Train today I i i Í for leadership tomorrow By Mane Martin IN T E R E S T IN G Big Sister program. After becoming it's fa c ilita to r, she was then promoted to the position o f Public Inform ation Specialist at the age o f 17. From there, she became a board member o f the N ational Youth Workers Alliance and is presently a s ta ff consultant fo r the N ational Com m ission on Resources fo r Youth in New York City. Mary Kay advocates that young people should be politica lly active and more aggressive. Her message to young people who are attempting to do something w ith their lives is:‘ ‘ To have a positive attitude and the desire to succeed. You have to be w illin g to go a fte r what you want, and be able to stand up fo r w hat’ s yours. We young people have to start training today to be leaders o f to m o rro w ,” she ex­ plained. Her accomplishments include: An oral address to the Senate regarding youth em ploym ent program s; several interview s w ith Congressmen; the host o f a weekly radio show in Chicago. But the biggest accomplishment o f all "was being able to raise $4000 dollars by myself, to attend an Ivy League school in New York where I was ac­ cepted soley on my accom plish­ ments,” she concluded with a smile. At 18 years o f age, she can indeed smile! Recently, while attending the An­ nual N ational Youth W orkers Alliance Conference at the Univer­ sity o f W ashington, I had the op­ portunity to meet a proud, young, gifted and Black woman by the name o f Mary Kay Penn. She ad­ dressed the conference where over 300 nation wide affiliates attended. Her topics being youth participation on boards and the positive show­ casing o f our youth. This remarkable young lady, when asked why she was motivated to address youth issues said, “ I believe in young people. I believe that young people should be given a chance, an opportunity, and the patience that should accompany those things. W ith those elements, we as young people can do and take a stance on anything.” Due to racial problems at school and a poor a ttitu d e , M ary Kay became involved in the Youth Ser­ vice System upon the suggestion o f a school counselor at the age o f 14. The Youth Program was her outlet from the torm ent o f grow ing up. This outlet provided her with an im­ portant factor that many Black youth often lack: self esteem. She went from being an average client to a pa rticip a n t in the Big B ro th e r/ FACTS r Brought To You Every Week By A M E R IC A N S T A TE BA NR The U .S. once had a state named Franklin, but it lasted only 4 years. The State of Franklin ceased to exist in 1788 and became part of Eastern Tenessee. • Youngest man ever to w in the Nobel Peace Prize was M artin Luther King Jr., who won it at age 35. • Even though 13 is supposed to be an unlucky num ber, th e G reat Seal o f the U .S . has 13 a rro w s, 13 leaves, 13 olives, 13 stars and 13 feathers - and the man who designed it, William Barton, has 13 letters in his nam e, and th e m o tto on th e Seal, E P lu rib u s Unum, also has 13 letters. American State Bank AN INDEPENDENT BANK Head Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212 J VINCE JONES Tri-Met honors Jones High school basketball players boarding T ri-M e t operator Vince Jones’ bus may recognize Jones, but they no doubt w ill th in k the uniform ’s all wrong. That’ s because Jones, named May operator o f the m onth at the T ransportation D is tric t’ s Center Street Garage, refrees high school basketball games when he’s not driving a bus. Jones finds the time to keep track o f the players on the hardwoods in between his keeping track o f his own basketball team o f sorts at home. Jones is the father o f six children; the Jones fam ily lives in Northeast Portland. Jones’ transit career goes back to Rose C ity Transit days, and Jones says things have improved a lot sin- te then. Jones’ philosophy of dealing w ith the public is one of open conversation...he says, ” li helps both o f us have a better day.” SAFEWAY WHOLE BODY FRYERS Diet nt Pepsi Light (Cragmont Soft Drinks, Asstd flavors 2 oz Cans b-Pak $1 09 Plus Dep ) Speaking universal language By Nathaniel Scott D ETROIT — Horace Greeley, in his endeavor to inspire people to become m aterially w ealthy said, ‘ ‘ Go West young man, go W est.” And I, in my endeavour to inspire educational wealth, cultural