Page 2 Portland Observer, November 12, 1981 Members of an "ancient Black tribe" live in an old Jordanian Pri son in old Jerusalem.. ' -4 * A young Black Arabic girl among other school children. These children of an "ancient Black tribe" live In Jericho. Black Americans seek spiritual roots in Israel Part II Inside Israel by Cleo Franklin During 1967 a group o f Black Americans left the United States for Liberia to begin the necessary prep arations to enter “ Northeastern A f rica” (Israel). The group, identify ing themselves as the O riginal Hebrew Israelite Nation o f Jerusa lem, has set out to fu lfill the “ prom ise made to Abraham by the God o f Israel that his seed would inherit the land.” (Genesis, Chapter 49.) The Hebrew Israelites or Black Hebrews first entered Israel legally; they were given the rights o f im m i grants but not the recognition o f im mediate citizenship under the Law o f Return. (Under the Law o f Re turn you must have been born o f a Jewish mother to be granted Israeli citizenship automatically.) During the ’70s the Black Hebrews grew to between 3,000 and 5,000 and the people began to spread from Di- mona (a small town in Southern Is rael) to other southern towns. The o rig in al groups fro m Liberia en tered Israel as immigrants, but this status ended soon after the Black Hebrews started entering Israel d i rectly from the U nited States as tourists. Shortly after the settlers started a rriving d ire ctly from the United States as tourists the problems be gan. Sources from the Black Hebrew C om m unity have reported many cases o f harassment while living in Israel. These sources say that people have been detained, some have been ja ile d fo r as long as nine months and other have been deported. Sources in the Black Hebrew Com munity see this harassment as an ef fort to discourage the “ building o f a nation.” In the Bible, the name given Ja cob was eponymous ancestor o f the Hebrews, the chosen people o f God. The twelve tribes o f Israel were named fo r 10 sons o f Jacob (Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Zebulon, lssachar, Dan, Gad, Asher Naphtali and Benjamin) and the two sons o f Jacob’ s son Joseph (E phraim and Manasseh). The Black Hebrews identify all Black Americans as be ing from the tribes o f Judah and Benjamin. According to Brother Ahaion o f the Hebrew community in Israel it was “ the Black Kings and Queens o f the tribes o f Judah and Benjamin who served as slaves during times o f slavery in the United States. These were the people that were taken from their homeland in ’ N o rth eastern A frica* (Israel) and put aboard slav-ships bound fo r the United States. These people today are known as ‘ Black Americans.’ ” The Hebrews o f Dimona see the Bible as a “ history book” and it has “ no connection to re lig io n .” The “ Kingdom o f God is simply right ness, morals and principles based upon the rightness o f G o d .” The Hebrew Israelites see themselves as the “ true people o f God,” and their return to Israel as the return o f the “ Kings and Queens o f the tribes o f Judah and Benjamin.” A ccording to the Bible it is the trib e o f Judah that w ill bring the other tribes together (Genesis 49.10). The Hebrew Israelites asso ciate their movement with the tribe o f Judah and see their return to Is rael as the beginning o f a nation that will reclaim the wealth o f the land. While visiting Israel 1 had the op portunity to visit Jericho. Jericho and its surroundings spread out in the shimmering heat. Jericho, thought to be one o f the oldest cities in the world, swelters in the humidi ty o f 800 feet below sea level. An abundance o f water and the warm, damp air provide ideal conditions for growing exotic flowers and sub tropical fruits like dates, bananas, mangos and papayas, the main oc cupation o f Jericho’ s 7,000 inhabi tants is agriculture. In Jericho I vis- ¡ted an “ ancient Black trib e .” The men, women, and children whom I saw in Jericho, to my surprise, had physical characteristics sim ilar to Black Americans. The people speak A rabic and claim to have been in Jericho for thousands o f years. 