Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 02, 1981, Page 9, Image 9

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    P o rtla n d O b a e rv e r J u ly 2.1881 Page 8
Program trains daycare mothers
In a special graduation ceremony
at the C h ild Care C oordinatin g
Council (4-C’ s) Wednesday evening
18 women were honored fo r com­
pleting 36 credit hours in Child Care
T raining through P ortland Com ­
munity College.
The women were hired last fall by
4-C’s as trainees in the C ity CETA
funded C hild Care Demonstration
Project. Designed and administered
by 4-C’ s, the Project is a consortium
effort to provide more quality child
care resources for working parents,
p a rticu la rly people tra in in g fo r
work under the Training and Em­
ploym ent D ivisio n . C h ild Care
trainees chosen
met C ETA
eligibility guidelines, demonstrated
an interest in caring fo r young
children, and were licensed as
fam ily day care providers or were
selected to work in a child care cen­
P ortland C om m unity College
provided the in itia l tra in in g in ­
cluding classroom sessions in health
and n u tritio n safety in the home,
ages, and stages o f development o f
young people, guidance techniques
M e d ia w o rk s h o p discusses e ffe c ts o f m e d ia on
B la c k c h ild r e n : J a s p e r O r m o n d , L a n ita D u k e ,
Linda W illia m s . G rego ry G udger
(Photos: Richard J. Brown!
Education of Black children workshop topic
(Continued from Page 1 Col 4)
by Zakiya Stewart, Education and
Staff Development Specialist from
Seattle, W ashington. “ We don’ t
need to ask for minimal competen­
cy. Our children need maximum
competency. Our children need to
learn those future skills to survive.
Also we must begin to sit down and
read the Black classics starting with
‘The Mis-education o f the Negro’
by Carter G. Woodson. This w ill
enable us to develop original
positions on topics and activities
that affects our children,” she said.
A question posed to Ms. Stewart
during the w orkshop, asked how
Blacks are going to gain economic
Strength through education. She ex­
plained. “ We must begin to supply
a service. Certain ethnic groups con­
tro l certain markets because
everybody got to eat, live and wear
clothes on their backs. We should
look at what people need and how
we can provide that service. We
have had evidence through history
that our people will support and pay
for those things that speak to their
The sessions were in form al and
very in fo rm a tive . The Black
Educational Center should be com­
mended fo r sponsoring the con­
ference which put together some o f
the most intelligent Black minds in
the Northwest to speak for us.
Corner of 8th and Skidn.ore
Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Worship 11:00am
Christian Youth Fellowship 6:00pm
(second and fourth Sundays)
Reverend Thomas L. Strayhund, Minister
Church of God in Christ United
4800 NE 30th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97211
S unday Service:
Sunday School....... 10:00 A M
Worship Service....... 12:00 Noon
Y .P .C .E ........ 6 3 0 P .M
Evangelistic Service
8:00 P M
W e e k d a y Service:
Tuesday Night
Bible Study.......7:30 P M
Friday night
Regular Service...... 7:SOP M
Prayer Meeting ft Seminar
Monday - Friday....... 12:00
Pastor b Wife
Bishop b Mrs A L. Wright
Consultations: Family, personal, weddings, funerals
Office hours: 9-12. 2-4 - Tuesdays thru Fridays
281 3132 Office
287 3848 Home
You are cordially invited to w o rsh ip in these servicesi
You are Welcome to Worship at
‘ ‘A warm spirit o f Jello wship always''
The Honorable Bishop U V. Peterson, D.D.
' The Holiners Preacher," Pastor
ndsy School
jrning Worship
9 15sm
I T 15am
Showers of Blessings Broadcast"
legalistic Worship
® JOpnr
8 00pm
Noon Day Prayer
Bible Band Jr Church
Choir Rehearsal
"The Pastor Speaks
84 NE Killingsworth
281 0499
7 30pm
7 00pm
7 30pm
A “ Food Preservation H otline”
is available again this summer to an­
swer questions about canning,
freezing, pickling, jams and jellies,
food d ryin g , equipm ent, food
storage and safety. Residents o f the
tri-co u n ty local calling areas may
call 238-9768 between 8:30 a.m. and
12 and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This
phone service sponsored by Oregon
State University Extension Service is
available Monday through Friday
until October 16.
