Portland ObMrver Juty 23, 1•1 Pege 7 • AUTO ' Professional Services c--- a.-. - - - lli'6N WIiiiama Portltlncl. Or .. , °" - Jeck1on'a A utom etlve 21115 N Klllong■worth 317S.W. Sterk Portlend, OR Portland. OR ln17 296 7331 ' ,.._,,_.,. ..... _ ... _ c _ . AUTOMOTIVE ,. _ _ .,_ .....,..,.,,.~ ........ JIOO N °""""'- M IHIMlppl Ava Portl1ncl, , - 11011 17227 lntroduc• BONNIIHOWE tfonneriy ENtport PlaHI FREE comb out w,th purchaN of a - W'II and . located '" I Center .. _. OS■ORN 'a Featumg Maa, Curt Complete 11lon 11rv1ca1 for man and - CLEANIRI ()pan lam lp,,i Mon Fn 11D N. IO!lneawortti JASPER L. AM BERS ATTO ANIV AT LAW Gan.rel Pract,ca Portland. 011 17111 117.1113 R T Mon Fri 7am 8pm S.t 10am 8prT, We cle•n on Sii1turday1 $2.00 1001 N.E Broadwey ATTORNEY AT LAW Of ---·- ....,_1•----- JJ17 N E. eroedwey Portland. Oregon 17232 297-1121 15031 BOOKfA T LE WIS. JR DDS oo.,, 10 ' OOpn, Foooto ork ptov,dtng 311 NE Shaver St. Portl1nd, Oregon 1n12 ()pat, 5 I' M.,.. 1332 Skidmore at reaaona Phone 288 0880 Jim laM■loi, 101 4 N. 500 N. 1 Make thi1 directory work for you ._._..,_ -- ............... ..., ..,.. . . . __ ........ _ ·' """"'"'·u• VA""'I MORTUARY ~-~••"-- - °'9ton 11111 ~ Walnut Park Dentel Canta, Sen,,ng the c ~ With "' •111111 app.-t"'-'1 ., __ D11 N --..... Aw. Porltlnd. OR '112:IZ I !,03 281 6!ifih DEVLIN'S CAFE s p<, 11t , _ t 79 A M only Carlot 1108ERT A IU U Kenneth C. Dixson BREAKFAST SPECIAL NOIITN POtm.ANO Tr•~ Mot..r1, ,-11 N E Broadway Ponland. OA 17m 716N Alben. Portland, Oregon II03·214·CIIIM •Y 172111 G ·--;M-- QUl!lly work qualoly 11rv1ce 3133 N f Praacott Portland 0••111• , 1n11 291 JD10 5315 N. Vancouver Portland. Oregon REMCO Rental Management Company . Competence, and honest. 217-11111 REM CO PROPERTI ES nu PHIL REYNOLDS MEDICAL CLINIC · Grocery Cold Beer 11nd'll\/1na 2U- 74IO Walt•r C Reynolds M D 2709 NE 7th 11 N. M orrl1 St . Kalpan1 H RAldev M D Pttysoc,.n1 & Surgeons c ■ ll283 - 2486 BARDY TROPHY CO. Complete Atlas Product ■ Maka this directory work for you call 283 2486 519 NE Bro Portl nd . T roph!ee • Plaque, • embietJ11 T ropt,,n • name plat• 1440 N.E. Broadw ey Portland, OR 17232 212-7117 Dr . .. mUII J. l rown Jr. • C ftl STORE Dr. Cllrioe L. VIINlllly. ,._., _ _ _..., DINTIIT y_,, dala,.,...MOf9 ---•Cold _ _ _ O,,.,,•-•c»IOCll>M I MM.f' N......., 1410 N E Preacoll Portland. Or . . on DII NE Killinpwor1h Poruand, Of . . on 11211 21M:t1J7 WHY BE BAL D? 1 <;~les SeraH e ln•lallation 630 N.E. Union Av , Ph 2J1 8108 l"I w - - ' r IJ- BEAUTY fl I Hour■ 10 6 M 4664 NE Union 287112M 31112 NE 111th t t"- taat ,n ,_,, ca,■ Conw an end Ch•dweout W■ Mmfvl \, j,, , ,.. .. WHY ■EIALD 1 Broadway HalrwHvar• ft On19nen Beauty Solon 11 ■ 1 ttlaaalulion . 1134 N .E. 7th 213-2111 N E Hancock Portlend Oragon 282 JJ7!1 r 311 N .E. Shaver St . Portland , Oregon 97212 ZJ7e8629 DEAN 'S BEAUTY SALO N & BARBER Jo, Make this directory w ork for you call 283 2486 Prncriptions We accep1 All Medical Cards Pell & Veterinary Supphe. "WE CARE 281-3311 NICK'S CLEANERS N A TlJRAl f lJRNITURE Lau ndry & Allerat1o n Block 1ng, pock up & dthver Mon Frt 8am 8prT, • S11 .. 