•P ortland O bserve JO B FINDE HOSPITAL J O B O P P O R T U N IT IE S 8 .W . Washington Hoaprtala Is proud to o ffe r you — 24-h o u r Job line phond number. CeN us et: 998-1191 e x t. BOM C A B L88Y8T8M 8 P A C IF IC P E R M IT S C O O R D IN A T O R Reeponsibllltlee Include retrieval of construction permits, end the acquisi tion of field design Infor- m etlon. M ust be femlller w ith C ity end S te te o r dinances end reguletlng procedures. Valid drivers licence req u ired . Re quires a high school di- plom e or G E D , 2 yrs C A T V , business o fflcs experience preferred. C L E R K /S E C R E T A R Y This position provides ssslstence In the Imple- mentstlon and operstion of project reports. To In clude w ork projections, cost summaries. filing of maps end project plena, and ro u tin e secretarial duties. M u st be able to typ e 4 6 -60 w p m . Prevl ous experience In draft in g /d e e ig n o ffic e h elp ful. Requires high school diploma or GED and 1 yr secretarial experience. T R A IN E R / S U P E R V IS O R Thia position la reaponsl We for training Customer Service Representatives end designated business o ffic e s ta ff, develops train in g elds, m onitors snd evslustes p e rfo rm ance of CS repa. R e quires ability to teach e f fectively. Must be highly profsealonet end enthusi astic, strong verbal and w ritten com m unication skills a m ust. M inim u m q u a lific a tio n s In c lu d e c o m m u n it y c o lle g e degree in buainees or re lated field, and 2 yrs bus iness office experience. G R A P H IC A R T IS T (Educational Agency) F u n d a m e n ta l a s s ig n ments: creating, design ing an d /o r plating mater ials fo r duplicating. Re q u ire m e n ts : ty p e 60 wpm , 2 yrs exp In graph ic arts Incl fo llo w in g techniques: (a) design, la y o u t, ty p e s e ttin g end p a s te -u p ; (b ) process cam era usage (c) plate- m aking (ell ty p e s ). S a l ary 46.60/hr. Job begins S ept. 21. Request ad d i tio n a l In fo rm a tio n end e m p lo y e rs a p p lic a tio n fo rm fro m P e r s o n n e l, P .O . B o x 1SS67. P o r t la n d . O R S721S. Em ployers application form m ust be re tu rn e d 6 pm Sept. 11,1961 to be con sidered fo r firs t screen ing. Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY 2 W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , 41037-11266 per month dem onstrated reeponel ble exp er In secretarial work and training in sec reterial courses incl typ Ing snd office machines. S h o rth a n d r t q u lr td . C o u n ty a p p lic a t io n s o nly. Resum es not sc LIC E N S E D P R A C T IC A L N U R S E W a s h in g to n C o u n ty , • 8 .7 0 per hour, te m p o rary, approx 20 hrs per w e e k . Provides basic nursing services in th e W ash Co Jail. Raq auc- ceeaful completion of an a c c r e d it e d p r a c t i c a l nursing program and possession o f a cu rren t license to practice as an L.P .N . in the state of Ore or a lim ited license fo r new graduates from the state of Ora. County ap plications only. Resumes no/accepted. M ake application for the above Jobe at: W a s h in g to n C o u n ty P ersonnell R oo m 306, 180 N 1st A v e ., H illsb o ro , O R 97123 B LA C K P U B L IC CHANNEL C O O R D IN A T O R This position w ill be re sponsible for the produc tion snd directing of TV p ro g rs m s , c o m m u n ity C IT Y O F P O R T L A N D outreach, idantification and development of rele PERSONNEL vant p ro g ra m m in g and T E C H N IC IA N public e d u c a tio n in T V 41423 - 41508 mo. This is production. Position ta a paraprofeeeional/train quina the ability to work ee w o rk w ith Portland| e ffe c tiv a ly u ndar pres- Clvjl Service. M ay assist aure and w illingness to idits and writing work your regular hours :riptions. M ay| Candidates should have ite d ata, perform ) a w e ll-ro