Page 8 Portland Ob««rv«r June 18,1881 ----------- n ïïïïT T T BEAUTY SUPPLIES AUTO Whoteeele and Retad W a carry product* that art seen in Jat and Ebony Magazine ” Open9a m. - 8 p m . JENKINS AUTOSER VIC E IN W illiam * Portland. Oregon « 4 9081 C O M P U T I A U T O 8 4 O T IV « n t P A lW IN O Jackson'« A utom ative 317 S .W Stark Portland. OR 225 1 ?¿WÍ<5?’ — £ h TF aôth e . M u lt« A UTOM OTIVE '-¡»W« bofty »andar '«paws ft eAwnnwi pemong auto >MB ft *«m« O*ve «n MOmglai 1900 N Mississippi Ave Portland. Oregon 97227 Introduces BONNIE HOWE (Formerly Eastport Plaza) FREE comb out with purchase of a new wig and located in: Newberry's Lloyd Center IM « Carlo* 'CLdy anti f i n t i t i c ^ i / u ì ' 21 W W V B< |.„ L RK R A V IN G HAIR Featuring Maxi Curl. Complete salon services for men and women 'Wives « cH a ir’. °"* <*Dcsiflrn f « « 311 N E. Shever St Portland. Oragon 97212 287 8629 3327 N.E. Broadway Portland. Oregon 97232 (503) 249 1940 ,,p ro p y <>• th e P o r t la n d O b s e r v e , a , a n y o t th e b o s.n esses hsted b e lo w CHARLEY'S OSBORNs CLEANERS ELECTROPEDIC of OREGON h«nge out 10% 0 « w*e« coupon 1061 Lloyd Cantar Portland. Oragon 97232 284 4066 Open 8am 8pm Mon-Fri. 1833 N Klllingaworth Portland. OR 97211 287 7273 249 1781 Gold Eagle Fish M arket Fresh Seafoods • Meat • Oriental Groceries Wholesale A CM E CLEANERS & C U S TO M TAILO RS Mon Fri 7am 6pm Sat 10am 6pm We clean on Saturdays loo«w«n« Fraah F«h S pocW «t by • * Mon 10 6, Sun 12-5 5626 N E Union (603)287 2060 1001 N.E Broadw ay 284 7647 ELK CLEANERS b LAU ND RY B R O A D W A Y EXXOÑ C b l STORE 'JuabTy work guaranteed Ca* u s today and sbtn« tomorrow 7206 NE Union Ave Portland. Oregon 97211 ROSE CITY AUTO SALES BODY b PAINTING M ake this directory work for you call283 2486 Quality work guaranteed. Call us today and shin« tomorrow. CHUCK'S CAR STEREO Sales / Service / Installation 630 N.E Union Ave Ph 231 8108 Hours 10 6 M F ________10 5 Sat. WHY BE BALO7 BEAUTY Broedwev Heirweever* b Deeignert Beeuiy Solon he* the eoiution DEAN S BEAUTY SALON b BARBER For th« traa 1 in n«tr i arg Com« in and < hack ue out W aaeoafy' 1634 N.E. 7th el Broadway 213 216 N E Hancock Portland Oregon 282 3379 281 9495 FRIDAY'S BEAUTY SUPPLY N N M M •.«, e«WH Wvcany p,oducU M 9—r m J», md Ebon, 4864 NE Union 287 8266 3612 NE 16th 248 0363 Jttl \n SPO R TS M A N 'S Portland. OR 97227 249 3865 C LE AN ER S fò Open 8 day» a week 8 a m 8 p m W e give S ftH Green Stampe / t W s do quaary worti AJtaraoona • Drapaa M 58a m 4pm Tuaa Fn s m 6 p .m 8 ^ V E R /^ U U ^ O U T ia U E j Men b Portland. Oregon 97232 (503)282 9463 Vera J. Thomas ONE HOUR M A R T IN IZ IN The moet in dry cleaningl Featuring same day cleaning and laundry service. 707 NE FREMONT 281 6625 1419 N.E. Fremont 281-6133 Stetson ft Dobba 1119 N.E Broadway •08 N I Oakum Hats-Scarves & Accessories Styling The Parts A Service People 2701 N.E. 7th Portland. Oregon 97212 2B1 43 72 . . _ .......... Portland, Oregon 97211 2894976________ MRS C SW IG S 1 1 I Ready to Finish 284 0655 1 800 NE Broadway Portland. OR Quality at affordable prices STEW ART CLEANERS Menage». Janice Hart 3606 N Williams /irnulij I miri A U NISEX SALON \ 6720 N E Unton Avenue Portland. Oregon 97211 (5031289 4470 5118 NE Union A ve. Portland, OR 97211 282 6863 Hair Design Center lo n n w Jenkins SteWa Johnson J 1 Laundry & Alteration Block ing. pick-up ft deliver. Mon-Fri 8em 6pm • Set,. 9am 5pm Q M n Rtnu „ m in DO W NTO W N 724 S W Washington Portland Oregon 97206 Phon«223 1*15 W A SH IN G TO N SQUARE Phone 639 1622____________ i r* a At ' ahcc um-Miea 2861 N E. Union 281 0619 16 N M orris St Portland. Oregon 97227 281 9931 11493 S E 82nd 653 7932 4220 S E H aw thorne 238 1070 OREGON RUG b M A TTR ESS CO Since 1932 1868 N. Lombard Portland, OR 97217 B A R D Y T R O P H Y CO. T rophies • Plaques • emblems Trophies • name plates 1440 N.E. Broadway Portland. OR 97232 _______ 282 7787 Dr Samuel J. Brown Jr ft Dr Carlo* L W eekly. DENTIST FemMy and p re v e n t!