Portland Observar February 28. 1981 Paga 7 AUTO JENKINS AUTO SERVICE (feeaty eervtoe «uerenkeed 3846 N William« Portland. Or agon REPAIRING C O M P I I T I A U T O M O T IV E Jackson's A u to m o tive 2106 N Killingaworth Portland. OR 97217 296 7338 O lin n iPhtn ¿ ’» i f 9 1 .1 ..I ROTH b MILLER AUTOMOTIVE C ommunity Directory and pro files 4 Hats-Scarves & Accessories Styling A d i On This Page A r c O f L ocal B usinesses T hat A r c H e lp in g B u ild A B e tte r C o m m u n ity P h h up 707 NE FREM ONT 281 8626 FRIDAY S BEAUTY SUPPLIES Wholesale snd Retail We carry products that are seen in Jet end Ebony Magazine " Open 9 a m 8p.m 3612 NE 16th « 2490363 Dnve m a 3800 N Mississippi Ava Portland. Orsgon 97227 199 6244 CsrlOS M r w JI a « n fapaaa B o a, paint 311 N E Shavsr St Portland. Orsgon 97212 287 9629 K N O TT ST GROCERY USSim 4pm Grocery-Cold Beer and W ine 284-7490 fell. m Ip m 2701 N E 7th Portland. Oregon 97212 2709 NE 7th 291 4372 ACME CLEANERS f t CUSTOM TAILORS SPORTSMAN'S Hair Design Canter Portland, OR 97227 317 S W Stark Portland. OR 225 1226 1490 N E Prescott Portland. Orsgon 294 3837 1001 N.E Broadway 284 7647 ELK CLEANERS f t LAUNDRY SA M and OLLIE'S Established in 1912 and still providing quality dry cleaning at reasonable rates Restaurant ft M arket Open 9 00 A M 1144 N E Prescott 1014 N K illin g aw orth 500 N W 23rd Avenue 284 8485 249 3866 Featuring Mam Curt Complete salon services for men and women. Ctrl STORE Your doM r buy« more end mor» here' C o « beer and w ire Open aa hoMMva • 00-10 00 M S Mon Fri 7am 6pm Sat 10am 6pm We clean on Saturdays 3806 N W illiam s STARK RAVING HAIR ,'iJ Or/tJ,, i^itnil STEWART CLEANERS Turn Sa sa noe appruv .1 c o p y n t th e P o r t la n d O b s e r v e r a t . a n y Sales Service Installation 630 N.E. Union Ave Hours 10 6 M F 10 -6 Sat . NE U N IO N Serving your pharmacy needs with dilligence. quality pro ducts and service Call or visit us today* 1719 N.E.16th 288 4646 DEVLIN'S CAFE 2 N Killingaworth Portland. Oregon 97217 VACCUM ft . C-O' cara Coma m and check u» out W eaeöetyi 213-215 N E Hancock Portland. Oregon 282 3379 1868 N Lom bard Portland. OR 97217 Ph (503)285 9664 JEWELRY FRIDAY'S BEAUTY SUPPLY WhoMaaM and Retail A a carry product« aa is»- in Jet and Ebony 707 NE FREMONT 281 6525 4564 NE Union 287 8266 3612 NE 15th 2490353 A PATON JEW ELERS Diamonds-Watches-Jewelry Diamond Selling Watch & Jewelry Repair 281-8801 _____ 4818 NE Sandy GROCERS CLEANERS PHARMACY A lberta Pharm acy J IM M Y 'S GROCERY W O O D LA W N CLEANERS Open 8 day« a week 8 a m Bpm W e grv» S ttH Green Stamps HSMK D a t u m Portland. Oregon 97211 289 4978 SEWING Vacuum Cleaner Sewing M achine Sales and service Eureka Electric Co 1804 N E Union P ortland, OR CHARLEY 8 QueWty grocery't«m a beverage« meet« «nd other Items »or your Aaedv to «e»ve all your preecoption needs • Stela werta's • • Portland M etro • Blue Croat • • SAIF •hopping -reeds 630 N E M a to n Portland. Oregon 97211 284 1760 2403 NE Alberta 281 8717 P ft J'S TIPPIN INN TAVERN New owner Falataff Beer Glass 35C Peggy ft Jim Millar Bear Glass 45C 838 N Killingsworth 283 2221 THE CALL WE HOPE WE NEVER GET Age or location ot a house are not reasons enough tor a lending institution to reject your loan application. It that is the ease, then call us. We’re the Metropolitan Loan Review Committee. Our job is to see that you get a tair hearing. We do not arbitrate credit matters, hut it your loan was turned down because the house was too old or in the "wrong” neighborhood, we’ll do everything we can to see that your case gets reviewed. We re not always successful, hut we’ll try. Because there are many good homes that ought to go on living. METROPOLITAN LOAN REVIEW COMMITTEE Call 248-4800, Ext. 4932 Portland. OR Quality at affordable price* ROB ERTA -re - n w ou ril M RUTI DUILC FR nafV, 1eWpfe.