artm en t to develop and enforce standards fo r co nstru ctio n and operation of energy fa cilities. Special em pha sis is on radiological as pects of energy p ro d u c t i o n in c l u d i n g transportation and dis posal of radioactive m aterials w hich are both m an -m ade and n a tu ra lly o c c u r rin g . S a la ry : $ 2 0 2 0 $2561 monthly. In terested applicants should co n ta c t the D epartm en t for ap p li cation in fo rm a tio n at 102 Labor Et Industries B uilding, S ale m , OR 97310. SUM MER R EC R E A TIO N LEADERS City of Salem needs leaders for: aq uatics, neighborhood, tennis. M ust be available to work flexib le hours, provide own transpor tation and proof of auto insurance, have m ulti- media or standard first- aid card, be hightly skilled Salary based on skill level. $3.55-15.51 per hr. Closing date: March 12, 1982. Apply: City of Salem, Person nel D e p t., Room 225, 555 Liberty SE, Salem. Oregon 973P1 An Equal Opportunity Employer S O C IA L W O R K ER . H O U SE P A R E N TS Couple w anted to live in residential treatment area facilities. W ith six em otionally disturbed adolescent boys and girls Assist in p ro vid ing a nurturing and close intensive supervi sion, su pp o rt and se- curity. All operational expenses and supplies provided. Excellent sal ary and fringe benefits. For fiv e -d a y w o rk week. Experience with em otionally disturbed p opulation and B .A . preferred. Address in quiries and resume to: A llan W eiskaid c /o Janis Y outh Program 1942 N W Kearney P ortland OR 97209 or call 223 9008 JO B S O V E R S E A S Big m oney fa s t, $20,000 to $50,000 plus per year. Call 1-716- 842 6000, ext. 3819 D O M E S T IC W O R K ER S W ANTED Cleaning, washing, iron ing, cooking. Call: V e lv e t Touch 283 0990 C A R T O G R A P H IC T E C H N IC IA N City of S alem . $1336- $ 1 6 3 2 /m o . Requires a knowledge and skills of drafting, mapping and surveying techniques, basic math including al gebra and g eom etry. Requires the c o m p le tion of a two-year tech nical course in e n g in e e r in g , m a t h e matics, cartography or any combination of ex perience and training Knowledge of the DEC POP 1 1 /7 0 com puter and F O R TR A N la n guage helpful. Closing date: M arch 12, 1982. A pply: C ity of Salem Personnel Dept., Room 225, 555 Liberty S .E ., Salem, Oregon, 97031. A n Equal Opportunity Employer S C IE N T IF IC A P P L IC A T IO N S PROGRAMMER w a n te d . Excellent c a pabilities in FORTRAN IV essential. Some ex perience in data analy sis desirable. $16,000 to $17,000 per year. Appli cants should send cur riculum vitae, including th e nam es of re fe r ences, to: Dr. Irvin Isenberg Dept. of Biochemistry Et Biophysics O regon S tate U niversity C orvallis. OR 97331 Closing date: M ay 1, 1982. Oregon State Univer sity is an a ffirm a tiv e action/equal opportun ity em ployer and com plies with section 504 o f the R ehab ilitatio n A c t o f 1973. M U LTI ARTS PROGRAM A S S IS T A N T $ 7 /h r • lim ited term project. Assist with de velopment, im plem en tatio n of co m m u n ity arts program in areas of p u b lic ity , co m m u n ity contact and outreach Duties include issuing press releases; working with media, artists, arts o r g a n iz a tio n s and neighborhood groups; assisting with program docum entation. Quali fic a tio n s : F am ilia rity w ith cu ltu ral groups and activities in P o rt land/Multnomah Coun ty, with an emphasis on Afro-American, South east Asian and East County com m unities; ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing; organizational, typing skills; publicity and p ho to g rap h y e x perience preferred. A p plications m ust be postm arked by M arch 19, 1982. S ub m it re sumes to: Janet M cM aho n M e tro p o lita n A rts C om m ission 430 SW M o rriso n St. R oom 314 P o rtlan d . OR 97204 C O NSULTANT Non-profit organization is seeking an individual to w ork fu ll-tim e in p la n n in g , sch edu lin g and co ordin atin g of donor group. Final can didate must have prov en ab ility to m o tiv a te people, organize