According to Sharon Maasdam,
home economist fo r the hotline,
“ Food preservation is not a
guessing game and to get the best
q u a lity , safe food product, con­
sumers need to have current, ac­
curate in fo rm a tio n .’ ’ This in fo r ­
m ation is available through the
“ hotline” which handled over 9,000
phone inquiries last summer.
See Mexico
A one-week budget tour to Maza-
tlan through Portland Community
College’ s Educational travel office
will depart for the Mexican port city
Thursday, August 6, from Seattle
and return August 11.
The $365 cost includes roundtrip
airfare, five nights lodging in Maza-
tlan, college credit and a PCC tour
escort to the old seacost city which
includes recreational beaches and
some o f the most famous fishing
spots in the Pacific.
For more in fo rm a tio n call the
PCC Sylvania campus Educational
Travel office at 244-6111.
P R O FIT A B LE and
Business o p p o rtu n ity meetin
held w e e k ly to exp lain h o w y
can becom e finan cially indept
dent in five years or less follow!
proven plan . Excellent benefi
Call 281-4848 for time and place.
and learning activities fo r young
children, followed by 4 weeks o f on­
site center experience at Helen Gor­
don C hild Development Center or
St. Vincent de Paul Child Develop­
ment center. The trainees then
began caring for up to 5 children in
their own homes or working in one
o f the p a rticip a tin g centers. The
PCC trainers continue home and
center visits during this next on-the-
jo b period and share in fo rm a tio n
and skills while providing support
and encouragement as children are
referred for care.
Northeast Portland although there
are several trainees in Southeast and
one in Northwest.
Those graduating Wednesday in­
clude: Donna Ash; M ary Brooks;
Isidra Castro; Penny Dalton; Eloise
Dugan; Petra Hansen; Jacqueline
H olland; M innie Johnson; Therea
Kum Lee; Bonnie M ille r; A lic ia
Mosqueda; Mercedes N ew itt; Rita
Pierce; Rebecca Reed; Cosetta
Shabazz; Anna Macias; Grace
Sloan, and Shirley Williams.
St. Andrews Community Church
2941 N.E. A insw orth St.
(Corner of 30th Et Ainsworth)
Portland, O regon 97211
Sunday School; 10:15 -11:15
Divine W orship: 11:30-12:46
Ws have moved frr
4800 N E 30th Aver
Pastors: C ortlandt Cam bric • Louis Osborne
We invite your comments on pro­
posed methodology for determin­
ing the average system cost of
electric utility resources.
Oral and written comments will
be a c c e p te d at a public hear­
ing beginning at 9 a m.
Wednesday, July 8, in the BPA
Auditorium, 1002 N.E. Holladay
Street, Portland, Oregon Written
comments postmarked no later
than July 24 also will be a c ­
c ep ted and considered. They
should b e m ailed to the Public
Involvement Coordinator at the
address below.
Finding the average system cost is
necessary for an exchange of
power that will make lower-cost
electricity available for Northwest
residential and small farm users,
especially in areas served by
investor-owned utilities
We (Bonneville Power Administra­
tion) and participating utilities will
exchange equal amounts of
power But we will sell at one price
-our lowest firm power rate-and
buy at a higher price based on
the average system cost of each
exchanging utility's resources
Cost benefits of the exchange will
go to the exchanging utilities'
residential and small farm
customers The result will be lower
electricity rates than these
customers would otherwise pay
We will recover the net cost of the
exchange from ’our direct-service
industrial customers
To receive more detailed informa­
tion. use the request form below or
call toll-free in Oregon
1 8 0 0 452 8429 in other North­
west states, 1-8OO-547-6O48.
Remember. What you say counts.
For m ore inform ation on the p ro p o se d a v e ra g e
system cost m eth o d o lo g y. Ml out. clip a n d mail to
Public involvement Coordinator
Bonneville Power Administration
Pod Office Box ,2999
Portland. Oregon 97212
N a m e ___________________________________________
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
■ C ity _______________ S ta te __________Z ip ____________
I________________________________________ I
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