- 1 - EN T E R r A I l'J 1\,H ENTERTAINMENT THE OBSERVER SPOTLIGHT By N~wwi A.Jkari This week the Ob.J,rv,r will spotliaht two very dedicated Black artists whose dedication and hard work deserves praise, support and involvement. The spotliaht is on Bruce Smith and Chonitia Smith. BJ N~wt0i Askllri Th• Johnny Smith Memorial Softball Tournament: Columbia Park, Saturday, July 4th startina at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 5th, the tournament will beaan at 9:00 a.m., and last until HlO p.m. This tournament honors Johnny Smith, a well know Portland soft- ball player who died recently. His mother will arrive in Portland from Louisiana to accept a Plaque honorina her son's memory. The Tournament is sponsored by Schools Proaram, ": did a series of lecture demonstrations in African Cultural Ryhthms and Sona at the elementary and hiah school levels from February, 1981 to April, 1981: awarded Gold Plaque for co-composina hit sona that reached over 250,000 units sold from American Society of Composers and Publishers, September, 1980, New York, N. Y. Locally: Accompanist for Jef• ferson Performina Arts Depart• ment, October, 1980 • June, I 981, Jefferson Hiah School; Jefferson Dancer's Sprina Con- cert, May I 981 ; African Drum and Dance Recital (West African Program) Arpil, 1981 ; Benny Bell Troup (Asssitant Artistic Direc- tor of NW Repertory Dance); Haitian Dance, January, 1981; National concert tours with musical group PINSUre, October, 1974 through November, 1980. Bruce Smith - Jefferson Hiah School graduate; araphics - I 968- 1971, Lewis and Clark Colleae; Art desian and Calliaraphy. Musical Training: Studied un- der the direction of Master drummers such as: Mychal Smith (Percussionist for Cal Tjader), February, 1971, Portland, OR; Bill Summers (Percussionist for T. V. Movie "Roots"), Septem- ber, 1974; June, 1975 ; March, 1977, Oakland, CA.: Leonard Gibbs (Yoruba Drummer), July, 1977; November, 1978, Philadelphia, Penn.; Obo Addy (Master Drummer from Ghana, Africa), Au1ust, 1979; February, 1981 to Present, Portland, OR.; Jalal Sharri ff (Jimbe Drummer from Sudan, Africa), April, 1981 , Portland, OR. Experience: Musician on nationally known record albums: Pl,a.sur, - Fantuy Studios; J,Jj Lorb,r Fiuion, Ripcord Studio; Wayn, H,nd,r.Jo11, Fantasy Studios; Ronni, La'fl, Total Ell- perience Studios. ~ ~ T SKYY -- the million-sellin1 group whose Skyyport LP is soarin1 up the record charts -- loves Brooklyn. And it's little wonder. SKYY 101 its start in the Brooklyn basement of leader Solomon Roberts, whose patient parents manaaed to tolerate a steady stream of music oozina throuah the floorboards of their 1ivin1 room. In this photo, SKYY are shown on their way back to their HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN JULY 4th WEEKEND Oeneve's. Thar• Memory's Creative Jazz OrchHtra : Saturday Market, July 4th, beainnin1 at 12:30. This 24- piece orchestra will be playing selec- tions from their "Timesound" con- cert performed recently at the Civic Auditorium. Jazz Quarry: Herb Ellis • Thllf"s- day and Friday for two shows - 9:00 p.m. and 11:00. July 4th - Sky Trio & Guests. Jam Session Sunday, July ,th. Bourbon StrHt: Billy Jo Newman, Georae Brown, The F-our Sounds, Beverly Dockett· Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday. Sunday: Champagne• 11 :00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 1981 Summer Jam and Picnic: July,, 1981, East Delta Park, 10800 N. Denver - I lam• 8pm. l·caturing Uo,pel Sinaing, Disco Roller Skating with music by J. W. Friday and Dupree Casey, Herero Dancers, Uue\l speakers, Booths, Arts and Craft,. There's somethina for everyone! Sponsored by The Com- munit> Professionals. Special Projects, Achieve- ments and Awards : Employed by Contemporary Crafts Association for ., Artists In The 1 Now playin1 at Brasserie Mont- marte, 626S.W. Park . Don't miss their magic! On Th• Rocks: July ,1h - Dance with "Brenda and Fantasi" in ad- dition to beina entertained by a high qualit~ fashion show by the Black Modeling Association of the North· west. The show starts at HlO p.m. Also, On The Rocks is sponsorin1 a talent show each Tuesday night ,tartin1 at 10:30. 