i Opener displays Portland talents Sports Talk by Ron Sykes. Sports Editor by Ron Sykes. Sports Editor NBA Pacific Division Preview 1. Los Angeles Lakers 2. Seattle Supersonics 3. Phoenix Suns 4. Oolden State Warriors 3. Portland Trailblazers 6. San Diego Clippers 1. Los Angeles Lakers— W hy did the Lakers fa il to repeat as N B A champions? A knee injury to Magic Johnson, lack o f a rebounding pow er fo rw ard , and internal bickering w ith in the o rg a n iza tio n ; they be came the 12th consecutive N B A cham pion to b ite the dust. M itc h Kupchak, obtained from Washing ton in the free agent d ra ft, should become the rebounding strong fo r ward th a t's needed. T h at is i f his chronic back problems are alleviat ed. Jamaal Wikes (22.6) and Abdul- Jabbar (26.2 ppg) are solid. M ark Lansberger and Michael Cooper are proben back-up players. The back court is strong w ith Johnson and Norm Nixon. That is if Nixon's in flated ego will allow him to play sec ond fid d le to the incom parab le Johnson. The Lakers have the bench, the too ls, and, o f course, A d d u l-J a b b a r. M ic h ig a n 's M ik e M cG ee should add scoring to the Laker back court, 2. S eattle Supersonics— The Supersonics sook a ride on the NBA ro lle r coaster that went dow n, down, down. They dropped from 54 wins last year to a dism al 34 in 80/81 season. You don’ t have to be an Einstein to figure that th a t’s a tw enty w in decline. Just as they wen, dow n, so w ill they rebound. The difference will be Gus Williams, who sat out last year in a contract hassle, and power forw ard Lonnie Sh elton , a broken w rist. G e ttin g Shelton back will give front line that added punch. James Bailey, 6-9, performed ad m irab ly in L o n n ie's stead, but he lacked the consistency so badly needed last year. Another year can only help the massive James D o n aldson. The 7-2 center from Wash ington State was q uite impressive last year in his N B A debut. The Sonics drafted Utah's Danny Uranes and he’ s heir app aren t to small forward John Johnson's job. W ith Bill H anzlik, Donaldson, W in nie Johnson, W ally Wacker and A r- mond H ill, W ilk in ’ s bench should be among the N B A ’s best. R o okie M a rk R a d fo rd should have an outside chance o f making the team. Radford is a smooth ball handler and good shooter. 3. P h o e n ix Suns— T he Suns switched a ll-s ta r fo rw a rd W a lte r Davis to gurad and inerted 6-10 Jeff Cook at forward to get a bigger line up. The ju ry is still out on whether it’s working or not. An extra year at guard should help Davis. The new bigger lineup provided help in one area, rebounding, that was badly needed. The Suns appear strong in every area except at Center. W ith a legitimate pivot man they could win it all. A lv in Adams at 6-9 is a fine outside shooter that would operate better from the power forward slot. Dennis Johnson is one o f the N B A ’s premier guards— he will bolster the weak defense. But neither Dennis nor W alter is a legitimate playmaker and that hurts. The Suns didn’t sign a top rookie, so all the help will have to come from their veterans. Back up help will again come from Joel K ra m e r, Rich K elley and A lv in Scot,. 4. Golden State— This club could really be the spoiler. They have the horses to finish as high as second. One o f the best stories in the N B A a year ago was the resurgence o f Ber nard King. King and rookie surprise Larry Smith (third in the N B A in re bounds 12.1) fo rm a great fro n t line. C ap tain L lo yd Free is awesome and if Coach A llies can find a way to keep Joe Barry Carrol out o f foul trouble the W arriors will challenge L .A . fo r the lead. T h e y ’ re that good. 5. Portland Trailblazers— The od d ity o f this year’ s N B A d ra ft was P o rtla n d ’ s selection o f a p a ir o f guards, J e ff Lam p o f V irginia and D arnell Valentine o f Kansas. This improved an area that was already considered the best on the team. Jim Paxson (17.1 pga), K elvin Ransey and Billy Ray Bates make up a for- m id d a b le back c o u rt. Bates and Ransey are awesome. T he real key is tw o -fo ld : I f the rugged Kermit Washington and the equally tough C a lv in N a tt can re m ain healthy. L am p , d ra fte d as a small fo rw ard , w ill not help in the front court. A t 6-6 and 193 pounds he is far too fragile and shows abso lute disdain for mixing it up inside. A t this point it’s hard to imagine how C oach Jack Ramsay could think o f Lam p as a replacement for N att. I f M ychal Thompson decides to play center, and if he really wants to play, then the Blazer outlook will be much brighter. I f K u n n e rt’ s knee holds up, i f Bobby Gross responds to surgery, if Bates receives m ore playing tim e, Portland could be good. But there are too m any " i f s " to predict a bona-fide title slot. 6. San D iego C lip p e rs — W ith nothing to report. This is the N B A ’s sorriest franchise. They