Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 18, 1981, Page 7, Image 7

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    Portland Observer June 11.1 *1 Pegs 7
l r
The Peter Aland Story Continued:
'God has brought him back to us'
■ a*i/4
Rocky n..»»>
Butte authorities
said that
they didn’ t have the funds for his
needs, however, "they would keep a
report on his condition.” The doc­
tors did not respond.
In spite o f it a ll, Ms. Barboza
remains hopeful that justice will
come. She sums up her feelings.
“ There has been a marked trans­
formation in Peter’s patterns since
December o f 1979, and we can at­
tribute this, first of all, to the inter­
vention of Almighty God in reply to
prayers o f many who love Peter,
and next, to family therapy which
has also contributed in great part to
such persons for good cause only by
the director o f the facility in which
(Thia is the final installment of
the person is confined, or his
the Peter A land Story. Peter, who
designee, but only after consultation
suffered serious head injuries while
with and approval o f an indepen­
incarcerated at Rocky Butte ja il,
dent examining physician.”
recently filed a $200,000 suit against
Peter sent notes to family mem­
the officer alleged to have inflicted
bers stating his feeling o f
the injury.)
desperation, the feelings of near ex­
In May of 1979, Peter Aland, not
plosion, the terrible thoughts going
having yet gone to tria l, suffered
through his mind. In one note he
head injuries, and was left without
said that if something wasn’t done
medical attention for several days.
to stop the shock treatments, he
The alleged assault had put Peter in­
would attempt to escape because he
to such shock that for four months
felt he was losing his mind. Already
he did not speak. Peter’s suit alleges
ten shock treatments had been ad­
that his head injury was inflicted by
ministered to him.
Rocky Butte ja il guard “ Rick
Indeed Peter did try to escape,
O askell” who became infuriated
but here, another tradegy began.
when Peter failed to follow a direct
The escape turned into a serious
command. Rocky Butte says Peter
fall from the third floor o f the
attacked the guard. However,
psychiatric ward; his head was badly
statements obtained during an
crushed; spinal fluid was coming
earlier investigation found that
out through his nose; he had a con­
when the incident happened, Peter
cussion; internal bleeding; a fac-
was handcuffed.
tured spinal vertabrae; a broken leg;
After seven days in Portland Ad­
a broken foot and was hardly ex­
ventist Hospital, Peter was taken to
pected to live.
Oregon State Hospital for psychia­
The neuro-surgeon told Peter’ s
tric evaluation, but doctors were not
relatives that he would more likely
told the reasons for Peter’ s con­
have brain damage.
dition. Thus, he was evaluated as
Three months later, a plate was
being a “ Paranoia Schizophrenia.”
placed in his forehead to replace the
The Supreme Court has identified
crushed bones which had been
three legitimate functions o f a
removed in the first surgery, but 7
Corrections System: Deterrence,
days later, the plate became
R ehabilitation.
dislodged due to a sneeze, and
Legislation has also identified
spinal fluid again began to leak
rehabilitation as one o f the major
from his nostrils. Three weeks later,
purposes of incarceration. R .I.O .L .
the third surgery follow ed. This
42-56 Declaration of Policy: a) the
time, the doctor could not assure the
legislature hereby finds and declares
Barboza family that there wouldn’t
th a t:...2) efforts to rehabilitate and
be future problems.
restore offenders as law abiding and
Peter was returned to Rocky
productive members o f society are
Butte six weeks after his third
essential to the reduction of crime.
operations. Three months later, at
In one o f the earliest appellate
Rocky Butte, he again began to
court prison decisions, the District
leak spinal fluid. A court order was
o f Colum bia C ircuit said: “ That
given to have him examined again.
penal as well as judicical authorities
This time it was concluded that
response to constitutional duties is
surgery again was needed.
vastly important to society as well as
In the doctor’ s petition to the
to the prisoner. Treatment that
court for Peter’s medical needs, he
degrades the inmate, invades his
wrote: “ Surgery is needed as ex­
privacy, and frustrates the ability to
peditiously as possible,” neverthe­
chose pursuits through which he can
less, instead o f proceeding with
manifest himself and gain self-
Peter’s need for surgery, the D .A .
respect, erodes the very foundations
asked the judge for an order to
upon which he can prepare for a
continue with the trial, stating, “ He
socially-useful life .” (Barnett vs.
does not need surgery at this time.”
Rodgers, 410-F.20-995.100-2 D.C.
The records said otherwise, but the
Cir. 1969)
state wanted to clear their back log
Peter’ s first stay at Oregon State
because as the attorney himself said,
Hospital was for a total of 20 days,
“ It d id n ’ t look good to have
after which he was returned to
delayed the trial so lo n g .’ ’ So,
Rocky Butte. His condition con­
heavily drugged, Peter found him­
tinued to deteriorate. Another court
self in court, with the prosecuting
order o f commitment followed.
attorney insisting that he plead
This time electro-shock therapy was
guilty. That was on the 15th o f
administered. Peter, by this time
December, almost four months af­
was able to speak and told his
ter it was known he needed surgery.
brother that the hospital would not
Concerned about the lack of
stop the shock treatments and that
treatment for her son,
he had a terrible feeling o f
director of Corrections
desperation, as though he would ex­
Division M r. Bob Watson, as well as
plode. No consent by the family was
the doctors who had performed the
given nor asked for by the hospital.
operation and treatments. In ad­
No independent physician was con­
dition, she sent copies of her letter
sulted, which is contrary to Oregon
to Rocky Butte authorities and
State Law ORS 426.385 (2)...“ Men­
Corrections of Multnomah County.
tally ill persons committed to the
M r. Watson responded that it was
division shalf have the right to be
out of his jurisdiction now, and sent
free from potentially unusual or
the letter to the Adm inistrator o f
hazardous treatment procedures,
Mental Health Division, J .H .
including lobotomy and electro­
M .D . His response was
shock therapy, unless they have
“ the authorities responsible for his
given their express and informed
care now was Rocky Butte ja il.
consent. This right may be denied to
By Nyewusi Askari
the slow healing and wholesome
development o f his mind. D r.
Franks o f Portland Adventist
Hospital who examined Peter on
August 27th o f last year gave this
report: ‘The physical examination
reveals a pleasant and alert man.
The speech is normal.* ” Her voice
breaking, Ms. Barboza paused
before continuing.
"W e realize that many times good
can come out of bad situations, and
we can truly say that Peter’ s rest­
lessness. insecurities, and rejections
o f the past have been settled in
Christ his Lord, finding him his
peace. Many can testify of this here
in Portland and Salem area who
have visited him and can speak on
his behalf; including pastors and
Christian workers. There are also
people who have seen and know the
effect that family therapy has per­
formed in his miraculous recovery
after all the ordeal he has gone
through. Now he wants his life to be
useful to others. Yet as a permanen­
tly disabled person, he will need the
love and care that only God and his
family can render him, and that is to
be in an atmosphere where there is
the opportunity for complete and
total restoration and adjustment.
“ If we have failed him as a family
before, we do not want to fail him
ever again. 1 believe that if he were
released in my custody, his re­
adjustment would be secure and his
life be made more wholesome,
having prospered rather than hin­
dered from his experience. Peter’ s
oldest brother has been a missionary
for nine years in Mexico and Centra,
Am erica. The rest o f his brothers
and sister also have the love of God
in their lives. The prayers o f this
close fam ily have brought Peter
back to God, and God has brought
him back to us.”
“ No am ount o f words can tell
what I, as P eter’ s m other, feel,
seeing the possibilities that can lie
ahead for him .”
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