Portland Observer. September 10. I M I Page » School lunches cost more Reduced federal subsidies and in flated costs have produced higher prices for Portland Public Schools meaJsin 1981-82. School lunches this year will cost elementary students 80 cents, high school students 90 cents and adult staff members Si .25. The prices re flect one-year increases o f 20 cents for students and 25 cents for adults. There also w ill be a 35-cent in crease (to 60 cents) fo r student breakfasts. The price for a half-pint o f milk will increase eight cents (to 18 cents). Students who qua lify fo r feder ally subsidized reduced-price meals also w ill pay more fo r school lunches—40 cents, doubled from last year. Such students also will pay 20 cents more (to 30 cents) fo r school breakfasts. Notice Customer Devid end operetor. Micheel, Sheron end Butch pose for e photo et "Butch Coors." (Photo: Richerd J. Brown) Coors hits local beauty scene A/ W.— aez -v »* typ Grassroof News. N. The ical hair salon is a mixture o f maga zines, hair dryers and the fumes o f chemicals that curl, relay or tint our hair. A new environment for hair is being created for the Pacific North west by Butch Coors. 26. Ou, o f Los Angeles, Coors is introducing a d if ferent concept in personal care. “ I would like everyone to know that I can do Black hair. When my re sponse came in from the ad I placed in The Observer, some o f the people would get turned o ff because we d on 't have a Black operator, yet. But I ’ ve worked on Diana Ross and other Black entertainers at Jon Peters Salon in H ollyw ood. So I have the experience. We don't be lieve in pressing hair. It doesn't have to be dealt with in that way. You know it never made sense to me that you press the hair to take the natural curl out and then put a curl back in. A ll that it requires is a relaxcr.” Coors stays away from the tradi tio na l textbook cuts and prefers creating a design to fi, the in d iv i dual. " I never name my hair cuts. Once I know the length a person wants I would give a cu, that looks right fo r the person. Sometimes you’ll get a cut that looks bad. This is because you're not getting a cut that works for you. I want to bring out the beauty o f people by just en hancing what they have.” Coors stated that he was tired o f the fast pace that puts the H olly in Hollywood. ' 'There's a lot o f pres sure and com petition in L A. I t ’ s emotionally draining and you find that not very many people do it for a long time because it burns you out. I came to P ortland before I got burned out and I love it here. I here s a pot o f gold here because it s easier to start a business here be cause o f the economic structure o f the city. We offer talent and creativ ity at an affordable price.” O riginally his desire lay in pre- med but later he switched to hair de signing. Coors is also the make-up man for the publicity o f the P ort land Opera. ” We cater to everyone. A fter we analyze a person's lifestyle to create what’s right and fits their needs. We sell a feeling. A lot o f times we get so wrapped up in this rat-race o f 9 to 5 we forget to give ourselves the best. I want people to take the time to pamper themselves.” The Butch Coors experience is created with haircuts, manicures and pedicures, make-up classes and tints. He indicated that people are responsive and expects his 3-person staff to increase with demand. He offers his customers a chance to bring their beauty out, along with a sensation that’s worth feeling. What's happening in B Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., will sponsoir the F/rsf A nnual A lb i na N eighborhood W alkathon on Sept. 26th, Saturday, beginning 12 noon at Irving Park, corner o f NE 7th and Fremont St. The route will extend 6 miles through the A lbina Com m unity. Proceeds w ill go to community service organizations. Among those are Albina Adult Sen io r Citizens Center, Black Educa tion Center, C om m unity Care, Food Bank, Urban League, and Omega Psi Phi Scholarship and Ser vice Fund. For a dd itio n a l in fo rm a tio n or sponsor sheet delivery please call Kenny Adair at 287-7691 evenings or 244-6111 ext 305, days. SEMLER OPTOMETRISTS OUR N iW LOW PRICE FOR Wide Choice. . . , REGULAR A SOFT LENS in c lu d in g fa m o u s BAUSCH] & lo m b J SOFIENS i In c lu d in g OPTOMETRIC EYE EXAMINATION ★ Yes! We Nave TNI NIW ''Extended WearlL COUTACTS — and Accessery Kit *****— for O ur Price for " T x tcvc d cd - H e a r ” C o n (a rts which Include* Examination and Special Sterilizing K I T Keguired < « a ta ri I r e . Replacements $0050 ★ N o w ! C O N T A C T S f o r V V Per Lea» K w leaded H e a r M ig h t I.» H a re — ■ • — ASTIGMATISM ! *»fc l o r O u r P r ic e ★ N O APPOINTM ENT NEEDED t*-*1 ohom etrists S E M L E R O PTIC A L KASV U m HA w IEMLM Optical Offices M ed tco re $.W. 3rd & Yamhill A ____ W.Mor. Im u ro n c « Downtown e PO RTLA \ D P fc a n r — XiMciete Oerter«elOyleaetry - 227-7200 * *■•"* « M O -H * KUT-w j. k u t - r am tu rn r a m i 11M Chea hen Intel Phone - 345X 734 0« DAVID NEWMAN Oplometnjt m m lute A Cent mercial Phone . 