shall inherit the cellar. For Robert Parrish, the talented center for the 1981 W o rld C h a m pion Boston C eltics, the trade last year from Golden State was a wel come change o f pace and it brought out abilities in him that had become stagnant. " I t had nothing to do with the or g a n iz a tio n ,’ * said the seven-foot Parrish. " W e had a couple o f play ers who were going through changes in their personal life and it affected the attitude o f the entire team. I lost a little motivation in the process, so did a few others but I hung in there and played." U ltim ately Parrish was traded to the Celtics by Golden State for two 1980 first round draft choices which turned out to be Joe Barry C arroll and L arry " M r . M e a n " Sm ith o f A lc o rn A & M . W hen questioned about playing for the greatest bas k etb all in h is to ry , P arrish only smiled and made the following com ment. " It's b e a u tifu l," he said. " T h e re ’ s lots o f trad itio n and this team and the tow n have plenty o f pride. W in n in g the cham pionship last year was a great feeling also be cause it was my first year in Boston and I had my best year as a player. Red A u erb ach and C oach Fitch have been pleasant to work with and they have brought some things out o f me that have always been there." Last year Parrish was named to the A II-N .B .A squad as well as be ing selected to participate in his first N .B .A . A ll-S ta r game which he called one o f the greatest thrills he has ever experienced. H o w would you rate your team this season? " I think we are far better than we were last season even though our play against Portland was not an in dication o f th a t," said the graduate o f Centenary College in Louisiana. " W e have some excellent personnel in The Bird M an , Cornbread M a x well, Kevin M c H a le , T in y , and so on and I think we are going to be right there in the thick o f things when it comes down to the money and the rin g ." In five N .B .A . seasons, Parrish FORD 1313 N .E . 122nd A va. I f you ‘ve been waiting f o r the right time to buy a new or used car or truck— This is your chancel Portland vs. Boston, P ortland M em orial C oliseum , October 18, 1981. Mychal Thompson won the open ing tip and the stage was set. A t 11:44 o f the first period Thompson drilled a 17-foot ju m p er from the left o f the lane and for all practical purposes the game was over. Some one forgot to tell the Blazers that their opponents were the world champion Boston Celtics and also neglected to tell the boys dressed in white that this was the seventh game o f the N B A Cham pionship. On de fense he stuck to the Bird like white on rice and on offense he blew past the Bird like a monsoon in October. Sure the Celtics were probably tired after playing three straight road games, but on this night rested or tired they would have been no match for the fired-up Portlanders. C alvin had help on the boards from the 6-10 M ichael H arper who quivered 13 boards in a strong ef fo rt. B illy Ray Bate shows contin ued improvement, rookie sensation Darnell Valentine is just that. H e ’ll fit well in the Blazer scheme. Kelvin Ramsey o f f a sensational rookie year, where he was picked on the first string all-rookie team is in full stride and very impressive. Only sec ond-year guard Jim Paxson appears slow, but then Jim m y has never been known fo r his speed. Which brings up another irony. One has to wonder how Paxson can still play so many more minutes than the color ful Bates. Just what does Paxson have on Bates; Paxson has two things on B illy. One, he’ s a year younger, and you know the other one. This is still Portland, Oregon, and the M C will still draw 12,666, and you see what 1 mean. A n yw ay, the Blazers will Boston’s Maxwell attempts a block on Billy Ray during Blazer uta of the highly touted Celtics. (Photo: Jeff Spencer) complete their pre-season schedule this week with games against Kansas C ity Thursday night in St. Joseph, M o ., and against Seattle Saturday night in Spokane. The return o f Steve Johnson will highlight the pre season wind-up in C o rfh llis this Sunday night. Jack Ramsay decided to keep 7-2 Peter Gudmundsson over the exper ienced 6-11 Tom Barker and this re porter is still wondering why. Gudmundsson has as much chance in the N B A as actor G ary Coleman would have trying to play Center for the L A Lakers. In seven minutes o f action Peter less Seattle M ariners the man has dom inated the position. Russell probably is the better fielder. But M ilb o u rn e deserves the edge be cause in October he’s really losing it all. Milbourne the winner. W e give the edge to the iron man, Steve Garvey. Garvey hits for both power and average and is an excel lent fielder. The Yanks platoon Bob Watson and Dave Revering. Garvey clearly the winner here. Second baa. Both W illie Randolph and Davey Lapes area all star perform