Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 04, 1982, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page 12 Portland Observer March 4, 1982
The great white hoax
Sport Talk
by Ron Sykes, Sports Editor
That Don Buse has become the
In d ia n a Pacers’ a ll-tim e assist
leader, surpassing Freddie Lewis*
total o f 2711 late last month.
That Carl Lewis, who just recent­
ly captured the A m ateur A th letic
U nion's James E. Sullivan Award
which dubs the most outstanding
athlete o f the year, was recently
honored by the C ity o f Houston
with a Carl Lewis day.
Last fall Rich Brooks shocked the
visiting sky-w riters when he told
them that he could see his Oregon
Ducks as a leg itim ate Rose Bowl
contender. It took an opening loss
to Fresno State to shatter those
dreams and turn the Oregon dream
season into a nightmare.
“ We were a better team than 2-9
last year, even with our injuries and
all,” Brooks said Monday. “ I think
we should have been at least 4 -7 ,
maybe even 5-6.
“ But I'm not going to be as out­
spoken and optimistic as last year.
This year I'll let our actions do the
talking.’ ’
The N C A A has decreed that Ore­
gon must suffer a year's probation
and must not be seen on the boob
tube. But that d id n ’ t stop Rich
Brooks from pulling in one o f the
natio n ’ s most heralded recruiting
coups— persuading running back
Kevin W ilih ite to jumps the Husky
ship to swim with the Ducks.
“ I d o n ’t know how Oregon did
it,” says Charles Young, a Bay area
fo o tb all scout. “ But when they
grabbed Wilihite, they got a player I
consider in the same class as Geor­
gia’s Herschel W alker.”
“ W e’ve got more publicity for re­
cruiting a youngster w h o ’ s never
played a minute o f college ball than
we did two seasons ago when we
beat Washington and tied U S C ,”
Brooks said.
How did Brooks get a player o f
W illh ite ’ s caliber? W a s h in g to n ’ s
Don James refused to bend his rule
on freshmen participating in spring
practice while Brooks adm ittedly
made concessions to enable Wilihite
to participate on the track team.
Brooks allowed W ilihite to parti­
cipate in track and im m ediately
heard from his other three recruits
from C a lifo rn ia who were good
enough to compete in the Cow Pal­
ace in d o o r m eet— K evin, Eugene
King and David Hill.
After running a 9.6 hundred. H ill
now is inquiring about the possibil­
ity on track next spring. W e’ll have
by A t McGUberry
to see what we can work out, smiled
been rated as high as number five in
the world.
While happy with his out-of-state
The Taiw anese team displayed
recruits. Brooks was p artic u la rly
great passing and shooting skills in
pleased with the ten in-state players downing O S U easily 57-40. Bellco
that he drafted. Brooks thinks that Electric had an even easier contest
this year was a banner year for
winning by a hefty 20 point margin.
Oregon PAC-10 prospects.
Bellco has a 25-6 record, playing
Last year Oregon's offense sput­ mostly schools fro m the P a cific
tered then disappeared as Brooks Northwest and Canada.
tried to replace the silver-quick
Bellco was led by forw ard Joni
Roggie Ogburn as quarterback.
Slagle (15 pts), the team ’s leading
Last year the quarterback corps scorer and rebounder. She played
was decimated w ith injuries. First collegiately at Western Washington.
ju n io r starter K evin Lusk went The Beavers also got another look at
down with a shoulder injury. Then 5-11 Debbie Adams who played so
backup fresh q u arterb ack M ik e well for the Oregon Ducks. Debbie
Owens was cut down with a knee in­ playing both forward and guard col­
jury which left only freshman M ike lected 10 points, 6 rebounds and was
Jorgenson to run the show. And he credited with a game high 4 steals.
too suffered to his ribs which left
Oregon State’s record now stands
the quarterback situation in total at 15-10.
Oregon State Individual Hlgha
Things are lo o kin g up fo r the Most Points
J a n M a n i n . i l vs U W
Ducks, who have three players re­ Most Rebounds Judy Spoelstra. 19 vs. U W
turning as quarterbacks and also Most Assists M argy Bevker, 13 vs Boise State
have Steffan Jones, an experienced Most Steals Cheryl Sturzenegger. 9 vs. PSU
option q u arterb ack, up from the
Oregon State’s Beavers continue
California junior college ranks. It is their successful roll through the
obvious that Rich Brooks is PA C -10. The Beavers, playing like
planning on running an o p tion U C L A o f the past, downed U C L A
attack a la the Ogburn days.
o f the future 72-58 and then against
The Ducks are running the option
tough U S C they came on to take a
p a rtia lly to clear a spot fo r W ill-
45-36 decision after being down by
hite’ s talent in the backfield. And
six at halftime. Oregon State is now
with Dwight Robinson returning for
on an eight-game winning streak o f
his senior year the Ducks should
their own after snapping the Bruin
have a patient backfield force.
streak at 12. The key in the U C L A
Brooks knew he had some holes
win was the “ change-up” defense
to fill and he signed five JC trans­
coach Ralph M ille r employed. In
fers who are already in school—
the loss at Pauley forwards M ike
three offensive linemen, the quarter­
Sanders (29 points) and Kenny Field
back and a punter who was fifth in
(25 points) were unstoppable inside
the nation among JC players last
the Beaver zone.
