Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 16, 1981, Page 12, Image 12

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    Choosing academics and athletics
up as a youngster and how they tau g ht him some good role models for me to pattern m yself after and
valuable lessons.
they are fine examples o f how an athlete can make good
" W e w ould play ball in the streets and they would
after his playing days are over. But you know, both o f
push me into the parked cars,” he smiled. “ They said
them can still come out on the court and go o ff on you.
that if you want to be tough, you have got to learn how
T h e y ’ ve tau g ht me a lo t about life , academ ics and
to take a beating. A ll it did was make me a better athlete
and more competitive.”
Hopson and Leary were members o f the 1972 Jeffer­
Haskin led the Democrats basketball team to a I6-9
son High School which won the state cham pionship.
season and a berth in the state playoffs while averaging
Hopson is a graduate o f W illia m e tte U n iversity and
18.6 points and 7.3 assists per contest. He has scholar­
coaches girls basketball at Lincoln.
ship o ffers to W illia m e tte , Lewis and C la rk , W arner
Leary is an assistant coach at Jackson H igh and a
Pacific, and several ju n io r colleges in the Northwest.
graduate o f San Diego State. H e is also an advisor at
Although Haskin has Pacific Ten statistics, none o f the
Tubman M iddle School.
schools in the conference bothered to contact. But as he
W hat do you plan to study in college?
says, those are the breaks.
“ I ’ d like to study com m unications, engineering or
" I t will be very nice staying very close to hom e,” he
business,” he said. “ But m ore than lik e ly it w ill be
said. “ I prefer to stay close because my fam ily likes to
business. I would like to be in business because kids and
come to the games all the time. I ’m not upset about not
people in the community look up to you as an example.
being recruited by them but I wonder about some o f the
I f I do well in sports while in college, it will serve as a
athletes they do bring in. I ’ m just as sharp as they are.
foundation for establishing a good business.”
Playing at a smaller school like I ’ m considering will give
Aside from being active in sports and student govern­
me a chance to play right away and then I can show my
ment, Haskin is also involved in a religious club called
ta le n t.” M arshall also played baseball for the Dem o­
Young Life. He is a member o f Greater M ount Calvary
crats and batted .48*. on a I2-8 team. He plans to par­
Church o f God and Christ under the direction o f Bishop
ticipate in both sports while in college.
H . B. Daniels.
When questioned about athletes who have influenced
“ God has helped me to be friends with everyone,” he
him over the years, Haskins did not have to go to the
explained, “ because there are some people who really
National Basketball Association to pick his heroes. He
use to bug me. I use to try and hurt people who got on
picked a couple o f local ones.
my nerves. I ’d either try to hurt them physically or try to
“ Tony Hopson and E. Ray Leary have helped me a
have them set up to be h urt. G od has allow ed me to
great deal over the years," he said. “ Both o f them are
move beyond that attitude.and I am very thankful.”
OF THE 8 0 ’s.
Marshall Haskin. a 1981 Jaffaraon High School
graduata, was awardad tha Alfrad Qoaa Sarvlca
Cup, glvan aach yaar to tha aanior who providaa
th a g raataat Inspiratio n to tha claaa, and tha
Hopklna Janklna A th la tlc Cup. aw ardad to tha
achool'a top a th la ta . Ha was studant body
preaidant during hla Junior year and vice-preeident
his senior yaar. Ha was on tha honor roll during his
firs t tw o years. M arshall Is a graduata of Boise
Elementary School.
Ullysses Tucker, Jr.
Unlike most high school athletes chasing the dream o f
becoming a professional basketball player, M arshall
Haskin, the A ll-C ity point guard from Jefferson High
has the unrealistic dream in perspective.
H a s k in , a s ix -fo o t-s o o n -to -b e college fresh m an ,
knows that it is not always about talent on the basket­
ball court, but about the breaks as he so frankly puts it.
H e firm ly believes that an athlete must be prepared to
deal with the job market and business community when
the dreams comes to an end.
Practicing what he preaches, Haskin sports the title o f
student body vice president and a 3.2 7 grade p o in t
average. He speaks proudly o f his father Lennel and his
late m o th er E m m a Jean w ho s till serves as an in ­
spiration for him. Haskin lives with his uncle and aunt
(W illie and M argarett "G ra n n ie ” Frison).
" I attrib u te a lot o f my attitu de to my fa th e r,” he
said. " H e was my baseball coach and he really stressed
hitting the books. When I was young, I use to watch all
the older guys who I thought were good athletes but it
turned out that they d id n ’t have any grades. They had
good basketball careers but the college and pros didn’ t
think they were so good. I f they would have had some
grades, maybe they could have gone someplace. I don’ t
want to end up like those guys."
A t 17, (M a y 29th, b irth d ay), M arshall is one o f ten
children ranging from the age o f 16 through 25. Haskin
talks openly about how his brothers used to rough him
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Page 2 Section II Portland Observer. Thursday. July 18.1981
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