Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 18, 1981, Page 12, Image 12

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    Paga 12 Portland Observer June 18.1881
Support for McCoy?
Viesa L o v in g - C o m m u n ity A c ­
tivist - “ No, 1 don’ t feel that Bill or
G ladys represent the N .E . co m ­
m unity. M r. McCoy takes no stand
w ith the c o m m u n ity on a n y th in g
and you o nly see him in the com ­
m u n ity when he wants som ething
which w ill benefit himself.
“ The m ain reason I became ac­
tiv e ly in v o lv e d w ith the Black
United Front and other com m unity
o rg an izatio ns, to help change the
situations our co m m un ity fin ds i t ­
self in, is because three years ago,
Gladys M cCoy made the statement
that there would never be a middle
school in th is c o m m u n ity ...th a t
every school
w ill
be early
childhood centers. I can understand
i f M cC oy, as an in d iv id u a l, d o n ’ t
want to do anything fo r th is com ­
m u n ity , but as a S enator w ho is
suppose to be representing this
community, the needs o f the people
comes firs t, and he is not respon­
By Nyewusi Askart
M any N .E . residents are con­
vinced that when it comes to re­
presenting his Black constituents,
Senator W illiam ••B ill” McCoy
does a very poor job.
S u rp ris in g ly , there is gro w in g
reservations and negativity toward
McCoy in the 17-25 age group. Said
one high schooler, " I f he is a
S enator, I d o n ’ t know about it.
L ike , I have never seen him at our
school, have never heard him speak,
and 1 have very seldom seen his pic­
ture enough to really get a focus on
the m an.” Said another: ” 1 know
his children. Other than that, I am
in the blind on him as a representa­
It was fro m this age group, that
many com plaints emerged: 1) That
M cCoy, as a p olitical figure, is in ­
v isib le ; 2) That M cC oy doesn't
communicate with the young as he
should; 3) That M cCoy is a prime
example o f a Black who has it made,
therefore, doesn’ t feel the need to
even acknowledge th a t the N .E .
com m unity exists. David Lee Pat­
terson, an unemployed yo u th , ex­
pressed his dissatisfaction: “ I know
B ill and I know Gladys. The reason
I know them is because I watch
television more now that I have been
laid o f f fro m my jo b . G ladys is
visible, but Bill McCoy isn't. I don't
know where he hangs out, and per­
sonally w ouldn’t like to know, but I
wish he would speak out about what
is happening in this co m m u n ity.
Everytime I turn the news on, there
are always white Senators speaking
out on w hat is happening in the
white com m unities, but not B ill. I
live in this community. I know what
is going on! So should McCoy, and
I don’t want anyone saying they re­
present me and don’ t do anything.
M y rep re sen ta tion is the Black
United F ro n t.”
Among residents who find them­
selves s u ffe rin g the b ru n t o f
backroom political decisions, there
is a g ro w in g sense o f resentment.
John W illia m s explains: “ M an,
when you have people in a position
like B ill M cC o y; people who are
afraid to ro ll up their shirt sleeves,
get their shoes d irty , and walk the
beat in the com m unity, in order to
find out what is going on, you have
a 1981 se ll-o u t. The brothers and
sisters on the streets, in the parks;
those w ho are having a hard tim e
making it, and still have to listen to
people such as M cC oy put them
down, are tired o f it a ll...you know
what I mean? We have to hustle for
it everyday, while McCoy sits in his
iv o ry to w e r doing n o th in g . It's a
fro n t o f f to see Black men like
h im , use us fo r his p o litic a l ad­
vancements. 1 may not have a jo b
right now, but I vote and I want my
righteous dues. B ill McCoy is not a
Black man in the true sense."
Ruth Spencer - No, Bill McCoy is
not representative o f N.E. residents.
I have never seen him a tte nd any
functions in the Black comm unity. I
d o n ’ t th in k you can represent
people if you don’ t speak to th e m ."
M r. Maxey - Maxey’ s Better Buy
G roceries - I d o n ’ t feel th a t B ill
M cCoy represents this com m unity,
and I ’ ll tell you why. He has been
very wishy-washy on taking a stand.
