Page 8 Portland Obaarvar. September 10.1101 íh I cwh HOWTO GET BET 1ER MILEAGE FROM YOUR CAR. Don't let the engine idle more than 30 seconds. Ford Chevrolet 1980 CHEVROLET CHEVETTE HATCHBACK COUPE. 4 speed transmission, cassette stereo radio, bucket seats and more. Cute little car with yellow finish. $3975. 644 1131 Dir.______________________ 70 CHEVROLET 2 dr, 71 Plymouth 4 dr, 71 Ford 4 dr. Work cars. $186 ea. If car is gone we guarantee other car same price. American Impound 24 hrs 780-2750.___________________ 1980 CITATION 4 dr 4 cyl 4 spd, air. PS. PB, excellent condition 26,000 miles, $5590, 635-8777, 229-1620, dir.___________________________ 81 CHEVETTE, 2 dr, 4 spd, extra sharp, like new. A M -F M sterro, many other goodies. Still under warran, $4950. 245-9102._________ 1970 EL CAMINO-SS, super sharp, am-fm. 396 V8, AT, PS, PB, $2995- OBO, 649-0860________________ 72 CHEVROLET Caprice Blue. 350 cu V8. auto, AC. Stk. No. 7266. $1199. 644-0694 dir._____________ 1979 MONZA Spider, V-8 eng, PS, PB, AM radio, tilt whl, etc. $3900. Forest Grove, 357-4830 Eves. 75 MONZA TC Sprt Cpe, 4 cyl 4 spd low miles must sell $1595 dir 282- 0956_________________________ 1980 CHEVROLET Citation, 4 cyl, A T, 4 DR, PS, Pwr O-brakes, AC $4800, btwn 8-5, 284-7423._______ 1976 DART Swinger 2 rd, 6 cyl, AT, PS, PB, excellent condition $2250 636-6777, 229-1620, dir.__________ 1977 DODGE Aspen S W 318 V8, auto, oS PB. 1 own, 43,000 mi $2896 6 5 4 - 2 1 5 7 . ____________ 71 CHALLENGER 381, AT, PB, AC new tires, nds pnt, runs gd, $1100; 642-4225 or 248-7511._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1969 DODGE W agon, PS, good tires, clean, runs good $400. M ar cia: 284-2122, 256-3132.__________ 74 DODGE Charger, very good cond, runs perfect. $1500 or best of fer. 775-3002.__________________ 73 CHALLENGER RT 340, 727 Tran, clean, $1600. 1-581-1160._________ 68 DODGE DART slant 6. Good go- to-work care $500 ofr 236-8030. Ford M uatang 65 M USTANG Convert, 66 M U S TANG Hardtop and other Collector cars at Auction. Buy or Sell MeLe- od's Auction. See Ad in Class 686. 79 M USTANG 4 cyl turbo, 4 spd, PS, PB, A M -FM stereo tape & much morel $500 Down & takeover paymnts; 1-829-5768, 632-3194. 1980 M USTANG, 4 cyl engine, au tomatic transmission, bucket seats, radio and in excellent condition. $4975.644-1131 Dir._____________ 78 CHEVfcl IE 4dr AT, Io mi sharp. $3150. Call 658-5939.____________ 1965 MUSTANG, exc cond, auto, new inter, new wht sidewall tires $2195656-4918.________________ 1978 CHEVROLET Chevette 2 dr Hatchback, $2800, 639-8967 76 MUSTANG, 4-cyl, 4-spd, 14,000 orig mi, Eugene 688-8382. 81 CHEVETTE. 4 dr, 10,000 mi, exc cond, $4695. 649-8681.__________ 73 MUSTANG CONVERT, mint. Io mi, $4650. 636-6655, 657-3111. 69 EL C A M IN O , runs exce., nds work $1300 or best. 284-9052. 