Careers that defy inflation in It is no secret that the United States is headed into a recession and that young people can look to “ tw in evils” - inflation and high unemployment. Now, more than ever before, young people should prepare fo r careers that are “ recession p ro o f.” Recession proof careers are those th at: w ill w ithstand the present economic crisis; w ill prosper if more beneficial times arrive; and w ill make significant contributions to our communities in the U.S. and abroad. The following is a list o f “ recession p ro of” careers compiled by The Black Colleyian. Although it is not exhaustive, it indicates fields in which Blacks can find satisfying and productive work. A D M IN IS T R A T IV E CAREERS Bank O ffic e rs and M a n a g e rs : Banks have presidents who direct operations and one or more vice presidents who control certain departments like trust or credit and a com ptroller or cashier who is generally responsible for all bank property. Banks employed over 300, (XX) officers and managers in 1976. Bank officers make decisions within a framework o f policy set by the board o f directors and laws and regulations. They must have knowledge o f business and how it relates to banking. H ealth Services A d m in istrato rs A d m in istra to rs coordinate the functions and activities o f the health organization. They make m ajor decisions on matters such as the need for additional personnel and equip­ ment, space and budgets. Some adm inistrators, who manage hospitals or nursing homes, oversee nursing, food services, and training. D ATA PROCESSING CAREERS C o m p u te r O p e ra to r: The Computer operator is trained to prevent and correct operating malfunction of a computer. I he operator also starts the com puter system by reading in stacks o f computer cards. C om pu te r P rogram m er: The computer program­ mer writes the instructions that command the computer to do the work it needs to do. Coding for the computer is written in special languages. Systems A nalyst: Systems analysis is the profession o f studying business systems to make them more e f­ ficient. He designs computer systems that provide the best solution for the job to be done. ENGINEERING CAREERS Engineers develop and design scientific equipment and consumer products such as television sets and autom obiles, design construction projects such as buildings or bridges, and contribute to the technological progress o f the nation. A g ricu lture Engineers: These engineers manage soil and water resources, conservation, design and operation o f agricultural equipment. B iom edical Engineers: Biomedical engineers solve medical and health related engineering problems. Many design complicated medical instruments such as a r­ tificial hearts and kidneys. C e ra m ic E n g in e a rs: Ceramic Engineers process clay and other non-metallic mineral ceramic products such as bricks, glassware, coating to electronic com­ ponent, and supplies used in body sensors and monitors. C hem ical Engineers: They design chemical plants and equipment, develop ways to manufacture chemicals and chemical products. Industrial Engineers: They set up and maintain data processing and m anufacturing operations, develop plant layouts and install safety programs. M a te ria l Science Engineers: They do research on construction materials such as asphalt, concrete, timber and advise builders on materials. M echanical Engineers: They concentrate on the use and conversion o f natural resource energy into useful energy and design machines to cut down on manual labor. M e ta llu rg ic a l Engineer: They develop methods to process and convert metals into useful products. M in in g E n g in e e rs : These engineers extract and prepare minerals fo r m anufacturing industries to use design mines and work in environment, pollution con­ trol and research. P e tro le u m E n g in e e rs : They are involved in ex­ ploring, drilling for and producing oil and natural gas. ENG INEERING A N D SCIENCE T E C H N IC IA N S Knowledge o f science, math and industrial machinery enables engineering and science technicians to work in all phases of business, and government. Technicians o f­ ten apply the theoretical knowledge developed by engineers and scientists to actual situations. One o f the largest areas o f employment is setting up experiments and calculating the results o f using complex instruments. In production they prepare specifications, insure product q u a lity and investigate p roduction problems. Areas for engineering and science technicians include: Air-conditioning, heat and refrigeration; aeronautical technology; civ il engineering; electronics; chemical technology; m eteorological technology; hydrologic technological, agricultural and biological technicians. PHYSICAL SCIENCE CAREERS These scientists concentrate on the basic laws o f the physical world. They include astronomers, chemists, hydrologists, etc. A s tro n o m e rs : They answer questions about the o rig in o f the universe and study the structure and evolution o f the universe and stars. C hem ists: They