Emphasis on vocations by Nathaniel Scott D E T R O IT -- D e tro it, M ichigan is the county seat for Wayne County; which covers an area o f 605 square miles and has a current population o f 2,337,240. The county is m ultifaceted; autom obile m anufac­ turers; steel foundaries; salt mines; various support and service corporations and businesses; and, education as a business and service to the community. Presently, there are 29 community colleges in the state o f M ichigan, and Wayne County C om m unity Junior College ranks as the largest in student enrollment. Wayne County Com m unity College’ s enrollment is sixty per cent Black, under the directorship o f President Richard Simmons, Jr. - a Black man. Simmons, the former Deputy Mayor o f Detroit who had served on many prestigious boards and had held educator positions with different institutions o f higher learning, “ inherited a $2 m illio n budget d e fic it, graduating students who weren’ t able to read’ ’ and budget problems that made him “ bite the bullet” in or­ der to develop the kind o f program that w ill best serve the community. He said, “ I am now tu rn in g my a tte ntio n to academics. When I first came here (January, 1981), it was in financial shambles." In Simmon’ s viewpoint, the community college as a liberal arts college is a thing o f the past and in order to compete in to d a y ’ s w o rld , it must embrace the technological aspects o f society. “ We are heading in the direction o f career education, with emphases on vocational training,” he said. “ The vocational part has to become self-sufficient. What we have to do is make some real decisions about how we are going to get in support systems.” He went on to say that he will be looking at Miami/Dade and other community schools throughout the nation that have made a lot o f “ noise” in the area o f education. And at the same time Richard J. Sim m ons is president of W ayne County Community Junior College in Detroit. Simmons is critical o f teaching techniques. “ In class rat) sessions, one expresses one’ s own personal philosphy” and any and everything that does not afford the student an education. He said, "D o we today have as much w ill and desire to get our children an education as our elders did? I f we (Blacks) are just the strong backs and are not getting in­ to using our minds, then we are useless to society.” And, “ what is troubling me now is, have we developed a welfare mentality?” Simmons does not rest the burden o f education on the shoulders o f the higher echlon o f education alone. He includes the public school system as well. “ We (Wayne County Community College) have gone into a lot o f ar­ ticulate programs with the public schools and will have a lot more. We want to be able to work with the Detroit public schools - from whence most o f our students come.” Simmons wonders about a lot o f things that are tran­ spiring within our lack o f Black solidarity. “ Has that drive and that w ill to do slipped away from us?" And also, he wonders about the lack o f a Black charismatic leader to infuse “ Pride” and whatever else it takes to make the words o f a Stevie Wonder song ring from the lips o f every Black: “ You ain’t done nothing yet.” Wayne County C om m unity College offers a broad spectrum o f courses including: Aviation, commercial vehicle maintenance and diesel engine repair, heating, air conditioning and ventilation, building operations management, numerous computer sciences and much, much more that are designed to meet the challenge o f tomorrow’ s world. “ It is the instructor’ s responsibility to see that our children get an education," Simmons said. “ Too many people write books and never test the theory. One needs to test the theory; we haven’t made it yet.” C O M IN G SOON: NEW JOB OPPORTUNITIES W ITH THE BUILDING OF THE EAST PORTLAND CABLE T V SYSTEM. ________ ____ i Pacific w ill soon be a house­ hold w o rd in East Portland W e are your n e w East Portland cable com pany It w ill take time, about three years, to build the system This TV cable sys­ tem w ill be the highest state o f the art in the country w h e n com pleted—over 2,500 miles of cable covering an estimated 126.000 homes in East Portland Special equipm ent, district studios, mobile production vans arejust some o f the co m ­ ponents to come A n d jobs W e estimate a m inim um o f 100 n e w jobs w ill be created over this three year period These jobs w ill require a vast variety o f skills and disciplines Opportunities w ill open in sales, m an­ agement. programming, technical w o rk —as well as clerical, secretarial, and more Strict Minority and Affirmative-Action hiring policies will be followed. Cablesystems Pacific is striving to fulfill our hiring goals o f 18% minorities and 50% w o m e n Again, the building o f this cable system w ill take some time and jo b s w ill be filled as needs arise While most positions are not yet available, w e w o u ld like to start the process o f getting to kn o w those o f you w h o are interested Please respond In writing. W e w ill acknow l edge all resumes and cover letters received If yo u think yo u have an interest in cable tele­ vision. do w rite It is a promising career field, and the industry is just beginning an exciting period of g ro w th An tq u .1 O pportunity (m p to y n cablesystems pacific 317 S W Alder. Suite 750. Portland. Oregon 97204 Portland Obsarvar Thursday. July 16.1981 Saction II Paga J I I