(“ PORTLAND OBSERVER- ! [JOB FINDER! TYPI8T Imm ediate opening for an above average typist in our downtown office requires 45 wpm typing and accurate spelling ability. Experience with transcription equipment helpful. Excellent bene­ fits including dental. Please call 248 2122 CITY OF PORTLAND AREA AGENCY ON AGING DIRECTOR *2.887 month MULTNOMAH COUNTY MANAGEMENT Responsible for overall STAFF NURSE planning, developmant, CABLESYSTEMS [ Several full-tim e posi­ U M in GacGes of |1 Dinton and more oruwth lo coma Our and implementation o< a hne Ou' potfura ,n rhe retail tions available for Indivi­ PACIFIC comprehensiva sarvice naad for DC VELOAMENTA l sales m anagement duals to work in the cen­ delivery system designed W e ra not only interested in your oernq able lo Go today s rob | MARKETING ter and on mobile units. as jJa iT * yOu ' • « 6 * » « Go tomorrow t ,o b to meet the needs of the Covering all phases of elderly in the Por­ c* nG.oates wdi have a degree and have a nursing related to blood WORK ORDER demonstrate/] 'ecord of accomplishments The# will come tland/Multnomah Coun­ from consumer package goods companies and ba able lo CONTROL donors processing. Phle­ HOSPITAL • h° * bw n • * * • ’ ,,ec * "<>» <*»»y hava ty metropolitan area. developed tfa-r business but they will have developed their I Process work order from botomy and health as­ JOB OPPORTUNITIES subordinates to positions of greater responsibility They will Formulates program ob­ sue cess * * * * * competitive goal oriented and driven by I business office or ssles sessment skills most de­ S.W . Washington jectives and policies; 1 department, verify sche sirable. Must be open to Hospitals directs budget develop­ if you are one of these people we want to hear from you H you I duling of installation and think your nest step with your present com pany >s too far .n change, working irregu­ is proud to offer you a ment and monitoring; the future to Surf your personal career goals wethm k we can move you along faster I enter information into lar hours, available for 24-hour job line phone directs praparation of I computer. This position We offer competitive salaries benefits and relocation travel outside the city number. Call usât: ordinances; assures ac­ assistance I involves regular custom and enjoy working with 289 1181 ext. 6008 curate presentation of For those s ee king c h a lle n g in g o p p o rtu n ity m an „ î5! public If you are a grad le r contact Must have ¡rcnmpAt please send • detailed grant applications; and history ,o I high school diploma or uate of an accredited Box 3137 (AA) Portland, Ofl 97208 directs the development, ENGINEER I equivalent in 1 year Data school of nursing An Equal O pportunity E m plo y*. M E H n e g o t ia t io n s , a n d PLANNER I Entry experience please apply 1:30-3:00 monitoring of contracts. *16,033 (Subject to ' CUSTOM ER SERVICE pm at: Also responsible for change after cost of liv­ The American REPRESENTATIVE coordinating the Area ing adjustment is deter­ I This position is responsi- Red Cross ASSOCIATE Agency on Aging service UTILITY LEAD mined.) Requires engin­ I ble for telephone market 4200 SW C orbett DIRECTOR FOR delivery system with WORKER eering background for ling processing request Portland. OR 97201 PUBLIC SERVICES other units of the City's (full-tim e) beginning level solid I for service responding to An Equal Opportunity Supervises and coordin H u m a n R e s o u rc e s Ability to perform mod­ waste planning work jcustomer inquiries. Re­ Employer a,es Public Services acti Bureau and similar state erate to heavy physical doing research, project qu ires the ability to deal vites and personnel, and county agencies. labor. Requires building CUSTODIAL development, data col­ (effectively with the pub­ helps formulate Library Supervision is exercised maintenance, lead work WORKERS lection, report develop­ ille . Good communica policy w ith Director; over a staff of er experience and profi- Fairview Training Center ment, and submittal per­ Itiön and inter-personal works to coordinate op­ professional, parapro- cient forklift operations, will accept applications taining to solid waste ac­ I skills essential. 