*« dentistry M M F ft 3 S aturday 2209 NE Killingsworth Portland. Oregon 97212 282 7543 GRACE COLLINS MEMORIAL CENTER 254 9333 TAVERN 2 N Killingsworth Portland. Oregon 97217 281 4840 SUE W IC K LU N D TRAVEL 1734 N.E Broadway Portland, OR 97232 KEN TUTTLE (503) 249 8303 P ft J's TIPPIN INN TAVERN Peggy b Jim M iller Beer Glass 45C 838 N Killingsworth V A C C U M ft S EW IN G Vacuum Cleaner Sewing M achine F R E N C H 'S R ESTAURANT Family Atmosphere Open 7 a m to 1 0 p m Breakfast .Lunch-Dinner 265-3400 7331 NE UN ION Sales and service Eureka Electric Co 1804 N.E. Union Portland, OR 287 9420 V A R IE T Y N e e d ty p e s e ttin g don e? C a ll 283 2486 today! JO H N REED BOOKSTORE TASTE TICKLER ir>tar««ted m current txxHn about Submarine Sandwich. 11 5 Mon-Fri. 12-5 Saturday Afnc«n Litoe»Bt»on? Dekum Building Sixth Floor 519 S W 3rd Ave Portland, Oregon 227 2902 14th Er NE B roadw ay Phone Orders 282 3681 Ph (503)285 9564 j GRACE COLLINS M EM O R IA L CENTER Ch4d Development hot breakfast ft lunch «necke 8 30em 6pm 12 y»» Fed Lie k mdergartan« 128 NE R uttali Portland. Oregon 281 6930 COMMUNITY DIRECTORY Let it work for you! D .M .D . M P H FAMILY DENTISTRY Consolations Insurance accepted Weekend b Evening hours 2274 Lloyd Center For appointment call 287 1078 D O M E S TIC House cleaning by the hour. Experienced - 283-3075. 128 NE Russell Portland. Oregon 281 6930 PEGGY'S H ID EW A Y Come m end «hoot a game of poof rataa or fu«t «nfOy th * m u ecl New owner Falstaff Beer Glass 35C E ERNEST GUILE. Child development • Kindergartens « Hot breakfast & lunch snacks. 6:30am 6pm. 12 years Federal License. 1912 N E. 122nd RESTAURANTS M a k e this directory w o rk for you call 283 2486 15 N. M orris St. Portland OR 97230 1719 N.E. 16th ^ 4646 P.w tH p tK xw • Counter tu p p M * Amp«a parking facikbaa eveNebte Walter C Reynolds, M D Kalpana H Rajdev, M D Physicians b Surgeons THE VILLAGE COBBLER Shoe repair • Leather repair Vinyl repair • Shoe dyed Free pick up b Delivery Serving your pharmacy needs with dilligence. quality pro ducts and service Call or visit us today1 PR M C CLINIC PHARM ACY REMCO R e n ta l M a n a g e m e n t Company. Competence, and honest. 297 6675 REM CO PROPERTIES PHIL REYNOLDS M E D IC A L CLINIC M a k e this directory w o rk for you call 283 2486 W O O D LA W N PH AR M A CY Prescriptions W e accept All Medical Cards Pets 8 Veterinary Supplie. W E CARE 289-3311 NATURAL F U R N IT U R E Ph: 281 8110 5600 NE Union (503) 287 0693 NE U N IO N 8, D E K U M N IC K 'S CLEANERS 5315 N. Vancouver Portland. Oregon Sportshoes our speciality. Retailing and resoleing TERRY'S P H A R M A C Y M a k e this directory w o rk for you call 283 2486 7205 NE Union Ave. Portland, Oregon 97211 283 4800 Walnut Park Dental Center Serving the community with quality work/quality service SOLE DESIGNERS OF PO R TLA ND 2403 NE Alberta 281 8717 APEX UPHOLSTERY ree esIimates-Quality Work Antiques Restored Low Prices 111 282-6609 2417 NE Union 6211 N Williams Avs Portland. Oregon 97217 281 2836 DR CHARLESTONEY SHOES Ready to serve ad you» preem ption rteeds • State waff are • • Portland M etro • B»ua Croee • • SAIF HOME Portland. OR 97232 15031284 9004 281 5409 Alberta Pharm acy 1480 N E. Preacott Portland. Oragon 284 3837 There • no doubt W han you can Vann W d h u a courtaay • a baditron 3240 N Williams Portland. Oragon 97212 PHARMACY Your t)uN«r buy* mora and more here I Cotd bee» and *" > « Operi Bll hoMJayi B OD 10 00 M S Vtny top« «109 00 VA N N S MORTUARY JO S BAR B Q Place your ad here Call 283 2487 Brad Morris Stanili''i • 2B4 5050 PROJECT STOP Outpatient alcohol treatment for individual* and families special program for woman 1826 