u n d e d avya___ analyses, proc ness of Portland's BlâçT tor exams, write ads and| community. do other personnel reiat Qualified candidates will ed w o rk. Ganarous City, have e 2 yr C om m u nity benefi^program . C olleg e level d e g re e in communications related C O N S T R U C T IO N media or equivalent me E Q U IP M E N T dis exp erien ce, know l OPERATOR I edge o f television pro •1806 - 41797/m o. ducing e q u ip m e n t and typ in g a b ility . Respond N E IG H B O R H O O D in w ritin g by S e p t. 14 Q U A L IT Y D IV IS IO N 1981 to: MANAGER C ableeystem e P acific 42800 - 42754/m o. 317 8 W A ld e r 8 t. D IR E C T O R OF F IS C A L I S u ita 760 P o rtla n d . O R 97204 S E R V IC E S Equal Opportunity Employtr 42846 - 43108/m o. r W O R D P R O C E S S IN G OPERATORS S w in g a g raveyard s h ifts , P ortlan d Public S c h o o ls . Im m e d ia t e openings fo r w o rd p ro cessing operators. W ill train on our equipm ent, 60 w p m ty p in g , axe sp ellin g , g ra m m a r and punctuation skills. Salary range 4 8 7 8 -4 1 ,2 7 6 d e p ending upon e x p e ri e n ce. Exc frin g e b e n e fits. Apply education ser vice center, 501 N . D ix on, Portland. Equal Opportunity Employer PATHOLOGY T R A N S C R IB E R Full tim e position availa ble for a Pathology Tran s c rib e r. M u s t have 2 years axparlence in sur gical and autopsy. E m m a n u e l H osp ital 2801 N G e n te n b e ln P o rtla n d , O re. CLERKS Permanent, full and part tlm a openings in d o w n to w n lo c s tio n s . Hours snd dsys dependent on p o s itio n . T y p in g , te le phone etiquette, 10-key skills snd msnual dexter ity may be required. Ex c e lle n t w o rkin g c o n d i tions and fringe benefits. U S. N A T IO N A L B A N K OF O R E G O N 9em -1 pm Apply weekdays between 9am -1 pm U .S . Bank Plaza, 566 S W Oak Equal Opportunity _____ Employer D A T A C O N TR O L TECH STU D EN T APPLICATIO NS F u n d a m e n ta l a s s ig n m e n t, a c tin g as liaison b e tw e e n th e cu sto m er and the DP departm ent for assigned applications with particular emphasis on planning. Q u a lific a tions: ex p e rie n c a as a customer of DP services or technical exp in DP or c o m b in ation . Evidence of com pletion of form al training in data proces sing (50 clsssroom hours), or equivalent Job related exp. Salary 46.80/ hr. Starting date Oct 12, 1981. Request sdditional information and amploy- er's ap p lic a tio n fo rm from P e r s o n n e l, P .O . B o x 1 6667. P o r t la n d . O R 97 2 1 6 . E m p lo yer's application form muat be returned by 5 pm . S ept 18, 1981 to be c o n s id ered. \ M U S IC IA N W A N T E D N e w ly fo rm e d Bieck B eptlet Church seeking q u a lifie d en d experl enced musician. Knowl edge o f both traditional and contemporary Black Gospel music. Ability to play be e a r and some ab ility to play by music preferred. Salary negoti able. C on tact R ev. Lee M a d is o n , 2S 3-3317 o r 246-0307 H O U S IN G D EVELO PER H ousing developer fo r mental health center: rr sponsible for developing housing options for men tally and emotionally dis- turbad clients; working w ith local and stats housing authoritiss and local service providers; writing grants, providing training in housing devel- o p m e n t. R e q u ir e s Masters degree in Public A d m in is tra tio n , or re lated degree, or substan tial experience in lieu of degree, plus experience and education in housing d e v e lo p m a n t, w orking w ith th a chronically m a n ta lly ill, finan cing , and contract monitoring' and fin a n c ia l m anags- m e n t. 4 2 0 ,0 0 0 -2 2 ,0 0 0 . DOE. Applications avail able at NINE Community M e n ta l H e a lth C snter (503) 2 3 9 -8 8 7 1 , 310 NE O re g o n . A p p lic a tio n s and resum es due by Sept 14. E O /A A Employer. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. SYSTEM8 PROGRAMMER Im m e d ia te opening in th e P o rtla n d area fo r a w a ll- q u a lif ie d p a rs o n w ith 1-2 years w orking experience in DOS-VSE, P O W E R -V S , C IC S -V S , and h e avy in BAL and PL-1. The selected indi vidual w ill have experi en ce w ith in stallatio n and maintenance of cur rent releaees of thia soft ware. The individual will start at 428,000 per year w ith e x c e lle n t w o rkin g conditions, benefits and an o p p o rtu n ity fo r a d vancem ent. Call Stan at 226-4211 Ext 1402. C IT Y P LA N N E R III. B IL IN G U A L A IR Q U A L IT Y IN S T R U C T IO N A L Equal Opportunity 42082 - 42206/m o. A ID E Employer M u s t be L a o /E n g lis h . Women and minorities Application Available: F u n d a m e n ta l a s s ig n are encouraged to apply. P ortlan d ment to assist the teach IN S T IT U T IO N A L C ivil S ervice Board er in activities as planned 610 S W M o n tg o m e ry I COOK en d sch edu led by th e Equal Opportunity 2 years exp erien ce in P o rtla n d O R 97201 classroom te a c h e r fo r Employtr q u a n tity cooking pre- th e non -E n g lish-speak Apply no later than 4: Equal Opportunity I. HIEFSS member- B IO L O G IC A L ing s tu d e n ts . R e pm, Sept. 21,1981. Employtr ship or equivalent educa Women <f Minorities T E C H N IC IA N q u ire m e n ts : a b ility to tion. (Research Assistant U n speak English flu e n tly encouraged to apply. D A T A ENTRY OPER. S ou th w est W ashington classified) et the M arine snd have English w /s u r- Swing Shift L IB R A R Y H ospitals S cien ce C e n te r, N e w v lv a l c o m p re h e n s io n ; Portland Public Schools DEVELO PM ENT P .O . Box 1800 p o rt, O re g o n . B .S . or ability to speak,.read and Temporary position for 6 CO NSULTANT B .A . degree In biological write Lao/English; equiv Oregon S ta te Library. months durations, start V a n c o u v e r W A 99898 P ho n e (206)096-6222 aciences req u ired ; m a of HS Ed; Ore drivers li Full tim e position open ing Oct 1. Exp nec. S al From Portland: rine b io lo g y p re fe rre d . cense; car tv a ila b le fo r ary 4 7 8 5 -4 8 3 8 /m o. Exc 10-1-81. M L S D egree 289-1181 ext 6222 In c u m b e n t w ill c o lle c t use on Job; knowledge of from Library S cience frin ge b e n e fits . A p p ly An Equal Opportunity • g g , larval end ad u lt help In social ag encies School and 4 years of education service center, Employer stages of fishes for labor working with SE Asians; professional library e x 501 N D ixo n, P ortland. atory m aintenance, and Equal Opportunity em o tion al and physical perience or satisfactory C LE R IC A L p e rfo rm bioaaaays and Employer_____ standing to perform d u equivalent com bination Full or part time o pp o r histological analyses of ties as req u ired by th e of experience and tra in B R A D L E Y -A N G L E tu n ity w orking fro m th e e ffe c ts o f sedim ent designated task e x cep t ing is required. Public li HOUSE hom e w ith mail. No e x Idad. M arine leborstory fo r te m p o ra ry d is a b ili brary experience, admin V o lu n te e r C o o rd in a to r perience required. Infor and experimental experi ties. S s ls ry 4 6 .5 0 /h r . istrative or planning e x h a l f - t i m e . 4 4 9 0 / m o . m atio n send s tam ped , ence necessary. S alary Job begins Oct 1, 1981. perience, familiarity with Sand resum es to P .O . self -addressed envelope • 1 2 ,0 0 0 -4 1 3 ,6 0 0 . Send Request sdditionel infor federal and state g ra n t Box 40132, Portland, OR to A .J . Aaeoc., P.O. Box resum e snd nam es o f m atio n and em p lo yers program s and w ritin g 97240. Deadline Sept 14, 2 9 7 6 0 , H o lly w o o d , CA th re e refe re n ce s by 10 19 8 1 ._________________ 1 90027. a p p lic a tio n fo rm fro m ability desired. O ctober 1981 to George P e r s o n n e l, P .O . B o x Applications must be re FIELD W . B oehlert, School of 18 8 8 7 , P o r t la n d . O R ceived by 9-21-81. Send R E P R E S E N T A T IV E O ceanogrsphy, Oregon 97218. Employers appli resume to Kay G ra s in g ,1 T he S o u th la n d C orp. S ta te University M arine catio n fo rm m u st be A ssistant S ta te L ib rar S cien ce C e n te r, N e w returned 5 pm S e p t 11, ian, O regon S ta te Li D B A 7-E le v e n Food p o rt, O regon 97366. 