2 years October 8. 9. 1981 for fu­ erations of Public fessional, and clerical 1 Do not apply unless you tivities, maps, charts, I college preferred and 3 Services with those of ture custodial worker va­ and engineering d ra ft­ personnel. The Area have 2 years of com- I years business office ex- Technical Services; par­ Agency on Aging Direc cancy. Shift and days off ing. Requires degree in bined experiece. A ppli­ I perience. ticipates in some direct tor works under the ad­ cants accepted thru Oc­ vary. 4792/mo. Previous Civil Engineering or reference service. Re­ ministrative direction of tober 16 at the experience p referred. equivalent engineering I TELEVISION Apply: quired: ALA-accredited the Human Resources M em orial Coliseum degree with capability ¡PROGRAMMING MLS; a second (subject) Executive Director. Personnel j Complex M ain Office EIT and 1 year of profes­ Master's degree; 8 years APPLY 2260 Strong Rd SE 1401 N. Wheeler sional experience and ARTS CHANNEL of professional library ex­ Salem. OR 97310 PORTLAND CIVIL Portland. OR ability to apply engineer COORDINATOR perience, with 5 years in 378 6389 SERVICE 9am-5pm ing and analytical c o n ­ I This position will be re increasingly responsible 610 8.W . Montgomery An Equal Opportunity Monday Friday cepts as they relate to I sponsible for the produc administrative or super­ Portland, OR 97201 Employer A n Equal Opportunity problem solving and sol I tion and directing of T.V. \ visory positions in an ac­ No later than Friday, Oc­ Employer id waste msnagement. HEALTH WORKER Iprogram s, com munity ademic or research li­ tober 16, 1981. Women Apply: Nursing A ssistan t-A s loutreach identification brary's Public Services and minorities are en ­ SECRETARY/SCHOOL Personnel Office sist RN with health care I and development of rele Requires high school division; 2 years refer­ couraged to apply. M etropolitan 8ervlce for public school stu­ Ivant programming and grad or equiv experience ence experience; and ex­ An Equal Opportunity District dents. 45.74/hr, 37 H hr ¡education in T .V . pro or training. Typing 60 perience with biblio­ Employer 637 SW Hell wk. Requiring certified Iduction. Position re- wpm . General Office graphic instruction and/ Portland OR 97201 nursing assistant certi­ I quires the ability to work W A S H IN G TO N Management. Ability to or autom ated biblio­ By Fri, Oct 16 6 pm ficates. Valid Oregon COUNTY (effectively under pres- meet and deal effectively graphic retrieval ser­ Equal Opportunity Drivers license and ve­ Isure and willingness to with public. Valid Ore­ vices. Full-time 12- Employer hicle for use. First-aid RECRUIT DEPUTY I work irregular hours. gon Drivers license. Sal­ month faculty appoint­ SHERIFF I Candidate should have a card CPR training. For ary $ 5 .7 0 /h r. Full-year ment on tenure track, LEGAL 8ECRETARY future vacancy request Entry level, downtown W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , I well rounded awareness job begins as soon as rank of Associate Profes­ additional inform ation [of Portland Arts Com- possible. Request addi­ sor. Salary com m en­ office, criminal practice, • 1385 per month, trains and Employers Applica­ high m otivation and in law enforcement and Imunity. Qualified candi tional information and surate with experience tion form from: good skills required, the basic police proce­ employers application ■ dates will have a 2-year and education, minimum PERSONNEL I Community College level dures in the performance form from: •9 0 0 /m o n th . Call 225 $26,000. Apply by Oc­ P O. BOX 18867 of patrol duties, req. ¡degree in communica 9 1 0 0 ____ PERSONNEL tober 31, 1981, to Portland. OR 97218 graduation from high ¡tions related media or P.O. Box 16867 Michael Kinch, Oregon Employers application HELP W ANTED school or equiv., valid ■ equivalent media experi Portland. OR 97216 State University Library form must be returned No Experience Necessary I once Knowledge of T.V. driver's license, and be Employers application Corvallis, OR 97331 by 5 pm October 19, Contact: Tom Wilson at least 21 years of age. (production equipm ent form must be returned E E O /A A E m p lo y e r, 1981 to be considered. T ft T Shoeshine Parlor County applications on­ by 5 pm. October 22. |and typing ability Complies Sec. 504 Re A n Equal O pportunity 282 8874 ly, resumes not accept­ 1981 to be considered. Candidates should hah. .hr. 1973. Employer ed. Last filing date, Oct. | respond by Oct 19, 1981 An Equal Opportunity FORESTRY 30. 