and delegate duties, estab lish goals and operate R ESEAR CH as a team member De A S S IS T A N T / sired previous w o rk P R O G R A M M E R IN experience w o u ld in P H Y S IC A L clude bus. m a n a g e OCEANOGRAPHY m ent or m arketin g . (tw o positions): A re K now ledge of b usi search group in School nesses in area would be of Oceanography, Ore h elpful. T ravel re gon S ta te U niversity, quired, must have own ■ studying dynam ics of transportation. Salary ocean cu rren ts, re- ; $15,192. Send resume quires tw o scientific by W ed. Mar. 10, 1982 programmers Appoint to: ees will work on numer A m erican Red Cross | ical solution of differen 4200 S W C o rb e tt tial equations describ P o rtlan d , OR 97201 ing oceanic flows, and An Equal Opportunity statistical analys s of Employer o c e a n o g ra p h ic d a ta . Strong background in SALES mathematics and com Need individual to gen puting experience es erate sales for division sential. B .S. degree re that specializes in metal quired. Salary: $20,000/ fabrication and machin yr or m ore depending on q u a lific a tio n s /e x - I ing. T e rrito ry covers N W of U S. Assist in perience. Submit appli estimating material and cation and names of la b lrc o s t. Candidates three references by 5 that apply should have March 1982 to: proven sales track rec R oland A . de S zoeke ord (2 -5 yrs) in similar School of industry, good analyti O ceanography cal skills and valid dri O regon S tate ver's license. Excellent U niversity benefits. C orvallis, OR 97331 Oregon S ta te U n iv e r sity, an Affirmative Ac- tion/Equal Opportunity E m p lo y e r, c o m p lie s with Section 504 of the R e hab ilitatio n A ct of 1973. N o rth w e s t M a rin e Iron W o rks E m p lo y m e n t O ffic e P .0 Box 3109 P o rtlan d , OR 97208 A n Equal Opportunity Employer ENG IN EER F IS C A L OFFICER Research Assistant U n $1536 monthly + $154 classified. Department a m onth for Assistant of Forest P roducts. D ire c to r re s p o n s ib il Oregon S ta te U n iv e r ities. W o rk involves a sity. Technical assist v a rie ty o f h ig h ly re ance in research area of s p o n s ib le b u d g e ta ry fractu re m echanics of and finance duties. Su co m p o s ite m a te ria ls . pervises em ployees in B .S . in E ngineering, the A c c o u n tin g S e c Mathem atics, or Com tion. Acts as Executive puter Sciences — exper Director in his absence. ience w ith g ra p h ite / M inim um of four year epoxy composites. Ap college or university de p licatio n deadline is gree w ith B .A . in a c March 17, 1982. counting, financial ad Send resume, Universi - I m inistration or related ty transcripts, and the fie ld , three years of nam es o f th ree re fe r progressively responsi ences to: ble experience in g o v Dr. H e lm u th Reach. ernmental budget prep H ead. D e p a rtm e n t of aration and accounting Forest Products and at least one year of O rego n S ta te supervisory experience. U niversity Job description and ap C orvallis. OR 97331 p licatio n available at Oregon State Universi M ario n C ounty H ou s ty is an A ffirm ative Ac- ing A u th o rity , 4660 tio n /E q u a ! O pportun P ortland Road NE, ity Em ployer and com Salem , Oregon 97305. plies w ith Section 504 A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e o f the R e h a b ilita tio n March 5. 1982 A ct o f 1973. An Equal Opportunity Employer STRUCTURAL T R I-M E T ENG IN EER T R A N S IT (U nclassified) PERFORM ANCE $26,225 $34,097. This A NA LYST is professional level en Tri-M et, the local mass gineering work requir transit dist in Ptld, OR. ing exten sive k n o w is seeking a p e rfo rm ledge of Structural En ance a n alyst. D uties; g in e e rin g . The e m Develops and analyzes ployee occupying this program s to m easure position acts in a pro the e ffe ctiven ess and fessional engineering efficiency in operating capacity involving the procedures of a transit design and c o n s tru c system. tion of bridges, public Qualifications: 2 yrs facilities such as roads, exp erien ce in transit