Page 8 Portland Observer, January 21,1982 FOOD SECTION MPPY CRMSe W YUP! Greet the Year of the Dog with a Fabulous Oriental Feast A ccording to the Chinese m oon calen­ dar, January 25 marks the beginning of the year 4680 and the Year ot the Dog. If you've already broken your N ew Year resolutions, y o u 'll have a chance to start over w hen the w o rld leaves behind the old Year o f the Rooster. The Chinese say the Dog w ill favor strong leadership but finan­ ces may be unsettled. January 25 is chance to begin th e N e w Y ear again 4 6 8 0 , in th e C hinese C a le n d a r, is th e Y ear o f th e D o g Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday in the Chinese Calendar, celebrated w ith feasts, fireworks, gift-giving and visiting. O n the N ew Year in o ld C hina, the Chinese enjoyed the best food available, even if they o n ly could afford a bow lful o f rice on most days. A New Year's feast was a sum ptuous dinner sure to be remembered. To create an Am erican version o f a Chinese New Year feast, serve an O riental dinner that includes Dynasty Beef on Green Cabbage. DYNASTY BEEF O N GREEN CABBAGE The Year of the Dog, w hich starts January 25, follows the tradition o f naming the years after constellations of the Zodiac in 12-yeat cycles. In order after the Dog are the con­ stellations of Boar, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Serpent, Horse, Ram, M onkey and Rooster. People born in the Year of the Dog are said to be loyal, devoted, and moral — and intelligent and prosperous. Dog people, La Choy O riental lore experts say, also can be defensive, critical and stubborn but they make good leaders and inspire confidence. (4 -6 servings) 1 pound ground beef (or pork) 1 can (8 oz.) La Choy W ater Chestnuts, chopped fine 2 green onions, chopped fine 2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger 1 egg, lightly beaten 1-1/2 teaspoons cornstarch 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt Dash pepper (or to taste) 1 tablespoon sherry O il for deep frying 1 medium head green cabbage (or two heads celery or Chinese c abbage, if available) 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cup chkken broth, hot 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/4 cup chicken broth, cold Cherry tomatoes for garnish a ft PAN SIZE ARMOUR'S PEA POD-CUCUMBER SALAD (4 servings) 2 2 1/4 1/4 3 2 tablespoons vegetable oil cloves garik, minted cup La Choy Soy Sauce cup white vinegar tablespoons sesame oil tablespoons brown sugar Oash hot pepper saut e 1 package (6 oz.) La Choy frozen Chinese Pea Pods, thawed jn d drained on paper towels 2 medium cucumbers, peeled, halved, seeded and cut into 1/4 inch sticks 1 small celery stalk, julienned Heat oil in small skillet; add garlic and cook, stirring, until garlic is lightly browned Add next five ingre dients and mix well. Let cool. One hour before serving, combine vegetables in large serv ing bowl Pour dressing over and toss thor­ oughly. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Combine meat, water chestnuts, green onions and ginger Stir in egg, 1-1/2 teaspoons cornstarch, sugar, salt, pepper and sherry; mix gently but thoroughly Divide mixture into four parts, shape each part into a large meatball. Heat oil in deep fryer or wok to 375 degrees. Using wire basket or strainer, lower meatballs into hot oil; deep fry until golden (about five minutes). Drain ori paper towels Pour off oil, straining and reserving for another use. Cut cabbage into 8 sections Heat 2 tablespoons oil in lim n a-»» — J-----J ’ > ■ j and sides Place meat balls on cabbage Pour hot chickert broth over. Simmer covered about one hour or until meat is thoroughly tixtked. Using slotted spoon arrange cabbage on serving platter place meatballs on top. Blend remaining cornstarch and cold chicken broth, add to liquid re maining in casserole. Cook and stir over low heat until thickened Pour sauce over meatballs, and gar­ nish with cherry tomatoes Serve immediately New Year's dinner in old China was a sumptuous feast sure to be remembered BACON To create a memorable Oriental meal in your kitchen Dynasty Beet on Green (a b b a g e .A delicious way to greet the Chinese Year of the Dog. HOT D o e s 12 OZ. PRO. tO Ek* ■ 1 . Combine meat with water chestnuts, green onions and ginger. Stir in egg and seasonings. Mix thoroughly and shape into four large meatballs. SEVEN-UP • REGULAR 12 ox. • WET 10 oz. FRESH V tö tö tu ti/f 2 . Heal oil in wok or deep fryer to 375 degrees. Deep fry meatballs until golden I a bout five minutes). Drain on paper towels. Pour off oil, reserving for another use. SHOP lENOW 'S M llw e v V te CHUCK STEAKS Boooless U.S.O.A. CHOICE BEEF FOR ■ ■AM DS y *u bn«w v A k I I T II S y o u lib o SIXES y o u w a n t • 0 41 1 I I CHEDDAR C H E E S E rÄ ,.... Ib »2” BLACK COD»?....... $]« Frosh OYSTERS Medium Sii* 8E 20th b D IV IS IO N SE 72nd b FLAVEL 878 MOLALLA HE 16th b FREMONT c.nby ,06, SW 1st W BURN S ID E at 21st LLOYD CENTER SAN RAFAEL 1810 NE 122nd • I4 *ft « I t • iitfc « !••* S w - n .,4 « . >J,4 g m I Mo~».k • I s «« I o i.M - . 3«,k ( u ei.iai.n • m L —.b.~< V. .31-4 4 w..< • » • I« '® * ’ M ill. • • le fc . «O S * • 1 0 J « 4 e » t l O i . i v . • »I«« {Ifv • O«N Or*«« oo W ON««# 'Oortii Fo,e.i f Oro«on City • 3. transfer < ooked c abbage to large « asserole, lining bot­ tom and sides. Pia« e meatballs on < abbage; pour hot broth over. Simmer, < overed, about one hour or until done. 8 f D' V ,8 ' ° " » » 8 1 POWELL NE 74th b 0LI8A N HILLSBORO 880 8E OAF HB0QDI ElW !E[lTi f