Page 12 Portland Observer, October 29, 1981 MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIST 'PORTLAND OBSERVER JOB FINDER HOSPITAL JOB OPPORTUNITIES S .W . Washington Hospitals is proud to o ffe r you a 24-hour job line phone number. Call us at: 289-1181 ext. 6006 W A S H IN G T O N COUNTY CLERK OF THE BOARD W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , $1200 $1459 per m onth, serves as Clerk of the Board of C ounty C o m ­ missioners; has wide va­ riety of clerical tasks and meeting legal deadlines on matters appearing be­ fore the Board. Requires substantial and increas­ ingly responsible exper in clerical w o rk including the preparation and pro­ cessing of legal in s tru ­ ments and the m ainten­ ance of filing system s; training in secretarial coursew ork; m ust be able to w o rk in d e p e n ­ dently and m eet legal deadlines. Must be w il­ ling to w ork one n ig h t per m onth; shorthand desirable. County appli­ cations only, resum es not accepted. Last filing date, November 6, 1981. W O R D PRO CESSO R Requires a m inim um of five years combined edu­ cation and experience in health or m ental health re la te d e n v ir o n m e n t. M u st have good g ra m ­ m ar, p u n ctu atio n and spelling, with strong sec retarial and organization­ al skills to handle a varied workload; requires 80 + W P M typing, experience on word processor, and transcription skills; must be available to work ev­ enings and Saturdays as part of 40-hr week. With s ta ff of 2 0 + persons, must like people. Salary range: $ 1 0 -$ 1 2 ,0 0 0 /y r, DOE. A p p lic a tio n s can be obtained from North/ N o rth e a s t C o m m u n ity M e n ta l H e a lth C enter, 310 N .E . O regon S t., Portland, OR 97232 or by calling 239-8871. Closing date for ap p licatio n s is Nov. 13, 1981._________ P rovide day tre a tm e n t services to ch ro nically ! mentally ill adults. M S W required. S end resum e by November 9, 1981 to: C e n te r fo r C o m m u n ity 1 Keypunch M e n ta l H ealth C o n q u est C e n te r 5630 N .E. U nion P ortlan d . OR 97211 IN S T R U C T O R English as a Second Languege M .A . ft tw o years fu ll­ tim e ESL teach in g ; or M .A . in TESL or Applied Linguistics and one year fu ll-tim e ; or B .A . and one yeai full-time teach­ ing intensive ESL in higher education. T e m ­ porary em ergen cy a p ­ pointm ents, to be filled in case of enrollment ov­ erload. For inform ation contact: Instructor Pool Screening C o m m itte e , English Language Insti­ tu te, Extension A nnex, Oregon State University, Corvallis OR 97331; or call 754-2464. An A A /E O employer; complies Sec 504 Rehab Act 1973. Make application for the above positions at: W ash in g to n C ou n ty Personnel 160 N. 1st A v e ., Room 306. H illsboro, OR 97123 Travel Reser Agent — We have an immediate need for a Travel Keservalion Agent-Supervisor Two year»' minimum Apollo automated reservations »y»tem experience Emphasis on ticketing and fare» International reservations background desirable Demonstrated agency office supervisory skills required Salary is commensurate with ba< kground Benefits include educational support, health and dental insurance and profit sharing programs. Please call Nancir DeVita, 6Z7hlZZ or respond in person to our Employment Office at 12901 S.W Jenkins Koad, Beaverton, Oregon, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday— M .30 a m. to 4:00 p.m An equal opportunity employer m /f/hc. ifektronix d ate for this position is highly m o tiv a te d and possesses professional p ub lic relations skills. Responsibilities include screening, routing calls and visitors and various administrative tasks. Re­ quires a high school d i­ plom a or G .E .D . and minimum two-year office /s w it c h b o a r d e x p e r ­ ience. Please respond in writing to above position by Nov. 2, 1981, to: C ablesystem s P acific 317 S .W . A ld er S u ite 760 P ortlan d OR 97204 Cablesystems Pacific is an Equal Opportunity Employer Requires keypunch training. plus one to two years recent experience with Inforex, Univac, IBM or I'a tu Point Ilk) key to disc operating equipment Benefits include insurance, profit sharing, and educational programs Applications accepted Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8:30 to 4:00 p.m at the Tektronix Employment Office at 12901 S.W. Jenkins Koad. Beaverton We are an equal opportunity employer, in f he. Tektronix H M M l 'IlIh ltS tU IM I TEA C H E R N O N -E N G L IS H S P E A K IN G STUDENTS (.5 FTE E lem en tary Position) The TES L (T each in g R E C E P T IO N IS T / English