investigate the properties and com­ position o f matter and develop new substances. E n v iro n m e n ta lis ts ; They plan and conduct programs related to sanitation and promote the main­ tenance o f health standards. They are concerned with enforcement o f laws regarding handling, preparation and dispensing o f food. G e olo gist: They study the structure o f history and crust o f the earth to determine natural resources. H e a lth P h y s ic is ts : R adiation or ra d io log ical physicists, they detect radiation and apply safety stand­ ards, plan and organize health programs fo r atom ic energy facilities, determine inspection standards. Hydrologists: They study the underground and sur­ face water o f the earth, and study rainfall, glaciers and snow. They are concerned w ith flo o d c o n tro l, soil erosion and irrigation. M e ta llu rg is ts ; They specify and c o n tro l the durability and quality o f steel. M e te o ro lo g is ts : They study the atmosphere and determine the effect on our environm ent inclu ding weather. O ceanographers: The prim ary interest is with the oceans, their physical make-up, and the marine en­ vironment as related to sea life. LIFE A N D BIOLO GICAL SCIENCE CAREERS A gronom ists: Agronomists concentrate on growth, breeding and improvements o f field crops and develop seed production. A q u a tic B iologists: They study the interaction o f plants and animals living in water. Botanists: They study plant life. Some specialize in plant diseases. C a tro g ra p h s rs : These scientists develop maps o f earthquake areas and other specialized maps. Ecologists: They study the joint relationship among organisms and their environments. They are concerned with environmental influences such as rainfall and tem­ perature on organisms. They determine the level o f pollution and measure the radioactive content. E n to m o lo g is ts : They study insects and their relationship to farming. E n v iro n m e n ta l Engineers: They specialize in the application o f engineering techniques to the problems of improving and protecting living conditions. Fish ery B io lo g is ts : Fishery biologists study the problems o f grow th and reproduction o f fish and shellfish and maximize fishing yield. Page 12 Section II Portland Observer. Thursday. Ju ly 16,1961 M ic ro b io lo g is ts : The study bacteria and m icro ­ organisms o f their relationship to human, animal and plant health. Noise Control Specialist: They research the effects o f noise on the environment and on human health. Pharm acologists: They study the effects o f drugs and other materials on the tissues and physiological processes in animals and human beings. Physiologists: They research the structure and fun­ ction o f animal organs, tissues and cells and the effects o f life processes as they relate to environm ental problems. P la n t P a th o lo g is ts : They conduct research in nature, cause and control o f plant products. They com­ pare healthy and diseased plants to determine disease symptoms. Soil S cientists: They study the physical, chemical and biological make-up o f soil and classify types o f soil. T o x ic o lo g is ts : They detect and analyze poisonous substances in the environment. Z o o lo g is ts : They concentrate on anim al life , its origin, behavior and life processes. M E D IC A L A N D ALLIED HEALTH T E C H N IC IA N S There are many categories in the medical and allied health professions including 34 principal specialty areas from physicians, plus various kinds o f nursing and technical options. For more inform ation send fo r the booklet, "200 Ways to Put Your Talent to Work in the Health Field,” published by the National Health Coun­ cil, 1740 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. A C C O U N T A N T S A N D A U D IT O R S Accountants prepare and analyze financial reports. There are three major types o f accounting work that ac­ countants do for the public. Management accountants handle the financial records o f the company they work fo r. Government accountants examine the records o f government agencies and audit private businesses and individuals who deal with the government. Many accountants in the federal government work as In te rn a l Revenue agents, investigators and bank examiners. For in fo rm a tio n : A d m in is tr a tiv e C a re e re : A m erican Bankers A ssociation, 1120 C o n n ecticu t Ave. N W , W ashington. D .C . 20036 - Association of U n iv e rs ity P ro g ra m s In H e a lth A d m in is tr a t io n, Ona D uPont Circle, N W . W ashington, D .C . 20036. D a ta P ro c e s s in g C a re e rs : Data Processing Management Association, 505 Busse Highway, Park Ridge, II. 60068. PHYSICAL THERAPIST Full time position available for Oregon Licensed Phy­ sical Therapist. Recent graduate acceptable but 1-2 years experience preferred. Out-patient experience helpful. Apply 9am-1pm Monday-Friday: Personnel Department BESS KAISER M EDICAL CENTER 2820 N . Emerson Court Portland, Oregon KAISER PER M A NEN TE M E D IC A L CARE P R O G R A M A n Equal Opportunity Employer Handicapped Hired