Portland Observar February . Portland Observer JOB FINDER ASSEMBLERS ELECTRO MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER As a manufacturer of kidney dialysis equipment, we are seeking experienced mechanical assem­ blers Applicants should be familiar with small hand tools, blue print schematics and be able to follow label and written instructions. Our benefit plan includes m edical/dental/life insurance; tuition reimbursement; savings plan and many others. CITY OF PORTLAND BUILDING PLAN EXAMINER I $1511 Mo $1774 Mo Apply by March 6. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR $41,454 Monthly Apply by March 6. APACE PLANNING TECHNICIAN $1598 $1910Mo Apply by March 6. Women and m inorities contact: AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICE 510 S.W Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 A n Equal Opportunity Employer To apply, please contact our Human Resources Department: CITY OF PORTLAND B-D DRAKE WILLOCK SECRETARIAL CLERK I $863 MO $1045 Mo M o d e ra te ly c o m p le x clerical work w ith m in ­ imum supervision. Ap plicants must have ^ k n o w le d g e and skill in use of business a rith ­ m etic, general office procedures and correct English written and oral. Typing required for most positions. Apply by March 6. This position includes paid vacation, sick leave, life insurance and pension plan. City- paid health plans w ith dental and vision coverage include de­ pendents. Apply: Portland C ivil Service 510 S.W. Montgomery Portland, OR 97201 For further inform ation call Connie Barnes, 248 4352. Women and m inorities are en­ couraged 13520 SE Pheasant Court Portland, Oregon 97222 (503) 659 3355 Ext. 60 An Equal Opportunity Employer M -F-H APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM The Urban League's Labor Education Advance­ ment Program (L.E .A .P .) is recruiting minorities, Specifically m inority women, for jobs which provide training through apprentice­ ship programs. Trade open during the month of March include: MEATWRAPPERS BRICKLAYER AUTO MECHANIC TILESETTER General minimum requirements are: 18 years of age, high school graduate or GEO, physically fit. The beginning rate of pay is $5.00 and up. For more information and assistance w ith the ap­ plication and interview process, contact: L.E.A.P. 5329 N.E. Union Avenue, Room 218 Portland, Oregon 288 9167 $ PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR B-D DRAKE W ILLO C K , a leading m anu­ facturer of kidney dialysis equipment has an opening fo r a Production Supervisor. This position is a working supervisory position which requires a minimum of 5 years supervisory ex­ perience, knowledge of electronics and micro processor terminology is desirable. Liberal benefits include medical - dental - life in­ surance, tuition reimbursement, saving incen­ tive plan, and many others. CHIEF ACCOUNTANT M inimum 2 years ex­ perience in a hospital or health care fa c ility de­ sired At least 1 year in a s u p e rv is o ry c a p a c ity preferred. Must possess technical and profess ional skills of accounting and ability to develop financial and other o p ­ eration systems to ac­ curately control hospital activities M ust be fam iliar w ith data p ro ­ cessing capabilities and procedures Excellent salary and benefits VANCOUVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Division of S.W. Wash­ ington Hospitals 3400 Main Street Vancouver, WA An Equal Opportunity Employer WASHINGTON COUNTY ASSISTANT COUNTYCOUNCEL (for Washington County) $1485 $1806 per month, The County Counsel's Office is legal advisor to the Board of County C o m m is s io n e rs and C ounty D epartm ents. A pplicants must be members of the Oregon State Bar; no experience required, however, pre ference will be given to applicants w ith ex­ perience in m unicipal law. Closing date: March 6, 1981. Apply at: W ashington County Personnel 150 N. First Ave. Room 305 Hillsboro, OR 97123 M inorities and disabled Women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. Women, minorities and An Equal Opportunity disabled urged to apply. Employer An Equal Opportunity Employer DATA CONTROL DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Experienced keypunch operator fu ll time 4:30pm to 12:30am, Mon. thru Fri. Please ap­ ply personnel Dept. EMANUEL HOSPITAL 2801 N. Gantenbein Portland, OR 97227 An Equal Opportunity Employer To apply please contact our Human Resources Department. B-D DRAKE WILLOCK 13520 SE Pheasant Ct. Portland, Oregon 97222 (503) 659 3355 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /E /H Community Calendar Conference on Right to work Laws and Sub-mimimum Wage Proposals sponsored by the A. Phillip Randolph Institute in cooperation with the Labor Education And Research Center, University o f Oregon Saturday, February 28, 1981, 8:30 a m. - 4.00 p.m., Coliseum Holiday Inn, Portland. Cost is $15.00, includes lunch, coffee, materials. For more information call 503-686- 5054. Portland Unit of the Northwest Bridge Associetion/American Bridge Association w ill sponsor a session o f open pair duplicate bridge play on 1 hursday, March 12, 1981 at 7:30 p.m., in the meeting room at Bourbon Street Restaurant, 1530 N.E. Grand Avenue, Portland. The Herb C a w th o rn e fo r School Board Committee is sponsoring a benefit for Cawthorne, Sunday, March 1, at Delevans Restaurant, 1425 N.E. Glisan. Music w ill be provided by Mel Brown’ s T rio and Thara Memory. Tickets to “ JA Z Z T IM E ” are $5.00. Jazztime is from 4-7:30 p.m., w ill in­ clude a no host cocktail bar, hors d’ oeuvres, and live music. A dinner will follow from 8-10:00 P.M. Dinner will be served in Delevan’ s upstairs dining area. Dinner tickets are $30.00 and include “ Jazztime plus dinner." You may reserve your tickets by calling 284-1908. El Salvador - U.S. Policy in Crlais - a talk by Phillip Wheaton, Friday, ebruary 27th, 8pm at 71 Cramer hall. Portland State University. For more nformation call 288-2809 or 224-2872. Musical - “ Dam m Y ankees" February 27 -28 - March 6-7, 8:00 p.m., Theatre Department o f Jefferson High School. $3.00 A dult, $2.00 Senior citizens. High School, children. For more information call 287-1398. V a nco u ver Planned P arenthood: Open House. February 27th, 3-7 p.m., 1939 Broadway, Vancouver O regon P ro je c t Independence - is the subject o f the EAst Central Dem ocratic Women on March 3rd at noon, Dahlke M anor, 915 NE Schuyler (sack lunch). Gail Bolstad, program manager for homemaker ser­ vices o f Newberg Human Resources Center, will speak. C orvellis Branch, NAACP, Freedom Fund Banquet on March 7, 6:30 p.m. at MU Lounge and Ball Room. Speaker: Herb Cawthorn. Reser­ vations: 757-1740 or 757-1783 by March 2. Native Am erican Rights: March 9th, 7:30 p.m ., Center for Urban Education, 0245 SW Bancroft. Speaker: Charles Wilkinson, U O o f Oregon KQFM RADIO Has an opening for Director of Advertising and Prom otions. M in ­ imum 5 years experience in Radio, preferably with Sales experience. Send resume to: General Manager 4949 SW McAdam Portland, OR 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERK Full time openings. Type 45 wpm , 10-key skills and math oriented. Ex­ cellent w orking c o n d i­ tions and fringe benefits. U.S. NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON U.S. Bamk Plaza 555 S.W. Oak 10-2:30 P.M. An Equal Opportunity Employer BUS DRIVERS POLICE OFFICER *4.00 -t* .W p « r hour Few vm * no» *» porwwww pan »m |l« l" l • acftooibu» No provtow bua nmwory I» coMont *o*MW*« coABRtO#» b M HomomoBor« $1,324 - 1,624 + fringes Submit resume, com­ pleted em ploym ent app. to Chief Adams, Tigard police dept., 9020 SW Burnham, Ti, OR 97223. Job descr. + list of min. qual avail upon req Deadline for apps is Mon., March 16, 1961. 