Portland Obaarvar Juna 1 1 .1»1 P««* B African Liberation Day The Uhuru Club o l O . . 8 o „ S M I» P .n lM n t l.r v c . l . b r . t . d A lr lc .n Liberation Day w ith song and prose. '" ’ d «J n ’ ^ wu .“ A.’ k ' J r i X m ’ sm’ th IM r T .'n d Group and t h . D.’ nny O .b o r n . Group w ith T h . r . M .m o ry . an(J A y a n n . M a jth a H1|| Lean Ground Not to Exceed 2 3 % Fat Content I Jeno’s Super Soft Bread Pizza 10” Canadian Bacon or Pepperoni 11 75 oz. Beef Patty Mix Soy Protein Added Mrs. Wright's White Bread 24 oz. Loa) 2 S1 ' d Janice Scroggins at the piano. Lb. ’Liat (Photos: Richard J. Brown) Beef Grade A Cut-Up Cross Rib Roast Fryers Manor House Govt Inspected Grade A Arkansas Grown Sateway Quality USDA Choice Beet Boneless Chuck Shoulder Black Cod Fillets Ocean Fresh Fillets Perfect tor Breading and Frying Thara visits Saturday Market played to over 250,000 students at area schools through the Young Audiences of Oregon program. The concert is free to the public and begins at 12:30 p.m. On Sunday, July 5, the Muddy Bottom Boys will bring their lively bluegrass to the Market, beginning at 12:30 p.m. The performance by Thara Memory is co-sponsored by a Music Performance Trust Fund grant. A major musical event comes to Saturday Market for the 4th of July with a performance by Thara Memory’s Creative Jazz Orchestra. This 24-piece group will be play­ ing selections from their ••Timesound” concert performed recently at the Civic Auditorium. Thara Memory is gaining recognition in his efforts to preserve jazz music, and his orchestra has Safeway Variety Values! Bel-air Peas or Peas & Carrots Frozen 10-Ounce Package I t ’s Good tofcnowf C o m e I n a t Y o u r C o n v e n ie n c e < Complete D e n t a l S e rv ic e FOR AU YOUR DENTAL NEEDS LIBERAI CREDIT IP en iaree • P a r tia l e • i U lin«« ( r o t m e • R r U g r t • Ron« Cnnnl» • I h - th o d a a tie t • EXTRACTIONS and FILLINGS l/unj Sodium Ptntothol - When Deurtd F o r BLEEP During No Intereit or Carrying Charge» • ALL DENTAL Insurance Accepted Operation F a it --------------- D e n ta l REPAIRS LOW COST Q u a lity DENTURES Itv r tK t FKlt PM K H K CAPfTOt LOT D/l. in i I 3rd S W Mormon * * * _ D Ä N T IS T Street ret Level HOUKS: 8 30 AM to 5 0 0 PM C Io ted Saturday ,_________B«tw— í 5 1 5 s w. 4 th Ave. Aldei A Wathlvgt«« ^OFFICES ALSO IN SALIM 6 KUtlNl)] Rubbing Alcohol 18's Disposable Daytime. Toddlers 12 s 24's Newborn,14 s Overnite Vi Jon Rubbing Alcohol, 16oz. ■■ | 12-Pak Olympia ¿"Th V il 12 Ounce or Bottle Plus Dep Li ucerne Yogurt AB £R| K f OF ■ w. * r Often WhUe Tee W e.il 0«ntw«t I«lined L *«prir«4 Cr«