Portland Obaarvar Ju na 18.1881 Peg* 13 Portland Observer JOB FINDER SECRETARY/ MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Challenging full time position for a professional secretary desiring diversified duties in our Manufacturing Engineering Dept. If you have 2-3 years Secretarial experience in an Engineer ¡ng office, this job is for you. Salary beginning at 9990/month and commen­ surate with experience. Our liberal benefit pack­ age includes: m edical/dental/life insurance, Savings Incentive plan, educational reimburse­ ment and progressive retirement plan. To apply, please contact our Human Resources Department: B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 SE Pheasant Court Portland, OR 97222 1503)659-3355 An Equal Opportunity Employer M-F-H HOSPITAL NURSE R.N. PSYCHIATRIC Outpatient drug tre a t­ ment clinic. Must have demonstrated psychia­ tric assessment skills and ability to work inde­ pendently. 2 years nur­ sing experience required, psychiatric experience preferrable. Salary range 91512 - 91846 monthly. Excellent fringe. Call Polly at: CODA A D M IN IS T R A T IO N 267 0633 DIETETIC TEC H NICIAN Immediate opening for 2 part time Dietetic Technicians. Must have an Associate of Arts Degree that meets the standards set by the A m e ric a n D ie te tic Assoc. Excellent salary and benefits. Please send resume to person­ nel Dept: S.E W A SH IN G TO N HOSPITALS P.O. Box 1600 Vancouver, W A 98668 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F/ H An Equal Opportunity Employer SALES POSITION Apply in person 2201 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 CABLESYSTEMS PACIFIC Cablesystems Pacific (CSP), Portland's newly franchised cable company, is now accepting written applications for the following positions: QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN Responsible for performing quality control on all equipment used by Cablesystems Pacific to en­ sure that all the required specifications are main­ tained. The Quality Control Technician documents any defective equipment and advises the Chief Quality Control Technician on necessary repair and maintenance. Position requires electronics degree or equivalent two years electronics training and a minimum of fo u r years CATV experience in maintenance. CATV SYSTEM DESIGNER Responsible for design of a cable routing master plan backed by computer analysis for draft- person to complete and issue. Must coordinate system design with other utilities as required. Position requires an electronic degree or equivalent experience as well as drafting skills and computer programming in CATV or related field. CATV experience preferred, but not man­ datory. DRAFTPERSON Responsible for the preparation of systems maps as per standards and procedures of Cablesystems specifications. Duties include: drawing and issuing maps as required by the system schedule, correcting records on base maps and drafting work for other departments as needed. Position requires drafting degree or equivalent experience, with well developed inking and let­ tering skills. Two years CATV experience pre­ ferred, but not mandatory. Application forms available from receptionist at our office. Please respond in writing only by June 19, 1981 to: Linda Torrance CABLESYSTEM S PACIFIC 317 SW Alder, Suite 750 Portland, OR 97204 Interviews scheduled at the discretion of our personnel department following receipt of resume I application. A n Equal Opportunity Employer ATTENTIO N! Will those persons who have had problems with Farmers' Auto Insurance please call 283-2488. AREA SECRETARY Area Secretary Housing A uthority of Portland. Performs all secretarial duties for an area office; includes phone, typing, filing, report preparation. Two years business college, one year office e x ­ p e r ie n c e , w o r k in g knowledge of general office procedures and a variety of office equip­ m ent. Type 55 w pm . Salary 9858 per month. Submit HAP em ploy­ ment application no later than 4:30 p.m., Monday, June 22, 1981 to: KAREN BELL PERSONNEL A D M IN IS T R A T O R 1806 NE 46th Avenue Portland, OR 97213. Call 249-5626 if you have questions. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for em ­ ployment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or political affiliation. An Equal Opportunity Employer RESEARCH A SS IS TA N T Research Assistant pos ition in forest hydrology available August 15, 1981. Background in h y d ro lo g y , fo r e s tr y , forest soils, statistical analysis and computer applications. 