Pag« 10 Portland Observar Juna 1 1 ,1M1 CITY OF PORTLAND NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The Oregon State Employment and Training Council's Executive Commit­ tee will meet in work session at 12:00 noon, Thursday, June 18, 1981 in the« Beaver Room at Marriott Hotel, 1401 SW Front, Portland, Oregon 97201. The agenda will include a discussion of committee reports and general issues regarding the Oregon State Employment and Training Council. INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be received in Room 412, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address. For ad­ NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING ditional information telephone buyer at number listed. The Oregon State Employment and Training Council's Monitoring Et Evaua- tion Committee will meet in work session at 9:00 A .M ., Thursday, June 18, 1981 in the Beaver Room at M arriott Hotel, 1401 S W Front, Portland, Oregon, 97201. The agenda will include a discussion of Saccve Annual Report, review of State Agency annual plans and FY81 2nd quarter ac­ tivities of Oregon CETA prime sponsors. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Oregon State Employment and Training Council's Private Sector Committee will meet in work session at 12:00 noon, Tuesday, June 23, 1981 in the Beaver Room at Marriott Hotel, 1401 SW Front, Portland, Oregon 97201. The agenda will include a discussion of a private sector placement concept. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consulting services to provide When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful perfor­ mance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Com­ pliance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696, at least five (5) days prior to the Bid Opening. Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid Unopened. BID NO DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE Financial Forecasting. All proposers must certify that they are not on the Comptroller General s list Furnishing Et Installing Digital Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange. For information call M ichele Ackerm an, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. 132 of ineligible contractors. SUGAR RAY LEONARD TRAINING IN PHOENIX* W ELTERW EIGHT champ Sugar Ray Leonard is training In Phoenix for his upcoming title fight with Ayub Kalule in Houston. The fight is scheduled for June 25. Proposals are due in Tri-Met's offices no later than 4:30 p.m ., Tuesday, June 30, 1981. C 8864 The Request for Proposal (including specifications) may be obtained from Clyde Keeling, Grants and Contracts, Tri Met, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Port­ land, Oregon 97202; Telephone number (503) 238-4808. The successful Proposer(s) will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Urban League honors Chatman (Continued from Page 1 Col 6) and over again that “ ...before the Temple o f Knowledge swing the Gates o f T oil.” There is no one I have ever met who is more com m itted to youth and education than Vern Chatman. As director of Education and Youth Incentives for the Portland Urban League, it is Vern’ s meld o f vision, s p irit, and com m itm ent to education that has made his programs unusually successful. His exceptional career day, where 500 students gather on a November Saturday to learn about attitudes, jobs, and expectations; his scholar­ ship programs, o f which there are many; his constant cultivation o f Black potential through counseling and challenge; and his oral history curriculum program for high school students are not the result o f simple a d m inistration or tim ing or publicity. Their success is the result o f the fantastic com bination o f Vern Chatman’ s essential qualities o f vision, spirit, and commitment. Vern Chatman has blessed us and our children with his service, and he has extended our expectations because he lives and works accord­ ing to a standard fo r education which W. E. B. Du Bois describes so well: “ ...just as far as the race can afford it, we must give to our youth a tra in in g designed above all to make them men and women o f power, o f thought, o f trained and cultivated taste; men and women who know where civilization is tend­ ing and what it means. The ideal would be to educate every man and woman in this way, and toward this goal we tend.” Vern, we thank you, we honor you fo r your trium phant vision, your venerable s p irit, and your faithful commitment to education. And we shall continue to honor your leadership in the days and years to come by supporting, en­ couraging, and m otivating one another so that in the end our collec­ tive contribution might amount to that which you have done alone. Larry Craig, acting director of the Department o f Justice Services, said the addition to the Ordinance was requested because county officials found they had to authority to move property. When the air crash oc- cured it was necessary to move a fence and a telephone pole but there was no legal authority to do so. During the hostage situation at the Ringside, someone had to be removed from the restricted area, but there was no existing penalty for persons found guilty of refusing to obey officers order to leave. The penalty being considered by the commission is a fine o f not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than six months. The ordinance is ordinarly used only outside o f the City of Portland; however, if the county Sheriffs were called to police an area o f Portland in an emergency situ a tio n , they would act under the county o r­ dinance and their own policies and procedures. The City o f Portland ordinance, adopted A pril 9th, says “ Whenever a threat to the public health or safety is created by any fire , ex­ plosion, accident, cave-in, or similar emergency, catastrophe or disaster, or by disturbance, riot, presence o f an armed person, hostage being held, or other disturbance, an o f­ ficer o f the rank o f sergeant or above, or the Bureau o f Police may restrict or deny access to persons to the area...” Previous to the adoption o f the ordinance this was not possible w ithout the M ayor declaring an emergency. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (Continued from page 1 col. 6) mean to his election.” McCoy was firs t elected to the House seat from N orth Portland (District 13), then was appointed to his Senate position. He has been elected twice since his appointment. M cCoy has not made him self available fo r comment but he is reported to have testified at a Senate committee meeting that he does not support a redistricting plan that would create a “ ghetto” district, that no leaders were present at the House hearing and that the NAACP supports his plan. ( Robert Boyer, President o f the , Portland Chapter o f the A. Phillip i Randolph Institute, wrote members o f the Senate that persons and organizations that testified in sup­ port o f the “ one district” plan “ ob­ ject to any changes in the House adopted reapportionment plan.” In response to remarks attributed to McCoy that there were no leaders at the hearing, he w rote, “ We have many community leaders within the Inner Northeast P ortland com­ m unity who have spoken out in favor o f thse one-district plan. There is no single in d ivid u a l or organization that has been granted the title o f spokesperson on reap­ portionment for our community.” 151-A The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) is issuing a request for proposals (RFP) for non pre-scheduled demand response service for Special Needs Transportation requiring up to 16 or more vehicles to operate during peak hours. All proposers must certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. Proposals are due in Tri-Met's offices no later than 3:00 p.m., Friday, June 26, 1981 The Request for Proposal (including specifications) may be obtained from Ms. Ann M cFarlane, Grants and Contracts, T ri-M e t, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202; Telephone number (503) 238-4802. The successful Proposer(s) will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering Et Contracts DATE: June 11, 1981 SUPPLEMENTAL CLAUSES ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES The supplemental clauses set forth herein supplement and modify those in Standard Form 147, Order for Supplies or Services, February 1977 edition. The following clauses of the Federal Procurement Regulations, issue in effect on the issue date of this order, are incorporated in this order with the same force and effect as though herein set forth in full text. The Federal Procurement Regulations are located at Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1. Only those clauses appropriately marked “ (x)'' are applicable to this procurement. The clause marked with an asterisk is in lieu of clause 4 in Standard Form 147. Clauses containing "fill-ins" are attached hereto in full text. The text of the clauses incorporated by reference herein are available from or may be examined at the issuing office shown on this order. CLAUSE NO. 4 (X) TITLE REFERENCE 11 12 13 0 () () Construct SE 108 Ave Et SE Foster Rd Sanitary Sewer System . For inform ation call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety £f Prequalification of Bidder Required. 06/16/81 Furnishing Polymer Flocculants. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248-4191. 10% Bid Surety Required. 06/16/81 Labor, Material Et Equipment for Construction of Curb Ramps. For information call Nancy Kearney, Buyer, 248-4486. 10% Bid Surety Et Prequalification of Bidder Required. 06/16/81 Furnishing Security Officer Services for 3 parking Garages. For information call Maxine Albright, Buyer, 248-4003. 10% Bid Surety Required. 06/30/81 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 2:00 p.m., Portland Daylight Time, on July 15, 1981 at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Planning and Development Division, Third Floor, Conference Room " D ," Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: Clyde Keeling, Contract Specialist. Bids will be opened at that time for: Furnishing Driver and Supervisor Uniforms to the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) Successful contractor will be required to comply with all the applicable Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not dis­ criminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in con­ sideration for contract award. The bid documents, including specifications, conditions, and rules for bid­ ding, may be obtained no earlier than June 12, 1981 from Clyde Keeling, Contract Specialist, 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Planning and Development Division (3rd Floor), Portland, Oregon 97202, Phone: (*03) 238-4808. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post, Director Engineering and Contracts ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 3:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday, June 23rd, 1981, at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue in the Planning and Development Division, Third Floor, Conference Room " D ," Portland, Oregon 97202, Attention: Ann McFarlane, Asst. Grant & Contract Specialist. Bids will be opened at that time for: Remodeling of Maintenance Building to accomodate Dynamometer/ Brake Shoe/Blaster facilities. Work shall include: 1-3.605-2(b)(1) 10 () TEXT •Disputes (for clause 4 in SF 147) (FPR Temp. Reg. 56) Employment of the Handicapped (Contracts of $2,500 or more) 1-3.605-2(b) (3) Amendment dilutes Black vote 149 John R. Post Director, Engineering and Contracts Enforcement clause sought (Continued from Page I Col 6) Removal o f property does not allow confistication of property, but allows the sheriff to remove fences, telephone poles, etc., to allow access o f emergency vehicles and to protect property and lives. 147-A 06/25/81 (FPR Temp. Reg. 38) Contract Work Hours and safety standards- Overtime Compensation (Contracts in excess of ($2,500) 1-3.605 2(b)(3) Service Contract Act of 1986, as amended (Service contracts in excess of $2,500) (Copy attached) 1-3.606-2(b)(4) 1-12.303 1-12.904-1 Successful contractor will be required to comply with all the applicable Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. The Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will not discriminate with regard to race, color, creed, sex or national origin, in con­ sideration of contract award. Service Contract Act of 1966, as amended (Service contracts not exceeding $2,500) 1-3.606-2(b)(4) 1. Installation of w ater, fuel, electrical and drainage systems for Dynamometer. 2. Installation of abestos dust collector system. 3. Installation of Blaster 4. Providing complete mechanical and electrical systems excluding fire protection. 1-12.904-2 The bid documents, including specifications, conditions, and rules for bid­ ding, may be obtained from Ann McFarlane, Grants and Contracts, Phone: 238-4802. Tha racetrack at "El C om andanta" Raceway in Puerto Rico it unique in that it consists of "bagasse" — cru ih ed sugar cane m ixed w ith th e to p soil to provide fait drainage and ipringy footing. It hat been called " th e sweetest track in the w o rld ." TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON John R. Post Director, Engineering and Contracts