1961. SECRETARY Employer Cableaystems M t. Hood INDUSTRIAL WASTE Full time position avail­ Pacific C om m unity College PROGRAM [ 317 SW Alder Suite 760 able youth servicos. Be Police O fficer. City of M ilw au kie-R esp o n COORDINATOR sides regular office du­ Instructor of forestry sible work position in the protection of life and Portland. OR 97204 technology to teach lec Unified Sewerage Agen ties, typing, filing, etc., Equal Opportunity property through the enforcement of laws and various duties will in ­ ture and laboratory cour­ cy, $1570 per month ordinances. Responsible for prevention, detec­ Employer ses in a 2 year college de with periodic step in clude working with vol tion and investigation. I TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT unteers in the program. gree program. Required: creases, exper in pro Requirements: Ability to work assigned shifts, gram and project man Designing brochures and degree in forest technol tions, high school grad or equiv. ogy and minimum of 3 M A IN TE N A N C E agement involving public p o sters, m a in ta in in g Salary: $1519 *1852 plus benefits-inc. PERS TEC H N IC IA N contact and project re­ bookkeeping and billing years of practical fores pickup. I This position will be re sponsibility, college-level system and assembling try experience with To apply: Contact Clackamas County Civil Ser sponsible for installation, displays for health fairs, emphasis in forest man­ training in civil or sani­ vice, 902 Abernethy Rd., Oregon City OR agement. Background in preventive maintenance, conferences, etc Must tary engineering s u ffi­ 97045. Phone 655 8459 and repair of all outside be able to type 55 wpm. forest soils and-or bo­ cient to afford familiarity Deadline: 10/31/81, 5 pm. plant components from have office procedure tany preferred. Tenure with engineering prin­ track, start Jan. 4, 1982. initial installation to test ciples and terminology; skills, and artistic abil­ Police mg, trouble shooting and ities. Beginning salary For full info, apply to di­ exper with sewage treat­ rector of personnel, M t. C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e O ffic e r /P a r t -t im e . repair ment and industrial $864.00 Please apply City of M ilw au kie-R esp o n sib le for assign­ Hood Community C o l­ waste regulations pre­ Applicant should have 1:30 3:00 at: lege, Room 2270. 26000 ferred. County applies understanding of com ments not requiring authority of Police Officer The American SE Stark St., Gresham, TRam.ng opportunity for law enforcement ca mumcation, electronics tions only, resumes not Red Cross Or 97030 reer. Duties may include: enforcement of park­ and mechanical devices accepted. 4200 SW Corbett Equal Opportunity ing ordinances, radio dispatching, clerical and possess a working Portland. OR 97201 duties, etc. Affirmative Action knowledge of technical Make applications for A n Equal Opportunity Employer Requirements: H.S. grad or equiv. Have no fel­ drawings and schematic the above jobs at: Employer ony convictions, U.S. citizen. Min. age 18 diagrams Valid driver's A D M IS S IO N Washington County .So/ary. $5.57 $6.78 per hr. license required. Re COUNSELOR Personnel To apply: Contact Clackamas County Civil Ser quires 2 years degree in 160 N. 1st A ve., R A DIO C HEM ICA L Pacific University. Tern vice Dept., 902 Abernethy Rd., Oregon City electronics or equivalent Room 306 RE8EARCH porary 6 months posi­ OR 97045. Phone: 655 8459. of 2 years electronic Hillsboro. OR 97213 