Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 18, 1981, Page 4, Image 4

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    Cascade holds Rape prevention discussed
conduct a rape prevention meeting
Rape is a problem that appears to
on June 24, I9 8 1 ,7:00 p.m. at the
be on the increase in the Portland
summer classes area.
Peninsula Community Center. This
Do you know how to prevent a
Harriett Tubman graduates c|ass
By Kathryn Hall Bogle
After opening its doors in the fall
o f 1980, H arriett Tubman Middle
School graduated its first class o f
8th grade students this week. There
were 114 in this record class re­
ceiving their diplomas in their aud­
itorium . A ll girsl were in their nice
dresses and boys wore shirts with
ties. Caps and gowns were not con­
sidered because of the extra expense
involved according to Edith Wilson,
principal at Tubman.
This class had 35 o f its number on
Tubm an’ s honor ro ll. They had
grade averages o f 3.5 or better.
Honorable mention for grades went
to 21 more who had grade averages
to 3.0. Boys and girls shared almost
equally in these scholastic attain­
Don Newcomb, on the school
honor ro ll, also carried away
citations for his outstanding track
record, for his musical talent at the
piano, and for his skill at dancing.
M arquita Lockett and Sandra
Benefield shared the title o f “ Most
Dedicated G irl.” Marquitas name
was on the honor ro ll. Sandra’ s
name was there as well, but in addi­
tion, Sandra, who’s singing voice is
rated as “ special,” was chosen to
sing on the program at the gradua­
tion exercises.
Class members are already
thinking o f careers ahead. I f class
prophecies hold true, there w ill be
more than one attorney among
them, there will be several computer
operators, at least tw o a irc ra ft
pilots, a few airplane attendants and
several who w ill go into business for
Tubman students will scatter after
graduation to several high schools
as w ith other 8th graders. Benson
high school was chosen by 22, with
other opting for Lincoln, Jefferson,
Jackson and Wilson.
Emanuel wins P.R. awards
Two o f the n a tio n ’ s highest
honors for hospital public relations
were awarded in Boston, Massachu­
setts, fo r public relations work
resulting from the eruption o f
Mount St. Helens to Frank Parch-
man and Emanuel Hospital in Port­
land where some o f the survivors of
the blast were taken.
The Academy o f Hospital Public
Relations presented Parchman,
public relations d irector o f the
hospital, w ith the Webster M erit
Award for Feature W riting and the
MacEachern Award for Best Special
Publication published by any
hospital in the U nited States last
year. It was one of the few times in
the 36 year history o f the awards
that two o f the top awards were
presented for a single work.
The Academy cited “ the Pulitzer
prize-w inning q u a lity ” o f Parch-
man’ s story “ Days o f the Volcano"
which detailed the escape of a team
o f loggers from the mountain after
being severely burned by the
volcano and their fig h t fo r life at
Emanuel H ospital. The story was
published as an entire issue o f the
h o sp ita l’ s fo u n d a tio n magazine,
Before becoming public relations
director fo r Emanuel H ospital,
Parchman worked as a newspaper­
man where he was awarded over 50
state and national jo u rn a lism
awards. In 1978 he was presented
with the nation’ s highest press free­
dom award, the E.W. Scripps First
Amendment A w ard. He was the
first Oregon journalist to ever win a
Scripp’s Award.
One shot shoots car career
(Continued from page 1 co. 6)
trouble when I’ m older."
“ The doctor said no fighting, not
even putting on the gloves fo r six
months. My trainer says never; it ’ s
too dangerous. I see every fight,
love fighting. I’ts my life.
“ How do you tell someone he’ s
through. I ’ m not guilty o f anything,
but he took my chance away.”
Renwick has filed suit agianst the
police officer. “ How do you put a
price on your life . They make $8
m illion in one fight - but they tell
me I’m through.”
The strange thing about it, Ren­
wick explained, was that the officer
knew him. " I had called the police
several times about a neighbor. He
had been here in my house and
talked to me about it. We had a
frie n d ly conversation, about
fighting. He knew 1 was in my own
house -- yet he shot me. I will never
understand why.”
What Renwick did not know was
that the house had been surrounded
by police cars responding to a call of
possible rape in progress.
O fficer M osier’ s o ffic ia l report
says that he heard sounds he
believed were indications o f rape,
knocked on the door w ith his
flashlight and announced that he
was the police, then when he heard
no answer he kicked in the door.
Renwick appeared in the doorway.