buildings, sanitary and o p e ra tio n s , s y s te m s storm sewers, and mis analysis or a related c e lla n e o u s h ig h w a y technical field. Skill in structures. Supervises com puter applications the c o m p ilatio n and in c lu d in g p r o g r a m correlation of all in fo r m ing , IB M , S C L, and m ation p e rtin e n t to statistical analysis soft projects for bridges and w are. Education: B .S . related structures; re degree in technical v ie w s c o n t r a c t o r 's field. M .S . degree pre shop draw in gs, plans ferred and may substi and specifications pre tute for one year of ex pared by consulting en perience. Minimum sal- gineers Exercises gen eral and tech n ical su pervision over a variety of design and construc tion personnel, Engin eering support staff and Inspection s ta ff. Perform s a variety of a d m in is tra tiv e duties related to public works projects. TO Q U A LIFY applicants must have a B .S . in Civil or S truc- tual Engineering an d Oregon registration as a Civil or Structural En gineer or the ability to obtain by reciprocity and six years of experi ence ir. Civil or S tru c tural E ngineering in volved in design and construction of struc tu res, roads, sewers, and bridges; to include two years in bridge and structure design and two years in charge of a project. APPLY for this position no later than 4:30 pm, Friday, March 26. 1982 W h ere to apply: M u ltn o m a h C ounty C ourthouse R oom 130 1021 S W Fourth A ve. P ortlan d . OR 97204 Phone: (503) 248-5015 A n Equal Opportunity Employer p e r ie n c e . M in im u m starting salary $20,307. Subm it resume, refer ences and salary h is tory to the Tri-M et Em ploym ent O ffice, 4012 S .E . 17th A v e ., P o rt land, OR 97202, not later than Friday, April 2, 1982 A n Equal Opportunity Employer RNs RNs needed. Northern California in beautiful M e n d o c in o C o u n ty . Family-oriented hospi tal birthing facility now accepting applications. Labor and delivery, nursery RNs. E xperi ence preferred, but not r e q u ir e d . P o s itio n s available on all shifts. C o n ta c t: N u r s in g O f f ic e at (707) 462 3866 or write to: N ursing O ffic e 1120 S outh D ora Ukiah, California ________ 96482 BE A B A N K TELLER Be em ployable in 4 w eeks as a trained BANK TELLER. For brochure and info., call 246-5000. Teller Train ing Institute. MISC. R EFR IG S b FREEZERS R E P A IR E D Reasonable Rates Day or Nite R E F R IG E R A T IO N S P E C IA LT IE S 244 6376 FOR RENT Lrg 3BR hou$e nr Jeff Hi Gas heat, full bsmt, $ 3 2 5 /m o . Kids O K . 252 2061 eves til 11; 777 1565 til 9, Alice. SEEDLESS G R A PES! B lueberries and berry plants. W rite for c a ta log B ow ers N ursery 473 S W . Laurel J u n c tio n C ity. O regon 97448 Be concerned! Be informed!! Know the facts!!! Subscribe Today! Receive your Observer by mail Only $10 per year. Name __ Address City __ Zip Make checks payabk to: Portland Observer P O Bo» 3137 Portland, Oregon 97208 W ORD P R O C E S S IN G A S S IS T A N T Experience in opera tion o f W A N G w o rd processing squipment; ability to type 80 wpm; w illingness to w o rk overtime occasionally; ab ility to w o rk under pressure and set prioi- ties. Starting salary $11,310 to $ 1 3 ,9 8 7 d epen d in g on background. Letters of a p p lic a tio n and re sum es m ust be re ceived in the personnel o ffic e by 5 pm on March 12, 1982. Apply to: Personnel O ffic e N W R egional E du catio nal Lab 300 S W 8th P o rtla n d . OR 97204 A n Equal Opportunity Employer T IS S U E C U LT U RI ST R esearch a ssistan t unclassified available beginning M arch 15. 