6-m onth duration. Extension of this appointment to one year will be contingent on availability of funds. Bachelors degree, prac­ tical experience required. Salary 99,500 per 6 month period (919,000 per year). Send letter of application, vitae, u n i­ versity transcripts, and three letters of recom ­ mendation by July 15, 1981 to: Dr. Henry A. Froehlich Acting Department Head FOREST ENGINEERING D EPA RTM ENT Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 OSU is an A ffirm ative Action Equal Employ­ ment Opportunity Em­ ployer and complies with Section 504 of the Re­ habilitation Act of 1973 PROFITABLE and P A R T-TIM E Business o p p o rtu n ity meetings held weekly to explain how you can become financially in­ dependent in five years or less following proven plan. Excellent benefits. Call 281-4848 for time and place. C HILD CARE W arm , loving, magical responsive person for child care hours 1-6 94.16 hour. Experience t r a in in g n e c e s s a r y , S p a n is h s p e a k in g desirable. Resumes ac­ cepted thru June 26th at: 2707 S.E. Clinton Portland, OR 97202 An Equal Opportunity Employer hospital R AD IO LO G Y TECH Part time position avai­ lable for A .R .R .T . or registry eligible. RESPIRATORY TH ER APIST Full time nights and part time night shifts Must be certified registered or registry eligible. S.E. W ASHINGTON HOSPITALS VAN C O U V E R M E M O R IA L HOSPITAL 3400 Main Vancouver, W A 98663 ST JOSEPH C om m unity Hospital 600 N.E. 92nd Vancouver, W A (206)696-5222 From Portland 289 1181, ext 5222 An Equal Opportunity Employer M-F-H D A TA ENTRY OPERATOR Excellent em ploym ent opportunity for adapt able, qualified DDE o p ­ erator. Position requires 6 months to 2 years experience, to include: keypunch; key ontry machine, e g , IBM 3277; alphabetic keying. Blue cross of Oregon offers a complete benefits package and g ro w th o p p o r tu n it y , as well as a competitive salary. Please apply or call 225 5405 for ap pointment: Personnel Department BLUE CROSS OF OREGON 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 Insutsnc» UND ER W RITER - C ONTRACTS Individual will be re­ sponsible for drafting a new underwriting m an­ ual in simplified langu­ age BA degree, prior experience in written communication, such as copy writing, technical writing, or contract drafting required. Health insurance in claims, un­ derwriting, or enrollment helpful. Candidate must have strong oral com ­ munication skills. Blue Cross of Oregon offers a competitive salary and an excellent employee benefits package Please apply or submit resume to: Personnel Department BLUE CROSS OF OREGON 100 SW Market Portland, OR 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer LEGAL SECRETARY Legal Secretary, dow n­ town office, high m o ti­ vation and good skills re­ quired, prior legal e x ­ perience not necessary, excellent selery and benefits, call: 226-9100 We encourage minorities to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL Soma typing, some dis­ patching. Some data processing know ledge helpful but not nec­ essary. Fast m oving, people oriented. Ex­ cellent company b en e­ fits Salary inline with experience. Interviewing June 25 from 8am 5pm. Call: JA N 222 3831 For appointment. An Equal Opportunity Employer DATA ENTRY housekeeper Applications will be ac­ cepted June 22-23 to fill future Housekeeper vacancies at Fairview Training Center. Must have 2 years janitorial e x p e rie n c e in c lu d in g knowledge of materials, e q u ip m e n t an d techniques used in in ­ stitution, including dis infecting and isolation te c h n iq u e s , s u rg e ry and central supply areas Must be 18 years or older, good physical condition. EOE Apply: FA IRVIEW PERSONNEL 2250 Strong RD S.E Salem, OR 97310 Phone: 378 5369 ---------------------------------- D A T A ENTRY OPERATOR Immediate opening for experienced Data Entry Operator. IBM 3742 and systems 34 background desired. Systems 34 Computer operators ex­ perience a plus. 716 hour day. Excellent company benefits 228 9131 ext. 14 KXL RAD IO Radio reporting/Anchor p o s itio n . Im m e d ia te opening, full tim e, 3 y e a rs e x p e r ie n c e required with proven professional skills. Con tact: Brian Jenning 231 0750 KEX R A D IO An Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST Starting salary 910,377 per year Metro is re cruiting, pleasant Receptionist/Typist to work in our busy front office to receive calls at switchboard, relay messages, schedule vehicles and meeting rooms and distribute public in ­ formation mailings Job requires 2 years Post high school work experience, answering central switchboard and typing letters, memos, etc. 40- 50 wpm and high school diploma or GED Ap ply: Personnel Office METROPOLITAN SERVICE DISTRICT 527 S.W . Hall Street Before 5 00 P M ., June 23, 1981 A n Equal Opportunity Employer Community Calendar Walk for Equity Saturday, June 27th Support the legal fund to sue the School Board 10:00 leaving W aahlngton/M onroe and proceeding to Adams for potluck (Please contribute 86.00 per w alker) N o tlc a : There will be a regular meeting o f the Portland Energy C om ­ mission on Thursday, June I8, 198I at 7 p.m ., in Room 321 City Hall, 1220 S.W . Fifth Avenue, Portland. " A t la n t a H a a r tb r a a k " an em otional, chilling presentation by T h a S o jo u rn a r T ru th R aadara T h e a te r 8 D a n e « T ro u p e w ill be aired on "D ialo g u e" KPTV-12, June 20, 1981 at 7 a m ., and again on Sunday, June 21 at 10 p.m. Host Ullysses Tucker, Jr. "A tlanta Heartbreak” speaks to the pain and agony of Atlanta mothers who have lost children by murder, during the last twenty months in A tla n ta , G eorgia. A ll m aterial perform ed is original. Don’t miss this informative presentation! C h lld re n ’a H o u r O p e n in g : The Group at Hand Theatre w ill present Lillian Heilman’s T H E C H IL D R E N ’S H O U R on June IP, 19, 20, and 21. