Cablesystems builds Linda Torrence, with a background in staff training and private personnel consulting, is Cablesystems Pacific’ s new personnel training officer. Ms. Torrence’ s responsibilities include the initial in­ terviewing o f potential job candidates at C ablesystems Pacific and training o f newly-hired personnel. Ms Torrence has a broad range o f experience in business. She has worked as a TV advertising sales assistant for KGW TV, as a public relations coordinator for WHEC TV in Rochester, as a training instructor for the Urban League in Rochester, and as assistant director and staff consultant for the American Red Cross Blood Services in Portland. Erank Nuessle is executive vice-president and general manager of Cablesystems Pacific. Nuessle will direct the building and m arketing o f P o rtlan d ’ s eastside cable television, w ith service expected to reach 126,000 homes. The 400 megahertz, fully interactive system will have a capacity o f up to 108 channels. Nuessle w ill also oversee Cablesystems Pacific’ s con­ struction o f a separate institutional network covering the entire city o f Portland. Nuessle was executive vice-president and general manager o f Syracuse Cablesystems, in New York, a 35 channel interactive system serving 31,000 subscribers. Before joining Cablesystems, he was general manager o f Viacom Cable Television in Cleveland. Nuessle received his master’s degree in Business Administration from the University o f Rochester. A rthur “ K ip ” M oorecroft has joined Cablesystems Pacific as program manager. Efe began his cable television career 13 years ago in Ontario, Canada, and moved to Rogers Cable TV in Toronto in 1975. When Rogers and Canadian Cablesystems merged in 1979, Moorecroft was appointed vice-president o f program­ ming for the Toronto system, the w orld’ s largest single cable television network with 328,000 subscribers. M o o re cro ft has specialized in “ hands-on” com ­ munity television where groups and individuals are en­ couraged and trained to produce their own television programs. He is the recipient o f a National Award for program m ing from the Canadian Cable Television Association. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A CAREER W ITH A COM PANYTHAT- • • • • • Practices promotion from within Provides complete company benefits Leads the industry in sales and public acceptance Manufacturers a wide range of products Conducts on going training programs designed to help advance as rapidly as possible. -T H E N BUILD YOUR SUCCESSFUL FUTURE W ITH GOODYEAR BY SCHEDULING AN INTERVIEW TODAY. P.O. Box 10026 Portland, OR 97210 (503) 226 2951 G O O D fY E A R QUALITY IN N O V A T IO N An Equal Opportunity Employer ARTHU R M O ORECRAFT Page 6 Section II Portland Obeerver, Thursday. July 16. 198’