Portland Obaarvar July 2 . 1981 Paga 3 J. J. NEWBERRY.. COUPONS From the Capitol Any $6.97 blanket 72” X 90” Fit» twin or full size b«d Congressman Ron Wyden Q. A lot o f questions have been raised about the House budget vote last Friday. How do you feel about that vote — and the process sur rounding it? A lhhink Oregonians should be very angry -- angry that the House voted on a budget that most o f the members hadn’ t even seen -- and angry that we may have established a dangerous precedent that w ill follow us for years to come. No one disputes the need to drastically cut the budget. I ’ m con vinced that balancing the budget is absolutely critical to our economic recovery - but we must take a balan ced approach to balancing the budget. - What we saw last Friday was not this sort o f balanced approach but was, in fact, a perversion o f the legislative process. Members o f Congress were asked to consider and vote on a 1,000 page budget document that was thrown together at the last moment - a document that most o f us had not even seen before that morning - a document that contained handw ritten passages, erroneous m aterial, and several ‘ ‘ hidden agendas.” What we saw Friday was high- level horse trading - with legislators being promised special favors in return for voting for a package they didn't even understand. What we saw Friday was an em barrassment fo r Congress — and a frightening prospect fo r the American people. At the very least, the citizens o f this country should be able to depend on their elected representatives to consider proposed legislation carefully and though t fully. At the very least, the public should be able to depend on a firm separation o f powers — where Congress — not the Executive M arc h p ro tests dem ise of Black p ro g ram m in g on re ce n tly sold KYAC radio in Seattle. (Photo: Eddie Edmundson) Grassroot News, N .W . - Last hursday, 2Q0 Seattle residents tagcd a mock funeral service to nite concern over the dissolving o f YAC. KYAC was Seattle’ s Black ^mmerical radio station from 1964 n til three weeks ago, when a hange in ownership expanded the jrm at and diluted Black program ring. Father O. J. McGowan, one o f the rganizers o f the Eulogy, gave his cason for the protest. "T his Eulogy i to alert people to the understand- ig that we cannot afford to lose our adio station. What I ’ m saying is bat we put too much money in all f those businesses that should be dvertising. Also, those businesses /eren’ t involved in projects in the ommunity. Maybe we should quit uying from them.” Surrounded by the tune o f ‘ When The Saints Gio M arching n,” the pallbearers carried a casket rith a radio inside. The march iroceeded to the corner o f T h ird ind University Streets, in downtown ieattle. This is also the home o f the lew KKFY radio station, the former lome o f the now deceased KYAC. A form er employee o f K Y A C , Eddie Rye, J r., gave Grassroot Mews his account o f what happened echnically to KYAC. ‘ ‘ The station vas sold to an in d iv id u a l, Lloyd Edwards, a Black banker from ia kla n d , C a lifo rn ia . He chose to lestroy the format and come in with iop music. Since taking over, there lave been no public service innouncements, public affairs has ,een minimized, and we have no ac ess to any national Black News like he Sheridan Broadcast Netw ork.” JBN was first introduced as Mutual Jlack N etw ork. This netw ork irogram broadcasts from a Black perspective, although the content is ¡imilar to news broadcasted on the hree major networks. branch - fu lfills the legislative fun ction. It may be weeks before we are to ta lly aware o f all o f the hidden provisions in F rid a y’ s budget package. This weekend, fo r exam ple, it came to light that a hand written note slipped into the budget package e ffectively deleted the budget fo r the N ational Science Foundation — and reduced or eliminated funding for various other research programs. We can at least hope, however, that we will have learned something about the need fo r an o rd e rly process -- and fo r careful and th o u g h tfu l perform ance o f our duties as the elected representatives o f the American public. Rye said the protest was not inter ference in a private marketing mat ter, but rather that it is Edw ard’ s w ho’ s actually v io la tin g a FCC standard. At that same gathering was Oscar EAson, J r., who represented a cross-section o f businesses who posed support for KKFX, if a Black program m ing form at could be adopted. ‘ ‘ The com m unity is now suffering from the im pact o f not being informed o f events affecting Blacks on the national and local levels. Conscious o f the fact that p ro fit is the prime m otive fo r any sound business venture, we stand eager to m obolize all o f our re sources in support o f KKFX when we are assured that a programming format will be adopted that’s o f in terest and service to the m in o rity community,” he explained. The program director o f KKFX declined to respond to the protest except to say that he hadn’ t been in tow n. A fte r a number o f calls to Lloyd Edwards at the First Enter prise Bank in O akland, failed to produce a response. Evidence points to the fact that K K F X is going to ignore the co m m u n ity’ s protest. KKFX current programing format is one o f ‘ ‘ autom ation.” Every song in the last ten years that made it to the top 40 hit list is the type o f music it is airing. The Eulogy for KYAC marks the death o f “ Black Commerical Radio in the entire Pacific Northwest.” It w ill be interesting to see how they respond to this absence o f com m unication. W ill our sister city become regulated to a position o f relying on a non-commerical radio with no Blacks in position to chose what programs w ill be aired, like Albina’ s position at KBOO. For the sake o f the A fro -A m e rica n com m unity in the P acific Northwest. Let’ s hope not. Services B u ild in g , SW Sixth and Montgomery. F ollow ing each seminar, par ticipants may arrange appointments for individual help. A collection of inform ation about companies and career o p p o rtu n itie s w ill be available to assist jo b hunters in reaching potential employers. For inform ation about these free employment preparation seminars at PSU, contact the U n ive rsity’ s Career Planning and Placement O f fice: Portland State University, 402 U niversity Services B uilding, 617 SW Montgomery, 229-4613. Sir William Arthur Lawns, West Indian born British econo mist, in 1979 became the first Black to win a Nobel P ris e -fo r econom ics-in a category other then peace. Prince Hall, oriqinally from Barbados, established the first Black chapter of Masons in America in Boston in 1787. 2/1200 Lloyd C en ter N e w b erry» O n ly ^ J Use our early bird LAY A W A Y N O W I Any $7.97 blanket ...Solid Colors - Blue, Gold, Champagne, or beautiful Rose prints 72 X 90" W h a t a b e autifu l Buyl SAVE NO W I 2/$14°° C oupon good July 2nd The chances o f undoing any damage caused by F rid a y’ s u n in formed budget vote are slim. Any program elim inated by that vote would have to be reauthorized as a new program — an unlikely occur rence given the present p o litic a l climate. PSU aids employment search If you need help in looking for a job, preparing resumes and having a successful job interview, Portland State University’ s Career Planning and Placement Office has a series of free non-credit seminars fo r you beginning July 10. The Em ploym ent Preparation Program is open to anyone who desires help in planning an effective job search. You need not be a PSU student or graduate to participate. Sessions w ill be held on four con secutive Fridays (July 10, 17, 24, and 31) from 9 a.m ., to I p.m ., in Room 402 o f the PSU U niversity Blue :h»mp»gne or gold bound with nylon Choe's Wigs Introduces BONNIE HOWE C (Formerly Eastport Plaza) FREE Comb out With purchase of new wig and. . . YOU* »OWN WHO MfflG YOU (O CAfO IA » OFF ANY Reg. Price W ig (From *20 00) July 7,1961 With Coupon Located in Newberry’s Lloyd Center 288-3096 Fourth of July Seattle radio sheds Black format Lloyd Canter Only Good July 2 through July 6th Ju ly 6th