This time around Sanders was
The Ducks open with three games
held scoreless in the first h a lf and
at home and then play some Catho­
finished the game with 9, a 20-point
lic school from the mid-west in the
deficit from the first encounter. Les­
only other home non-conference
ter “ the M olester” is certain to be
game. F or some strange reason,
named on a few all-American teams
they’ ve been selling tickets for the
and he justly deserves the honor.
game with this Catholic school for
But this Beaver bunch, as a team, is
two years.
just delightful to watch. O h, sure,
they leave this dark cloud hanging
over I heir heads— we all know that
The Oregon State U n ive rs ity they've bombed out the past 2 years
women’s basketball team lost a pair in the first round o f the N C A A
o f games this weekend which won’t tourney— but believe me, and you
go into the record books, but they read it first h e r e ...th is team is a
were im portant contests neverthe­ team o f destiny and w ill go a long
way in the N C A A s. Although OSU
The Beavers played host to Bellco does play so well together as a team
Electric last Saturday and lost 63- one can't help but single out a few
43. On Sunday the lady Beavers individuals.
took on the strong Korean national
O f course we could always high­
women’s team, which won the Jones light the first six players and
Cup in Taiwan last summer and has couldn't go wrong because they per­
form at such a high level day in and
day out never seeming to have a
really bad night. But, just have to be
R A M B O M O T O R S , IN C .
amazed at the play o f center Charlie
307 N.E. Broadway
Sitton and freshman fowward A .C .
Portland, Oregon 97232
Green. These guys say W S U ’ s
Phone (503) 284-1106
George Raveling “ will certainly play
in the N B A .”
And for the second time the New
Y o rk Times computer has ranked
O SU number one. The Beavers may
or may not deserve this lofty rank­
ing but for sure they should be one
of the teams to be reckoned with in
the upcoming N C A A tournament.
W hat makes these Beavers so
good is versatility. Sitton, Green
and Rob Holbrook can play center,
forw ard or guard. W hile the six-
four Conner can play both forward
and guard. M iller is often criticized
for only using six men. But when
you consider the versatility o f those
six, then you can better understand
his coaching philosophy.
I f you were a fighter and some
one offered you ten million dollars
to fight, what would you do?
Gerry Cooney from Huntington,
L . I . , New Y o rk, the number one
challenger, is running away from
ten m illion dollars to fight the
Champion o f the world, Larry
The fight has been postponed
three times. Injury is always the ex­
cuse. Pneumonia, neck and now
shoulder keeps Cooney from enter­
ing the ring to gain this huge sum of
money, the top prize in sport, the
heavyweight championship o f the
world. What keeps this fight from
taking place? We say fear, fear of
permanent injury to Cooney.
This Is not a match, but a mis­
match that should never be staged.
Let’s look at the fighters. Holmes
has fought everyone, A ll Shavers,
Norton, Weaver, everyone who has
claimed to be a challenger he has
fought. He has ducked no man.
As for Cooney he hasn't fought
anyone of stature. He knocked out a
tired N orton, and brutalized Roni
Lyle. He has never fought a ranking
contender, or any fighter his own
age such as a Michael Doaks or a
Greg Page. The young fighters
would just love to get into the ring
with him.
Then why the great clamor for a
Holmes-Cooney fight?
The press would like to see a
white heavyweight champion of the
world. They have wanted the top
title in sport to be in white hands
since boxing began.
Race should not be a factor in
sport; it should always be the best
man regardless of color.
The fight game is big business;
with pay-T.V. and worldwide dis­
tribution millions upon millions of
dollars will be made.
Everyone 'ikes to see a Black man
and a white man fight it out. It
brings out the savage beast in us. To
see someone get knocked out or
blood flowing from a fighter has al­
ways appealed to man.
I f this fight ever takes place,
please don’t bet your hard-earned
money on it. I t ’ s a mismatch.
Cooney is intim idated from the
start. It will be over in six rounds or
less. Holmes, you may not know it,
is really, really good.
Did you know?
That Ted Banks, the winningest
college track coach in the country, is
leaving the University o f Texas at El
Paso to take a job with a shoe man­
That Darryl Dawkins will miss the
mini-series in the upcom ing N B A
playo ffs. The 6-11 76ers center is
not responding to his injury as well
as was anticipated.
T h at G a ry T em p leto n p u b licly
stated that Doctors told him that it
was a chem ical im balance that
caused his emotional problems last
That Michael Spinks cannot whip
Dwight Braxton if they fought 100
T h at it appears that a c iv il suit
may be necessary to iro n out the
contract hassle over heavyw eight
L arry F ra z ie r, who signed fo r
$5,000 with two Californians while
P o rtla n d m anager M ik e M o rto n
claims he has the former Bakersfield
dynamite puncher’s signature too.
A n d, F razier is scheduled to meet
Jumbo Cummings in March.
That Marcus Dupree o f Philadel­
phia, M is s ., one o f the n a tio n ’ s
most highly recruited high school
fo o tb a ll players, announced he
would attend the University o f O k ­
lahoma. Dupree, a 6-2, 220-pound
running back, had n arrow ed his
choice to Oklahoma, Southern Mis­
sissippi, U C L A and Texas.
That the Indiana Pacers are close
to signing all-pro guard Paul West­
Trailblazers camo from bahlnd In overtime Tuesday to defeat
the Phoenix Buna 118-108.
(Photo: Jimmy Robinson)
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