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 N.E. Hancock, in Portland All per­ formances are at 8:00. The admission cost is $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for children. Parental discretion is advised. P o rtla n d S ta te U n lv e ra lty ’a Women Studies Gallery announces the opening of “ LIK E T H IS TO G ETH ER : A tribute to our heritage in women’s art.” A show of varied works, inspired by classwork on the great women ar­ tists, past and present through July 10. Opening reception, June 19, 7-9 p.m., Portland State U niversity’ s Women Studies G allery, Harder House, 2nd floor, corner of S.W. 10th and Market Call 229-3517, for more information and for gallery hours. Portland S ta te U n lv e ra lty a Annual Summer Gymnastics program for youngsters from kingergarten through high school is now accepting registrations. The first o f four two-week sessions begins June 22 in the University’s Health and Physical Education building. Costs vary with grade level and include discounts for students signing up for more than one session. Contact Randy Carruthers at 229-4401. for more information. M eetin g: The next meeting of the Portland Branch N A A C P will be held on June 21, 1981 at M t. Sanai Baptist Church, Portland, Oregon. The meeting begins at 4:00 p.m., at 602 N.E. Prescott. For agenda, questions or appearances, please contact Lucious Hicks, at 243-4924 W eahlngton Park Zoo: The Third season for the popular summer concert series “ Your Zoo and All That Jazz” opens at M etro's Washington Park Zoo on Wednesday, June 24, with the Ron Steen, one of the Northwest’ s premier drummers, and his talented quintet. Concerts will he held at the zoo every Wednesday night through August 19 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (Rain date Thursday, same time. An added service this year will be a Tri-M et shuttle bus to transport jazz goers between the Sylvan/Westgate parking lot and the zoo for a nominal fee of 26C per person each way. The bus will operate on con­ cert nights only, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., and 8:45 to 9:30 p.m. For more infor­ mation call 226-ROAR Y M C A Youngsters eight to twelve years old still have an opportunity to spend a week in the Oregon outdoors this summer at Y M C A Camp Collins east o f Portland. There is still lim ited space available at Cam p Collins. Nearly I ,(XX) youngsters have registered for the eight sessions running Sunday through Saturday beginning June 26. For more inform ation, call Y M C A Camp Aduunisiration, 223-9622. B lack U n ite d F ro n t. June 18, 1981, 7:30 p .m ., King Neighborhood Facility, 4 8 15 N .E . Seventh. U pcom ing Events Congressmen Ron W yden: Thursday. June 18, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p .m .. Town Meeting, Westmoreland Union M an o r, 6404 SE 23rd; Town M eeting, M ilw aukie M u ltip u rp ose/S em o r Center, 5440 SI Kellog D r.. Milwaukie, Saturday, June 27, 10 a m. - 12 noon; Town Meeting, Fremont United Methodist Church. 2620 NF Fremont. Tuesday, June 30. 7:30 - 9:30 p .m .; Tow n M eeting, Thursday. July 2, 7:00 - 9:00 p .m ., Overlook Community Center. 3839 N. Melrose Drive. A fric a n A ffa irs Editor Fungai Kumhula will he a guest on K O A P -T V Channel-10 "Inform ing A Global Com m unity" on Saturday, June 20th at 7:30 p.m. Commissions get $1 CITY OF PORTLAND BUILD IN G An Equal Opportunity (Continued from Page I Col 3) those two population groups and Employer INSPECTOR I fund the Commission at reasonable however, social and economic 91974 M O 92085 MO operating level," she said pressures are particularly harsh on Open Continuous Senator Frank Roberts and Jim minorities at this time. Blacks and Miscellaneous HEATING Gardner both have significant num­ Hispanics are in need of specialized D O M ESTIC INSPECTOR I bers of Blacks and Hispanics in their Commissions that can conduct re­ House cleaning by the 91974 M O 92085 MO districts and should be contacted to search and recommend intervention hour, experienced C h ile's firs t p res id e n t, Apply by June 26 provide input. Both serve on the full strategies. The legislature should be Bernardo O'Hiqqins, won 283 3076 W om en and minorities Ways and Means Committee I his revolution with the more responsive to the needs o f contact: | help of a menaqerie At A FFIR M A TIV E ¡the Battle of Rancaqua in HOUSE FOR RENT 1814, O'Hiqqins, wounded A CTIO N OFFICE 2 bedroom house, 3738 Economists estimate the and badly outnumbered, 510 S W Montgomery value of women's unpaid N .E. 8th Avenue Rent had his men round up every domestic services to be at this entire house or rent Portland, OR 97201 animal in the villaqe and least one fifth of the cur spend most ot our time and income An Equal Opportunity stampede them toward the just one bedroom. Call (Continued from Page I Col 6) rent Gross National Product Spanish lines, which broke struggling to avoid illness anil Employer 224-7977 Ask for David most susceptible to health problems. despair, it requires the denial