Pag« 8 Portland Obaarvar July 18.1881 ENTERTAINMENT HAPPE NING S entertainment Grassroot News N .W . - D iffe re n t artists are well known to a certain generation o f listeners. Although you can find a small group o f musicians who cross the age and category barriers, Lonnie Liston Smith is such a keyboardist. “ I was born into a musical family, so all I ever really did was play music. My father was into gospel music and along with my two brothers, we would either play the piano or sing. You get a certain feeling or happiness when you play gospel and that feeling helped me when I began to compose.” Smith’ s music is a m ultiplicity o f textures and o f rhythm accents. The ef­ fects o f his music is calming and comforting, and it can be powerful; not the power that makes you get on your feet and bop or pop, but the power o f serenity. **I am developing a universal sound because people are people and everybody is relative. I saw from first hand experience that music is a univer­ sal language. I bring qualities like language and magic into my music so that I can reach everyone.” butch caprq Phon. 284-1887 H f r e O e c T C U T S S P E C IA L o n d ìt i o m n g t r e a t m e n t w itM e v e r y c u t $15. 1406 NE Broadway. Portland. Oregon 97212 ECHOES C O SM IC An Exclusive Interview with Lonnie Liston Smith By Lanita Duke ^JJ^^^Ç^Ti^ivêrsÏHe^ôôt^andëxpenences in his art torm. In blues, he has worked with Betty Carter and Al Hibbler. W ith jazz, his instructions came from the best like Max Roach, Art Blakey, Pharoah Sanders and Miles Davis. “ Each of these people influenced me because they represented a d if­ ferent form o f music. Every gig expanded my conscience.” Smith, in terms o f audience recognition, was able to jump over the hurdle of the jazz category that his music was placed in. “ I was blessed in that case because my expansion just took off. I believe that everyone is a creative per­ son inside. We all have that potential. In 1978. my release Expansion was jumped on by the public. I was very fortunate because 1 didn’t have to com- The Taveras fam ily name has been synonomous with cross-over rhythm and blues smashes such as "M ore Than ,4 Woman, ” "She’s Gone" and " I t Only Takes A Minute. " It all began for the Brothers with "Check It Out, ” a top R&B hit with Victor Tavares handling lead vocals. Now Victor breaks out with his own solo debut album, Victor Tavares. Produced by brother “ But­ ch” and Benjamin Wright (one o f the music industry’ s hottest music men, having arranged "Rock With M e " for Michael Jackson, "Boogie Wonder­ la n d " and other top tracks fo r Earth, W ind & Fire, as well as cuts fo r Shalimar and Whispers), Victor Tavares is an irresistible collection of steamy soul and percussive rhythms. Stand-out tunes include "F irst House On The Right Side. ” "Come Into The Heartbeat, ” “ So G ood" and an unexpectedly delightful cover o f J.D. Loudermilks "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye. ” Victor Tavares has assembled a superlative line-up to help him on the album, featuring R&B practitioners like guitarists Paul Jackson, Jr., David T. W alker and David W illiam s; bassist James Jamerson, Jr., Drum m er Nathaniel Neblett, famed percussionist Paulino DeCosta, keyboardists John Barnes, Jr., Toney Coleman, Rene Moore, Angela Winbush and Benjamin Wright himself. A red-hot horn section highlighted by George Bohanon and Garnett Brown on "bones along” with trumpeters extraordinaire Robert O. Bryant, Sr., Oscar Brashear and Nohlan Smith round out the talented en­ semble, known collectively as the Benjamin W right Orchestra. A 14-piece string section and an eight-person choir, including brother “ Butch,” suppor­ ts Victor’s red-hot vocals with swirling textures amidst the big band sound. "V ictor Tavares" is a true musical celebration — from the City streets to your living room turntable, none o f its furious energy is lost in the translation. promise myself musically. Everyone else makes the labels and it’s just music to us. Max Roach told me that when he was with Charlie Parker, Miles Davis and Bud Powell, the music they played, people would dance to. Later, the labels were made and you were cast into a lot that break from. We all just considered