N ow , he has been on several good
com m ittees, and is on some good
ones now, but still, I d on 't feel that
he represents this com m unity.”
M a rie M a rtin - P u b lic In f o r ­
m ation Specialist, Urban League o f
P o rtla n d , Y o uth Service C enter -
“ I t ’ s interesting that he had to state
his status, as far as his own people
Freddye Petett - Executive Direc­
to r, U rban League o f P o rtla n d -
" M r . M cCoy is an elected o ffic ia l,
th e re fo re , th is makes him a
representative o f a constituency. I
both agree and disagree with him on
certain positions taken, and have
talked w ith him many times about
it, however, 1 don’ t feel that it is fair
to say, he don’ t represent Blacks
” 1 do disagree w ith how he in ­
troduced the Am endm ent adopted
by the Senate Com m itte on Govern­
ment Operations.”
Edna Robertson - "S en ator M c­
Coy is an elected o ffic ia l and does
represent his co n stitu en cy, but he
doesn’ t represent me and my
fam ily...and I feel very comfortable
with th a t."
A yanna
H ill
C o m p u te r
Operator - 'I feel he is a trad ition al
exam ple o f the ty p ic a l N egro.
Because he is out o f touch w ith the
actual com m unity and these arc the
people he is suppose to represent.
” 1 feel he gets his in fo rm a tio n
about Black people from white con­
stitutes, instead o f being in direct
touch with the Black community.
"W hen it comes to separating the
wheat fro m the tares, he m ight be
one o f the tares, and th e ir
separation is at hand.”
M a rie M a rtin - P u b lic In fo r ­
m ation Specialist - “ I t ’ s interesting
that he had to state his status as far
as his own people are concerned. . .if
indeed we are his people.
Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County M etropolitan Transportation
District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive proposals until 2:00 p.m., Pacific
Daylight Time on July 10, 1981, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Planning
and Development Division, Third Floor, Portland, Oregon 97202, A tten­
tion: Clyde Keeling, Contract Specialist. Proposals will be evaluated sub­
sequent to the above time and date for:
The Concession to Offer Food Vending and Service for
Tri-Met Operations Centers and Shops
Successful proposers will be required to comply w ith all the applicable
Equal Opportunity laws and regulations.
All proposers will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller
General s list of ineligible contractors.
The Tri County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not dis­
criminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in con­
sideration for contract award.
The Request for Proposal may be obtained from Mr. Clyde Keeling, Con­
tract Specialist, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, Phone:
(503) 238 4808
John R. Post
Director, Engineering and Contracts
public notice
Cablesystems Pacific is requesting bids for the location of two (2) HUB
distribution/stu dio sites. To house CSP's access studios and switching
facilities tw o (2) existing facilities of 1,500 sq. ft. to 2,500 sq. ft. are
The North Portland area site must be within the boundaries of Willis Blvd.
to the North, East to Wabash Ave., west to Hodge Ave., and south to
Willamette Blvd. The second site, in the Southeast, must be located within
the boundaries of Raymond St., to the North, East to 57th, West to 44th,
Seeled proposals will bs received in Room 412, City Hall, Portland, Oregon
97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated.
Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For ad
ditional information telephone buyer at number listed.
When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified
check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an
amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid
as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the
proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should
the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and
not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse
to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful perfor­
mance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him.
NON DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the
bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by
Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently
certified should file the required documentation w ith the Contract Com­
pliance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland,
Oregon 97204, 248 4696, at least five (51 days prior to the Bid Opening
Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall
result in the return of your Bid Unopened
C 9359
and South to Henry St.
Major considerations in the evaluation process include: telephone pole ac
cessability, ceiling heights, parking, traffic flow , renovation needs and
general overall condition on the existing structure. "Build to Suit’ sites will
not be considered. June 24, 1981 is the deadline for proposals.
For additional information, contact Wayne Cozad.
C 9355
Furnishing Et Installing Digital Electronic Private
Autom atic Branch Exchange. For inform ation call
M ichele Ackerm an, Buyer, 248 4191. 10% Bid
Surety Required.