ers. Both, however, struggled through sub-par years. Both are excellent fielders and can turn the double play. Randolph is younger, Lopes is still hurting. (T h e edge here to the younger Randolph.) I Larry M ilbourne has been simply sensational Acquired from the hap ROBERT PARRISH A u to • Life • Fire C om m ercial .Truck M o n th ly Payments Rita H. Janklns Reggie Jackson, it is October isn’t it, against the w orld. Reggie, Reggie, Reggie. Third base Graig Nettles is among the best at his position. A nd i f he can refrain from fighting with Reggie Jackson should remain so for a few more years. Ron Ce is just returning to the Dogger lineup a fte r suffering a broken arm. Nettles by a landslide. Catcher 3714 N. Williams Pnrtland. Orwyon 97227 (#031 249 2#M Please call "Pepper" on the Hotline at 266-1771. You have a friend in the businessl i rii i i > 'ww oí M ai ili" itisi i" il’ w * ' 4 ’ Mirtei Island WA ir • Rick Cerone o f the Yankees and Mice Sciosa o f L .A . are both good, young catchers. W e like the power o f Sciosa. Left f i.ld Pitching Dave W in fie ld and Dusty Baker Both teams have fine starters. No team in baseball can match the Yankee bull-pen. When the New Yorkers enter the seventh or eighth inning with a lead it’s curtains time for the opposition. W e see a final game series with N . Y. the winner. — pick ’em. Cantor field The Dodgers platoon at this posi D id y o u k n o w . . . The University o f C olorado's top punter, A rt Woods, is Black. T h at’s a rarity in high school, college and pro football. U S C ’s Tony Scayton, the starting center, is Black and that is as rare in college football as an August snow is in Los Angeles. That the top college prospect in the State o f O regon is Jackson H ig h ’ s Steve Jackson, a man o f co lo r, who is never m entioned by the local m edia. Jackson is averaging over 6 yards per c arry. The 5-11, 185 pound senior is also the State’s top sprinter. That there’ s never been a Black judge on any level o f professional boxing. A n d th a t’ s a travesty in its e lf. A n d even sadder that the b ig g ie s - Sugar Ray L eo n ard , M uham m ad A li, Larry Holmes, et a l--h av e never dem anded a Black judge. T h at K areem A b d u l-J a b a r reported to the Laker training camp weighing a rock solid 250 pounds. That a masochist: The getting o f pleasure fro m being d o m in ated, mistreated or hurt in some way — and also a season ticket holder to University o f Oregon football. SOLE DESIGN OF PORTLAND 5600 NE Union c t tO t' Portland. OR. 0° V Tai. 287 0 6 9 3 ^ save UPTO f 15 00/RliR z That Wake Forest has a 5-11 and 245 pound receiving back. Ron Neal is his name and making yards is his game. " H e looks like Fats Domino and runs like H arvey G la n c e ,” beams hs coach. ADIDAS TOP TEN HI TOP • BEST IN ITS CLASS « f r 45 4$ SALE 55 45 SAVE * 1 0 .0 0 PU/AA HI TOP Hs 4i. , ALL LPATH6R RXE 5 * 4 5 SALE SAVE Salea Representativa N.E. 122nd & Halsey Right field Shortstop Save money on your insurance. er. But Gudmundsson is Gud mundsson and this is still Portland, Oregon. A n d it proves that in the N B A those guys are w orth their weight in gold. Portland w ill start the regular season w ith three straight games at the M C , on Octo ber 30 against Phoenix, on Novem ber 1 against Seattle and on Novem ber 3 against Los Angeles. And there are still tickets available for all three. tion, while the Yanks have been go ing with Jerry M um phrey. I ’ ll take the duo o f Ken Laundreaux and Pedro Guerro o f the Dodgers. First Baa. has scored 5,801 points, grabbed 3 ,69 9 rebounds, and blocked 217 shots. Parrish says that he is looking forward to this season because the system is no longer new to him. " I feel m ore c o m fo rta b le this year than I did last year.” he said. " I have more freedom around the basket now and that w ill help me since we have a good passing team .” showed many things. He showed he couldn’t run, shoot, jum p or think. H e made one good pass that was dropped out o f bounds for a turnov World Series: The way we see it M atchup fo r the 1981 W o rld Se ries and who w ill w in. W e see the Yankees in a cakew alk. The power and ability to score runs will be the decider and all the places appear on the New York side. Parrish applauds Celtics by Ullysses Tucker, Jr. Portland Observer, October 22,1961 Page 9 Chicago reciprocates Lisa Jarvis, a ju n io r at N o rth Park College, is a member o f the varsity volleyball team, coached by John H jc lm . Lisa is listed on the roster as an outside hitter. She is the daughter o f Dolores Jarvis and at tended Wilson High School. North Park College sent Portland Michael H arper and Portland has sent Lisa in return. 34 45 * 15 0 0 C O N VER SE LEATHER R E4-. V * A ' Ml - T O P 4145 SAVE TH E DR S A LE 3 2 4S « 10 0 0 C O N VER SE LEATHER LO - TOP »W 3 4 45 SAVE SALE 9 0 4 5 6 9 00 FREE POSTER R K EACH MIR OF SHOES PURE HASED