“ Believing a rape was in fact oc­
curring I drew my service revolver
and ordered M r. Renwick to
“ He instantly assumed a boxing
posture and began yelling obsenities
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at me and started to approach me
punching outwardly with his fist in
the manner of a professional boxer.
At that point I recognized Mr. Ren­
wick from a previous meeting in
which we had had conversation
regarding him being a professional
boxer. I then retreated backwards
tow ard the door and pointed my
service revolver directly at him and
warned him to stop and ordered him
to get down on the flo o r.” Mosier
says that Renwick continued to ad­
The o ffice r says that he backed
out the door w ith Renwick con­
tinuously follow ing him, punching
at him . The o ffic e r continued to
point his gun and threaten to shoot.
“ He did stop just a few feet from
me and began dancing (or foot shuf­
fling) in the manner o f a boxer. At
that point I was afraid that i f I tried
again to retreat he w ould attack
The officer continued that as he
pointed his gun at Renwick, Ren­
wick picked up a piece of the broken
door jam and broke it in two pieces.
He then took a piece in his right
hand and approached the officer. " I
was unable to move out o f his way
and was extremely fearful o f M r.
Renwick and realized that not being
able to escape his attack I was in
severe danger. I realized that I had
no other options le ft to u tilize in
protecting myself. I fired one shot,
double action from my revolver and
Mr. Renwick fell to the floor.”
The telling part o f the story? “ I
am not a fancy boxer. I don’ t flick
and jab. I d o n 't dance. I ’ m like a
bull. When he said I shuffled and
danced, you know he was lying. He
knew who I was, that I was in my
own house, and still he shot m e."
Career development, introduction
to business, ceramics, mathematics,
horseback riding, aerobic fitness,
backpacking, sailing, self-defense
conditioning for women, multi-level
typing, hatha yoga. English as a
Second Language and general
educational development classes will
be offered by Portland Community
College in northeast P ortland
locations summer term starting
Monday, June 22, fo r com m unity
service classes and Tuesday, June
23, for all college credit classes.
Registration is going on now by
mail for all noncredit courses while
open registration for credit courses
w ill start M onday, June 23, and
continue through Friday, June 26,
at PCC Cascade campus, 705 N.
Killingsworth, and at all PCC cam­
Schedules o f classes listing these
courses and hundreds o f other
classes throughout the metropolitan
area are available at all PCC cam­
puses and at public library branch-
Tuition for PCC credit courses is
$17.50 per credit with most classes
ranging between one and fo u r
Students who want to complete a
fu ll year o f college w ork in one
summer can attend three four-week
sessions o f general college courses
such as economics, business ad­
ministration, English composition,
and sociology at the PCC Cascadce
For more in fo rm a tio n on com­
m unity service and credit classes
call the PCC Cascade campus at
rape situation or what to do if you
are a victim?
The Neighbors Against Crime will
meeting is open to the pu b lic so
come get the facts and get answers
to your questions.
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From the Front Door
By Tom Boothe
From the Front Door, as you w ill recall from my last article, a group of
citizens were in the process of forming a Team, whereby we would concen­
trate on the Cleanliness of our community and neighborhoods.
Well, I am pleased to announce that the structure has been set and the form
is solidified, the Team is called the "Exodus Clean Team.” The Teams pur­
poses are;
1, To practice and demonstrate Cleanliness of Spirit, Mind, Body and Pro­
perty at all times.
2) To teach by word and by example that Cleanliness of Spirit, Mind, Body
and Property is the highest form of human virtue on earth that can be
measured by others directly.
1 ) To keep our own Spirit, Mind, Body and Property up and Clean by building
a daily routine of Cleanliness exercises.
2) To set an example of Positive attitude. To practice Courtesy in all relation­
ships. To be ready to remove dirt where ever we find it.
3) To train specialized Teams in special areas of expertise for the purpose of
cleaning in specific situations and objects.
4) To seek the cooperation of Businesses, Home-owners, and Renters in
keeping our Neighborhood clean.
5) To maintain a Clean, Honest, Open relationship with all Clean Team mem­
OUR GOAL IS: To improve the Attitudes, Appearance and the sense of Re­
sponsibility of all of our Community citizens.
OUR PROJECTED IMPACT RESULTS IS: To have a daily clean impact on
the Spirits, Minds, Bodies and Properties in our Block and in our community
The Team will develop weekly assemblies and will hold seminars and Forums
with its members. We are looking forward to every citizen in North/North­
east Portland joining in one way or another in the support of this Cleanliness