1st place winner will receive $50 in prize money. Per- formers can be individual/1uoup act~. Try your luck! Jam Time I at the Sheraton-Air- port with "Eruption" and "Sophisicated Funk Band," July 4th at 9:00 p.m . Sponsored by 69 Production. ' "Coach" calls a time out -- actina as a "coach" for the Emotions durina the recordina of their up- comin1 N,w Affair album in L.A., Earth, Wind and Fire's Maurice White (second from left) joins producer Bill Myers (left) and Jeanette and Wanda Hutchison ( third and fourth from left) in listenina to a playback of one of the sonas. From the look of it, it seems they hear more of the hit sound that has made both the Emotions and White famous. Brooklyn base (they still live in tht New York Boro) after a sold-out concert tour in the southern U.S. Shown here, from left to riaht, (bot- tom row) arc SK YY'.f Gerard LeBon, Boone Dunning, Dolores Dunnin1-Milligan, Butch Sierra, Denice Dunnin1-Craw ford and Larry Greenberg; (top row, left to riaht) Solomon Roberts, Tommy McConnell. The Denny Osborn Group : Chonltla Henderson-Smith. Studied at the University of Colorado - Boulder, Colorado. Majored in Anthropolo&Y and minored in Cultural Art Forms. Experience: Sculptural Art • Braid Sculpture, designing hair into forms: body desian, fabric and clothing and facial design, make-up and mask. Theatre and Stage: Desianed clothina for the Portland Black Repretory Theatre production of "Star- dust" (1977); "for Colored Girls ... " (1979); "Potolo" ( 1980) and "Red Beans and Rice" ( 1980). Designer for the national recordina artists "Pl,usure." Recently designed Braid Sculp- ture for one of the internationally famed "Sister Sledge." Lectured throu1hout the Portland and Washington area schools (ele- mentary to college) regarding the esthetics of Art relating to Hair and Textiles. These are just some of the ac- complishments Chonitia and Bruce have made as a result of their dedication as Black anist. They arc also husband and wife. • During their recent tour of South America, urtll, Wind cl Fi,. taped a special for Braz~lian T ._v. The TV special involved v1deotapm1 of a cruise of Rio de Janeiro's har- bor .. a welcome break in a tour the South American papers reported - was the bigacst the continent has seen in over 22 years. Eartll, Wind cl Fire-· whose latest LP Fac,s "may be the best Earth, Wind & Fire album ever" accordina to the L.A. Times -· performed for 200,000 pee r,J. south of the border. " International Fashions" PrnenttoSome ANO tntrod11e• to Othef• The Dynamic Music of " Brenda and Fantasi" (Now cloMd ■t,.... rtumNrlffd CoflMWftll ,, .... Pl US!I "A Parade of Fashions" ( Hlad. modelin,i Assoc., of N. W , Former Broadway actreu Sylvia Strlplln , who is current I) havina succes~ with hc-r debut single "Give Me Your Love," is shown with producer Roy Ay,?r.f putt ins the final touches on her soon to be released premier albun:. The album also titled, "Giv, Me )'our love" is scheduled for release in mid-April, on Uno Melodic Records & Tapes. I his album marks the first to be re- leased on the newly conceived label by master musician Roy Ayers . l..OA "Dance" ' Place: On the Rocks ISN w 6th A,i9o ta, td1.et• c,,U Ad1tanced t1clleta M SO At th• Door 16 SO 287 J12J D••• Sunday J11lyl. , . , °' Time I 00 1.00p m 287 145"4 Dof'ttly Smith. Con1ultant 1 'I ON STAGE! - - An all-new musical state spectacular f9aturlng Jim Henson's SESAME STREET MUPPETS. JULY 1 - 5 ' MEMORIAL COLISEUM $7 50 S6 50 & $5 50 ALL SEATS RESERVED ON SALE NOW AT Memoria Cohseum Bo~ Off, e Gt Joe s Meier 6 Franll Fredert Nelson and all Vouctler :>ul ets Temla/Motown recordina artist St,vi, Wond,r'.f recent European tour has been made even more triumphant by gold and platinum record ceremonies honorin1 his album Hotter Tllan July. After his concert in Switzerland's Zurich Jallenstadlon, he was pre- sented a gold disk for 2,,000 sales of Hott,r Tllan July. At Stockholm's Ice Stadium, he was presented with aold and platinum disks for 100,000 sales of HT J. The day after, he was in Frank- furt receiving another 1old award, where German sales uceeded 2,0,000. For Information call 239-4422 GLASS BEER .25 • • --- . . "°•""""~ ' .. 'MD Ml'flll ••TU fY ,a-.y lltGMT l •"" S - GMT I llcllets by ph ROOMMATE WANTED To ahere living expen .... in 4 bed- room houH with 3 other room- metN. Rent: t120 pe, month, plus utllitlH. Home loceted at 5609 N. Vancouver Avenue. For more in• formation call 282-3090. Ask for Evelyn 15 nw bth Ave.. . l-.\irt\~,11({ . C1·("to•1 ~~~-1:x,~ ~ AND THE BEST S0 UVLAKI SA1N DWICH 1