1st 150 apps w ill be processed. W ritte n and physical capability exam w ill be held Sat., April 4, 1981 for those cand. qual. CO LUM BIA BUS SERVICE I NE Columbia Blvd Portland, Oregon Equal Opportunity Employer DATA PROCESSING The Multnomah County Education Service Dis­ trict has a position avail­ able for a supervisor of customer services in the b u s in e s s a p p lic a tio n section of our data pro­ c e s s in g d e p a rtm e n t. This position provides liaison between DP and the users of our admini­ strative application in ­ house and between the local users and offers an excellent opportunity to use your DP experience and c o m m u n ic a tio n skills in a challenging environm ent w ithstate of the art technology a n d s o p h is t ic a t e d applications. Required q u a lific a tio n s include: a) 6 years experience in a com bination of te c h ­ nical data processing and financial systems; b) associate degree or baccalaureate in ac­ counting or minimum of 2 years course work in a c c o u n tin g , business administration or related subjects; c) a bility to communicate effectively and to facilitate system­ atic services to DP cus­ tomers. Position begins March 23, 1981. Request a dd itional in fo rm a tio n and an application from M C E S D , P e rs o n n e l Department, 255-1841, ext. 207. Em ployer's application form must be returned by 5pm on March 5, 1981 to be considered. An Equal Opportunity Employer CLERICAL Good typing, 10 key and math a bility required. Must have excellent PR a nd c o m m u n ic a tio n skills. On-line or m o rt­ gage loan experience a plus. Apply 8 to noon Monday through Thurs­ day. EQUITABLE SAVINGS 1300 SW 6th Portland, OR 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer CAR 1973 Grand Prix SJ, $999 fu lly loaded, A M / FM AT vinyl top. 206 693 7060 or 232 1184 TECHERS SPECIAL EDUCATION Teachers Special Ed­ ucation now taking ap­ plications for 1 im m edi­ ate vacancy and future openings in program for multi-handicapped. Re­ quires Oregon certifica­ tion as acceptable to TSPC for m u lti-h a n d i­ capped teachers. Job begins March 5, 1981. Request additional in ­ formation and employers application form from Personnel P .0 Box 16657, Portland, Oregon 97216. Employers a p ­ plication form must ber returned by 5:00pm March 13, 1981 to be considered. An Equal Opportunity Employer i ___________________ CLERICAL The fo llo w in g govern­ ment ju risd ictio n s are currently accepting ap­ plications through the C ooperative S election Center (CSC): C lack­ amas, W ashingon, and M ultn o m a h C ounties. For more in fo rm a tio n , call 295 2402. Cooperative Selection Center 0317 SW Gibbs Portland, OR Office Phone: 295 2401 An Equal Opportunity Employer A n Equal Opportunity Employer M /E Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 639 4171 USHER/USHERETTE (Portland Civic Stadium) Greets partons, enforces fa cility rules. Hours in ­ clude evenings, w eek­ ends and holidays. Starting salary $3.66 per hour. M inim um 4 hour shifts Must be 18 years of age. A pply in person by com pleting applications and questio- naire through March 6, 1981 at: Memorial Coliseum Complex 1401 N. Wheeler Ave. Portland, OR 9-5 Mon-Fri. An Equal Opportunity Employer SUMMER JOB Looking f o r a summer jo b? Age 15 but not yet 19? Outdoor work in the woods interest you? The Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) is looking for you. See your work experience coordinator at your High School. or call Mel Loftus. MT. Hood National Forest Phone: 503-667-0511 CHILD CARE FOOD PROGRAM WORKER Part tim e to become fu ll tim e in 4-6 weeks. Extensive driving, own t r a n s p o r t a t io n . E x ­ perience in social ser­ vices. Apply: Child Care Council 1110 SE Alder Portland, OR By 3/3/81 An Equal Opportunity Employer TRI-M ET ...THE Regional Public Transit D istrict is ex­ panding its Data Processing Department. We are a dynamic organization, grow ing and developing new ideas. We need people who think for themselves and need to make a con­ tribution. We offer an opportunity to develop your skills and a good working environment. If contribute to our team, look at ACCOUNTING CLERK I (Accounts Payable) $11,952 $12,550, plus excellent Metro paid benefits for employee and dependents. This position performs bookkeeping and accounting fu nctio ns w hich may include cashier, cash receipts, preparing bank deposits, cost records, refund checks, keeping fiscal records, accounts payable, data entry for all functions of account ing; does other related w ork as required. Requires tw o years experience bookkeeping, and high school diploma, preferably supplemen