Page 8 Portland Obaerver February 26. 1961 “ CITY OF PORTLAND INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be received in Room 412, City Hall, Portland, Oregon 97204 for items detailed herein until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the above address For ad ditional information telephone Buyer at number listed. When Bid Surety is required, proposals shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or a bid bond, payable to the City of Portland for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid as guaranty that the bid shall be irrevocable for the period specified in the proposal. Said bond to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages should the bidder seek to revoke his offer for any reason not authorized by law and not consented to by the City within the irrevocable period, or neglect or refuse to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful per formance of the contract, in the event the said contract is awarded to him. NON DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be considered unless the bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Employer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the City of Portland. All bidders not currently certified should file the required documentation with the Contract Com pliance Division, Room 209, City Hall, 1220 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204, 248 4696, at least five (5) days prior to the Bid opening Failure to achieve certification by the Bid Opening Date and Time shall result in the return of your Bid unopened. BID NO 91 A DESCRIPTION BID OPENING DATE Furnishing Annual Supply of Lubricating Oils, Greases & Turbine Oil. For information call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4004. 10% Bid Surety Rd quired. 03/24/81 Furnishing Dump Trucks 94 95 96 One 2 4 Yard Dump Truck Three 3 4 Yard Dump Truck - Three Styles One 5 6 Yard Dump Truck. For inform ation call Duane Gullixson, Buyer, 248 4004 10% Bid Surety Required. C 9150 C 9288 C 9038 Improvement of SE Flavel Street from SE 105 Ave to SE 107 Ave. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248 4191. 10% Bid Surety & Prequalification of Bidder Required. Improvement of SE Rural from W Line of SE 39 E line of SE 41 Ave. For information call Michele Ackerman, Buyer, 248 4191. 10% Bid Surety Et prequalification of Bidder Required Improvement of SW Evelyn St from 112 Ft E of East Line of SW 37 Ave to Center Line & Con struct Sewer. For information call Michele Acker man, Buyer, 248 4191. 10% Bid Surety & Pre qualification of Bidder Required 03/26/81 03/24/81 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids for the construction of a Community Center will be received from interested Contractors by: City of Creswell, Oregon, at City Hall Council Chambers, 13 S First Street, Creswell, Oregon 97426, until 7:30 p.m ., Wednesday, March 18, 1981. Bids w ill be publicly opened and thereafter read aloud by the undersigned or his designated representative. PROJECT DESCRIPTION In general, the Project comprises a one story Community Cen ter Building without basement, totaling approximately 6,000 sq. ft. of floor area of wood frame and masonry construction, Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon will receive quotations until 2:00 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time, March 13, 1981, at its offices at 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, third floor, Grants and Contracts Departmnt. Proposals will not be considered if received after the above date and time. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Proposals should be directed to the attention of Clyde Keeling, Contract Specialist. In general, the Project comprises a one story Community Center Building without basement, totaling appoximately 6,000 sq. ft. of floor area of wood frame and masonry construction, and located at South First & "C " Street, Creswell, Oregon. TYPE OF BID One proposal for the entire Project, including General, Mechanical, and Electrical Work is required. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Specifications, including Bid and Agreement Documents, and Drawings may be examined at the following locations: Architects: Nagoa ? oroya, AIA, 1680 Pearl Street, Eugene, OR 97401 (687 9600) Eugene Builder's Exchange, 145 E. 29th St., Eugene, OR 97405 (343- 1115). Salem Contractor's Exchange, 2256 Judson St., S.E., Salem, OR 97214(234 0281). Builder's Exchange Co-Op, 1125 S.E. Madison, Rm. #200, Portland, OR 97209(225 0200). Northwest Plan Center, 500 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97232 (288 0181). Douglas County Builder's Exchange, 2183 N.E. Vine Street, Rose Burg, OR 97470 (672 1083). Dodge/Scan, 315 N. Tower, 100 W. Harrison Plaza, Seattle WA 98119, (206 284 3811). PROJECT FUNDING GRANT REQUIREMENTS The Federal government in making this Grant placed two major require ments on the expenditure of CDBG funds as follows: 03/24/81 1. Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws shall be complied with. 2. U S. Department of Labor Wage and Labor Standards shall be adhered to by all Contractors. Furnishing Annual Asphalt Supplies 97 A 98 A 99 A Asphalt Cold Mixes Liquid & Emulsified Asphalt Asphalt Concrete & Cement. For inform ation call Carlton Chayer, Asst Purchasing Mgr. 248 5374 10% Bid Surety Required. The Housing and Community Development Administrator will monitor the Project regularly to ascertain compliance with these requirements. 03/10/81 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BY MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES ONLY Notice is hereby given that the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation ’'Strict of Oregon (Tri Met) will receive sealed bid proposals until 10:00 A M , Pacific Standard Time, Tuesday, March 24, 1981, at its offices at 4012 S.E. 17th, Portland, Oregon 97202. Proposals should be directed to the attention of Mr. Clyde Keeling, Contract Specialist, Planning Et Development Division. Bids will be opened in Conference Room "D " on the third floor at that time for: Construction/Remodeling of Tri Met's Merlo Road Facility. Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General’s list of ineligible contractors. in accordance with UMTA Circular 1165.1, Oregon Administrative Rules 27 10 145 (1)and Section 4 of the Tri Met Minority Business Enterprise MBE) Policy Statement, only bids submitted by certified MBE's will be ac i;pted by Tri Met. All firms not presently certified by Tri Met must contact n Met for the appropriate forms and procedures. If forms are needed, they ay be obtained at the time of receipt of bid documents. •ie bid documents including Specifications, Conditions, and Rules for bid ng may be obtained at 4012 S. E. 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, Third Floor, Grants and Contracts. TRI COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON This solicitation is for: Servicing, cleaning and changing of the trip planning and information panels and masks in the Portland Mall Bus Shelters, Kiosks and Bus Stop signs on 5th and 6th Avenues Proposals and specifications may be obtained from Clyde Keeling, Grants and Contracts, telephone 238 4808. Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. All bidders will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors. Inaccordancew ith UMTA Circular 1165.1, Oregon Administrative Rules 127 10-145-11) and Section 4 of the Tri-Met Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Policy Statement, only bids submitted by certified MBE's will be ac cepted by Tri Met. All firms not presently certified by Tri-Met must contact Tri-Met for the appropriate forms and procedures. Forms may be obtained by contacting Ms. Andrea Hollie at 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, 238-4877. Certification as to MBE must be submitted two (2) days prior to quotation due date. TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON Bonafide Prime Bidders may obtain one set only at Architect's Office upon deposit of check payable to Architect in amount of $50. Deposits will be refundable. Orders shall be placed directly as follows: Additonal Drawings: Central Blueprint Service, 47 West 5th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, (342 3624). Additional Specification: Professional Copy and Print Service, 570 Lawrence Street, Eugene, OR 97401 (485 3579. The City of Creswell, Oregon is the recipient of a federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) which will be used to finance this Pro ject. 03/24/81 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BY MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE ONLY BIDDERS OBLIGATION UNDER HUD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT In accord with Federal Regulations, all Bidders shall bid the following with each bid: Proposal Bid Security Certification of Bidder regarding Equal Employment Opportunity Certification of Non Segregated Facilities Statement of Work Force Needs: Section # 3 Compliance PREQUALIFICATION Prequalification of Bidders will not be required, but if Bidders voluntarily wish to submit forms they may do so provided forms are received by Ar chitect at least ten (10) days prior to Bid opening date. BID SECURITY By: PaulN. Hay Executive Director Planning & Development Division TRADE ACT PETITION The Oregon Employment Division has been informed that the following Trade Act Petitions were filed on behalf of the employees of the following firms: PETITION NUMBER TAW 12153 TAW 12164 TAW 12199 COMPANY Lane Cedar Company Union Carbide Corp. Hyster Company LOCATION Springfield Portland Portland The Trade Act provides a variety of services for workers who lose their jobs or whose hours and wages are reduced because of foreign im ports. Workers may become eligible for retroactive cash payments, training, job search and relocation payments if the petition is approved. Relocation pay ments can only be paid if the worker applies prior to moving. If you were recently laid off from one of these firms and have been out of work for a week or more since that time, you should contact the nearest Oregon Employment