Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 02, 1981, Page 12, Image 12

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    Pag« 12 Portland Obaarvar July 2,1981
Jeannette Fegan School of
Early Learning
Sports Talk
By Ron Sykes
Sports Editor
W ith a loaded deck, the Black
squad com pletely dom inated their
w hite counterparts, blasting them
105-89 Tuesday n ig ht in the P o rt­
land Trialblazers rookie game held
in the friendly confines o f Memorial
A s h irt sleeved crow d o f some
5,000 or m ore showed up to see
w hat the fu tu re held fo r the u p ­
coming year. The Black squad com­
prised o f G e o ff C ro m p to n , fir s t-
ro u n d p ick J e ff L a m p , h ig h ly
touted M ark lava ro n i and Roshern
A rn ie were to o p o w e rfu l a co m ­
bination on this night.
Lam p, the man w ith the golden
arm, took little tim e to show Blazer
fans that he can f i l l the h old. The
form er V irgin a flash h it the fifteen
fo o te r w ith d ea dly accuracy and
fin is h e d the evening w ith a game
high 21 points.
But one must not forget that these
were o n ly roo kie s against rookies
and before h ailing the Ex-Cavalier
as the ultim ate successor to C alvin
N a tt’ s starting jo b , we should wait
and see how he p e rfo rm s in the
veterans cam p. One should also
remember that Calvin came to Port­
land as a highly touted jum p shooter
b ut lost c o n fid e n ce in the Jack
Ramsay system. Blazer sm all fo r ­
Larry "K ille r'' Holm es wears a m ean look as he
cocks his p o w e rfu l rig h t again st Leon Spinks in
th e n a tio n a lly te le v is e d W B C h e a v y w e ig h t
c h a m p io n s h ip b o u t In th e J o e Louis A re n a In
D e tr o it. As e v e ry o n e k n o w s by n o w . H o lm e s
w ards m ust fin d them selves in a
quandary as fa r as th e ir roles are
concerned. They c o n s ta n tly read
that the team is looking fo r a small
forward that can bury the 15-20 foot
jum p shot, then have coach Ramsay
fu rro w his brow whenever they o f­
fe r the same. C o u ld be very
preplexing indeed.
The biggest d is a p p o in tm e n t o f
this b rie f rookie camp had to be the
treatment Blazer brass gave to Larry
Fogle, the 6-6 guard o u t o f
C aniseus. I t ’ s tru e the man is 27
years old, and adm ittedly a well bit
old fo r a rookie, but M r. Fogle did
n o th in g to w a rra n t his being
d e m o lis h e d S p in ks in th e th ird ro u n d w ith a
vicious barrage of rights and lefts, until the referee
sto p p ed the fig h t. H o lm e s ' 38 c o n s e c u tiv e w in
w ith o u t a defeat.
released. The m an can p la y. He
parted the net seven out o f ten times
fro m the flo o r , played good “ D ”
and showed that he was really com ­
fortable in the offense.
Just w ondering i f it was by co in ­
cidence that J e ff Lam p wore num ­
ber 30 during the rookie? Lamp, for
sure, is a shooter, but his rebound­
ing leaves something to be desired.
So now i t ’ s on to L A fo r P e tu r
G udm undsson. W e’ ll a ll aware o f
the desperate need the Blazers have
at center, and we’ re also aware o f
the fa ct that a d ro w n in g man w ill
grasp fo r a tw ig, but the sighing o f
the 7-2 e x-h usky is s im p ly red uc­
tio n s . T his man has as m uch o f a
chance o f p la y in g in the N B A as
“ Bubba G ra h a m ” has o f fly in g a
747 je t. A n d to the best o f my
knowledge “ Bubba” has never been
inside o f a cockpit.
S m ith and Street w ill h it the
stands next week w ith th eir college
preview fo o tb a ll edition. A nd d on ’ t
be surprised to see the University o f
Oregon listed amongst the n a tio n ’ s
top twenty. And w ith Southern Cal
not app ea rin g on the D uck
schedule, the Rose Bowl is ;not out
o f the realm o f p o s s ib ility . T h is
c o u ld p o ssib ly be the best D uck
team ever.
