Page I Portland Obaerver July 2. 1■1 HERBINN OBSERVATIONS .,~ 3606 NE Rodney , Medicinal & Culinary herb■, home- i made baked good•, Alo• Vera Juice & Jel, 100~ Raw wgeteble juice made frNh daily, carrot jute.. A1k to, juice combination Nat. Ally quality needed. FrHh & Dried • Herb SHda, low coat vegetable ....... FROM THE SIDELINES A new arrival in town ii Miu Mor11n Elizabeth Jones. She i1 petite. adorable and youn1 with measurements like .. under 10 Iba.,'• and about 19" tall. Mor1an i1 the first-born child of Cherie and Nick Jones and she arrived on June II. Mother and father are ec1tatic. Father assisted with her delivery and will admit that mother did her part for the occasion. Place of birthin1 was at a modern family-style mater• nity h01pital in Forest Orove. Kathleen Gaskins of New York City returned to Portland for a visit with her parents, Hattie and Harold Gaskins. She will be here for a a fortni1ht and will 10 back to the east to "Capezio,., a Greenwich Villa1e boutique where she is buyer and manaaer of the dance-costume department. Kathleen is perfectin1 her own desian of leotards to market soon. The Gaskins were 1uesu this past Sunday at a 25th weddin1 anniver- sary party when Gerald and Marlene Fuller marked the time of their marria1e vows exchan1ed those silver years a10. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller of San Francisco came up for the festivities as did Lloyd Gaskins from the Bay area. Meanwhile up in Seattle, Leonard and Emma Gayton, on the same day as the Fullers, were celebratin1 their 50th weddin1 anniversary. The party, held for them by their four children, Thomas, Peter, Leonard Jr., and Marilyn, was attended by numerous friends and well wishers. Amons the out-of-town auests was Nellie Allen Beaty, a native Port- lander now livina in El Cerrito. Mrs. Beaty stopped in Portland to visit with friends on her way to Seattle and was entertained here by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Metellus, and by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Gaskin. Carla D. Gary, combina business and pleasure, is here for the summer months to work at the office of Rose City Rate Payers as a law clerk while she visits family and friends in her off hours. Carla is enrolled in the law school of the University of Iowa in Iowa City. She is chan&inl careers at this period of her youna life and feets she has always had a taste""for the practice of law. She especially wants to be a trial lawyer. This \ummer interneship with the National Lawyers Guild provides Carla with close contact with a case beina prepared aaainst some prac- tices by the bia power companies. The position requires her to be on hand at many sessions of the Oreaon State Leaislature and its proceedinas pretainina to nuclear power and other energy sources. Carla, a University of Oreaon araduate, has worked for several years in the academic atmosphere and last year returned to Euaene to acquire a teachina certificate for this state. Carla is the dauahter of Bobbi Gary and Frederick Oary. Barbara Ann Bradford Lawson of Pensacola, florida brou1ht her youn1 son Christopher to visit a family aatherina that can boast of five livina aenerationa. Marie ..... FAEEMONT FOOD &RECORDS Deliciou1 Soul Food ()pen 2:30 P.M. Until ... 1329 N.E. Fremont , . , 284-7011 Open 9 tll 9 • 7 daya a week. FrN blood preeaure chick. f I !t GRAND OPENING Portland, Oregon 2.M-2121 Ask about our new Budget Service # lllNe prlc• do not lncl11d• 11119 JMna. Denim• o, 11111- Slacka. panta t1. 71. eport coet tz.00. •w•ten t1. 71 and up, aulta. Z piece t3. 'JI, men and ladlN aulta, 3 piece VNted M. 71, men end ladlN, coeta long end plain ti.GO, coeta llghtwelght. Topper M.IO, dr ... •• pleln '3.IO and up. ~ Houn: Monday • frNay • H p .111. ~- c., I LOW -pR\Cf. • OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. IJ)W- LOW- PORTLA:N D CL·E ANl'NG WORKS Five generation• of Smltha: Mra . Marie Smith walk• In Penlnaule Perk with grendeughter Barbare Ann, greet-grendaon Chrlatopher, Reeard Smith, a long time civic and inter-racial worker of this City, is the 82 year old matriach of this family. Mrs. Smith's daughter, Rosadelle Smith Parker, a retired social worker of the Oregon State Childrens Services Division, is next eldest in line. Rosadelle's dauahter, Marie Parker Bradford Wood of this City, is mother to Barbara Ann Bradford Lawson of Pensacola, and there you have it. Five aenerations. MICHAEL JORDAN The newly elected prime minister of the Portland Royal Rosarians, Thomas A. McDonald, promptly appointed Royal Rosarian Michael G. Jordan to be the royal Chaplain for the year of 1981 and 1982. The Rosariaas are a year-around working aroup promoting the Port• land Rose Festival and the City of Portland. Rock Creek Country Club 'was the 1ettin1 for the inau1ural NBA Players Golf aassic last Friday and Saturday. Many basketball stars 3954 N. Williams 282-8361 daughter Roudelle Parker, and