«w Wl » i •*$ THE VILLAGE COBBLER Shoe repair • Leather repair Vinyl repair • Shoe dyed Free pick up b Delivery Or Sam uel J Brown Jr b Dr Carlos L W eakly. DENTIST FemWy »«*4 p«*vw*i«»ve ««n ttetry MM F Mtatwreay 1912 N.E. 122nd I PHIL REYNOLDS M EDICAL CLINIC 1 Walter C. Reynolds, M D Kalpana H Raidev, M D Physician* b Surgeons j 15 N. M orris St. 2209 NE Killingaworth Portland. Orsgon 87312 2S2 7643 Portland. OR 97230 254 9333 V A N N S M tJXTUARY There « no (toubt W hen you ceM Venn W lm u». courteey e e U»dtt>oc 6311 N W illiam * Ave Portland. Orsgon 87317 381 2838 W A SH IN G TO N SQUARE Phone 639 1622 ATTORNEY A T LAW General Practice 716 N. Alberta Portland, Oregon 603 284 0804 BOOKER T LEWIS JR D D 8 d u'xebte to keep epomnirryeri' kmdty grve 24 houee notice 3133 N E Prescott Portland Oregon 97211 281 3010 Kenneth C. Dixson ATTORNEY AT LAW Reliable • By appointment or call! 3536 N W illiam s Ave E ERNEST GUILE. m m > r D M D M P H FAMILY DENTISTRY Consulatioris Insurance accepted W eekend b Evening hours T For appointment call 287 1078 DOW NTOW N 724 S W Washington .. JASPER L. AM BERS 503 28 , 6566 GRACE COLLINS M E M O R IA L CENTER P o rtla n d O re g o n 9 7 2 « P tw n .223 ISIS Ch4d Development Kindergartens hot breakfast H lurx h »necke 8 JUe<” Bp” 12 yr» Fed L k 128 NE Ruaaell Portland. Oregon 281 8930 P hil s schwinn crcienv 701 N E Broadway Portland. Oregon 97232 281 4036 •H u S SCHWIMM CVCLIRY SINSTANT CASH$ PROJECT STOP for Gold • Silver • Diamonds Ect R bM Antiques 7 days a week 12 to 5 p m Outpatient alcohol treatment for individuals and families special program for women 1825 N ortheast Broadway 2721 N. Lom bard 283 5239 or 286 6305 •re- 1119 N.E Broadway 3240 N William« Portland Qrkgon 97212 Portland. Oregon 97232 (503)282 9463 281 5409 t'eraJ. Thomas ELECTROPEDIC o f OREGON 825 N.E Broadway 249 1761 Best built electric Adjustable Bed TERRY'S PHARMACY Serving your pharmacy needs with dilligence, quality pro­ ducts and service Call or visit us today! 1719 N.E. 16th SUE W ICKLUND TRAVEL 1734 N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 97232 KEN TUTTLE (5031249 8303 BARDYTROPHY CO. 1 rophies • Plaques • emblems Trophies • name plates 1440 N.E. Broadway Portland, OR 97232 282 7787 Portland. OR 97232 (503)284 ’. W 4 DR CHARLES TONEY Walnut Park Dental Center Serving the community with quality work quality service 5315 N. Vancouver Portland, Oregon Ph 28I 8110 NORTH PORTLAND FAM ILY PRACTICE b IN D U STR IA L CLINIC Health « our »tret priority 1«N K lllln a a w o rth P o rtla n d O reg o n *771 7 as xsa e I I Ask Aunt Bea By Asmar A bdul Seifullah aka Joe West It40404 Chapter. A d d itio n a l support was given by the P ortland Urban League, w ith o u t its support the event wouldn’t have been a success. The theme o f the ceremony was “ C om m unity S o lid a rity, ” which was strongly exhibited throughout 284 0666 J b OONE B r o a d w a y Qrfríín Rt nu Cell Talk The firs t annual “ Grassroots C om m un ity Service A w a rd s ” ceremony was held February 20, 1981 at the Oregon State Peniten- lia ry. The event was co-sponsored . U huru O rganization and the i.ierican M uslim M ission - OSP 3416 N E Broadway Portland. OR 97232 1520 N.E. Alberta 288 8549 or 288 9467 Beautiful hets and acceeaonea M en t Stetson ft Dobbs the meeting. The concept behind the awards was to focus a tte n tio n on those people within the community who o rd in a rily go unrecognized. The persons who received awards represent only a small group o f the many people who are m aking m eaningful c o n trib u tio n s to the health and w elfare o f the com ­ munity. Complete list o f Grassroot Com­ m unity Service A w ard recipients 1980-81. - Mrs. Rosemary Allen - for out­ standing achievement in the A rts during 1980. - M r. Vernon Chatman - for out­ standing and enduring achievement in assisting high school children with future careers. - Ms. G lo ria Fisher - fo r o u t­ standing and enduring achievement in community news service. - Ms. Rosemary Anderson - fo r her dedication in em ploym ent training. - M r. Bernard Foster - fo r o u t­ standing achievement in community news service. - Reverend John Garlington - for the most significant and enduring achievement by a m inister or layman. - Ms. LaVera Sm ith - fo r o u t­ standing and unselfish achievement in support o f senior citizens. - Eman Makail Shabazz - for the most outstanding example o f moral excellence and community concern. - Ms. Rose Booth - for implimen- tation o f the only alcohol treatmeni program that services the Black community. - The Black Educational Center - fo r in s p ira tio n a l c o n trib u tio n in education and fo r m aintain in g cultural and ethnic identity through education. Two special services awards were presented: The Yero (W a rrio r) A ward went to Mr. Ron Herndon o f the Black United Front, for his con­ sistency in c o n fro n tin g d is c rim i­ nation and racism w ith in the system B rother Ron H erndon is in no lig h t sense o f the word a warrior in full battle dress. The A d ero (L ife G iver) A ward went to Ms. Freddyt Petett fo r Travel Roberts’ H«»dv to F in is h ■ Buy sell trade Open 6 days a week Designed to serve the entire community VERA S HAT BOUTIQUE 515 S W Broadway Portland. Oregon 97205 224 8063 N ATU R AL FURNITURE ALBERTA SECOND HAND STORE J D S BAR B Q Chmeee C uume • apenetumg m apre y liahea from the Munan f» S /teh o an Provinces f f g 1081 Lloyd Center Portlend. Oregon 97232 284 4086 Our rood 18 linger kekm good* 1 Try rt and you 8 never eet anywhere H U N A N RESTAURANT Unique! I Professional Services W here the beet m teeth» Nenge out 10% oft wrfth coupon Open 5 00am to 7 00pm Food to go 1332 Skidm ore min PEGGY'S HlOEW AV Ceon> • Caio* i Ae«e 3 * u y rpiesw • 16 N Morris St APEX UPHOLSTERY Free esbmales-Qualily Work Antiques Restored Low P rices'" 282 8609 2417 NE; Union BROADW AY EXXON \u ' J r r l PRMC CLINIC TERRY'S PHARM ACY CHUCK'S CAR STEREO Ph 231 8108 n t th e b u s in e s s e s lis le il b e lo w strong and warming dedication to the struggle for freedom, justice and e qu ality. Her c o n trib u tio n to the community is inspiring in the image o f Black womanhood. The night w ill be long remem­ bered by all present. There was a warm ing feeling o f brotherhood throughout the evening. The ju ju vibs penetrated the crust o f negroism and transformed itself in­ to chants o f A lla h u A k b a r and U huru