tion. Beginning Decern ASSISTANT Deadline: 10/31/81, 5 pm. training and 4 years A n Equal Opportunity Research Assistant Un ber 1, with possibility of maintenance experience. Employer classified. Full time posi permament employment tion. To perform low on job share basis. Con­ HEADEND CITY OF PORTLAND level radiochemical anal tact Marie Williams, Di­ PERSONAL TECHNICIAN yses on environmental rector of Admissions, This position will be re­ CITY PLANNER II POEMS W ANTED samples M S or 8 S in before November 1. sponsible for maintaining $1,693/mo $1,962/mo The Society of American chemistry plus expei Pacific University I the headend, including APPLY: Poets in order to stimu­ ience in operating 2043 College Way all signal input sources, Portland Civil Service late membership is pub­ radiation detection in Forest G rove. Oregon J and will assist the main 510 SW Montgomery St. lishing a book of poems. strumentation is requi 97116 tenance lab department. Portland, OR 97201 If you have w ritten a 367 6161 ext 216 I To assure the timely re­ si’ e. Salary: $14.000 No later than Friday, * ‘ 5,000. Starting date 1 poem (24 lines or less) pair of distribution and PART TIM E 5:00 pm, October 16, December ,981. Send and would like to have it I test equip Applicants SECRETARY/ 1981. Women b Minor considered for publica­ re. urne and two refer I must have a valid driver's RECEPTIONIST ities are encouraged to tion, send your poem ences by 1 November to: license. Requires 2 year Provide secretarial ser If your little toddler ix with a self-addressed, apply Di T .M . B *~*iey degree in electronics or vices to staff at mental reluctant to give up hix bot­ An Equal Opportunity Oregon 8tate | equiv and 3 yrs exp. in tle, psycholtigixtx suggest stamped envelope to: health counseling cen Employer putting an ounce of milk in S o c ie ty o f A m e ric a n University CATV headend mainten ter, greet clients; answer » small glass that he can Poets. P.O. Box 82642. 8chool of | >mce Respond in writing telephones. Requires 45 handle Just jet it on CLERICAL Tampa. Florida 33682. Oceanography to the above positions no the tray every day or so, wpm typing and accur­ Full or part time oppor Marine Science Center hoping he'll drink it. If one later than Oct. 26, 1981 ate spelling. A pproxi­ tunity working from sip ia all he lakes don't even N ew port. OR 97386. to: mately 4 hours each home with mail. No ex­ try to give him two Act ax O SU is an A ffirm a tiv e Cablesyatems Pacifies morning. Send resume perience required. Infor if it doesn't make any differ MOTEL M AN A G ER ence to you Coping with a 317 SW Alder Suite 760 A c tio n /E q u a l O p p o r­ by October 9, 1981 to: mation send stamped, tunity Employer comply­ reluctant weaner takes a lot Mature woman or couple Portland. OR 97204 Center for C om m unity self addressed envelope t»f patience So, while baby to run 12-unit local mo­ ing with Section 504 o f An Equal Opportunity M en tel Heelth is learning lo drink from a to A. J. Assoc., P.O. Box R ehabilitation Act o f tel. Apartment conven­ Employer 8329 N.E. Union Ave. glass, you might ease your 29760, Hollywood, CA 197J. iences and moderate sal own tension with a relaxing Portland. OR 97211 9002/ cup of hot tea ary provided. 287 7568 S3 in • “ «o I I EDUCATION CERTIFIED NURSE MIDWIFE (Nurse Practitioner) *1 761**2302 m onthly. Provides comprehensive nursing care in the area of women's health, In­ cluding prenatal care and family planning; provides specialized nursing ser­ vices with emphasis on prevention, control and treatm ent of diseases, and health maintenance. TO QUALIFY applicants must be licensed by the State of Oregon to prac­ tice as a registered nurse and possess a State of Oregon Certification as a Nurse Midwife and pos­ sess, or be able to obtain, a valid Oregon Driver's License with availability of personal automobile. APPLICATIONS will be taken on a continuous basis until a sufficient number are received to schedule an examina­ tion. WHERETO APPLY: M ultnom ah County Courthouse, Room 130 1021 SW Fourth Av®. Portland, or 