9em l5prn. 5118 NE Union Ave. Portland, OR 97211 m- • ~ ~ j • ... 'NI DS RHdy to Fini1h 284 0656 NE Broadway Portland. OR 1,,, at affordab:e pricn PRMCCLI NIC PHARMACY -.......,c __ _ ....,,. 11 N . MorrlaSt. Port11nd, Oregon 17227 281 -11:31 RESTAURANTS F RE NCH 'S RESTAURANT I Fam11 v A1mo1phere Open7am to10pm Breaklast Lund• Otnnar Broadway Hairw~evers & Designers Beauty Solon has the Solution. 707 N F FREMONT 281- 3662 3300 N. 1t'lflll• • 1 Ave . ONE HOU R M ARTINIZIN Tha mo1t 1n dry clHningl Featuring ume day cl-■ n i ng and laundry -,rice. 1419 1N1,,e . Fr, monl 211 -1133 PIQOY'I HIDIWAY 1634 N .E. 7th 2 lit ltlllln91worth Portland . Oregon 11217 at At 'Broadway - 281-9495 c- -•,....._,,._, '" - - • -""- P & J 's TIPPIN INN TAVERN New ow nHr P911gy & Jim Fal■ taff 8Nr Glau 3liC 2861 N l Union ,lll'I 0619 t• w .... ~entl & f "'""" 2214 Lloyd Center For appomtment t .111 -• s-•~ 11493 S E 12nd Portland , Oragon 172l2 15031212 t46J ~ ffo J. Thomas 4220 S E Hawthorn• 2311070 (JrUri, n , nu 1163 7UZ OREGON RUG oow-.irnw-. 1245 W w • ., i P'Of'1i,eno & MATTRESS CO. 1 TASTE TICKLER S,nce 1932 Subma rine Sandwic h . 11 Ii Mon.-Fn. 12-li Saturdly. 1868 N . Lombard Portland . OR 97217 14th ft NE Broadwey Ofego, •' ... ""°"9Z2J .. ,, WA Hl lO SQ U A RE SUE WICKLUND TRAVEL 1734N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 97232 KEN TUTTLE (!031241-DX1 DOMESTIC Hou1e cleaning by the hour. Experienced 2D-3075. GRACE COLLINS MEMORIAL CENTER c _ ___,, ll--■-- ...,_,_, . IJyro l'eol - l.fc - ......--· 128NE Ru1HII Port11nd, Oregon 29111311 PLASTIRINO Erickson'• PIHtering Specieltlaa. Plaatering of atl kinds. --- VACCUM & SEWING Vecuum Cleaner Sewing Machin• Sa4~ anti .,., v,ce Eureka Elactric Co 1IOIIN E Union Portland. OR 217-MZO Maka thi1 directory work for you call 283 2486 --.,,rtu1 "-• ,no ecCNIOI'• 1119 N.E. Broadway MIiter 8Nr Glau 41ie 838 N. Kilhngsworth 213-2221 7331 NE UNION EU.I • CLEANERS 1-1.,1 Sca"e• & Accea~o, ,es S•vhng _, ffl·MCIO ,1-----=:-..~- - -- l us renew the beauty of your garments. Our cleaning methods w ill do it. Expert Tailoring. I IJA ' BEAUTY SUPPLIES Wholesale and 'leta,t "Wa carry product■ that arr seen ,n Jet Ind Ebony Magallne. " Open9am 8pm. J 1 ii,, . , ,t __ NE UNION & OE'(UM f,r. •rl . , Portland. OR 97230 ( .. ,. A UNISEX SALOr-. 6720 N E Uninn Aver ,e Portland , Oregon 97J11 150J I 2119 4470 MFi!!i C 1119 N.E. 18th 282-1809 Con 1ulat1ons ln,u, dn1 accepted hours 1912 N E 122nd 21111111 ~ 9 " " 1 ...... W.