1981 for first screening. brary, S ta te Library Stores, is seeking career O S U Is an a ffirm a tiv e Equal Opportunity Building, S alem , OR m inded in d ivid uals to actlon/equal opportun Employtr 9 7 310-0640. (503) 378- train as field representa tives. Three years m an ity employtr. 4239. JE E P S Equal Opportunity j agement and supervisory G o v e rn m e n t Surplus axp srian ce in retail or Employer Listed for 43,196.00 re s ta u ran t se ttin g re Sold for 444.00 quired. Grocery retail ax C O M PTRO LLER For Information, Call p s ria n c e , plus c o lle g q M u lti-S e rv ic e A g e n c y . (312)931-1981 ext 412 degree, preferred. S tart P R O FIT A B LE a n d Four year degree, busi ing salary 416,500. Bene B U S IN E S S P A R T -T IM E ness adm lniatration/ac- . fits include bonuses, car O P P O R T U N IT Y B u s in e s s o p p o rtu n lt* counting, three years ex a llo w a n c e , in c e n tiv e s , Unlimited Income poten perience In a cco un tin g/ meetings held weekly ta tial on a part-tim e basis. budgeting, supervision. , profit sharing com pany, exp lain h o w you c e q b eco m e fin a n c ia lly In i paid medical, dental and If you are ambitious, m o E xperience in fu n d a c tivated individual looking counting p referred. Re- ; m o rs. S end resum e to d e p e n d e n t In five years th e S o u th la n d C orp, for ways to increase your or less following proven q uest s p p lic s tio n fro m , plan. Excellent benefits.) earning power, do not let U rb an In d ia n C o u n cil, * 10260 S W G reeburg Rd this o p p o rtu n ity pass P.O. Box 3198, Portland, J S u ite 102-B , P o rtlan d , C ell 2 8 1 -4 8 4 6 fo r tim e Oregon, 97223. you by. Cell 281-BOSS a f OR 97208. and piece. E E O /M /F /H ter 8pm for additional In formation. Respond In w ritin g by September 2 1 ,1981, to: C ableeystem e P acific 917 S W A k te r S t. 8 u lta 780 P o n le n d . O R 97204 9 IBEKUBIEflB s. t I i r o m e n o O bserver. S e p te m b e r 10,1981 P age 13 PRO O F M A C H IN E OPERATORS Permanent, pert time po sitions available in dow n town plaza building. 10- key adding m achine skills req u ired . S h ift available 6:30 pm to fin ish M onday thru r 1day. Excellent working condi tions and benefit plan in cluding 7 H % night d if fere n tia l. C afeteria and parking facilities provid ed. Apply Personnel Em p lo y m e n t D e p a rtm e n t 9em-1pm weekdays: U .S . N a tio n a l Bank of Oregon M A R K E T IN G A S S IS T A N T OPS Blue Shield C hallenging end p res sure desk position w o rk ing with health insurance agents. 10% of the time researching and re sponding to claim s in quiries. Requires 46 wpm typing, customer service e xp erien ce, good o r g anization al skills. Ex cellent benefits. Contact: A im s M c D o w e ll 243-7420 AFTER 8:30 A M An Equal Opportunity Employer U .S . Bank Plaza 566 S W Oak St Portlad, Oregon Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Opportunity _____ Employer part tim e), 3 yrs supervi sory exp read , B SN or m g m t exp p re f. H E A D NURSES PEDS unit and gen surgery unit, clinical expertise reqd mgmt exp p re f. S T A F F N U R S E S , C C U ER and O R T H O / NEURO. Our progressive 203 bed J C A H a c c re d ited hosp is loc adjacent to O regon In s titu te of Technology w ith a 2 + 2 A D /B S N program and