as a Second Lan­ CLERK T Y P IS T R A D IO SALES guage) teacher will p ro ­ Seeking individual with ACCOUNT vide tutorial instruction 60 wpm typing. Excellent E X E C U T IV E and special assistance to oral and written commu­ KEX Radio is searching non English speaking stu­ nication skills and proof­ for a qualified radio sales dents. Requires Oregon reading ability. Data pro acco un t e xecu tive b e ­ Basic or Standard teach­ cessing kn o w led g e a cause of a recent internal ing certification, formal plus. For excellent c o m -! prom otion from sales. training in teaching Eng­ pany benefits contact Al- ( W e are looking for a per­ lish as a second la n ­ ma M cDowell after 8:30 son w ith a m inim um of guage or equivalent and am at 243-7421. three years b roadcast valid Oregon d river's li­ M E N T A L H EA LTH A n Equal Opportunity sales experience a n d /o r cense. Job begins as SERVICES Employer a strong sales marketing soon as possible. Re C O O R D IN A T O R REW ARD background. The person quest additional informa­ TR A IN E E My house was broken in­ m ust be hightly m o ti­ tion and em ployer's a p ­ W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , to on Saturday, the 17th vated to w a rd personal plication form from: $1259-$1531 full tim e of October 1381 between g ro w th and a c h ie v e ­ P ER S O N N E L rate, part-tim e position; 4:30 and 8:00 p .m .— ad­ m ent, be a self-starter, P O. Box 16667 works in the civil c o m ­ dress 4706 NE 7th Ave. appear and a rtic u la te P ortlan d , OR. 97216 m itm en t program ; p e r­ in Portland. Am ong the well and have a very pro­ Em ployer's application forms a variety of com ­ things stolen are: a mi- . fe s s io n a l d e m e a n o r . fo rm m ust be returned m unity m ental health crnwave oven; 1 system C andidates w ill be se- by 5 pm, N ovem ber 13, s u p p o rt fu n c tio n s . 3 Zenith television (1 9 ') lected from resum es I 1981, to be considered, C o u rs e w o rk in w ith 2 rem ote control received no later than A n Equal Opportunity psychology, social work, hardware; 1 truetone TV Friday, October 30. Send Employer c o m m u n it y m e n t a l 19’ lone of the antennae your resum e to Skip health, or exper in men is broken at the top T o w n s e n d , G e n e ra l tai health service provi­ C IT Y OF P O R T L A N D knob, 1 M o n tg o m e ry Sales M a n a g e r, KEX sion; exper in civil com ­ Ward T V. 19*; 1 5-piece Radio, 4949 S .W . M a c ­ m itm e n t, a s s e s s m e n t M C A stereo system L IB R A R IA N adam, Portland, Oregon and referral, or crisis in­ $7.72/h r $8 2 8 /h r. Clos (J .C Penney brand); 1 97201. No phone calls, te r v e n tio n p r e fe r r e d . code a phone ing date 5:00 pm, O cto ­ please. KEX R adio/G ol- C o u n ty a p p lic a t io n s ber 30. 1981. I am o ffe rin g $500 den W est Broadcasters o nly, resum es not a c ­ rew ard for in fo rm a tio n is an equal opportunity cepted. Last filing date, leading to the discovery employer. D IR E C T O R , OFFICE November 6,1981. OF H O U S IN G PO LIC Y of these items Call D a ­ TELEPHO NE Starting salary: $32,427 vid Thom pson at 281- A S S IS T A N T R E C R U IT M E N T $ 3 4 ,9 3 6 Closing d ate, 3314 or 543 1220 Part time positions avail­ C O O P E R A TIV E 5 .0 0 p .m ., O ctob er 30, M E N T A L H EA LTH LIB R A R Y able for individuals to re­ 1981 T H E R A P IS T cruit and schedule blood C O O R D IN A T O R P a rt-tim e , ap prox. 20 donors into the blood W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , P ortland C ivil S ervice hours per w eek, to pro­ c e n te r. M u st be o u t­ $1459-$1773 per m onth, 510 S W M o n tg o m e ry going, friendly, persever provides technical assist­ vide out-patient services P ortlan d , OR 97201 ance to cooperative net­ to individual adult clients ing, and have a gopd work libraries, responsi­ and fam ilies. T w o years teleph o n e voice and W O M E N S C R IS IS p o s tg r a d e x p e r ie n c e ble for B o o ks-b y-M ail m anner. Previous te le ­ T R A IN IN G minimum. Skills in short­ phone soliciting experi­ Program, and m anage­ P o r tla n d 's W o m e n 's term therapy and under­ ence is desired. S alary ment of office staff, req served populations pre­ $4.14 an hour. A pplica­ Crisis Line o ffe rs crisis exper in c o m m u n ity or ferred. Send resume by tions accepted between intervention for victims public library including November 6, 1981 to: project management ex­ 1:30 and 3 pm only at of dom estic vio lence, rape, and incest. Train­ C enter fo r C o m m u n ity per and M aster's level A m erican Red Cross, ing session for new vol­ training in library s c i­ M e n ta l H ealth 4200 S W C orbett, Port­ unteers begins soon Call 6329 N .E. U nion ence. C ounty a p p lic a ­ land, OR 97201. 