Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 22, 1981, Page 11, Image 11

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    Portland Observer, October 22, 1981 Page 11
Bits and Pieces
by Ruth Spencer
D o rie C o u n c il, in charge at the
Downtown Y W C A switchboard and
inform ation/hotei desk is originally
from Jamaica, N .Y . She attended
Columbia University and supervised
Post O ffice employees before mov­
ing to Portland.
A coalition o f community groups
and pub lic and p riv a te agencies,
recommended that the C ity engage
an independent study to determine
why Black people in P o rtlan d are
d is p ro p o rtio n a te ly arrested and
Oregon ranks second in the na­
tion in the percentage o f Blacks im ­
prisoned compared to the percent­
age o f Black state residents.
Oregon Blacks incarcerated c o m e '
from Portland.
C harles E. Toney, D .M .D , a
member o f the Board o f Directors
o f the M u ltn o m a h C o un ty D ental
Society and the Albina Alliance for
Businessmen was appointed to the
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C o m m u n ity
H ealth Council by C ounty Execu­
tive Don Clark.
(Continued fro m page I column 3)
plan will target Lower U nion A ve­
nue to capitalize on significant past
public and private accomplishments
and recent o p p o rtu n ities, such as
the plan o f the Red Cross to build
on the Emanuel Hospital site. P D C
plans to compliment this with resi­
dential and appropriate commercial
development on selected blocks. In
addition, the Columbia Blvd. indus­
trial area is proposed to be targeted
and, on N E Union, parking lots are
to be developed. The N E Boosters
have identified five lots (hat PD C is
evaluating, he said.
Resources were said to include
less than SI m illio n , “ enough to
start In the target a re a ,” he said,
“ but additional resources will be re­
q u ire d ." In itia l resources include
the In d u s tria l Site D evelopm ent
Fund, the Econom ic Development
Revolving Loan Fund, the Indus­
tria l D istrict Technical Assistance
Fund ($ 2 1 ,6 3 6 seed money to
R E P I), H C D funds, the Investor
R e h a b ilita tio n L oan Fund o f
$200,000 from which " fiv e or six”
loans have been made to date on
U nio n ,” and PD C staff for business
development assistance.
A d d itio n a l resources that P D C
plans to ask Council to address in­
clude funds for the adm inistration
o f U D A G develo pm en t, which
could come from H C D funds and
then be offset by the U D A G grant
received. A d d itio n a l funds fo r
R E P I will be sought. Funds for site
assembly, land banking, and design
and preparation o f a marketing pro­
gram will be sought.
In a d d itio n , money w ill be re­
quested to coordinate the C ity bu­
reau Task Force. P D C proposes to
request for this the use in Northeast
o f E D A underrun funds from other
projects and additional grant funds
if available.
A U D A G , a c o m p e titive H U D
awarded U rb an Developm ent A c ­
tion O ran t, may be requested for a
northeast project as well as creation
o f a City program to issue Industrial
Development Revenue Bonds.
F in ally, the P D C proposal plans
to ask C ity Council to consider the
use o f urban renewal in the no rth ­
east area to provide for land p u r­
chases and assembley, infrasstruc-
ture improvements and reh ab ilita­
Community comment on the plan
was co n tro lled , but o ften sharply
critical. Mumeen Anderson, an A l­
bina F a ir Share m em ber, said he
was concerned about employment,
especially for Black males. He de­
scribed a previous meeting o f group
members w ith N el-T e ch and said
making activities. The course o f ac­
tion which he may take to remedy
his situation is lim ited and has the
potential for creating circumstances
which give the impression that he is
incapble o f perform ing his task ef­
fectively. ( The Journal o f Negro Ed­
ucation, Spring 1978).
One out o f every 31 physicians*
death is attributed to suicide and it
is estimated that the number may be
twice as high.
M s. O e rtru d e S. W oods, R .N .,
was recently appointed director o f
nursing services at Clackamas T er­
race Convalescent Center, an inter­
mediate care facility that provides
health services for 126 patients.
Ms. Woods has experience in sev­
eral health care areas— head nurse
at H o lla d a y P a rk hospital, health
c o o rd in a to r at P o rtla n d P u b lic
Schools and state investigator fo r
nursing homes.
Ms. Woods lives in Northeast Port­
land with her five children.
M atthew W. Prophet, J r., super­
intendent o f the Lansing, Michigan
schools and one o f the six finalists
for superintendent o f the Portland
Public Schools, giving his impres­
sion o f the d is trict’s desegregation
plan said: “ You do a lot o f double
ta lk . Y o u re a lly a re n 't saying
anything on desegregation.”
M rs. G a ll W ashington has been
elected chairperson o f the local
A C T-S O (A fro Academic, Cultural,
Technological and Scientific O lym ­
pics), a youth program o f the na­
tional N A A C P .
Governor Victor A tlyeh, speaking
before 20 oersons attending Oregon
Assembly for Black A ffairs confer­
ence focusing on economic survival
fo r Black people, said, “ The only
promise I can deliver is that I will do
everything within my power to help
you help yourself.” The governor,
indicated strongly that the m otiva­
tion and determination for im prov­
ing economic conditions must come
from within the Black community—
the grass roots.
The conference was held in Port­
land, Sunday, October 18,1981.
The life o f a Black adm inistrator
in an institutional setting is a pecul­
iar one. Not only is he usually hired
for the wrong reasons but he is also
given powerless positions in the in­
stitution, making it extremely d iffi­
cult for him to influence decision­
Mrs. O ra N unley, local N A A C P
Youth Director, recently took a trip
to Chicago on the occasion o f the
death o f her uncle.
A c o a litio n o f pub lic interest
groups thinks budget director David
Stockman has too much power. The
A llia n ce fo r Justice claims Stock-
man is able to w rite governm ent
regulations in secret are in consulta­
tion with lobbyists.
Yoflng admirers receive autographs from slngar Paggy Houston
(Photo: Richard J. Brown)
Mrs. Peggy Houston Shivers, so­
prano, appearing in concert at the
Westminster Presbyterian Church,
before an audience o f 150 support­
ers, Sunday, O ct. 18, gave a stun­
ning performance. Some comments
at a reception given for Mrs. Shivers
following the concert were: a mem­
orable experience, exciting voice,
and a cultural affair.
The reception was hosted by Zeta
Sigma Om ega C h ap ter o f A lp h a
Kappa Alpha Sorority.
M a il o r telephone items f o r this
column to: R uth Spencer, P O Box
11154, P o rtla n d O R 97211, Tel.