w e offer educational re im bursem ent as well as exc salary/b en efits and reloc a llo w a n c e . O ur com m unity is noted for our vast sum m er/winter r e c r e a t i o n a l o p p ty s w h ere liv is fun and a f fo rd ab le. For m ore info c o n ta c t us n ow : M s. Cecyl Childers, Employ ment Coordinator, Merle W est M edical C tr, 2866 D a g g e tt S t., K lam ath Falls, OR 97601 or call c o lle c t, (5 0 3 )8 8 2 -6 3 1 1 ext 132 where caring has been our tradition. Equal Opportunity Employer CLERK T Y P IS T Clerk ty p is t, som e switchboard and ached L I u lin g a p p o in t m e n t s . Type 50-56 w pm accur a te ly . G ood spelling m ust be availab le fo r w ork on or before Sept 23rd applications only. M e tro p o lita n Fam ily S ervices 2281 N W E v e re tt D e a d lin e 6 p m , S e p te m b e r 16 Salary 4860-4700/mo E O /A A Employer & «I A * J| i P A R T T IM E W O R D P R O C E S S IN G O P E R A TO R O pportunity to Join our hiqh volume rtep-wmsnt on a p a rt-tim e basis. H ours: 3 :3 0 -7 :3 0 pm Monday-Thura and 3:30- 6:30 pm Friday. Qualified applicants will heve: IBM 6-4330, M A G Card II, or «240; typ in g 65 w p m ; m ach in e tra n s c rib in g . Send resume or apply in person to: Personnel D e p a rtm e n t Blue Croas o f O regon 100 S W M a r k e t St. P ortlan d OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer .«SE N U R 8 IN G M g m t/staff opptys await yourl M erle W est M e d i cal Ctr in beaut southern Oregon seeks career ori ented profs for the posi tion of C LINICA L S H IFT I SUPERVISORS (full and V ID E O R E P A IR I T E C H N IC IA N This position requires the ab ility to repair and maintain video and audio e q u ip m e n t. P ro v id e s technical assistance of site checks snd assist in training o f s ta ff. S u c cessful can did ates w ill have a 2 yr C om m unity C ollege level d egree in electronics or equivalent and minimum 1 yr C ATV e x p erien ce. In terested should respond in w r it ing no la te r than S e p t. 14,1981, to: C ableeystem e P acific 317 S W A ld e r St. S u ite 760 P o rtlan d , OR 97204 M E T R O 'S W A S H IN G T O N P AR K ZOO has p art-tim e openings In food service a t the zoo. Applicants must be capable of m aking cor rect change (test will be given) and able to deal pleasantly with the pub lic. Applicants m ust be available for w ork M on- Fri. Apply at the W ash ington Park Z oo . M ain Office, 4001 S W Canyon Rd., 1 pm to 5 pm Satur day Sept 12-Wednesday S e p t 16. Ask fo r Dee Saeland. Il Southwest Washington HOSpitalS BHBRMBHB II STAFF NUfiSES • You choose nursing because you care. . • You are involved in a profession that makes a difference • Now c*- the hospital where you can make a . differen - a.a € ► 3r* * n-.w £CSÎ.?r S : r ai. ¿r.fts ST JOSEPH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL VANCOUVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Ma1? S’ . irzz.-e 289-1181. ext 5222 From Portland 206-696-5222 You have our number. We may have your jo b 1 An Equal O pportunity Employer Community Calendar Clain-Up, Emergency, Historical and Community Watch. For more infor mation please contact Madeline Nosbush at 289-2712. 5YERV0 ne som e ability or or etectru^l possession that or they can with whether it’s a skill such asroofing wiring, the“ ^ barter t o rook £ ! * ’ °p m.