Portland Observer, October 29, 1981 Page 13 »ted indepen- he protection Scott's Auto Sales 'WE'RE HERETO HELP Auto Insurance Discounts I f you’ve started to think o f your you have to ask yourself how good self as a foo t soldier in the war the prom ise is. A re the com pany against inflation, it’s worth remem and the agent going to be there when bering an ancient m ilita ry maxim : you need them?’’ FuH power, (harp VO »/ No one thing wins war. Beyond that, she suggested that Fortunately, if you know what to 1879 Pontiac Lamana consumers should take the time to look fo r, there are a n u m b er o f 4 dr, V I auto, power •leering discuss possible cost-cutters w ith things you can do to improve your their independent insurance agent. chance o f winning (or at least hold 1969 Ford LTD The possibilities vary by state and ing the line) on the insurance front, 2 dr h a rd to p , lu ll p o w e r w /a ir by company. Some o f the following according to Susan Bennett, a d i discounts may not be available to rector o f personal insurance for 1976 Chav Impala won you— but a number probably are, so Aetna L ife & C asualty, one o f the Fully equipped only it is worth asking Savings o f up to nation's largest auto insurers. 15 per cent are availalbe for policy- “ I t ’s really surprising how little 1978 Caprice 4 dr aadan holdersd eligible for discounts. Power everything most consumers know about •U se o f the car. People who use insurance,*’ Ms. Bennett comment their auto m o b ile to drive to work ed, “ and how many people miss op pay more than those who use it for p o rtu n ities to get m ore value fo r pleasure driving only; people who their money because they don't take drive long distances to w ork pay advantage o f available discounts.** eden. CoNectori item. more than those who drive only a In general, she emphasized, a cus short distance. I f you join a car pool tomer should compare the services or use mass tran s it, your rate is and reputation o f a company and its lower than someone who drives to 288-3997 agents. “ When you buy insurance, work daily. you’ re really buying a promise. So •Age. Drivers age 65 or older who arc the principal operators o f their cars usually qualify for a reduction in their premium. •D r iv e r T ra in in g . I f you arc Lowest Possible Rates For All under 21, you can qualify for a dis D rivers. If w e c a n 't b e a t yo u r count by com pleting an approved present rates w e w o n 't driver training program. •G oodstudents. Drivers at least w rite you. 16 years old who are fu ll-tim e stu dents get a substantial discount by m aintaining a good academic rec ord. Usually, a student must have a “ B ” average or be named to the dean’s list or a similar honor roll. • M u ltip le cars. In d ivid u als and married couples who onw more than SR 22 filing one car should insure them with the Small dow n payments same company in order to save on the premiums for each. Easy m onthly terms •D ropping collision and compre Young drivers accepted hensive coverage, that is, insurance for damage caused by storms, van 3435 N .E. U n ion A v e. 284-0901 or dalism , fire , theft and collisions. While not a discount as such, this is Monday-Saturday 10:00 am-8:00 worth considering if you have an old car. You may be paying more in pre miums over a couple o f years than the car is worth. “ I ’d also suggest that customers take common sense precautions to reduce their exposure to accidents,** M s. Bennett added. “ You shouls use your scat belts, avoid exceeding the 55-mile-an-hour speed limit, and practice defensive driving tactics.’ ’ Steps to prevent accidents not only protect you from in ju ry , she com mented, they also save on auto in surance payments. “ A history o f re cent accidents and m oving violations can send your insurance bill through the ceiling,’ ’ she said. Wa carry our own contracta Quality Can At Low Prices 1970 Olds 98 aedan . Qo you need and avoid spending money unnecessarily.** VROLET YOU! ALAN MOLDEN WENDELL BROWN Sales Representative Sates Representative Expert consultation on your transportation $499 needs on both new and used cars. 6707 N.E. Sandy Bill Lucy's Low Cost Auto Insurance CHEVROLET-HONDA CO “ Fam ily changes that you might not consider relevant can change your insurance needs considerably. A good auto policy is tailored to in- dividual needs. It just makes sense *j * 1 '• • • • • 122 N.E. 122nd Ave. WE SPECIALIZE IN THE COMPLETE REPAIR OF VOLKSWAGEN & AUDI TUNE UPS i D.E.Q. TESTING ENGINE I TRANSMISSION REBUILDING BRAKES A SHOCKS WHEEL ALIGNMENT A BALANCING WE ALSO WORK O N ..... DATSUN - TOYOTA - VOLVO O P E N 7 - 6 M O N - FRI - MICHELIN TIRES - FRANZ AUTO HAUS SAME LOCATION SINCE 196 0 2 8 4 -4 6 9 0 3961 NE UNION 20% Sears R e g u la r L o w P rices M o rt Item« i t reduced R o a d H an d le r «•gelai Fnc« MC8 -» •— I RADIAL TIRES . A R 7 I1 3 BR7613 : D R 7 I1 4 ER78 14 FR 7 |-1 4 6R7014 . . HR7S 14 GR76 15 Standard 78 series, whitewall has 2 steel belts. ; HR78 15 JR7615 LR78 15 . say h n ru a ft t I_____ I $190 MC« ; *6 7 99 L T 7 3 .5 9 $9199 $10199 $ 10 5 99 $ 10 9 .9 9 $ 11 4 .9 9 $11999 $ '1 9 9 9 $124 99 $ 127 99 $131 99 _ L 81 59 84 79 87 99 9199 $2 54 S2 81 lif t 95 99 102 105 $2 M $229 $256 $2 93 $2.54 $2.94 $105 $3.21 99 99 39 59 . »5000 A M /F M Stereo w ith Cassette o r 8-Track P la y e r Fits in dash of most American made cars Balance and tone controls Caccem» hat P m i i I » cao oo n e g u ie r » o t . ttv 20% O FF R o a d H a n d le r Sport R adial 1— HeadHeedbr « I_____ 185 195 215 225 235 Ask A b o u t O u r C o n v e n ie n t SearsCharge 13 13 14 14 14 225 15 235 15 2 55 15 16 ■caw **• $124 99 $ 1 3 1 ,9 9 NegeUf r n ? 6 ' $157 $2 75 99 99 $293 $269 11 .. x $3 sriU 105.59 $351 . ‘T h r u $224 , J 145R13 155R13 165R13 165R14 175R14 1 I5 R 1 4 Sa» Pnca I I N wm NeeBNeaditr M t. i mctMck 67 99 MAM $ 9 1 .9 9 73 59 $105 99 . » 4 .7 9 $ 1 0 9 .9 9 . 07 99 , 1 11« 99 9199 , $ 119 99 . 95 99 . . 155R12 165R15 $46 99 $ 54 99 $ 59 99 $62 99 $5599 $ 7 0 99 $79 .99 $67 99 $74 99 Mac tea« 37 49 43 99 . 47 50 53 56 99 39 59 79 63 99 54 39 Y O U R CHOICE ru i F.I.T h __we . . . . . . 59 99 »50541 $ 1.3 7 $124 $141 $1 57 $164 fits in d a s h o f m ost la te m o d e l A m e ric a n -m a d e cars w it h o u t c u ttin g , filin g o r d rillin g 5 p u sh b u t to n s Fast fo r w a r d a n d a u to -s to p » 5 0 5 4 1 $192 $2 20 $1 62 $ 1.7 3 Sm all Car A M /F M Stereo-Cassette Fits C h e v y C ita tio n a n d o th e r X -b o d y cars 4 w a y speaker c o n tro l A u to -s to p cassette » 5 0 5 2 1 «50521 S A V E ‘ 10 B a tte ry C h arg er »54.99 »W a g a in s t »71833 ^ T w ith o v e rlo a d SA VE ‘20 Speed C o n tro l tra d e -in Car Cara C oupon Book For most American and import cars. 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H F I S H I KG K ll PARK F R I I Munday thru Fridas 10 OOAM in v 00P M Saturday 9 10A M to 6 00P M Sunday Noon io S i i