66 MUSTANG V8 auto, excl cond., $2300,761-3208 _ 78 CHEVETTE, exc cond, $3200, 668 2293_____________________ 1980 FORD Mustang, 7000 mi, exclt cond, $5690 252-5477.___________ Chrysler-Imperial 75 M U S T A N G , V6, 4 spd, god cond, 68,000 miles, $2300 . 649- 0770. __________________ 72 DODGE Poiara Custom 4 Dr. Au tomatic, PS, AM-FM, air condition ing, very nice, $699. Dir, 292-3545. 1967 M U STA N G 289, A T. well maintained, 1 owenr. 653-1509. 1973 RANCHERO V8. AT. PS, PB, 3l)K on reblt 302, new trans, new brakee, new dual exhaust syst, new Stl Bit Rads, Mags, new front end parts, new hvy duty shocks, new CB w-U&L F-B, $2296 offer. 1824 2496__________________________ 71 FORD 2 dr, 70 Chev 24. 71 Ply mouth 4 dr. Work cars, $185 ea. If car is gone, we guarantee other car same price. American Impound 24 hrs 760 2 7 5 0 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1973 FORD 4 dr Country Sedan Stn Wgn, good tires & brakes 6 body. M otor nds work. Only $450. 232- 1350, 235-3561._________________ 73 FORD GALAXIEZ. Green auto, AC. Stk. No. 7446. $1099. 644-0694 Dir.___________________________ 80 Fiesta 4 spd, AM-FM-cass, excel, $3800 or 7 255-9533._____________ 80 F A IR M O U N T 4 dr. 6 cyl. Air. 28,000 mi, $3,996, 2 5 3 -4 1 1 6 .___ 78 ford Fiesta, excel cond, $2595. Call after 6 pm 643-1435. Oldsmobile 1977 OLDSMOBILE C U TLA SS BOURGHAM. Loaded with equip ment including, auto trans, power steering and brakes, air condition ing, power windows and door locks, split power seat, tilt steering wheel, cruise control, vinyl top, wire wheels and more. $3475, 644-1131 Dir.___________________________ 1979 OLDSMOBILE Custom Cruiser Wgn, 3 seats, diesel economy, load ed. $6795. 1 538-6696.___________ 1974 TORONADO, Io mi, all extras, tires : mech mint cond, $1750. Aft 6 pm, 636-4222.__________________ 71 OLDSMOBILE Toronado. 2 Dr, Yellow, auto. Stk. No. 7338 $999 644 0694 Dir.___________________ 78 STARFIRE, V6, 5 spd, good mileage, $3300, 1 322-3357. _____ 75 OLDSMOBILE Toronado $700 1- 458-6625._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1975 OMEGA Salon, must sell. And when buying, don’t forget the fuel economy label is part of the pric 79 CUTLASS Brghm, loaded, top cond, sun roof 231-0844, 641 -3791. tag, too. 69 CUTLASS 442 W -30 eng, A T, turbine, mags, $1300621 -3143. 79 TORONADO, diesel, exec car, $7960. 227-3248, 663 1048. Fur * free booklet with mure r „ y energy »«ving tip«, write ' Energy," Box 62. Oak Kidge. TN 37630 Plymouth 71 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury Brough- ham, many extras, 2 owners, $1200 or make offer. Call 641 -4766.______ WE'RE HERETO HELP 70 BARRACUDA 318 Grand Coupe ST body, clean Int, PS, PB, new AT, $1100, 7 6 0 -2 8 6 6 .___ 73 PLYM O U TH Sebring. Bronze auto. Stk. No. 7313. $999. 644- 0694._______________ 76 ARROW HB, 4 spd, 25 mpg, re dials + snow, $2275. Call Dava, 256 2032 or 238 6346 _____ YOU! 1973 PLYM O U TH Duster, 2 dr, 6 cyl, AT, radio, vinyl top. Gd cond. $950 636-1636. 