° W lawns Pe° P |e can e * « trade furniture or other goods k ^ d / T E r han8e majnta,ns ■ fiJe o f P«>Plc from all over the greatei Port- t iiit e d nrn?U" ‘ y * ? * * ' ,h # W' dc varie,y o f akiU* r“ «>ng fr^m highly 7335 P ° fess,onah ,o common laborer. Please call 232-0543 or 232- Jane Jefferson Dem ocratic W om en's Club: Rex Armstrong, ACLU cooperating attorney, representing petitioners against the 1981 legislative reapportionment, will speak at the Sept. 17 meeting o f the Jane Jefferson Democratic Women s Club o f Multnomah County: Manning’s Restaurant Lloyd Center, noon. Sept. 17. A cc o u n tin g W o rksho p s fo r N o n p ro fit O rg an izatio n s. Qualified accountants will cover topics every nonprofit organization needs to know such as record keeping systems, budgeting, balancing a checkbook, payroll taxes, annual reports, financial statements, and computer systems Sponsored by the Oregon Accountants for the Public Interest. Friday Sent. 11: basic recordkeeping; Friday, Sept. 25: intermediate recordkeeping; Fri day, Oct. 9: issues o f financial management. Participants may attend one or more sessions. The cost is $35 per person, including lunch and a packet of 2254)224*' matCr*a*S' purtl,er details may be obtained by calling O A P I at The Hum boldt Neighborhood Im provem ent Organization cordially invites you to attend their September 14, 1981, meeting at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be held at the M ulti-Service Center. 5022 N Vancouver Avenue. Building M aterials A u ctio n for benefit o f St. Andrews Parish com munity services. Friday. Sept. 25, Silent Auction and Preview, 7-9 pm. Saturday, Sept. 26, Oral Auction, 1 lam -3pm . Russ Kerns, Auctioneer. Adult Fun Auction. 7 pm. St. Andrew Community Center, Northeast 8th at Alberta. $2.00 bid card good for all auctions. Hundreds o f bargains for home improvement and remodeling projects. For more information, call 281-4430. Passive Solar Conference Week: Beginning Sept. 8th, OM SI presents a focus on Solar Energy, with special exhibits, films, slide presentations, and speakers. Even with the price o f oil, you don’t need to chop up your back porch for heat. Check out Solar. Call OM SI at 248-5900 for further in formation. N A A C P Legal Couneellng Forum offered by the Portland Branch’s Legal Redress Committee. Anyone who is experiencing a legal problem or who thinks they have a need for legal advice is urged to attend. Free to members; a small fee to non-members. Sept. 11,7:30 pm, upstairs at 2752 N Williams. Contact Lucious Hicks, 243-4924 or the office at 284-7722 for more information. O M S I: Sept. 8-28, Planetarium closed for maintenance; Sept. 10, “ The Earliest Cameras,’’ 7:30 pm with Thomas L. Davies; Sept. 10-24, Solar En ergy Highlight; Sept. 20, Funburst 81 (free admission, special events). Also, “ volcanol” daily at 11:15 and 2:15, weekends at 10:15, 12:15, 2:15 and 4:15. Videotape replays of Voyager 2 Saturn programming; Voyager 1 pho tos o f Saturn. Pre-School 8to ry Tim as at branch libraries: Albina (3<O5 NE 15, 287- 7147), ages 3-5, Wednesdays, 10:30 am: North Portland (512 N Killings- worth, 284-5622). Fridays. 10:30 am. SLIDE SH O W ON THE KU KLUX KLAN: Saturday, September 19th, 7 pm, at St. Andrews Church, 9th and NE Alberta. The Anti-Kian/Anti-Nazi committee will sponsor a slide show on the past and present activities o f the Ku Klux Kian; representatives of the Portland Anti-Kian Network. Seattle Anti-Kian Network, and National A nti-Kian Network will discuss their work in fighting right-wing, racist extremists. Racist violence has been steadily rising in Oregon. Recent examples in clude a cross-burning in Milwaukie, vandalization o f a Salem synagogue and harassment o f Black families in St. Helens and Eugene. We urge any one interested in the health and well-being o f our community to attend and get involved. One dollar donation requested; childcare will be available. "Revolution or D ea th ," a documentary o f the continuing civil war in El Salvador, will be shown at the Militant Bookstore, 711 NW Everett St., at 7:30 pm. Sunday, September 13. Filmed in BI Salvador, this picture has been shown widely in the U.S. and around the world. One dollar donation requested. For more information call 222-7734