Fege 14 Portland Observer Juno 1t. I t t i NBA Golf Classic features 60 players is the other organizer. When questioned about his motivation for thinking up the NBA On June 26 and 27, the first A n ­ G o lf Classic, Phillips, a native o f nual N atio n al Basketball Oakland, California and a graduate Association G olf Classic will be held o f the U niversity o f Pacific at at the Rock Creek County Club in Stockton made the following com­ Beaverton. ment. Plans call for a field o f sixty ac­ “ About four years ago, Austin tive players plus many other Carr and I were playing in the Dan­ celebrities, former NBA greats, and ny Thompson G o lf Tournam ent m ajor sponsors. The players and which was a benefit for leukemia, a sponsors will have their own tour­ disease Austin lost a brother to, and nament June 26 which will be an in­ we thought it would be a good idea dividual low gross, low net tourney. for the N atio n al Basketball June 27 will feature a five man Association to have their own affair scramble consisting o f one N B A because it had never been done player, one sponsor and three before,” he said. All proceeds from amateurs. the classic will go to the Hearing and Among the players committed are Speech L e a g u e ,In c ., an Oregon Robert Parish, L arry B ird, A rtis charity. Phillips decided to give the G ilm ore, Reggie Theus, Moses proceeds to the Hearing and Speech Malone, Calvin Murphy, Phil Ford, League to show how thankful he is Otis Birdsong, M agic, M icheál for the work they have done with his Cooper, Norm Nixon, Bob Lanier, fourteen year old daughter Kelly. Junior Bridgeman, Marques John­ k **M y daughter was born with son, M aurice Lucas, Bill C a r­ brain damage and for a long period twright, Micheál Ray Richardson, o f time she made no sounds at all. Ray W illiam s, D arryl Dawkins, The Hearing and Speech League of W alter Davis, Truck Robinson, Oregon has done more for her in the Dennis Johnson, eleven ten months than the thirteen years Trailblazers, Darrell G riffith , Ron we were in California. She has come Lee, Greg Ballard, Austin Carr, Ice a long ways since we arrived in M an , Ron Brewer, Gus W illiam s Oregon,” he said. and many more. How was Oregon seleicted as the Old-tim ers include Bill Russell, site for the NBA G o lf Classic? Paul Silas, Jerry West, Rick Berry, “ O rig in ally, it was slated for Lenny Wilkens, Billy Cunningham, W alnut Creek, C a lifo rn ia ,” said Greg Smith and John Havlicek. The Phillips, “ But after I transferred up field also includes two local to Portlan d, we changed the celebrities in Bill “ Rip C ity ” location to here. It should be a lot of Schonely o f the T railblazers and fun because it w ill give the com­ Ullysses Tucker, Jr. of "Dialogue” munity a chance to see these great and K P T V -1 2 who has never athletes in a different perspective. touched a golf club in his life. This is the first time in the league’s According to John Phillips, the history that the players have had Prom otions D irector for N IK E their own function. The N B A (Blue Ribbons Sports) and one o f players are donating their time and the organizers o f the golf classic, will participate only for trophies.” seventy-percent o f the players par­ People interested in learning more ticipating have never played g o lf about the First Annual NBA G o lf before which should prove to be in­ Classic should drop by 818 S.W . teresting. Austin C a rr, form er Broadway or call the classic N otre Dame great and current headquarters at 503-228-0821. member of the Washington Bullets By Ullysses Tucker, Jr. Talladrldgo Collage Art Department chairman James Huff unveils "The Writers" at Clark College In Atlanta. The painting by Huff was commissioned In 1979 ad presented last month to Clark Collage by Nabisco. Inc. Huff's newest painting for Nablsco's "Famous Black Americans" poster series Includes "The Loaders" and "The Educators" which will be unveiled this summer. Festival features protest A multi-media program, "Facing It Together,” will take place in the St. Andrews Community Center, Saturday, June 27th, 7 p.m. O p­ pression, struggle, and freedom will be faced in many art forms, con­ cluding with a dance. Performers are: The Actors Production