oi Decreased funds for these preven­ something more fundamental -- the tive programs will lead to increased reality that the suffering of other' health problems, which will lead to affects and diminishes us. increased costs to the public. Some people ask why physicians, (Continued from Page I Col 3) Speaking of costs, it is important to as health experts, should her heard want as many Blacks as possible in legislator. Gladys is a good C om ­ able for comment and the reaction remember that the federal budget on these issues. First, the health ef­ one district because if you have us missioner. You people should be from members of his family who re­ for the military is about three times fects o f nuclear war have been spread out, it limits the number of happy you got them there." Among sponded, was predictably hostile. the amount spent on social and denied and distorted to make war his most vocal support, whose coun­ When asked by Grassroot News for Blacks who vote because they find health services. more acceptable as a solution to ter chant was " H e 's my friend and a statement, one o f his sons re­ their vote doesn’t mean anything.” In 1980 world m ilitary expendi­ global conflicts. This is insane marked that he didn’t want to lower Bill M cC oy is color b lin d ," was tures amounted to over $500 billion, Second, the impact of cutting social Asked why the demonstrators Dennis M cC orm ack who s a id ," I him self by com m enting on the or $ 1 4 b illio n daily. By com ­ services would be devastating to the chose to personalize the issue by think M cCoy has Black people in demonstration. Another son charac­ parison, the cost o f to tally public's health Third, the health of picketing McCoy’s home, Herndon mind in everything he does. terized the demonstration as a circus eradicating smallpox was less than the nation is threatened by both said, " T o o long people who are Although, I vote for him as a white and engaged in a staring match with that for six hours of the arms race these policies They must be exposed suppose to represent us have gotten because he takes care of me, too. I various demonstrators. Less than a day’s military expendi­ and altered as a preventative health o ff lightly and McCoy is one of the have empathy with all people that A relative o f the McCoys called tures could finance the entire measure. This is a situation in which most tragic examples of this. He has feel they have a reason to march, the demonstrators "B la c k Klans- m alaria-con trol program o f the prevention is the only effective not represented this community. If and I just want them to know that I men." W o rld H ealth O rgan izatio n . therapy. F in a lly , the health im ­ he disagreed with what the Black like Bill McCoy." (Malaria kills one million children a plications o f these issues are so community wanted, he should have Tow ard the end o f the dem on­ year in A fric a .) O ur government profound and frightening that im ­ come to us and said, *1 disagree.' ” stration, Herndon addressed the BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC provides more funds for the con­ mediate, undistorted attention to crowd. "T h is is not something we The E ilo t N eighborhood and Amidst the chant o f " W h o ’s Bill struction of a single battleship than them (an end to the denial) will be looked forward too, but the day is Developm ent Association is p ro ­ McCoy, he's the white man’s boy,” for cancer research. d ram atically e ffective in altering long passed when people who are moting a Blood Pressure Clinic on there was a scattering of support for The proper response to valid this nation’s course away from self- supposed to speak for us can go Thursday, June 25th from I p .m ., M cC oy. One yo uthful supporter criticism o f the health sector is to destruction down and say and do things that do to 3 p .m ., at the Senior C itizens’ said, "M cCoy has a voice for all the redirect current programs so that (E d ito r's N ote The P ortlan d not represent the community or our and Y outh C enter - Prince hall people in this area. A lot o f people they belter serve their intended pur­ School Board passed a resolution Masonic Temple, 116 N .E . Russell interest." around here are white and these poses. For us to allow such cuts in M onday night asking the Reagan The reaction o f M cC oy’ s neigh­ St. The public is invited. No fees picketers are from the N .E . side, services requires a denial once A dm in istratio n to begin bors was very stand-offish as they and they think that he should have a (Free). again, an inability to understand or negotiations with the Soviet Union stood outside their homes and voice for them too, but he has a recognize what it is like to be poor for a bilaterial agreement to lim it watched. It was reported that a voice for everybody." In the United States each or disadvantaged in this country d evelo p m en t nuclear arms ) State Patrolman was inside the M c­ Tw o people passing by added: dey. approximately 5,000 For those o f us who don’t have to Coy home. Bill McCoy was unavail­ people turn 65 "McCoy is a fine fellow and a good Funding nuclear war Picket McCoy home