Portland Observer, October 29, 1981 Page 7 entertainment HAPPENINGS ENTERTAINMENT Special C u r t Now *35°° Broadway Hairweevers Kids ♦25“ 1634 NE 7th A t B ro a d w a y 281-9486 Tuas .-S a t. 9 : » am til 6:30 p m . 4- lljn c I ¿ .A BAMBAS 3 s 10 L5 lb LAfAhftAs n 22 23 5 io 31 12. S F 13 eSOdiAE esquí w Iß lì 20 GENEVAS 21. 25 Zb ¿8 n GENEVAS frCNEVAS 2« 3Ö FOR H O L ID A Y B O O K IN G S Cell Greg Smith et 281-8978 or 287 2236 31 Eddie D. Barnett. Terry Tima, Kenny Carter. Rickey M. Brame. Not pictured: Michael W. Turner DEALING DRUGS: 69 Productiona will have Ita 3r«f Annual Halloween Maaquerade gall Saturday, October 31. at Sheraton Airport. (Photo by Richard J. Brown) Local P ro d u ctio n C o m p a n y Presents E vent 69 Productions was formed as a result o f a Jefferson High School IO-year class reunion. Five friends o f the graduating class met in order to sponsor a private party following the ceremony. 69’s first private champagne party was such a success, numerous acco lades for encores poured in for another 69 Production affair. We decided to legalize and form a business partnership and reinvest our profits for better entertainment. We gave several other productions and they proved success ful, enabling us to seek out and secure larger facilities to accomodate our ever growing clientele. The executives. Rick Brame. Kenny C arter. Terry Tims, Eddie D. Barnett and Michael Turner are striving to elevate 69 Pro ductions to the heights o f being a top promotional business in the N orth west area. We are looking lor this year’s 3rd annual Halloween Masquerade Ball to be the biggest and best yet, and would like to extend an invitation to all to come out. party with us. and have a good time at the Sheraton-Airport, Sat urday, October 3 I, 1981. 69 Productions would sincerely like to thank everyone for their patronage throughout the past years. The New Oregon Trail M a k in g It H appen A Good Mix!!! K appa A lp h a Psi F ra te rn ity and V e lv e t M u s ic Enjoy A t The G ala H a rv e s t Fest D a te Nov. 28.1961 T im e Place 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. Shsratorn Airport Inn 8236 N . E. Airport Way S t. A n d r e w S c h o o l B o ard P a n c a k e B re a k fa s t: Sunday. Nov. 1st. Serving will be from 8:30 am until 2 pm in the St. Andrew C om m unity Center, 4940 N .E . 8th. Menu includes pancakes with or without sausage, fruit & beverage. Prices: $1.50 per person/$5.00 per family (without sau sage), $2.00 per person/$6.00 per family (with sausage). PRODUCTIONS’ 3 rd A N N U A L Halloween Masquerade Ball 114 I T WAITS IV // T en Days T h a t S h o o k T he W orld: also known as "O ctober,” a film by Russian Director Sergei Eisenstein, depicts the major events in the Russian Revolution in October 1917. 7:30 pm. Sunday, O ct. 25, at the M ilita n t Bookstore, 711 N W Everett. $ 2 .5 0 donation. N i w < rh <iii5 k< v k Illicit d ru g s a re e n te rin g the Pacific Ni ithw est in evei in c re a s in g n u m b e rs « How do th e y get h e re a n d why c a n t ST ■ w e stop th e m 7 R eporter Kevin Baird je M tra v e le d from South A m erica th ro u g h ,/V M exico a n d th ro u g h o u t the Northwest w tra c in g the route of illicit d ru g traffic Join him a ll this w eek tor a n exclu siv e five p ar! CHANNEL TWO NEWS s p e c ia l report o n this multi- m illion d o lla r industry WP THE NEWS SOURCE TONIGHT 5 O O PM KATIT V : : :_s: :: - V s : r Y v S e r v in g t h e Aree Fe C o ^ 'n a $<on H PWOOUCTIOm features COMEDIANS ORGAN A ALLEN MASTER OF GROOVE J • FRKXAY ALSO. BEST COSTUME AWARDS (CASH A PRIZES) S to rm ii The LEGENDS <f JAZZ N f The O riginal liO C ftR S BETTER ENTERTAINMENT ATTRACTIONS NETWORK PROUDLY PRESENTS P reaenled by C IV IC A U D IT O R IU M One Night Only! Frl., Nov. 13 — 8:15 p.m. Tickets: $10.00, $9.00, $8.00; Box $11.00 CHARGE BY PHONE NOW! Visa/Mastercard 226-4371 Tickets Available Mail orders and charge orders add $1 00 hdlg charge per total order Celebrity Attractions 1010 S W Morrison Portland OA 97205. 2264371. Meier A Frank downtown Portland. Salem. Eugene Stevens A Son Lloyd Center Salem. G I Joes all locations C ivic Auditorium No refunds or ewt hanges SHERATON - AIRPORT S H O W C A S E OF E N T E R T A IN M E N T (Columbian Ballroom) presents Saturday, October 31,1981 A Special Halloween Dance Contest Tim«: 9 : 0 0 until fe a tu rin g The Staple Brothers Band will be held at the Royal Esquire Club Frl, O c t. 30 and S e t. O c t. 31 fro m 9 pm til 2 am C ost is 93.00 1708 N .E . A lb e rta for Information contact David Bowan 844 8300 A Monster Funk of an Affair I Ticket o u tle t: House o f Sound C O -S P O N S O R E D B Yl C O N T E S T E N T R Y T IM E 11:00 B E S T M A L E S IN G L E S2S 00 B E S T F E M A L E S IN G L E «25 00 B E S T C O U P L E ISO 0 0 Dane« & Show October 31, 1981 Music by JOE (BERN) KELLER and the “ Illusion” Band K A R - R A O IO 1400 AM P O R T LA N D OBSERVER ------Nu«LQR2]J.QL(inulll<L. 69 P ro d u ctio n S p ecial O ffe r BED Clothier 211 S.W. 6th Ave with Gregory Fisher, Mike Green, Charles Hall, Jr. Randy Smith. Cleveland Montgomery Also “ THE HERERO DANCERS" Fashions by “ NORTHWEST MODELING ASSOCIATION 9:00-2:00 a.m. Bourbon Street Touch of New Orleans 1530 N E Grand Portland, Ora 97204 2236430 L H a llo w è e n C o s tu m e Ren ta I 2 5 % O ff W lÜ tC 2RB.qn J Tickets $4.00 in advance at: • House of Sound Record Shop. • Friday's Beauty Supplies • $5 00 day of show w 21 and Over-I.D. Required TO U TS ALSO *»411*811 AT: lo n fl Hali M u ik S W 2nd * Stark Steven» t Son M u » « M ille n n iu m Lloyd Canter 315a E Burnside