ted by college or business school training in ­ cluding basic knowledge of data processing or any satisfactory equivalent of experience and training. Apply: METRO PERSONNEL OFFICE Metropolitan Service District 527 S.W. Hall Portland, Oregon 97201 By Monday, March 9, 1981, 5:00p.m. MANAGER SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT An Equal Opportunity Employer To evaluate information systems needs of Tri- M et. To plan data requirem ents across organizations. To develop a data base structure which bqst serves Tri Met management. To im plement structured methods of system design and implementation. Starting salary $24,838 to $27,311. SYSTEMS ANALYST As a team member to select and implement financial application packages. To direct pro gram m ing to enchance these application packages. To be the primary interface with the application software vendor. To control system im plem entation against specific objectives. Starting salary $21,409 to $23,550 Please sub mit resumes to: TRI-M ET EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 An Equal Opportunity Employer APARTMENTS FOR RENT 1, 2 and 3 bedroom a N A T IO N W ID E PHOTO partments for rent. $135, DATE A MATE $160, $180 A d ult s tu ­ D a tin g lo c a lly in your dent housing. Only area New and respect college students need able w ay Io DATE A MA1E J i i *’ you) 24 apply 325 1749 h our serve e 7 days Astoria a week For large photo CAR FOR SALE list send big SASE (Self 1974 Chevrolet Camero, addressi ! stamped un power steering, power velope) rei mie time fee brakes, 256 cylinder, of $25 ti I >epu,Prient N new tires, new seats, 6. Call or write needs little body work. N A T IO N W ID E DATE A MATE 33,000 actual miles Make offer: 2403 P i' St Suite A 325 1749 Santa Bait. " i CA 93’ os Astoria. OR 97103 1 805 l«iK 1091 School o f Law. NAACP West Coast Regional Conference: Alderbrook Inn, Union W ashington. Keynote speaker: Dr. A lb e rt Black, J r., Professor o f Sociology, University o f Washington. Leroy Mobley, NYC, Director o f NAACP Prison Programs will deliver tb»address at the Saturday banquet and conduct a special workshop: “ N AACP Goest to Prison” . Pre-legal seminar: Thomas A. Atkins, NAACP General Counsel. March 6th - 8th. Sheila and the Boogiem en will appear at the St. Andrews Conference o f St. Vincent de Paul benefit Mardi Gras Dance, March 28th, 9:00 p.m. NE 8th and Alberta. W om en in Chile: International Women’ s Day program, St. Andrews Church. Virginia Alarcon, an ex-political prisoner o f Chile, w ill speak about women in Chile. March 7, 7:30 p.m., St. Andrews Church. The Heart o f Running: clinic for runners, YMCA Metro Fitness Center, Barbur Blvd. March 7. (223-9622) Second Annual W om en's Day Festival: March 7th. Run at 9:00 a m r °,n,, m a rk ’c C.r.a f' S’ c x h ib i,s >,hea,e'. dance, etc. Dow ntow n ' C A ' 1,11 s w - 10th beginning at 11:00 a.m . House C om m ittee on Ju diciary: Hearing on HB 2435 relating to ex- punction o f arrest records after 3 years. March 3rd, 1:30 p.m , Rm 350 Slate Capitol. Town M eeting. Congressman Ron Wyden, Saturday, February 28, 1981, 10 A M ., M em orial Room, T rin ity United M ethodist C hurch, 3915 SE Steele. Portland Observer's Legislative Brunch. March 7, 1981 - 9:30 A .M ., Bourbon Street Restaurant, Weilder and Grand. Guest Speaker o f the House, Hardy Meyers. Benson High School’s Tech Show. “ Students in Step with Tomorrow’s Technology, is March 6 and 7, 7:30 - 10:30 p.m., The Stage show will run at 8 and 9 p.m., and will feature the band and choir. For more information call 233-5891. March of Dimes ® INTERESTING FACTS Brought To You Every Week By A M E R IC A N STATE BA N k Amazingly, parts of Canada are south of California. W indsor, O ntario in Canada is farther south than northern California. • CAntaloupe is named after the town of Cantalupo, Italy, where it was first grown in Europe. • The firs t telephone d ire cto ry in h istory was published in the city of New Haven, Conn., in 1878. First yellow pages were published in Detroit in 1906. American State Bank AN INOEPENOENT BANK Head Office 2737 N. E. Union Portland, Oregon 97212