232 9751. Portland. OR 97211 tions only, resumes not A n Equal Opportunity accepted. Last filing Employer d ate, N ovem ber 13, 1981. D R IVE R HELPER U N IF IE D SEW ERAG E AGENCY $1293 per m onth w ith periodic step increases, drives diesel truck and trailer com binations to haul liquid and solid sew­ age w aste th ro u gh o u t the county; operates irri­ gation systems to apply sludge to acreage, in ­ cludes m anual labor as required. Req previous exper and training suffi­ cient to pass a perform ­ ance test driving a diesel truck and tank trailer. County applications on­ ly, resume not accepted. Last filing date, Novem ­ b e r 6, 1981. CABLE8Y8TEM8 PACIFIC MARKETING Telephone Call Director/ Recep tfonlet The successful candi­ PGE Portland General Electric Company has an on­ going need for qualified employees at all levels. You may be qualified for employment either in an office or in an area requiring more physical activity. If the clerical atm osphere appeals to you, you need to have typing skills of at least 45 words per minute with good spelling, punctua­ tion, and grammar Your skills will be tested. If your desires lean to w ard physical w o rk, you may be asked to provide a current driver's li­ cense and have experience with various kinds of eq uip m en t. If you are a professional seeking em p lo ym en t, current positions are available with PGE in the areas of engineering and data services PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC C O M P A N Y 121 S .W . Salmon Street Portland, Oregon 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer tM /E ) P urchasing BUYER Processes requisitions, solicits and ana­ lyzes bids, and negotiates contracts for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and services. Depending on experience, posi­ tion may include the additional respon­ sibilities of supervising and coordinating the activities of a purchasing team We seek an individual with excellent people skills, an analytical mind and good writ­ ing abilities. Experience in negotiating and writing contracturai agreements and a business education is preferred. Interested parties should forward resume to Jim Stevenson Good Samaritan •J* Hospital & Medical Center «X • 2183 N.W. Northrup Portlond, OR 97210 fqvw Opporheury M /F If you want to stay on top, you have to stay in touch. Ram has the signal that keeps you in constant touch Providing direct dial, tone alert, tone voice, and mobile telephone service. ' imer rm ro $ ‘P t o p U f A n Equal Opportunity Employer 713 S W 12th Ave . Portland. OR 97205 2 2 6 -1 5 0 7 I O R E G O N S H A K E S P E A R E A N F E S TIV A L, A S H L A N D 1981 J. W esley H u s to n as B antu and Jam a s A vary aa S lzw e Bansl in th e O re g o n S h a k o s p a a ra a n F e s tiv a l's p ro d u c tio n o f ''S lz w e B ansl Is D e a d ." D irector: L uther Ja m e s P h o to by H a n k Kranzler. T W O P LA Y S F R O M A S H L A N D . You don’t have to drive six hours to see an Ashland play this fall. Right here in Portland you can sec last year's sellout hit drama. Sitwe Bansi is Dead and this year’s gripping, The Island, playing Nov. 12 -15 at Cabell Center for the Performing Arts at Catlin G a­ bel School. These two intense plays by South African W riter Athol Fugard are presented as a benefit for Planned Parenthood and the Oregon Shake­ spearean Festival Association. Sizwe Bansi is Dead will play Thursday, Nov. 12th at 8:30 p.m. and Sun. day, N ov. 15th at 7:30 pm. The Island w ill play F rid ay, N ov. 13th and’ Saturday, Nov. 14th at 8:30 p.m . Reserved seat Patron tickets are $25.00 and include complimentary champagne General admission seating is $9.00 and balcony $6.00. Tickets are on sale at Planned Parenthood, 1200 S.E. Morrison, and downtown at Sunbow Gallery, 206 S.W . Stark Phone reser­ vations: 233-1133. C a tlin G abel R u m m a g e S ale. Thursday. Friday A Saturday Nov. 5. 6 & Thursday/ Friday. 9 am-9 pm; Saiurday. 9 am-6 pm. at Portland’s M em ­ orial Coliseum Exhibit Halls. MiL,^ r^.rV^o ^ *,*Ch001 • to r lM /F r e * H a llo w e e n P ro gram a. Albina (3605 N E 15th, 287-7147) Wed. Oct. 28. I0;30-11: 15 am for ages 3-5; Halloween Program. Puppet Show and annual pum pkin contest. Thursday Oct. 29 m in in N ° rIh P o r,l’ nd <312 N Killingsworth. 284-5622). Friday. Oct J?’ 10-30 a m H “ l,OWCen Pr° 8 r“ ’ -P u p p e t show Saturday Oct.