595-16511 Dfl ROBERT HULL Optometrist HOME SECURITY SURVEY YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR FREELOCKS INSTALLATION VV w Ô ^ S r ËÊ n Î n G AND OTHER SECURITY HARDWARE IF: ° ° W SCREEN,NG many o f the ethnic groups which by Dick Bogle Despite the hot humid conditions make up the population o f British in the ballroom, they all wore dress Columbia. • YOU OWN OR ARE BUYING YOUR HOME shirts and ties except Blakey the Remember those grade school But back to jazz. Vanco«ver has leader. He provided his usual d riv • YOUR ANNUAL INCOME IS LESS THAN 811.000AND days after Summer vacation, an all-jazz radio station, CJAZ, and ing rhythms and flashed frequent teacher would always have us write YOU RESIDE IN AND HCD AREA (HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) in an e ffo rt to keep jazz alive in what we did? smiles o f ecstasy with the product Vancouver, it staged a two-day jazz And because one day o f my recent and smiles o f approval to the young festival. vacation was such a standout musi sters in the band for solos well done. What we’ re trying to do is estab cally, I think everybody should None o f the names were known to lish this as a week-long festival know. me at the beginning but after hear along the lines o f the Newport Jazz Vancouver, B.C. is a scant 300- ing them they are certainly names F e stival.” says C JA Z prom otion never to forget. plus miles away from Portland and manager Tim Kelly. " I f this week in between five and six hours one Pianist Don Brown, forceful and end is successful, we'll definitely ex can drive leisurely to one o f the nic innovative; tenorman B ill Pierce, pand it over a number o f days.” est cities in North America. big toned and inventive; altoist Bob I wasn’ t there for the first night, It’s big city stuff with a multi-eth Watson, a giant-to-bc, reminds o f Friday, at the Orpheum theater. Fri nic population o f more than a Bird and Coltrane, plays so many day night s performers included a million and a half. notes it ’s like a joyous ride in a rol Vancouver saxophonist, Fraser lercoaster; bassist Charles Fambro, Once, on a previous trip there, I McPherson, guitarist Tai Farlow, always laying a solid bottom and the watched a street demonstration in vibraphonist Red Norvo, trumpeter favor o f legislation to make the Ku most exciting bass soloist I ’ ve ever Freddie Hubbard, reedman Joe Far Klux Kian illegal in Canada. Whites heard; trumpeter Wallace Rooney, rell, guitarist Joe Pass and the final equally adept w ith fu ll horn or marched carrying signs in English, se, o f the evening presented Etta there were large numbers o f turban- mute; and the man, Blakey, the James and her band. finest. wearing East Indians, some Black The next night the scene changed Canadian* and finally a large con I, was fun imagining certain local to the Commodore ballroom, next tingent o f Orientals carrying signs in musicians playing with this group. door to the Orpheum. The Commo My usual companion and I agreed Chinese and Japanese. That demon dore has a long jazz history which that four locals could have fit in and stration and march brought together goes back to the forties when Louis not have the group lose much more Arm strong made occasional ap than a hair. Altoist Sonny Kih King, pearances there. It's kind o f funky trumpeter Ihara Memory, pianist and old but with tables fillin g the George M itchell and drummers dance flo o r, it scats over a thous Ronnie Steen and local king Mel and. Saturday there were more than Brown. a thousand on hand to hear first a By the time the McCoy Tyner local group, then Art Blakey and the Quintet came on it was close to one Jazz Messengers and the McCoy INVITE YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS OVER TO LEARN HOW TO USE CRIME PREVENTION TECHNIQUES TO ayem and the Blakey set had left me Tyner Quintet. SECURE THEIR HOME A CRIME PREVENTION REPRESENTATIVE OR STAFF VOLUNTEER WILL GIVE YOUR HOME A drained, so we stayed for one tunc There were supposed to be two FREE SECURITY SECURITY SURVEY. THIS SURVEY CAN POINT OUT THE WEAK SPOTS IN YOUR HOME SECURITY. or so and had to leave. They were shows, one beginning at 7:30 and super but the intensity and overall contact , the other at 11:00. But the air con performance o f the Jazz Messengers SHARON MCCORMACK. NORTHEAST AREA COORDINATOR. 4816 N.E. 7th. 2S7 trollers' strike delayed the arrival o f was so great that it made any more the Blakey and Tyner groups, so a OR C A LL TH E C R IM E P R E V E N T IO N D IV IS IO N A T 248-4128 music, particularly in a hot stuffy local group filled in until their arri ballroom at one ayem. redundant. val. That meant not two shows but instead an extended version o f just one. Rita H. Jenkins Simply stated, the Messengers S h I»'4 HftprftMioMtivft were a monster. 3714 N W illiam s & Sale Prices G ood A u g. 2 7 th S e p t 5th \ Most jazz buffs know that the six Pnrtlenrl. Oieqnn 9 /2 2 / ty ish drummer is well-known for IU 1 I 74S 7SM developing young sidemen into star dom in their own right. Witness pianist Bobby Timmons, tenorman 8 or new 4 o r tire W tyne Shorter and the late trum peter Lee Morgan. His current crew o f six is unbe / Symbol of ÿ'perwe Servite lievable. Not a "ju s t okay” musi ill»**» . tb b N '«fifi I ib In m .n * » 1 h cian among them. Each player is a M' i» • » I I.»n il A/A heavy and the rapport between them 'vas a pleasure Io observe. 287 8256 z Save money on your insurance. A uto • Life • Fire Com mercial .Truck M o n th ly Payments Come to Fridays Beauty Supply for your Pro-Line Back-To-School Special z l¿ $1.49 $7.49 $3.29 4554 N.E. Union Ave. $1.49 3512 N.E. 15th Ave. 249 0353