Portland Observer, March 4, 1982 Section II Page 3 Albertsons DUE TO A TECHNICALITY OUR KILLINGSWORTH STORE CANNOT ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS thru MAR. 22 PLEASE BEAR WITH US AND USE THESE MONEY SAVING COUPONS AT OUR KILLINGSWORTH STORE COUPON Corn Muffins J iffy , 8% oz. L im it 5 Par C oupon FOR Coupon good Mar. 3 Thru Mar. >. Mora Of** Ma* MlMl/SIMM in i And there’s hearty eating, too, in this navy bean soup that can be served hot or cold. Enjoy! BEA N . PASTA A G R E E N C A SSERO LE (4-6 servings) 8 ounces medium, uncooked egg noodles 2 tablespoons vegetable oil cup chopped onion I can (16-oz.) pork and beans in tomato sauce* I package (10 oz.) chopped collard greens, thawed and squeezed dry (or mustard greens) I cup canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon thyme I teaspoon oregano M teaspoon salt V4 teaspoon pepper Dash o f hot pepper sauce, optional I cup shredded Cheddar cheese C ook egg noodles, according to package directions; set aside. Heat oil in large saucepan. Saute onions until tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in beans, noodles, greens, tomatoes, thym e, oregano, salt and pepper; m ix w ell. Spoon in to a 1 'A -q u a rt casserole. S p rinkle w ith cheese. Bake in a 35O*F. oven for 35-45 minutes. •Vegetarian beans in tom ato sauce may be substituted fo r meatless main-dish. H E A R T Y N A V Y BEA N SOUP (6-ti servings) 1 cup Michigan dry, edible navy at the M arriol Hotel. C o ra S m ith, owner o f C o ra ’ s H air Design and choreographer for this event, assures the public that it w ill hold true to its theme: “ The Magic o f Fashion and Talent.” Fashions for all ages w ill be modeled by members o f A llen Temple. W e sell fresh fruits and vegetables. JU S T IN CASES W e deliver - we sent out weekly price lists. That’s not all—give us a call. G e t it fre th a r, ch e ap er, b a tter A nd share it all aro u n d . IKN'KH Il M ill I " Z |l III w r v k i l i i v n S ill IIV l l | l ) » l l l l l l l W H l C. ----------------------------------------------—------s Lim it 7 Par C oupon FOR Coupon good Mar. 3 Thru Mar. 9. KtMnfewort* Store Only Coah Vetoe 1 » C e nt Albertsons COUPON Place navy beans in large soup po, with water. Bring to a boil; boil 2 minutes; remove from heat and let stand I hour. In large saucepan, saute leeks in butter until tender, about 5 minutes. Add navy beans and soaking liquid; simmer gently until beans are fork tender. W hirl bean mixture in blender or food processor, a few cups at a time, adding small amounts o f half- a n d -h a lf, until beans are sm ooth. Reheat soup before serving. Stir in salt and pepper. G arnish w ith chives, parsley and croutons. This soup is also delicious served cold. MUSTARD GREENS Reverend Thomas Strayhand and Chairpersons Louise N o rris and M ilto n A dam , invite the public to p articip ate. Tickets arc available from young adult members o f Allen Tem ple or from l.ovelee Ladee Beauty Salon. No tickets will be sold at the door. SA plans Day Camp 231-2982 Everyone needs to save money on food. Friends and families are getting together to buy it by the case. Bast, 3-oz. beans 5 cups water 3 cups coarsely chopped leeks (white part only) or 1 'A cups coarsely chopped onion 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 cups half-and-half 2 teaspoons salt Id teaspoon white pepper 2 tablespoons finely chopped chives or parsley 1 cup seasoned croutons Allen Temple youth show fashions Spring and summer fashions will be revealed at the annual fashion ex­ travaganza sponsored by the Youth of Allen Temple C .M .E . Church. In addition to fashions, those at­ tending will be entertained by a var­ iety o f talent from the P o rtla n d area. Lunch will be served. The affair will be held March 6th COUPON Ramen Noodles Brighten your Lenten meals To brighten your Lenten meals, try a Beans ’ n' Greens casserole. This surprise combination features an old favorite, pork and beans in tomato sauce, add collard greens (or mustard greens) pasta and tomatoes and is topped with cheese for a great one-dish Lenten meal. Can be pre­ pared with vegetarian beans without the meat, if you prefer, for a meat­ less main dish. And there’s hearty eating, too, in this navy bean soup that can be ser- __ The Salvation Army Moore Street Community Center will offer a Day Camp Program for children ages 6 through 12 during spring vacation. The program w ill include a field trip , sw im m ing, arts and crafts, games, special events and a Thursday overnight camping trip to Cam p Trestle G len . C hildren will need to bring a sack lunch each day. Children will meet each morning at the center, 5430 N . M o o re , at 8:30 a .m . and w ill return at 3:00 p.m. The session lasts from March 22nd to March 26th. Registration is $10. for center members and $15 for non-m em bers. For in fo rm atio n contact Joyce Gonzalez at 282-2571. For Your Shopping Convenience Our Shopping Cart Security Posts Have Been Removed Prices E ffective W e d . M a r. 3 thru Tues. M a r. 9 Albertsons 909 N. Killingsworth « mjubiuty Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available tor sale at or below the advertised price m each Albertson s store except as specifically noted m this ad RAIN CHECK We strive to have on hand sufficient stock of advertised merchandise It tor any tea son we ate out of stock, a RAtkf CHECK wk( be issued enabknq you to buy the item at the advertised price as soon as it becomes available $