great-grand- daughter Marie Wood. (Photo: Richard J. Brown) and a few local celebrities lent fun and atamour to fund raisin1 for the benefit of the hearina and Speech Leaaue. Participatina in the tournament were Steve Johnson. Mychal Thompson, Billy Ray Bates, Lionel Hollins, Otis Birdsona and Maurice Lucas and many, many others. Maurice, and his wife Rita, are the parents of a new baby boy, now about six weeks old. He is Maurice Durand Lucas II. naturally. Rita Lucas and Maurice have taken oc- cupancy of a house (they love Port- land) here for the summer. Rita will have her hands full with their son and with classwork on the campus of Lewis and Clark College where she is enrolled in law school. Rita already has an advanced dearee in Public Business Administration from Harvard, but wants to be an attorney too. After the tournament was over Maurice headed for Hawaii to fulfill an enaasement made for him by Nike Athletic Shoes whose products he promotes. In Hawaii for a ten day vacation is Peter Gayton, eliaible bachelor in Portland town, who is well known in radio advertisina circles. Peter e,cpects to concentrate his attention BROADWAYSEA'FOOD MARKET & D·ELI 1815 NE BROADWAY• PORTLAND 287-1221 on the beauties of Maui. Ronald and Lynn Morrison came up from Los Anaeles to visit Ron's parents, Earl and Magie Morrison, for a few days and they persuaded Earl to return with them to the Anael City. Earl reports a areat visit with old and new friends there but scurried back home to attend to his roses. FRESH .,_. t.,, ~- ✓ ...~J .o. BU Ff ALO ........................ $1. 11 / :l b. CATFISH ......................... $2. 11 / lb. Garfish ............................ $2. •• / lb. Tall, beautiful, size 8 Carol Jones, married to Steve Jones, is popping around the country showing off 85 beautiful aarments. Her wardrobe is made up of samples of the fall and winter line of coutur- ier Albert Nipon for whom she is a travelina representative. She shows these aarments to exclusive shops such as Helens-of-course and similar. On the southern "swina" she will model and be commentator at in-store showinas in Atlanta and on over to the east coast where Neiman Marcus is established before returning to her home in Portland and husband Steve. Al Goldsby'• metal sculpture and his prints are showing to en- thusiastic thronas down at the Sand- piper Gallery in Cannon Beach. Gallery hours are from I :00 p.m., to 6:00 p.m., throuah July 6. Open 7 Days a week Mon • Sat. - 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sunday • Noon . 6 p.m. The first police force in America con1ht1d of a "Rattle Watch" of eight men, t1t1bli1h1d in the colony of New Amsterdam in 1658. The oldest surviving non-Indian building in the U.S. ii the Governor's Palace at Senta Fe built by Don Pedro de Peralta in 1609'. t~ RENTALS (REMCOI Ball Park Franks ~CC:~-~$) Chicken Franks ~- _ Reser's Salad =:~ Razor Clams 2 bdrm, 1 beth, aeparate dining rm, yard, 1 car garage, w-d hook- up, $250 NET per month. Now Era Solt Body Cl.lfl may be uled on all types of hair from normal virgin to c,ermanentty hnted hair and from extramely c:urty hair to naturally wa-.,y hair $45 Special on New Era Curl through the month of June bttcbrnas Ha for Men & Won... BROADWAY EAST 1406 NE Broadway 1 bdrm, 1 bath, carpet, drape• garden atyle apartment, laundry fecilitiea coin-op available, fecili- tiea, rec . room. $195 NET per Fresh Alellko month. homn located in the No• 'I/ Northeast area. ,.-';~ REMCO PROP .#'_ii'-• 2 9 7 ~'(t9" Real Ea ~·gmt. -- b . s5•• sl 59 . . : . . - - - ~ -b t> Gfeenwtch 2 bdrm, 1 beth, hdwd floora, clOH•ln, newly painted, t250 NET per month. All _M Snapper Flet _ _ _ lean Ground Beef ,.. __ Cross Rib 1Roast ~c~ .. ... 11rcn:1 _ _ $2 1• Game Hen Breasts ~~c~:t,~:'~. $24• Sliced Bacon ~~ __ 1 "$1 29 1-112-&> ift6e , 'Sliced Bacon 6.-- Ftelh 6 bdrm, 1 ~ betht, 2-sto,y, com- pletely REFURBISHED, huge clote-in apaciou1. USO NET per , month. ~ $1 59 ~ 39c ~ 79c REVEALING ROYALTY •· Contemporary American ertlate Carl Owena, above, and Roy LeOron• unveiled their orlglnal palntln1 of African leader• for the Budwelaar "Greet King• of Africa" ••rl•• during the recent Opportunltlff Center of Amarlcen Convention In Phoenix. Owen'• painting deplete the reglgn of Kheme, the Good King of Bechueland (now Botawana) from 1111-1123 whlle LaOrone'e handiwork llluatretN the rule of Sham• Bolongongo, African King of PHce In th• Congo from 1I00-1120. Th• new painting• wlll Join the Hletlng collectlon of 12 original p•lntlng• In the "OrHt Klnga of Africa" HrlH. en educational exhibit which travels around the country. - Pkg. IE 20th & DIVl810N IE72nd&FLAVU NE 11th & Fll!MONT W IUIIINIIDE at 21at I.AN IIAl'All-tt10NE 1ZZN I • T , . , . _ . _ 28 ,.ACIFIC ' - 111..,.,.LALL., , .. ,o IE DIVIIIO .. ,.._,...., ,.. - - -•• ,. llll 81E .,.WELL ,.__,._ 1011 - SW __, tat ..-u • LLOYD - - . - CIENTIEII NE 7tth & OL11a .. ,.,.. HlllHOIIO; -IIE DAIi lillJEIBED. 1