Company (Piece from "Getting O ut” ); Ruby Burns and Vincent M artinez (Dancers); Kevin Johnson (politic­ a l/ folk songs); The crooked Road (Traditional Irish Music); The Port­ land Labor Players (songs); The Peoples Power Players (political Theater); Joyful Sounds Gospel Singers (a capella choir); Aryeh Hir- schfield (International Songs o f struggle A freedom); other singers and poets; Barbara La Morticella; Robert Tabb; Gene Seuss/Keith Raines, and Rick Mitchell. Also ap­ pearing w ill be ‘ ‘The Sojourner Truth Readers Theater A Dance” performing “ Atlanta Heartbreak.” The bands Velvet and Sound System will provide the dance music that concludes this celebration. A visual arts show is also part o f the program and statement. The St. Andrews Community Center is located at N .E . 8th and Alberta in the building behind the rectory. For further information call Kay Reid, 281-3597. The price for ‘ ‘ Facing It Together” is only $2.50. Police/Community Relations Forum Chief Ron Still • Discuss the Chief's new plans • Express your concerns • Ask the questions that haven't been answered. Saturday, June 20th, 9:30 P.M.' Bourbon Street Restaurant Sponsored by the Portland Observer T Sears S A V E 15% on 4 all-season radiais W heel alignm ent 1 6 88 Sear» lo w price T h e W e a th e rW is e For m oil American car» and light truck» w ith pattenger car lu tp en tio n t O u r lo n g e s t-w e a r in g all-sea so n tir e . T w o steel b elts. FREE M ou n tin g and ro tatio n Included on standard rims. Pl 55/8OR13 whitewall 5 9 25 plus »1.51 $7 OFF Sears 36 b a tte ry P 1 8 $ /8 0 R 1 3 P 1 8 5 /7 5 R 1 4 P 1 95/7 5R 14 R 2 05/75R 14 R 215/75R 14 F 2 0 5 /7 5 R 1 5 R 215775R 15 P 2 2 5 /7 5 R 1 5 P 2 3 5 /7 5 R 1 5 Regular $69.95 May fee safe« Ph. tefe grtCR M «MBtwai fel 1S5R13 . . ^ 6 9 95 AR78 13 $ 7 4 95 B R 7B 1 3 $ 7 9 95 WeglberWiw reBw 7 1 « Z |8 R 1 3 P165780R 13 LP1B5775R13 Sato grtcfe eg F IT 59,25 ,$ i,$ i. 8 3 .5 0 $1 68 $ 1 ,9 2 67 75 CR78 13 CR78-14 SI3J5 $5995 7125 .$1 95 , O/ER78 14 FR7B 14 GR78 14 FR 78-15 GR78 15 H/JLR7815 $ 9 4 95 $ 9 9 95 80 50 LR78 15 7 6 .2 5 . $2 06 $2 23 «< J 5 . $2 31, $ 1 0 4 95 $ 9 9 95 $ 1 0 4 .9 5 89 00 $2 49 5175 . $ 2 .4 6 . 89 00 $2 62 $107 9 1 .7 5 . $ 2 . 7 9 . 95 $ 1 1 1 95 95 00 $2 95 »20 OFF 37«? Installation included A u to a n a ly z e r o r speed c o n tro l trad e-in w Y° ur choice Provides 350 amps of cold cranking power, 88 minutes of reserve capacity Group 24 Fits most American-made cars, many imports Reg $99 99 79"ch A n a ly z e r makes 30 tests on car engines *5 O F F Sears Heavy-duty Installation available 099 dr each Reg $14 99 Save o n A ll-W e a th e r 1OW-SO m o to r o il. P/i6-inch piston gives more ride control than most standard l-inch bore shocks Sizes to fit most American-made cars, many imports Reg S l.0 9 Q u a rt $5 off Air-adjustable shocks i b e lo w available a t m o il S ean A u to Canters. • In fo rm a tio n . SU 59" Transmission flu id and filte r change W e ll install up to 5 quarts o f transmission fluid, new pan gasket plus n e w trans­ mission filter and " O " ring as required Clean the trans­ mission oil pan interior Sears low price A C I uJ For most American-made cars and light trucks w ith passenger car suspensions. You can count on 29" Has inductive pickup O il change and lu b ricatio n W e ll install up to 5 quarts o f A ll-W e ath er I0 W -3 0 m otor oil fo r excellent and e n g in e p ro te c tio n a nd lubricate the chassis Stop in soon soonl I O f * it O V O u r best tim in g lig h t Reg. $ 6 4 .9 9 Add 1000 lbs of extra weight in re a r o f m o s t A m e ri­ can-made cars Pair » 10 O F F 1 5 cu. ft. car r o o fto p c a rrie r. Reg - non Electronic speed con trol. Installation extra Some vehicles may re­ quire adapter kit at an additional charge radial-tuned shock absorbers 15«« Ball jo in t rep lacem en t, w h e e l a lig n m e n t We 'll install 2 ball joints |up per or low er), set caster, camber and toe and check steering and suspension sys­ tems for w orn parts Reg. S119 88 $99 Sale ends June 20th. PORTLAND - PHONE 238-2111 WASHINGTON SQUARE - PHONE 620-1910 N.C. GRANO at U.OYO Wvd. PARK PRE! Monday thru Friday 9 3 0 A M to 9O0P.M. 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