Northeeet Broadway Our food « finger hefcn good' Try rt and you « never «a« anywhere PHIL 5 SC MW INN CYCLlRY M a k e this directory w ork for you call 283 2486 Mift KMHwgaworm Forban« Oregon fTM? R O B E R T A B U T L E R w tf; 3133 N E Prescott Portland Orage > 97211 281 3010 Phone 288 0880 Jim Sssaalog Owner 701 N E Broadway Portland. Oregon 97232 281 4036 2709 NE 7th If u nabla to k««p epposntm«nt k>rw)tT qvm I, A.A.. B A. Pastor Sunday SvhcFol 9:30 A .M . Morning Worship 10:30 A .M . Bible Training Union 6:00 P M Evening Worhstp 7:30 P M. Affiliated with the National Baptitt Convention of America and the Southern Baptist Convention M hrrr all peoples o f all races are welcomed to workup. in church life at the time o f his passing. E arlier, M r. Jones had devoted much o f his time to work with young folk, serving as coach for sof­ tball and basketball teams for the Lents Methodist Church and other church youth groups. His own three sons were athletes, all o f them able and popular. The Rev. Stanley Day, of the Oak Grove United Methodist Church, conducted the service for M r. Jones. Soloist was Norma Flink. Organist was Pat Sheasley. Roman Jones Jr., gave the eulogy for his father. The Jones way. Final rites were private. I The fam ily stayed on to give suport to Geneva in her loss. They freely spoke of their father; they re­ told fam ily stories; .they stayed beside their mother and surrounded her with their love. The house was abloom with flowers, with friends, fcnd with the sound o f the voices or children - Roman’s grandchildren., And they broke bread tbigether. St. Andrews Community Church l l '¿ L c O tT lS to fltto boor Jflisftionarp B a ptist Churrb ''A warm spirit o f J el lows hip always** The Honorable Bishop U V. Peterson, D.D "The Holiness Preacher," Pastor Sunday Sunday Sc ool Morning W« r»h Through countless ages people have gathered to break bread with one and another. We do this for the sake o f friendship; we do this to show a spirit o f acceptance o f each other, a one-ness and an equality. We gather in church or out o f it; we gather for celebration of great hap­ piness; sometimes we celebrate this way for a spontaneous sharing o f pleasurable moments. A nd , sometimes we gather to see the sorrow o f a friend. For this latter reason, the home o f Geneva and Roman Jones was Tilled to overflow a few days ago. During one sunny afternoon re­ cently, Roman Darryl Jones died. R e had been making happy pre­ parations to welcome some o f his grown children to a weekend “ get- together” at his home. He loved these “ get-togethers" with his big, exuberant broad. Roman loved life. They all love life , these dynamic Joneses. They love living, they love movement and action. They love people and each other. From C oncord, C a lifo rn ia , Roman Jr. had called his dad and had told him to lay two more places at the table. He and his wife would drive up next day. Roman Sr. had been elated. The more the m errier. His daughters M argaret A llen and Joyal Jones could not be present, living in Pen­ nsylvania so far away. But there would be grandchildren to run and play and to climb into Granddad’s lap. And then, Roman stepped away before any o f the fa m ily ’ s car wheels turned in the driveway. The family notified Margaret and Joyal. They came swiftly. M em orial services, attended by crowds o f friends, were held at Caldwell’s Colonial Mortuary. Before his retirement from an ac­ tive working life , M r. Jones had been employed as a parts marker for Precision Castparts, and had been involved there as a shop committee man. He and M rs. Jones were parishioners o f Oak Grove United Methodist Church and were active Portland, Oregon 97211 Sunday School: 10:15 -11:16 Divine Worship; 11:30-12:46 Wft have moved from 4800 N E 30th A venue. H H I Pastors: Cortlandt Cambric• Louis Osborne