SaSa! Never have we w it­ nessed such a display o f Black love as was shown during the ceremony. The brothers here are still talking aboul the evening and I'm sure the recipients o f the awards had their minds changed about Black prisoners. The e m h ilica l cord between the outer com m unity and the inner com m unity o f OSP was strengthen in no uncertain terms. Community Solidarity was realized in a short two hour span o f time and all the lies aboul apathetic in a short two hour span o f time. The keynote speaker o f the evening was Eman M akail Shabazz o f M osjid No. 62, P o rtlan d, Oregon. His message and call for s o lid a rity was enthusiasticly received as he gave clear answers to disturbing questions. He centralized his address on the Atlanta murders o f 20 Black children and called for a national drive to end this despicable display o f genocide against Black ch ild re n . From an observer view point, I can only say that the Eman was right on the money and his address fell on open ears. The most significant aspect o f the meeting was the clear evidence given to the fact that the Black com ­ munity is very much alive and well. That there are members o f the community who are concerned and who are w o rkin g tow ard the realization o f Uhuru (Freedom). May a lm igh ty God bless and protect the Black com m unity and may he guide us all to the straight path. Once again I salute the recipients o f the firs t annual "G ra ssro ots C om m un ity Service Awards and may they continue to work in constructive ways. Aunt Bea: M y name is Jim . I ’ m 16 and I have a younger sister who is always trying to find out my business; what I ’ m doing, where I am going, and who I ’ m talking to on the telephone. A ll o f this bugs me, especially when someone calls for me and Cindy (my sister) answers the phone. She says ‘ ‘ Who is this” almost before saying hello. I think this is very rude o f my sister. What do you think? Jim R. N. Portland Dear Jim: ‘ ‘ W ho is th is ” on C in d y ’ s part may be a little rude, and I'm sure nosey as younger sisters and brothers are at times. Perhaps “ May I say w ho’ s c a llin g ” might sound better. But on the other hand, callers are most considerate to in ­ troduce themselves before asking fo r their party. So you and Cindy should work things out so nobody’ s bugged. A uni Bea Dear Aunt Bea: There is this couple I know quiie w ell, who lives together (not married) and are expecting a baby soon. I ’ m nol sure if a shower w ill be given, or i f it's proper, which brings up my question: Should I o f­ fer to give a shower, or al least a gift? I know w h a t’ s proper fo r a m arried m other to be, hui what about a non-married mother to he? A'tf.v Nl Portland Dear Kay: Baby showers and g ills are given for babies to be. not ill-legitim ate mothers to be, so I would think that both shower and g ift are most proper in any case. Congratulations to your friend. Aunt Bea I zz $ e e i ee e e e ee ee e 9 e ee e e e ee e e ee 'e / zz z I I z z \ Send yo u r questioni lo: A uni Bea, Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 e l " " " " " X 'X X X \ X X X \ \ X X X \ V A \ » » \ \ \ V S V \ X X \ X X X \ X \ X \ \ X X X X S V X X ' ÄDVV EXXON 519 NORTHEAST BROADWAY Complete car care center • Atlas Products • Towing Service • Monthly Parking Price - $12.50 per month. ■ *■ • * li R RAD MORRIS Station Manager Portland, Oregon 97213 Phon«: 284 6060