97204 PhOne: 1503)248-6015 An Equal Opportunity Employer Research intarn (3 posi­ tions), Title 1 Evaluation Tech n ical A ssistance Canters. Qualifications: e x p e r ie n c e and education equivalent to Masters Degree in Ed measurement and re­ search, skills in program evaluation, testing and sam pling; F am ilia rity with norm ref b criterion ref testing; familiarity with norm ref b criterion ref testing; familiarity w ith commonly avail­ able computer pro­ grams; skills in applica­ tion of eval techniques. Candidates for internship should be enrolled or planned to be enrolled in graduate program lead­ ing to advanced degree in ed research or related field. Resumes must be received in the Personnel Office by 5 pm, Oct 23rd, 1981. In letter of applica­ tion, indicate the posi­ tion for which you are applying. Send letter of application to: N orthw est Regional Educational Lab 300 SW 6th Portland. OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer TELLER HILLSBORO BRANCH Applicants should have minimum 3 months teller experience. Type 35 wpm, have 10 key and customer relation skills. Call Pat Burns, 246-1161 Lincoln Savings b Loan Equal Opportunity Employer M /F /H COM PUTER OPERATOR Graveyard Shift E d u c atio n al A g en c y. Hew lett-Packard hard­ ware. Requires formal training in computer op­ erations (170 classroom hours) or equiv jo b -re ­ lated exp, ability to lift and carry any average load of 60 pounds up to a maximum of 80 pounds. Job begins as soon as possible. Request addi tional inform ation and employers application form from: PERSONNEL P.O. BOX 16667 Portland, OR 97216. Employers application form must be returned by 5 pm, October 21, 1981 to be considered. An Equal Opportunity Employer SECOND NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at the Water Ser­ vices Building Auditorium, 1800 S.W . Sixth Avenue, Portland, Oregon at 10:00 a.m., Monday, October 26, 1981, for the purpose of considering pro­ jects for which capital assistance is being sought from the Urban Mass Transportation Adm inistration, under Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended. The project includes a total of nine (9) vehicles with lifts, radios and fare- boxes and one (1) repeater to be used for transportation in the rural areas of Multnomah, Clackmas and Washington counties. The total project cost is *141,000 of which *112,800 would be federal funds and $28,200 is local match. The project will be included in the annual element of the Transportation Im­ provement Program for Fiscal Year 1981. No persons, families or busi nesses will be displaced by this project and there will be no impact on the environment. At the hearing, Tri-Met will afford an opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environ mental aspects of the project. Interested persons may submit oral or written evidence and recommendations with respect to the project. A copy of the grant application and the Transportation Improvement Pro- p' a™ for the 8rea * avai,ab,e for Public inspection at the Tri-Met Office 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. John R. Post Director, Engineering and Contracts CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID ^ 5 ? f S rS ^ * J 7 i,! ^ reCe'Ved in ROOm * 12' Citv Ha"' P o la n d . Oregon 9'204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Pla" * ?ntl specifications may be obtained at the above address. For ad­ ditional information telephone buyer at number listed. ^ ~ k -iS ? ? PrOPO” '8 Sha" h * accomPanied by a certified check, cashier s check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an i s T a r a X S t T h e b’d n 0 % ) ° f the « W ^ t e amount of the bid J a“ ib e irrevocable for the period specified in the S ^ b S ir iS ^ l^ h “ fiXed and im a g e s should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law arid not consented to by City within the .revocable period, or n ^ « o ^ mance C° nt/ 8Ct and provide 8 8uitab'e bond for the faithful perfor­ mance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him h drtL