Furnishing Security Officer Services for 3 parking
Garages. For inform ation call Maxine Albright,
Buyer, 248 4003. 10% Bid Surety Required.
Improve Streets W ithin Phase I Kenton D istrict
HCD Street Improvement Project. For inform a­
tion call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4486. 10%
Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidder required.
Prequalification for Banquet & Catering Services,
Phase 1. For inform ation call Maxine A lbright,
Buyer, 248 4003.
Improve SE 71 Ave., from SE Center to SE Rhone
& Construct Sumps. For information call Nancy
Kearney, Buyer, 248 4486. 10% Bid Surety &
Prequalification of Bidder Required.
Submit Proposals to:
317 SW Alder, Suite 705
Portland, OR 97201
223 3475
Attn . Wayne Cozad
Notice is hereby given that the Tri County M etropolitan Transportation
District of Oregon (Tri Met) will receive proposals until 4:00 p.m ., Pacific
Daylight Time on June 24, 1981, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Planning
and Development Division, Third Floor, Portland, OR 97202, Attention.
Clyde Keeling, Contract Specialist. Proposals will be evaluated subsequent
to the above time and date for:
Consulting Services to Review and Recommend a Two Year Community
Assessment Program for Tri Met.
Successful proposers w ill be required to comply w ith all the applicable
Equal Opportunity laws and regulations.
All proposers will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller
General's list of ineligible contractors.
The Tri County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not dis
criminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in con­
sideration for contract award.
The Request for Proposal may be obtained from Mr. Clyde Keeling, Con
tract Specialist, 4012 S.E 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, Phone:
(503) 238 4808
John R. Post
Director, Engineering and Contracts
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for furnishing all material,
equipment, labor and services for the construction of NA-AH-SO Sanitary
Sewer Trunk Line Improvements to the LINCOLN PALISADES Local Im­
provement District located in the City of Lincoln City, Lincoln County,
Oregon will be received until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, 9 July 1981 in City Hall,
Lincoln City, Oregon.
Proposals received after the above stated time w ill not be considered.
Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud immediately following the
time stated above. Contracts will be awarded or bids will be rejected within
thirty (30) days after the opening.
The improvements consist of one boring of U.S. Highway 101 and ap­
proximately 10 manholes, 1338 feet of 12-inch PVC gravity sewer, 98 feet of
12 inch Class 50 ductile iron sewer, 300 feet of 12-inch Class 54 ductile iron
sewer, 800 feet of timber piling and 100 cubic yards of select backfill.
Proposals are to be made on a unit price basis. Payment is to be made on
the basis of quantity actually installed.
Contract Documents and Plans may be examined at the offices of .
City of Lincoln City
4907 S.W. Highway 101
Lincoln City, Oregon 97367
Phone: (503) 966 2151
Leonard A. Rydell, P.E.
601 Pinehurst Drive
Newberg, Oregon 97132
Phone: (503) 538-5700
Copies of the Contract Documents and Plans may be obtained upon ap­
plication at the office of Leonard A Rydell, P.E. and upon payment of a
plan deposit of $20.00. The deposit will be refunded upon return of the
documents in good condition within 15 days after opening of bids. If the
Plans or Contract Documents are damaged to preclude their further use, no
refund will be made.
All proposals must be submitted on the regular proposal forms and must be
accompanied by a certified check, cash or bid bond in an amount equal to
at least five percent of the total bid. A cash or corporate surety bond in the
full amount of the Contract will be required for the successful bidder to
guarantee faithful performance
Attention to the bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to con­
ditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid
under the Contract.
iN flO lfllc ilig
The City of Lincoln City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to
waive informalities.
IV/c/e Choice . . .
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Spet u l Sterilir inn K IT Required
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!)M C b iiok.ii It iw l
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If you want
to stay
on top,
you have
to stay
in touch.
By Order of the City Council
City of Lincoln City, Oregon
N o C a r r y in g
C h a rg a i
Ph..nr --
Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days following the time when
bids are submitted
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