~ oroctwc• .. ...,, "' Jet encl Bony , Free es1tm1te1 Quality Work Ant1que1 Reetored Low PrtCH! II Shoe repaor • Leather IIJMI" v,nyt repa,r • Shoe dyed Free pock up & Delivery 2417 NE Union ' •• A Bu1ineaa 21 yeara . Body damage repeira, complete paint job8 Serving your pharmacy need• wit h dtlhgence quality pro duct■ and 5erv1c" Call or v18't us today' Phone Orderl 211-_ , VARIETY Nee d ty pese tt i ng done ? Call 283 2486 to _ y l JOHN REED BOO KSTORE '"..,.... a,, cwtt'lf'I boafl1 lboul Atnce,, L ... aDOl'l 1 You are Welcome to Worship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHR IST Oakum Bulldlng Sl• th Floo, litl S W 3rd Ava Portland. Dragon "A warm spirit of Jc!llo wship always " The Honorable Biahop U 'I . Peterson, 0.0 . "The Holinen Preacher, " Pa1tor m2102 Outdoor Masses scheduled On Sunday July 26th, which is the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful MoIher will have an outdoor Mass beginning at 12 noon. The Mass will mark lhe end of a nine day Novena held in honor of St. Anne, at the Sancluary. The celebrant and speaker of the Mass will be Father August ine Holloway, O.S.M ., of the Sanctuary staff. Guests will be the nurses of Portland. Music will be provided by the Ava Marie Chorus, directed by Mother Mary Rme Therese. Tue■da y Sunday Sunday Sc hool Morning Wam Sunday Worship 11.00am Chri1tian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm (second and fourth Sundayal Rrvrrrnd Thomas L. Strayhand, Ministrr ST. ANDREWS CATHOLIC CHURCH 281 4429 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bartram Griffin, Pastor M■- 5 OOpm Vig~ Saturday 10:00itm Choir Sunday 12 00pm Foll< Sunday EMMANUEL ST. AND REW COMMUNITY SCHOOL Church of God in Christ United 284 1620 Grades 1 tttru 8 Phona 4919 NE 91h •ve Ir. lt1ttlleen ,..,,..,, ..,,.,.... 4lk>O NE 30th Ava. , Portland, Oregon 97211 , Sundey Service: le jy " m 1 I SundrtSchool ..... 10:00A.M. Worlhip ......... 12:00 Noon Y.P.C.1 ....... 1:IIIP.M . Evangallat,c leffloe ...... l :mP.M . corftal '114~,n& .. .fhm ltoDr th111on1r, •11D1111 (t,un, I II', Hle■4 '" Smith Chapel invites Jor,d an Charles Jordan, Portland City Commi11ioner, will be the aunt s~ker July 26, 11 I I a.m., servi"' 11 Smith Chapel C.M.E., 8920 N. Wool.ey, (ldJacent to the Housin1 Authority). k h S • h Ch I A 3. 5 H b Cawthorne will be the aunt 1pea er at t e mn ape • I alp.m., ~~---- by the Ch ristian Youth Fellowship (CYF) and Mattie E. tea sponaun,u . • n rst t annu Th will betin at Ip m., and c:ontinue to"· Coleman Clrc: I e. e tea _. L' • . be •11-ts as well as other churches Es9Cnce of 1ospcl and the Ooli-• ita w1 11 • -· , . throuahout the City, announces Rn. Ira D. Mumford, Smith Chapel pastor. • ,.., r,n1•0 lfl • c• IIIJIC 111 D f'O " ' ' OLOtt nn " a ......... A•-· o, <,OD· l'wlllN, OnlN ffffl 4,. WNlldey Service: In A ....,. .,._.l,A.A , I.A . ,__ 'iund■y S.:hool 9 .lO A M Mornin1 \\ or'llllp T~Nlgtlt 111b1a Study ... 1:111 P.M. Fridey nlaflt 10 )0 A M R,blc ra1n1n1 l 6 P M h rn1n1 'A orhlip 7 )0 p ~ Alfihatcd •ilh IM NatlOIIIII Bapci\t ( on,rntion or Anwri~• and the Sout h«n llapli1t Convrnllon r H h,rr 1111 ,,. , "'°" Ragula, lerwil. oo .1:111, .M. ..,..., MNtlng ft s.n.. Monday Fridey.. 12:00 ....... ............... A.L Wrteht Co..wl18ININ , '-lty, , . , _ ., ..,,.,.,.. . ......... OMn e.-: ._U.1-4 - T.....,_ . _ ,,_,., ........... . , fflll • Ofllae ~ of •II'"'" •rr WTk--,J ta ~ , p. ~ - - ... - ..... .-. . - -·· . - - - - - .._ I