P o rtla n d , 287-1221 1815 NE Broadway - Portland dp By Donald Clark County Executive ■ medical care, are able to receive health screening, maintenance and im m unization services through c lin ic and home visits. There is a supplemental food referral program also known as W IC, for women, in­ fants and children who have special n u tritio n a l needs. Some o f the citizens in need o f this very necessary service are treated at the Woodlawn Community Health Cen­ ter at 17th and Dckum. I f measures 3 and 4 do not pass on June 30th, the W oodlawn Center w ill be scheduled for closure by November 30, 1981, and approxim ately 300 children in the com m unity w ill be without those services. Dental services such as those provided through the Buckman Dental C linic on Northeast Everett also are at stake i f the serial levy doesn’ t pass. Approxim ately 95^o o f the population under 18 w ill be affected by dental disease at one time or another, and about 40% of people over 55 have lost all their teeth. Some 500 low-income men, women and children in the N o rth / Northeast community alone w ill be without subsidized dental treatment i f measure 3 is defeated. W ith the percentages o f people badly needing dental treatment already high, can we afford to put another 500 people in jeopardy? Family planning services offered through the A lb in a M ultiservice Center and the health clinic in the C olum bia V illa Housing D istric t w ill be forced to cut back on operating hours and close their doors to about 500 low -incom e residents. An additional 300 people w ould no longer be eligible fo r general medical care offered through these same clinics. The elderly and the poor desperately in need o f services provided through the County’ s Por- ject Health Division also w ill be af­ fected if the serial levy is rejected by the voters. In fact, several hundred o f those enrolled from the N o rth / Northeast D istrict w ill be w ithout Project Health services. Community mental health clinics such as the N o rth /N o rth e a s , C lin ic w ill also have to make both staff and patient reductions if the levy fails. Library services w ill be substan­ tially reduced, closing seven branch­ es -- one o f which is the A lb in a Branch on NE 15th - and operating hours w ill be reduced at the central library and existing branches. The cuts and reductions I just outlined are o f course applicable only to the N o rth /N o rth e a st districts, however the overall cuts and reductions will affect all distric­ ts within Multnomah County. Measure 4 cannot pass if Measure 3 is rejected, and Measure 3 alone l\ZlAfi s SEAFOOD From Multnomah County D uring the past few months, we’ ve been hearing alot about President Reagan’ s federal budget cuts, as well as cutbacks in Gover­ nor A tiy e h ’ s state budget, and have grown concerned about the devastating impact those cuts w ill have on citizens in this country. At the same time, the County has prepared its budget fo r the fiscal year, and we, too, are cutting back. The 1981-82 County budget im ­ poses cuts and reductions in some o f the services provided by Multnomah County, not only due to decreasing federal and state revenues, but also increasing costs and a shortfall o f local resources. To attem pt to minimize some o f these cutbacks, a three-year, $5.1 m illion serial levy has been put before the voters on June 30th, which w ill in part restore some of the County’ s basic services - - if measures 3 and 4 pass. You are probably aware o f how the proposed cuts and reductions w ill affect M ultnom ah County residents in general, but you may not be aware of how those cuts and reductions will affect the North and Northeast districts in particular. O f utmost im portance arc the reductions in C om m unity Health Services. At present, children from birth to age 13 whose parents arc unable to provide any source o f Obaarvar Juna I t . l i t i Pata 1 w ill not restore county services to their present capacity. Passage o f both measures 3 and 4 w ill however, create a d d itio n a l revenues which w ill enable the County to substant­ ia lly retain most o f our basic programs and services. The cost o f this tax levy to the average homeowner with a home assessed at $50,000 would be only $15.50 per year. The cost o f living continues to rise at a rapid rate. The unemployment rate is steadily rising and Reagan’ s axe seems to cut deeper in to the have nots than the haves. We have little control over what the Reagan A d m in istra tio n or the state do, and ce rtainly no power over reversing those cuts once they’ re adopted. % Open: Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sun. - Noon - 5 p.m. FRESH FISH DAILY FRESH SEAFOOD DAILY SPECIALS THIS WEEK REX SOLE...................................... $2.»/lb(Reg. $2.8°/lb) FRESH CHINNOOK SALMON......$5.*/lb (Reg. SG.^/lb) PRAWNS (Shrimp, 40-50.......... $6 .*/lb (Reg. $7.»/lb) FrM^u»f»l^v«rvMond«yj>n^nwr»d«^b«glnnln^1M^M«c