Technologies for the Os Terry D ixon is p ro g ram m er analyst for B-D Drake W illo c k , one of the n atio n 's leading manufacturers of dialysis equipment. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) Grassroot News N .W . - As the 80s surge along, cer­ tain careers are predicted to increase in demand. The ever-evolving computer industry is one where software and hardware is designed to contain the enormous amount o f information generated in Science, Business and labor. T erry D ixon, 24, forsaw the role this technology would play and altered his career according­ ly. Originally, his training was geared toward account­ ing. “ My first career was in accounting and by working directly in industry 1 was able to predict the role that computers would play in the accounting field. This is why I derived an interest in computer programming." This forsight into the role computers would take, lead Dixon to enhance his Associate degree in Accounting with Data Processing classes that enabled him broader employment possibilities. Currently, he’s a programmer analyst at one o fth e w o rld ’ s leading kidney dialysis distributors and manufacturers, B-D Drake W illock. "P rim a rily , I ’ m a computer program m er; one who programs the computer to perform tasks previously done by accoutants. A programmer sits back and dic­ tates to the machine the functions that i t ’ s suppose to perform.” M r. D ixon pursued the necessary skills at the vocational level rather than at the academic level. " A lot o f people believe that you can’t get into the business environment without a degree and that’s not true.” Since his o rigin al career was developed under the auspices o f accounting, Dixon gave his estimation o f those accounting positions that are and will become ob­ solete. “ Today, an accounting clerk is not obsolete but in the future it is predicted to be. Basic bookkeeping and the junior accountants whose tasks involved routine en­ try will be over taken by computers. Only a CPA can be insured o f any type o f job security." Dixon was reared in Portland and is a graduate o f , Lincoln High School. " I think o f myself as an average person w ith an average education and knowledge. People th in k o f computer program m ing as a highly technological field that they themselves couldn’t get in­ volved in. That’ s not true. Programming is actually a combination o f technological knowledge and common sense. I f you have all the technological knowledge in the world and not any common sense, you're not going to be successful, and vise versa.” Where do computers stand as a career? As you might guess, at the top. “ It ’ s a field that's wide open and an area where there’ s a lack o f people with experience and knowledge. So for anyone who has the ability and ap­ titude it’ s definilly to their advantage to investigate." He lives up to the d e fin itio n o f a careerist. He has calulated every career move as a stepping stone in developing the career o f Terry Dixon. And with this calulation he certainly will be provided with success. A lthough Dixon approached this technology as a vocation, he indicated that a person must m aintain a consistent effort at keeping abreast with the science and the application o f computers. “ It’ s a career where a per­ son shouldn’ t get involved in it if he just wants to go to college and be set with a career for life. This is an ever- changing type o f field and you have to be w illin g to retrain yourself on a regular basis. I recently was at a train in g class in L .A . and I'm w illin g to go back to school and learn what’s new. This is the type o f life I ’ m going to have to lead to be in this profession.” July 20-31 The City of Portland is now accepting applications for € OFFICERS Approximate monthly pay rate: $1420 starting $1600 after one year $1802 after three years $2023 after five years To qualify applicants must: - Be a high school graduate or have passed the GED eqivalency test - Have completed 90 quarter or 60 semester hours of liberal arts curriculum at an accredited college or university or must do so within 5V4 years of appoint­ ment - Be at least 21 years of age by their date of employment - Be a U S. citizen by the date of their employment - Possess a valid Oregon Driver's License - Not have been convicted of a crime, the punishment for which could have been imprisonment in a State or Federal Prison For further information contact: Portland Police Bureau Personnel Division 7 7 ? S . W. Pine Portland, Oregon 97204 Jean Bradley (503) 248 5653 The City of Portland Civil Service Board 510 S W. Montgomery St., Portland, Oregon 97201 248 4352 for applications.