T h e re ’ s e xcitem en t
W illam ette Valley and a Bowl bid is
a certainty. Before this season gets
u nd e rw a y, my fo re cast is th a t
Oregon w ill go I0-1 and a perfect
season is possible. Belive it!
A n d w e’ re s till h o p in g th a t A l
Davis and his Oakland Raiders win
o u t against Pete R ozelle and the
N F L.Ju st have to believe a man or
organization should be able to move
to the best market area available. I f
it be sauce fo r the Ram s, then it
should also be sauce fo r the Raiders.
When Louisiana-P acific decided to
m ove th e ir c o rp o ra te o ffic e s to
Atlanta, did we hear any objections
outside o f that organization? Nope,
it was merely a corporate decision.
T hat w as the subject of this series of
n ew sp ap er ads that grew out of the response to
o u r Oregon E lectric Energy Poll.
We asked o u r Oregon custom ers th eir
view s on altern a tiv e an d renew able energy
sources and how they see those resources in
the s ta te ’s energy future.
T heir answ ers p rom pted us to create
ads about o u r efforts to develop altern a tiv e and
renew able energy resources.
The ads also offered free booklets and
advice on sm all hydro, w ind, solar and g eother­
m al energy.
And judging bv the response, there are a
lot of people interested in energy.
After the ad on sm all h y d ro power,
people identified 33 poten tial sm all dam sites
th at we never knew existed. And we re also
ev aluating an additio n al 150 sites in o u r service
area. Many of the sites are being stu d ied to see
just how m uch electricity each can generate.
The ad on w ind pow er created a flurry
of 877 requests for ou r free w ind pow er booklet .
At last count, custom ers have installed 10 sm all
w ind-pow ered g en erato rs for a total cap acity of
m ore than 20 kilow atts.
Additionally, o u r w ind-pow ered
generator at W hiskey Run on the S outhern O re­
gon coast has produced over 7500 kilow att hours
in the first q u a rte r of o p eratio n , providing
valuable d ata on large-scale w ind generation
project sites.
Clean and spacious classrooms
Do you w an t quality day care and a learning environm ent for
your child?
Enroll now for Summer
Hours: 6:30a.m . to 6:00p.m .
606 N.E. Fremont St.
287 5656
Early learning in the 3 basics, Language, Arts, Social Studies, Creative
Arts, Physical Education, Music staff of well trained teachers.
Licensed by the Stete of Oregon
BUFFALO FISH....................................
NEW ORLEANS OYSTER...................
Flown in daily from Louisiana at a low low price.
We have DMSO
Over 200 people asked for inform ation
on Passive S o lar hom es afte r we ran the ad on
so lar power. Al least 4 hom es are being b u ilt w ith
o u r Passive S o lar design guidelines in O regon,
W yoming and C alifornia. These hom es will act as
living lab o rato ries to test how effective Passive
S o lar designs can be in reducing h eatin g costs.
O ur ad on geotherm al pow er helped get
people all steam ed up ab o u t using the energy
from the e a r th ’s heat here in Oregon.
To help b ring the energy of the sun,
w ind and earth on-line sooner, we created o u r
own R enew able Energy D ep artm en t. Bv e v a lu a t­
ing each site on a project-by-project basis, we can
see w heth er it will be b e tte r for us to develop a
site o r p u rch ase the energy from an independent
project developer.
O th er a lte rn a tiv e resources, such as
w ood-fired cogeneration of electricity, will help
bridge the energv gap by using renew able re-
sou rces effect i vel y.
But the most im p o rtan t resource av ail­
able to all of us is still co n serv atio n . With help
from o u r p ro g ram s, people can co n tin u e to save
energy anil use all o u r resources m ore wisely.
If you m issed any of these ads, or w ould
like m ore inform ation on w ind power, solar
power, geotherm al power, o r sm all hydro power,
c o n tact Pacific Power, R enew able Energy
D ep artm en t, 920 S.W. 6th Ave. P o rtlan d ?
Oregon 97204, Attn: Carl Ertler.
. rítate tta two of aa. fee aaJ
■ ■I ferlftr fe w .
L r i U t e UM t w W t e W a M i
Tito fea ^ to at f e H f t r f e t o «
Energy solutions. It’ll take the two of us. You and
The People at Pacific Power.
R«* ill, few er