B B Portland Observer, October 22, 1981 Page 7 Fruits introduce nutritious breakfast M o it o f us are aware that break­ fast is the most im portant meal o f the day. Starting o f f w ith a n u tri­ tious meal can make a great deal o f difference in energy levels through the day and to overall health. But often we forget how delicious break­ fast can be as well. Nourishing fresh fruits provide eye-opening interest to the breakfast menu, and if you choose fruits in season, they are also economical selections. Fruits make luscious toppings for dishes such as our O range French T o ast, the tra d itio n a l recipe up­ dated with the lively flavor or fresh­ ly squeezed orange ju ic e . O lazed A p ple Slices are just a sample o f good ideas to enhance the French Toast. Served w arm jn a spicy, fresh orange juice syrup, the tender slices add a lovely touch to w affles and pancakes, too. T ry your hand at homemade applesauce, smooth and fresh from the blender in just 60 sec­ onds. Used as a topping, or spread, or spooned from a bowl, applesauce — indeed all apple dishes— provide dietary fiber that promotes healthy digestive tracts. Enjoy! O RANG E FR E N C H TOAST 2 eggs, beaten 16 cup freshly squeezed orange juice '/» teaspoon salt 8 sliced day-old bread 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, divided In shallow bow l, com bine eggs, orange juice and salt; mix well. Dip bread slices in m ixture, turning to coat both sides. In large skillet, melt a small am ount o f b u tter; brown bread on both sides. Repeat until all bread is used. Serve w ith G lazed A p p le Slices, Fresh S tra w b erry- R hubarb Sauce, or Fresh B lender Applesauce. G LA Z E D A P P L E SLIC E S !6 cup freshly squeezed orange juice */> cup light brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice 3 large apples, cored and thinly sliced Orange French Toast In large skillet, combine orange juice, brown sugar and allspice. Stir over low heat until sugar dissolves and mixture boils. Add more apple slices. Simmer, uncovered, over low heat 8 to 10 minutes or until apples are tender. Spoon over apples dur­ ing cooking. Serve hot with Orange French Toast. Makes 4 servings. F R E S H STRA W BERR Y- RHUBARB SAUCE !6 cup water 3 tablespoons honey 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3 cups fresh rhubarb ( I lb.), cut into 1 -inch pieces 36 to 1 cup sugar 4 tablespoons water, divided 4 whole cloves 4 I-inch cinnamon stick I tablespoon cornstarch 1 !6 cups fresh sliced strawberries, washed and hulled In m edium saucepan, com bine rhubarb, sugar, 2 tablespoons wa­ ter, cloves and cinnamon stick; mix well; bring to a boil. Cover, simmer over low heat 3 to 5 minutes or until rh u b arb is tender. W ith slotted spoon, remove rhubarb to serving bo w l, reserving liq u id . D iscard cloves and cin nam o n . Dissolve cornstarch in rem aining 2 tab le ­ spoons water; add to rhubarb liquid in saucepan. C o o k , stirrin g con­ stantly, over low heat until mixture boils and thickens; pour over rhu­ barb, add sliced strawberries; mix gently. Serve w arm w ith O range French Toast. Makes 3 ‘/ i cups (7 !6- cup servings). Place all ingredients in container o f electric blender. Blend at medium speed until smooth, about I minute. Serve at room temperature or chill. Makes 3 cups (6 */i-cup servings). S c h o o l lu n c h m enus O ctober 26: H o t dog on a bun, baked beans, carrot sticks, pineap­ ple chunks, milk. O cto b er 27: H am b u rg e r gravy, whipped potatoes, vegetable relish (celery, radishes), orange half, Mrs. M aa’s raisin bread, milk. O ctober 28: Fishwich w /T a r ta r sauce, calico coleslaw , apple & cheese wedges, milk. October 29: Beef-mushroom piz­ za, super salad w/Thousand Island drsg, whole kernel corn, pear chunks, milk. O cto b er 30: H allo w ee n Special (T u rk e y tetrazin i), goblin eyeballs (buttered green peas), fu ll moons (carrots), frightened fru it (chilled peaches), Jack-O-Lantem (Cookie). W itch’s Brew (M ilk ). FRESH BLENDER A PPLESAUCE 4 large apples, peeled, cored, quartered Orang« French Toeet la complemented by glazed apple elicea. T ip s fo r H a llo w e e n drive rs The P o rtlan d Police Bureau would like to o ffe r some tips for H allow een. D rivers must be espe­ cially careful in the evening hours just after darkness. Halloween this year falls on a Saturday and d rin k ­ ing drivers w ill be out as tric k -o r- treaters hit the streets. Parents should also forew arn their children with some rules for safe trick-or-treating: •K n o w your c h ild ’ s plans. Find out ahead o f time (heir route, who they will be w ith, what homes they will be visiting and what tim e they are due home. •C h ild re n should be warned about crossing the street, watching the signals, and not running out from between parked cars. •Costum es should be lig h t-c o l­ ored and visible. Flashlights should be used after dark and masks should be checked for visibility prior to the child leaving the home. •Parents should inspect treats be­ fore children eat them. For further trick-or-treat tips, call Terry M cG ill o f the Crim e Preven­ tion Unit at 248-4126. Safeway 99! Sale Tornato Soup SAFEWAY Peas or Beans t5-cz. Toun H o u a D e k or u p * tad Kxkwy B a ra ar M -a . Scoltfi Buy t a a Ufa or Mach Town House Condensed.. 1075- ol 3 .9 9 * C an ned G oods fo r G o d's C hildrens D rive he Spred aker's Chips QeW’n Soft. Ho Cholesterol.. 2-tb Tub O c to b e r 29th 6-8 p m Chocolate Flavored 12-oz. Package The youth of the Sharon S .D .A Church will be in the Vernon School and Concordia College areas to collect canned goods that will go to make up food baskets to be distributed to the needy this winter. Please help us to help others. Sharon S. D. A Church 5209 N. E. 22nd 287- 7649 Shoestring Fries (SpKM PW t Bel-air Dinners Ramen Noodles Cheerios Cereal W-» Brownie Mix Ballard Biscuits 50-Lb. Dry Dog Food Bow Freon. 25-0k Spoon Puretan WHO S u m o * L o t ] REGULAR ound B eef Cftoppad Bot. Fnod Ctatan M o t Loll. SkOtkryStoO. Turkey, or VaM P e rn a n 11-ar Meuctan Srenmo Aoonod 1-or «Lot or Batty Cracker Fudp Sommo. 12* OS I k M 735-01 75-00 Suo ody On Tap Shampoo Sotowoy Tory Muggiti Bufferin Tablets Normal 11-oz. Size For Fast Pain Relief 100-Count 99 $1 FANCY In 5-Lb Pkgs (Approx.) Additional or Smaller Pkgs. Lb. *1.09 RATH WHOLE MAH0R HOUSE Smoked Picnic Grade A Turkeys Whole Picnics Shoulder Roast SUPER SAVER Hens 10-14-lbs. or Toms 16-14-Lbs. 69 « Lb. The N ew Woman's Day Banan opedia Of Cookery (VeloEoet 2-22 Only ’2.99) Number 1 Golden Ripe VOLUME 1 Prices Effective Wed.. Oct. 21 Thru. Tuee., Oct. 27 At All Sefewey Stores In the Port,end eree. Sweet Red Tokay Grapes u. 59‘ SAFEW AY SALES LIMITED TO RETAIL QUANTITIES ONLY