Division office and inquire about potential assistance under the Trade Act program. Job placement assistance is available whether or not you are eligible for benefits under the Trade Act. SECTION 8 NEW CONSTRUCTION AN D OR S U BS TA N TIAL REHABILITATION DETAILED NOTIFICATION OF FUND A V A ILA B ILIT Y NO OR16 0049 AN D W A16 0050 ALLO C ATIO N AREA Portland S M S A (All of Clackamas. M ultnom ah and W ashington Counties in the State of Oregon and Clark County, State of W ashington! DATE February 10, 1981 The D ep a rtm e n t o f H ousing and U rban D evelo pm e nt w ill accept P relim inary Proposals for new ly con structe d a n d /o r substantially rehabilitated housing under the S ection 8 H ousing Assistance Payments Program to be located in the Portland SM S A Contract A utho rity in the am ount of $245,640 is being made available to provide assistance for an e stim ated 4 one be droo m un its, 35 tw o be droom u n its, and 10 three or m ore bedroom units Proposals may be subm itted by private owners or Public Housing Agencies (PHA) owners for dire ct co n tra ctin g w ith H UD, or by PHA s on behalf of private ow ners w ith w hom the PHA proposes to contract pursuant to an Annual C ontributions Contract w ith HUD Bidders shall submit with their Bid Proposal a Bid Bond, Certified Check, or Bank Cashiers Check equal to 10% of the Base plus additive altermates, if any. Proposals w ill be accepted beginning M arch 1. 1981 and w ill continue to be accepted until con tra ct a u th o rity no longer is available A ll proposals received during the same m onth w ill be processed in a group and. if necessary, ranked against each other Preference w ill be given to small fam ily projects, (projects of 50 units or lessl and partially assisted fam ily projects (proiec ts of more than 50 units o f w hich 20 percent or fewer are assisted! BY ORDER OF City of Creswell, Oregon By: Ronald Hanson, City Recorder A pplicants must include in their proposal an explanation of how they w ill im plem ent outreach to m inority business enterprises tQ assure that they w ill have an op portunity to bid on at least 20 percent of the dollar value of all contracts relating to the proposals ST AN D R EW S CATHO LiC C H UR CH 806 NE ALBERTA STREET Reverend Bertram G riffin. Pastor 281 4429 Instructions and form s for subm itting a Preliminary Proposal and other applicable program in fo rm a tio n are co n ta in e d in a D evelo per's Packet w h ich is available upon request fro m the P ortland Area O ffice, Cascade B uilding. 520 S W S ixth Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97204 Phone number 221 3077 Masses 5 00pm Vigil Saturday 10 00am Choir Sunday 12 00pm Folk Sunday Ivancie welcomes EDAC ST A N D R EW C O M M U N IT Y SCHOOL Phone 284 1620 Grades 1 thru 8 4919 NE 9th Ave Sr K a th le e n S tu p fe r P rin c ip a l By: Paul N. Bay Title: Executive Director of Planning Et Development w Lorraine Hamberry, author of Raisin in the Sun started out to be an artist rather than a playwright. M« M You are W elcome to Worship at THE ARK OF SAFETY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST ".-I warm spirit o f fellowship always” The Honorable Bishop U V. Peterson, D D. The Holiness Preacher," Pastor Sunday Sunday School M orning W orship 9 15am 11 15am Showers of Blessings Broadr ast J 30 4 30 ■ 6 30pm VPWW Evangelistic W orship 8 00pm Noon Day Prayer Tuesday Friday H U D reserves th e rig h t to can cel th is N o tific a tio n o f Fund A v a ila b ility w ith a p p ro p ria te n o tific a tio n o f those pa rtie s w h o have registered w ith the Field O ffice w hen the c o n tra c t au thority for the allocation area has been used T uesday Bible Band Jr Church W ednesday Choir Rehearsal Friday The Pastor Speaks 84 NF Killingsw orth 2R1 0499 1 30pm 1 00pm 7 30pm (Continued from Page I Col 6) “ First Source Agreem ent" con tracts with potential business, and w ill be involved with the implemen tation o f the new neighborhood economic development emphasis of the Housing and Com m unity Development Block Grant. Although EDAC has concen trated on Federal Economic Development money (CEDS) in the past, that money is expected to be terminated by the Reagan ad m inistration so the committee w ill look elsewhere for funds. Most o f the CEDS money has been spent, but funds are being made available to River East Progress, Inc., a local development corporation established by the Union Avenue Business Boosters and Thomas Kennedy of PDC. The m inority loan fund o f $ 1.6 has made five loans with three in process. This fund is projected to be empty within 90 days. Committee members now include Matthew Akom, l uis Alvaea, Greg Batiste, lames Berchtold, Gertrude Boyle, Paul Breuer, Geraldine Daskalos, W illia m l ast, Grace Gallegos, I evar Gonzales, Louis Growney, Phillipa Harrison. John Knez, Ray Ruscitti, Fdiwn Smith, and Janice Wilson. ALLEN TEMPLE CME CHURCH Corner of 8th and Skidn.ore Sunday School 9:30am Sundav Worship 11 00am Christian Youth Fellowship 6 00pm (second and fourth Sundays) Reverend Thomas I.. Strayhand, Minister 4 ■ ' Ï