Portland Observar July 23.1181 Paga 6 WE'RE HERETO HELP Home town honors Parrish By Kathryn H all Bogle Newspaper headlines proclaim it. The fliers are out. " I t ’s Flora Parrish Day" in Can ton, Mississippi and the whole town is celebrating. So says the “Madison County H e ra ld " in a page 1 story o f this weekly newspaper o f Can ton. The Mayor of Canton has presen ted the "K ey to the C ity " to Mrs. Parrish. A state legislator, Bob M ontgom ery, brought her a big bouquet o f flowers, and the president of the Mississippi NAACP cooperated with the Canton branch o f the N A A C P to host the day-long celebration on Saturday, July 18. Mrs. Parrish, the 87-year-old lady o f the hour in C anton, is the esteemed Portland lady, the mother o f Carmen Parrish W alker of this city. Mrs. Parrish had a career as Home Economist in Portland with Head Start Program after working as a Home Dem onstration Agent for 30 years in Mississippi. Flora Parrish Day in Canton, recognizes on a city wide basis the contributions to the Black com munity M rs. Parrish has made through the years. In the current list of philanthropies is a block of land comprised o f 50 acres, known as the Flora D. Parish 4-H Training Center. Mrs. Parrish granted the use o f the land in 1949 to the state ex tension service to establish a camp for Black 4 -H participants in the state. Increased to encompass 84.9 acres, the camp opened its doors to youngsters in June 1951. A stipulation of the land grant by Mrs. Parrish was that the land be maintained as a camp ground and be used by the state cooperative ex tension service. On visits to the Canton area after her 1961 move to P ortland, Mrs. Parrish said she noted a decline in the facilty and eventually the camp was closed. The state surrendered all claims to the land in M ay o f this year. Now the Canton N A A C P would like to put the buildings on the site in usable condition and to start a program in operation there. Flora Parrish Day is the day work began to refurbish the camp. About 1,000 people o f all races attended the festivities, according to Carmen Parrish Walker in a telephone inter view. Opening ceremonies were at 9:00 a .m ., with presentation o f colors and invocation. At 9:30 a.m ., picnic activities began and included Fishing, softball, baseball and other games. Recognition ceremonies were keynoted by an address con cerning Mrs. Parrish’s contributions by Mrs. Donnel Allen, formerly in a supervisory position w ith the North District Home Extension Ser vice in Mississippi. An evening reception was held in the recreation building at the camp on this auspicious occasion. A rth u r Tate, treasurer o f the Canton N A A C P , arranged to have representatives from various government offices, extension o f ficials and personnel from Mississippi Industrial College in H oly Springs where M rs. Parrish graduated. Gowned in navy blue voile with white accessories, M rs. Parrish acknowledged her pleasure that the land has been returned to the con trol of her family who will decide to what uses the land will now be designated. Attending M rs. Parrish along with Mrs. W alker, her daughter, were her son, Lehman E. Parrish of Chicago, and her granddaughter, Florice Walker of Philadelphia. I JIM BRITT ALAN MOLDEN WENDELL BROWN Assistant Sales Manager Sales Representative Sales Representative Expert consultation on your transportation needs on both new and used cars. RON TONKIN CHEVROLET-HONDA CO 122 N.E. 122nd Ave. Stacey Baseden and Jason Ford look for customers for successful car wash to benefit The Black Police Officers Association. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) HE ONLY DEALER'* uovernment Inspected Pan Ready Fryers Young Cut Up Fryers Prices effective W ed ., July 22 thru T u b s .. July 28 at all Portland area Safeway stores MRS. FLORA PARRISH Safeway Corned Beef Sliced Beef Liver Bar-S Sliced Bacon ” Turbot Fillets Choice Boneless Brisket Picnics >D Vitamin Senior lunch draws crowd Last Tuesday, (July 13, 1981), the Eliot Neighborhood Development Association held its first Summer Pot-Luck Luncheon at the Masonic Temple, 116 NE Russell Street. About forty-five Senior Citizens and youths attended, including such dignitaries as Commissioner Gladys McCoy and Commissioner Caroline M ille r; Edna Robertson; M arie Smith; Texana Fisher; Lucy Cochran and Barbara Bivens, Direc tor of the Senior Citizens Center for the Urban League. Senior citizens from the Unthank Plaza were well represented. D orothy Vickers, Charles Person and M ary Calvert acted as hostesses. Thomas Vickers, Director of the Center, introduced Commissioner C aroline M ille r, who explained Senate Bill 861. The bill is designed to provide reimbursement for hom e/health care for the elderly who choose to remain at home, but without support services would be placed in a nursing home. Senators Packwood and Bradley introduced Senate Bill 861, and the benefit package would include: (1) Interm ittent Nursing Care; (2) Physical, speech and occupational therapy; (3) Hom em aker - home health aide service; (4) Adult day services; (5) Respite services so that responsible relatives could have temporary relief from supervisory care of elders; (6) Case coordination for frail elderly. Immediately following the lunch eon, Spencer Lorten gave a talk on crime prevention for the elderly in Portland. 78 Breakfast Sliced StutchBuy Imperial m a rg a rin e Imperial Margarine Ovenjoy Bread Cubed Style 1 Pound Pkg White or Wheat 22 5 Ounce Loaf 3!1 09 1-Liter Soda Pop Cragmont Assorted Flavors, Regular. 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