fusion and national togetherness, say to my fellow Oregonians, ‘ ‘ Go East Oregonians, go East.” And when I say East, I am speaking about a destination point o f Detroit, Michigan. D e tro it, M ichigan, like many other cities in and around the country is experiencing economic problems, unemployment, increased crime rate, unrest, and grow ing pangs. But, a new trend and a blossoming concept is moving the city in a modernistic approach that is paying p a rtic u la r a tte n tio n to learning. One such concept is CODE, (C ultural O pportunity for D etroit Exchange), introduced ten years ago by native Detroiter, Leno Art Jaxon. Jaxon, whose father, Keno Jaxon, was a painter, sculpture, poet and singer-m usician, is also founder o f the American Black A r­ tist Inc. C O D E ’ S concept says, " W e are committed to the concept that the bridge o f common interests among to d a y’ s people is stronger and broader than the gap o f difference. These interests can become shared experiences through the universal language of art forms, which trans­ cend age, racial, religious, eco­ nomic, national, ethnic and sexual differences.” And Leno Art Jaxson, it’ s founder says, ‘ ‘A rt is a universal language, to some it has no mean­ in g others it communicates values. Cultures nestles in art. We create it as we live.” The concept o f art deals w ith colors, shapes, form s - w ritte n , spoken, drawn and words in song. It stim ulates, m otivates and, ‘ ‘ C hildren respond to art form s more readily than anything known to man. Music is the easiest - and the color comes second,” Jaxon said. “ The educational value is far reaching, and since the inception o f the program (C O D E) it has been Hot Spot Record Shop 3613 N.E. Union Ave. Records Good Shoe Shine Phone: 284-3086 Tu« Frl 1 7pm • Sat t 00 8pm Ice Cream Snow Star Assorted Flavors Ä Ä Potato Chips - 4 * 4 * « POTATO Lay's or Ruffles (Party Pride Potato Chips, 8 oz 69‘ , Safeway Franks Premium Franks Turkey Franks Scotch Buy Franks CUM > 4-4 * V-J A Manor House Chicken I rank LENO ART JAXON Lindsay mandated that all the schools o f the City (Detroit) do art programs.” Leno Jaxon is a man who is in search o f many things: Heritage, lineage and truth. He said, "B lack people as a whole are lacking in in­ form ation and knowledge that w ill lead to the tru th ; a tru th that an­ swers, who am I; that which instills pride, self-worth and dedication to self and a race o f people.” He said distorted h isto ry has led Black people to no, recognize the im por­ tance o f Black peoples’ con­ trib u tio n s to Am erica and w orld history. And that “ The 1967 riot in D etroit brought a great deal o f at­ tention to Black people, which was good because they (whites) were not aware that Black people were dis­ content -- or that Black people had problems.” alifnmiu I’illt'd MprONwo Pitted Olives Lindsay Calif Colossal f 1 ? oz Cans or Bottles SAW Family Favorite 0/ Mrs Wfiqht s White or Wheat 3? 0 / l oa* Charcoal Briquets Scotch Buy Brand (Kingsford Charcoal Briguets 10 lb Bag $1 98) PAMPERS Disposable Diapers Extra Absorbent Prices good July 1 thru 7 at all Portland area Safeways SAFEWAY COUPON Coupon Good Thru Thurs . July 7, 1981 / Problems are being dealt with through such modernistic approach as C O D E, an approach tfrat has won Leno pu b lic and private ac­ claim by City, State and Federal of­ ficials alike who see and understand the need for truth and unification. Leno is currently com piling data and inform ation from the four cor­ ners o f the world that hopefully will culminate in a book to be published within five years. The book, he says, “ W ill deal with truth.” Leno A rt Jaxson is a Black man who is on the rise; forever searching fo r ways to bridge the gap o f ignorance, and as he said, "Knowledge is self, is the key to the mystery o f life ,” and the fusion o f a race o f people. Black people. 12-Pak Budweiser Baked Beans , ?8 Sandwich Bread Kosher Dill Pickles Zee Napkins ,'s White Paper Towels Colgate Toothpaste VO-5 Shampoo Kt'»: -¿c. or Hamburger Mrs Wright's Pkg ot 8 s BIV K Limit 2 Pkgs With Coupon £ SAFEWAY COUPON Facial Tissue Coopon Good Thru Thurs July 7 ,981 Kleenex Assorted JZolors 200 s Limit 3 Boxes With Coupon Cantaloupe . IV. 'ïïifÜ'.'i W f r i f r i f r f W f r f W f r f f r f 'f f i SAFEWAY SALES LIMITED TO RETAIL QUANTITIES ONLY