1 also saw Black Arabs in Old Je rusalem; they also had the features o f Black Americans and spoke A rabic. They, too , claim to have been in Israel fo r thousands o f years. During September o f this year Prime M inister Mcnachem Begin and President Reagan held talks in Washington D.C. to discuss specific ways to strengthen the U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance. During Begin's visit he met with a group o f Black Americans in W ashington. Begin specifically asked that the Black He brews o f Dimona be convinced to “ stop making anti-Israeli declara tions.*’ and also to “ stop claiming o rig in in Isra e l.” A ccording to sources w ith in the Black Hebrew C om m unity, Begin once said in a news conference that the Black He brews in Dimona would eventually be granted citizenship, but has since rescinded his statement. The Black Hebrews o f Dimona have come from all over the United States. The people are a representa tive sample o f a wide variety o f eco nomic and educational back grounds. 1 met and spoke with one member o f the community who said that he was told that he was “ uned- ucablc” in the United States. Since a rrivin g in Dim ona the man has learned to speak 13 different lan guages fluently. The children o f D i mona are well-mannered and seem to be on an excellent course o f learn ing. There is a need for more books, encyclopedias and other teaching aids for children. The people o f Dimona seem to be well organized and seem to be on the course necessary to establish the “ Kingdom o f God” as prophesied in Genesis, Chapter 49. To establish the “ Kingdom o f God” in Israel is a struggle for 2,000 Blacks who left America and identi fy themselves as the O riginal He brew Israelite Nation o f Jerusalem. It is clear that some questions still need to be answered and it seems lime w ill be the best teacher. Could it be the Hebrews o f Dimona can in fact be the original Hebrew Israel ites? Could it be that the Black Arabs o f Jericho and Old Jerusalem are among those people who were missed during the times people were being enslaved? Is it possible that the Black Hebrews can and might inherit the land? Why is it that the people o f Ancient Black tribes o f Jericho and Jerusalem look so much like Black Americans? One Arabic woman in Old Jerusalem to ld me that we look so much alike because “ I am her brother and she is my sis ter.” To date I ’ ve had no better ex planation. “ The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering o f the tribe be.” (Genesis 49:10) (N E X T WEEK: L ife in Israel) R S S E C IT Y A P P L IA N C E Children return home from school in the eastern Galilee region. USED A P P L IA N C E 'S P ick-u p and delivery arran g ed on repairs Members of an "ancient Black tribe" relax on Prison Gate Street in Old Jerusalem. b u y - SELL - (Photos: Cleo Franklin) •Ranges • Refrigerators • Freezers GOLD EAGLE FISH MARKET Open 10 am 6 pm Mon-Fri Sat 10 am-3 pm 6628 N.E. U nion M o n -F ri 10-7 Sat - Sun 11-5 Tel: 287-2060 • 287-6075 t » z Acme Brand - Young Fancy U S.D.A. Grade A - 1 O */1 3 * Avg. 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BILLIE b NATALIE COLE ELECTRIC SHAVERS Repaired — Cleaned Expert Repairs on Norelco Factory Authorized Service - Braun - Clairol - Eltron - Remington Ronson Sunbeam Lighters lb. ■ SE 72nd b FLAVEL Oregon City 878 MOLALLA SE POWELL NE 16th b FREMONT Canby-1 0 5 1 SW 1« NE 74th Er C LISA N W BURNSIDE e l 21at LLOYD CENTER HILLSBORO M O S E O A k I SAN RAFAEL - i n o NE 122nd M J . M AJOR A P P LIA N C E S MRS. C’s WIGS ■t-.’ TRADE Scissor & K n ife S harpening S m a ll A p p lia n c e R ep aired Schick Hair Dryers and Parts A va ila b le Sale starts today through Nov. 18th A niEhis 1’ 1 A A » MRS. C ’e WIQS , 707 M .l. Fremont 281*0923 7 Clseed Sue. 4 Mae. OPIN Teee. thm Set 11it0 AM Is 3>00 PM