1982 to w o rk on the cu ltu re of tissue o b tain ed from insects. T rain in g and e x p e ri ence required in tissue cu ltu re g enerally and w ith insect tissues. % to fu ll-tim e. Send cur riculum vitae, letter of in t e r e s t , u n iv e r s ity transcripts and 3 letters of recommendation to: D r. V .J . B rookes D e p t. o f E ntom olo gy OSU C orvallis. OR 97331 Application deadline is March 10, 1982. OSU is an affirm a tiv e a c tio n / equal opportunity e m ployer and complies w / section 504 of th e R e h a b ilita tio n A c t of 1 9 7 3 . A p p lic a t io n s from fem ales and m i norities are e n c o u r aged. A n Equal Opportunity Employer Community Calendar B lo w D anes on th e K illing G ro u n d , Feb. I2-M arch 20, Thursday, F ri day and Saturday evenings, 8 pm. W illiam Hanley's contemporary A m er ican drama is the recipient o f three Broadway awards. Tickets: Friday and Saturday, $4.30 adults, $.1.30 students and seniors; Thursday, $3.30 adults, $ 2 .5 0 students and seniors. W ilso n C e n te r, Y W C A , 1111 SW 10th, Portland. T o d d le r P a re n t C o o p e r a tiv e fo r PSU students, facu lty and s ta ff, would like to start Spring Term 1982. I f you are interested, please call the Helen G ordon C h ild Developm ent Center at P ortland State, 229-3092. ( “ Toddler” — walking to 3 years o f age.) S pecial A c tiv itia a fo r Seniora at th^ Ocklcy Green Community School, 6031 N . M o n tan a (at Ainsw orth near Interstate): L o w cost lunches f o r seniors: available on all regular school days from n oo n -12:30 pm in the school cafeteria for $1.23. Menus are announced daily on K G W Radio. Dancing monthly: C liff Nelson and the Young Fellows play sounds o f the *30s and '40s in the cafeteria 7 pm on the 3rd Wednesday o f each month during the regular school year. Seniors Pot-Luck Dinner: every third W ed nesday o f the month when school is in session. 6 pm in the school cafeteria, followed by dancing at 7 pm. For more information call Katie at 285-8269. S a lv a tio n A rm y S p rin g V a c a tio n D a y C a m p The Salvation Arm y Moore Street Community Center (5430 N. Moore) will be holding a special Day C am p pro-gram during Spring Vacation, M arch 22-26. A ll childien ages 6-12 are invited to sign up for the week-long program. Cost is $10 for Center members, $15 for non-members. Program is available to the first 50 children that sign up. Registration forms may be obtained by dropping by the Center or calling 282-2571. T h ia S u n d a y la " C a r a a r D a y " a t B e th e l A M E C h u rc h . Representa tives o f various professions have been invited to attend the 11:00 am worship service. The service will be given by Reverend M .A . W alley, Pas tor. Public Forum on N uclear W e a p o n * & Foreign Policy and its impact on Portland. Ada Sanchez, Bob Baugh and others, March I I . For more info call 222-4479. C aaino N ig h t ‘ sponsored by the Hispanic Political Action Committee, to raise funds fo r its e d u c a tio n a l voter re g is tra tio n and p o litic a l e n dorsement activities. 6 pm midnitc, Saturday, March 13. Western Forestry Center, 4033 S .W . Canyon Road. Tickets, $25, are available from Grace Gallegos at the Impact Inc. office at 8959 S.W . Barbur Blvd. P a ts S a a g a r in c o n c a r t. S aturday, M arch 13. Benson High School Auditorium , 8 pm. Tickets $8, $5 for students and seniors. Benefit for the Oregon Citizens Party, McKenzie River Gathering, and Oregon E nviron mental Council. M a s te r v io lin ia t Isaac S tern will join the Oregon Symphony Orchestra for a special engagement Sunday, March 14 at 8 pm at Portland Civic Audi torium. Stern will perform the Beethoven Violin Concerto in D major. Op. 61 with music director James DePriest and the orchestra. Other works on the program will be the Overture to the opera The Magic Elute by M ozart and Schubert's Symphony No. 8 in B M inor, the Unfinished Tickets from $9.50 to $20.00. Tickets may be purchased from the symphony ticket office, 228-1353 and the Civic Auditorium box office, 248-4496. " C a n tu ry o f S tru g g le : A H is to ry o f th a A m a rlc a n F a m ln is t M o v a - m a n t, M arch 9, 2831 N E U nion. 7 pm dinner, $3; 8 pm meeting. Pre sented by Radical Women. M a ra n a th a C h u rc h , ground-breaking ceremony for new church addi tion, Sunday, March 7, 1982, I pm, directly following the Sunday morning service at the C hurch, 1222 N .E . Skidm ore. For more in fo rm a tio n call Michael S. Jones, 288-7241