it music.” Smith now is being placed in the category o f jazz fusion. “ In London, they call it jazz-funk. Over here i t ’ s fusion. The main element in jazz is im- provization. In fusion, we just incorporate various musical scales into one. Charlie Parker played o ff the rhythms o f Max Roach. ‘ T rain’ came along with all these multi-ryhthms; with Pharoah Sanders, we played o ff a free­ form o f ryhthms. But jazz fusion today is based o ff contemporary R&B because people relate to that form o f music. The first thing they hear is the beat.” Groove Factor Relays: Saturday, July 18th, 12 noon to 5p.m., Jefferson High School, 521 N. Kerby. Events: Sprints, Distance runs, Fat mans’ 5O-yd dash, long/high jump, relays. Bring the whole family. It won’t cost a thing to come out and have a good tim e. For more in fo rm a tio n call 282-1460. Brought to you by the Community kids and those who care. Black United Front's "C om m unity U nity D ay.’’ Theme: “ Now Is The Time.” August 22, 1981, Peninsula Park from 12 noon to 6 p.m. There will be music, speakers, dancers, food! food! food! Something for everyone! Thara Memory w ill be there, Portland Stars and Stripes D rill Team w ill be there stepping high! The Sojourner Truth Readers Theater & Dance Troupe w ill be there with their presentation o f “ Atlanta Heartbreak” and others. Come one come all. ¿§5 INTERESTING FACTS Brought To You Every Week AMERICAN STATE BANK Interstate highways whose numbers end in a zero or in an even number, go basically east and west; In­ terstate highways whose numbers end in an odd number, go north and south. Until 1944, it cost just 2 cents to mail a first class letter. • It's a little-know n fact that Paul Revere, beside making his famous ride, was also the man who designed the first money printed by the U.S. I® American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212 i ............ «MSKMKS»M«SS3k.V'MSMS3k3WI GOLD EAGLE FISH M A R K E T Local actor makes good: Stars with Richard Pryor W h ile m any a c to rs anticipate the much debated co n flict over producers and directors’ rights, to share the percentages o f Cable television’ s rapidly expanding marketplace, one /oung talented ac­ tor has surely beet reaping his share o f profits here in Hollywood. A fte r com pletition o f studies at the U niversity o f Oregon, Roger Reid worked in and around several locally produced plays in the Port­ land area. The days o f frustration were hardly Personal manager Jerry G riffin over as Roger discovered “ o f all the indicates Roger w ill be going into places to starve to death” H o lly ­ p roduction on a p ro je ct, to be wood surely has it’s share o f losers. film ed in A tla n ta later this year, One day while standing in for ex­ budgeted at 4.4 million. Roger is cu rre n tly on location tra work, one producer took notice and from that point, Roger’ s career with Richard Pryor, film ing his up­ has been u p h ill. A talented w riter com ing project that portrays and actor, Roger got his break in Richard as a Vietnam veteran. The rest w ill be h isto ry. This one has The Jerk, starring Steve M artin where he played the foreman o f the Oscar written all over it. Under the direction o f producer jury. Roger’ s credits include: H ill Samuel Vance, Roger has several Street Blues, Quincy, Flam ingo Road, several commercials, and will m ajor roles along w ith Richard Pryor. The film is due for release in be seen this September as nationally After several years o f frustration recognized Captain late 1981. Roger’ s supporting part Kangroo over the lack o f theater, he packed celebrates the show’ s 25th anniver­ as a stand in for Richard, has surely his bags and headed for Hollywood. sary. made his mark in Hollywood. BUFFALO FISH................................................ 81.59/lb CULTURED PROTEIN FED CATFISH............ 42.59/lb GAR................................................................... $2.25/,b GOO.................................................................. $1.69/lb NEW ORLEANS OYSTER.............................. $1.99/jar Flown in daily from Louisiana at a low low price. We have DMSO Specializing in all curly perms, styling Er trimming. 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