i people are cutting back on non-essential cosmetic items by diverting those funds into inflated prices o f food, clothing and shelter. “ I find this year to be one o f my best years. My first year was my worst and as time went on business became better and better. 1 find that people still want to look good. It might be harder now on a regular beauty shop but women who are in high fashion are conscious o f th eir appearance so they’ re always changing. This group represents my clientele.” Career-wide, would Mrs. Robinson recommend con­ centration in the business and reta il side o f Cosmopology? “ Yes, although it’ s not for everybody. After meeting someone at the door and assisting in the selection o f a wig, I’ ve always made a nominal profit If you are going to choose a career and you enjoy having your own business then a botique is for you.” Mrs. Robinson feels that in an age o f convience, wigs will never go out o f style. She does however propagate the caring o f one’ s own hair and offers her clientele the option o f mixing in your own hair with that o f the one you buy. M rs. Robinson is a professional whose business reflects a successful venture in the pursuit o f beauty. HELP FOR VETERANS Veterans - need help on getting a job? Contact the National Alliance o f Business and find out about their free Veterans Employment Seminar Program, t all 226- 4063. Guides for writing resumes A well-developed visually attractive resume can be an invaluable asset in a job search. Often the resume is the first impression the employer obtains o f the applicant and thus is a significant advertisement and marketing implement for talents and abilities. Considerable time anil effort should be given to its completion. THE OBJECTIVE OF THE RESUME The objective o f the resume is not to get a job but to obtain an interview. Keep in mind who w ill be reading it and what he or she will be looking for. Chances are that the person reading the resume w ill not have tim e to labor through several pages o f detailed information. At this point the employer does not want a comprehensive life history and background - he does want a clear, con­ cise, and brief summary o f qualifications The resume, therefore, should be limited to one page with a second page added for ten years or more o f full-tim e experi­ ence. The applicant’ s goal through the resume is to at­ tract sufficient attention to create an interview oppor­ tunity. Each in d iv id u a l brings d iffe re n t and unique qualifications, abilities, and objectives to a potential employer. Thus, each resume should be d iffe re n t as each person is d iffe re n t. Design the content to em­ phasize strong points and accomplishments and de- emphasize weak points. C ertain basic in fo rm a tio n , described below, should be included. However, the amount o f space devoted to each category and the order in which it appears is a matter o f choice. (11 Id e n tific a tio n . This section includes name, ad­ dress, telephone number and area. (2) Jo b O b jective . For those with little or no fu ll­ time work experience, the development of a concisely described objective may be the most d iffic u lt task in com p ilin g a resume. The jo b objective should be specific enough to show that considerable thought has been given to career planning. It must also be flexible enough so that it does not preclude consideration for related job opportunities o f interest. Type o f job, type o f industry or employer, size o f employer, short range career goal, and long range career goal exem plify general topics which whould be mentioned. If you're looking for a career in the food industry, look to your friendly neighbors at Safeway. Call Safeway Employment 0epartment...657-6400 or apply at Mie nearest Slate Employment Office. SAFEWAY SAFEWAY STORES, INCORPORATED “ An Equal Opportunity Employer” Portland Obaarvar Thuraday, July 16,1981 Sactlon II Paga 9