78 HORIZON hatchback, 4 spd, 4 cyl, 4 dr radials, 36,000 mi, like new, $3495. Dir 238 1176. _ 1973 PLYM O U TH 4 dr, never wrecked, needs tune-up, $475. 771- 5140. 65 PLYMOUTH 4 dr, 1 fam car, AT, PS, radials, air shocks, T-hitch, Io mi. $800, 223 5023.___________ 74 PLYM O U TH Satellite, $800 or best offer. Good cond 661 -3690. 75 VOLARE, 2 DR, 6 cyl, AT, PS, A C, new mtr, $1895. 646-2233. 1978 ARROW , 4 spd, radl tires, good cond, $3600, 653-7106. WENDELL BROW N ALAN MOLDEN .Wr> K r p r r w n la liv r .Safe« K rp rrs rn ia tiv t Expert consultation on your transportation needs on both new and used cars. 77 PLYMOUTH Arrow, 5 spd, 2000 cc eng, runs on reg gas. 760-8632. RON TONKIN 64 VA LIA N T6cyl, AT, PS, 68,000 orig mi, like new 230-0677. 71 SATELLITE Wagn, 383, ps, am CHEVROLET-HONDA CO radi<x$400 665 9521.____________ 71 SATELLITE Sebring, 318, jps, pb, am radio. $400. 665 9521. 122 N.E. 122nd Ave. LU 76 FURY, 6-cy AT, 76,000 mi. stu- dent must sell $1400 775-3633. SI 195, 646 0388 If you want a car you can buy one at A * the dealer with Soul Cz See Al McGilberry CaNo w on '81 Cadillac & '81 Pontiaclll Before you buy a car check our prices 7 7 Plymouth Votare Wupen Automatic, power staarwtg. ab, mmar baby ¿omega Steck # 4 9 7 1 1 7 4 Fard Craaade 11588 ..................... 7 3 Dedpe Cett AwfomctK, power •te e rm f, osr conditioning, 4 dwwr woey entry Stwcfc # 4 9 7 3 1 . . . . . 7 9 Dedpa Mplemnt Coupe 12988 leather mtariat, power win Saw», aa candtttonatg. crude, tew mrlei Stack # 4 7 3 1 1 13288 7 8 Dutsuu PU 7 1 Mercury Zephyr 4 cyimder autom ota. goad back lo «chaai car Stock « 4 5192 11788 7 4 Cediltac Coupé deVllle 4 deer, 6 cylinder, owtemetic, power steering Stock # 4 4 3 3 0 ..................... 7 7 Fard Pinto Wsyaa taodad includtng ab. A M /F M «taraa t4t whooi ouno Stock «4 9 7 S 2 11988 7 4 Reeuuft LeCor 4 cytinSer, eu tem eta , ow cendttrening, boat the «ummet heat Stack O4S792 13288 7 7 Mercury Capri 4 cybnOar, 4 tpoed, 40 mite« par gal. hw y Stock «SIOSO 11988 7 7 Mazda SIC Coupé 4 cylinder. 4 «pee d. a «tra law m4e* Stack # 4 9 2 3 0 13288 7 7 VW Rabbit Fretty morella U ua. tpartt «tnpmg. autom a!« 1 ewner Stock «SOSOO 12988 4 cylinder. 2 deer, 4 «pood axtra clean Stack # 9 0 9 6 2 12988 TRUCKS C uttem iied <ab. m eg wheat«, intuiatad c a n o p y Stack « S 0 S 2 0 ...................................................... 7 7 Cbev I I Cwuiue V I. automatic, power «tear,ng. aa conditioning, to ken C ragen, Tonneau cauan Stock # 4 0 4 3 1 ......................... 7 8 Dedpe 'A T. Pickup A utom ata, power «tear,ng, ipacml Iu-tana pam t la w m tia. Stock «9O6SO ^T****'. . Open Sunday 11-5 9th & C e 12988 13588 t O A O O *U/OO 7 7 Dedpe 'A T. 4x4 gold «pale wheat« Stack # 4 7 4 1 0 terge enough to serve yew 14888 Smnll enough tu knew you Vancouver, Wash. • Pontiac • GMC Truck • 693-1481 14488