Portland Observar February 28,1981 Paga 6 V E R A 'S H A T B O U T IQ U E S I Beautiful hats and accessories men's - Stetson & Dobbs lim 4 1119 N .E . B r o a d w a y Portland, OR 97232 I i Tracey L. Palmer is the daughter o f Mrs. Raeheal Meire Brown and Mr. Authur James Palmer, and the granddaughter o f Mrs. Betty Jean Hicks and the late Reverend W illie Hicks. She is a graduating senior at Jefferson High School. Tracey plans to attend Howard University where she will major in Physics and Elementary Education. Rhonda Cabine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cabine. She is a graduating senior at Clackamas High School and plans to attend Portland State University where she will major in Business. I '»»m (503) 282 9432 Vera J. Thomas Sharon Renee Bradley is the daughter o f Charles Edward and Liza Bradley. She is graduating senior at Ulysses S. Grant High School. Sharon plans to attend either Spellman College in Atlanta or How ard U niversity in Washington, D.C., where she plans to study marketing. Shelia Smith is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. James Smith. She is a graduating senior at Grant high school. Shelia plans to attend the University o f Washington in Seattle. She hopes to receive a degree in Law. Anyelah H ill is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Orenton B. H ill. She is a graduating senior at W ashington-M onore high school and the form er ju n io r Miss Black Oregon. Angelah plans to obtain a doctorate degree in either Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry or Engineering. Wendy Patterson is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patterson. She is a graduating senior at Woodrow Wilson high school and she plans to attend the University of Washington where she will study for a degree in Marketing. WE WANT YOUR VIEWS... O N O U R PROPOSED NEW RATES. in Oregon 1-800-452-8429 In other Northwest states 1-800-547-6048 Attend one or more public hearings Submit oral or written comments at the hearing or send us your written comments All comments received before the close of hearings will be considered What you say counts We re Bonneville Power Administration We wholesale federal power in Washington Oregon Idaho western Montana and parts of California Nevada Utah and Wyoming And we operate a high-voltage transmission system for both Federal and non-Federal power Both wholesale power rates and transmission rates will have to go up on July 1.1981 To cover operating costs and scheduled repayment of Federal investments in Northwest generating and transmission facilities we ll need more revenue than present rates would provide We want your views on our new rate proposals Please understand We at Bonneville don't set the rates that you the consumer pay for electricity But what we charge your local utility is a factor in the rates you pay That's why we urge you to get involved Here's what you can do Send for more information (see request form)or call toll free Bonneville Power Administration SCHEDULE Technical Presentation by BPA Staff Monday. March 2 R egistration 8 30 a m . pre se n ta tio n , 9 a m M a so n ic Tem ple M a in B allroom 1119 SW Park A v e n u e Portland. Oregon Field Hearings Registration 7 p m , hearings 7 30 p m Salem. Oregon I------------------------------------------------------------------- • Missoula. M ontana • M onday. March 9 For more information, fill out clip and mail to V illa g e R ed lio n B la c k fo o t R oom ICC M a d iso n Public Involvement Coordinator Bonneville Power Administration Post Office Box 12999 Portland. Oregon 97212 Boise In te ra g e n c y Fire C e n te r Training O ffic e A u d ito riu m 3905 Vista A v e n u e Boise. Idaho - Tuesday March 10 Richland, Washington Wednesday. March 11 N a m e _____________________________________________ Federal B uilding 3000 G e o rg e W a sh in g to n W ay Address ___________________________________________ J Thursday. March 5 Parrish M id d le S chool A u d ito riu m 802 C a p ito l S treet N F Seattle. Washington Thursday. March 12 S e a ttle C e n te r S n o q u a lm ie R oom First N orth a n d R e p u b lic a n Street C it y ________________ S ta te __________ Z ip ____________ Every Ticket Can W in *In S a fe w a y 's Ar* ' in | instant Grocery Gninnuinn! W ln Up To ‘I ’ SOO — S w e a p ita k e i Draw ing, Sat., Fab. 28 Cottage Cheese I , C ynthia M arlene Sails is the daughter o f M r. and Mrs. Hugo Sails. She is a graduating senior at W ashington-Monroe high school. C ynthia has enlisted in the U.S. A rm y as a medical specialist and will be stationed at Houston, Texas. Venessa Rertae Sykes is the daughter o f M r. and Mrs. Earl Duwayne Sykes. She is a graduating senior at Jefferson high school. Vanessa plans to attend the Univer­ sity o f Oregon to pursue a career in P e i forming Arts or Banking. p u t» *» * Beef Chuck Blade Cut Guaranteed Quality Totino's Pizza Rich Futl Bodied « 1 0-lb . Flour Centennial Unbleached All Purpose $ |6 9 Cascade fo r Spotless Dishes © S T " . W anjiru W. M u re ith i is the daughter o f Dr. and Mrs. Nyamu Mureithi. She is a graduating senior at Washington-Monroe high school. W a n jiru plans to go to college in California and major in accounting. DISHWASHER DETERGENT 20* Oft label 50-or $ | 88 Legislative Hearings _____ by Thara Memory and the Creative Jazz Ensemble. Escorting the twelve young ladies were: Forrest Barnes, Reggie Blue, Reginald Hendrix, Howard J. Hor- nbuckle, Jr., James Larry Jackson, Brian Jourdan, Daniel Johnson, Avery Craid Penny, Kahlil Tanner, Ronald W ashington, Gregory A llen, A nthony W iliam s and Joe Woods. Mrs. Geneva Jones and Mrs. Mildred Reynolds were co-chairmen o f the C o tillio n . Mrs. Clementyne T. Guy is President of the Portland Chapter, The Links, Inc. March 5, 1:30 p.m. - South Africa divstment; racial harassment bills M arch 10. 7:30 p.m . - South Africa, harassment, M artin Luther King state holiday March 12, 1:30 p.m . - same as ibove Room 50, State Capital Bldg. M arch 3, 1:30 p.m . - work asession on Black and Hispanic Commission bills. House Committee on Judiciary Hearing on HB 2435 relating to expunction o f arrest records after 3 years, March 3rd, 1:30 p.m., Room 350, State Capitol. Observer or the King Neighborhood Facility. House Committee on Agency and M inority Affairs: For petition supporting the Black Commission B ill, drop by the © Super Soft Bread © 8 -P a k Hot Dog Buns © S & W Baked Beans © D a rk Red Kidney Beans © L a y 's Potato Chips »« t • at m » 0u».t © Lucerne Dry Milk © Long Spaghetti © White Magic Detergent CNBMV c (MKKIN JOUP ’own Hom» Br*nd Chun»rfewf 19 a t w r. Plus Dep s- . . ’I" »1« ,. ‘2“ © Tasty Nuggets Dog Food .. »« SQM ' 79« © Apple/Cranberry Drink ; © Nabisco Ritz Crackers ». •1 " © F a cia l Tissue 59« © Era Liquid Detergent C, ’6” HAMOLlNt H a vo lin e - «nro», M o to r O il f t 88* ?0W Or 30W Quart iC *ie 0 » 2 « Mg 00) Bartlett Pears T0WW HOUSE > C 8 M 0 tt? *S M 0< F ur C r w O» 2 4 'iO W V 0 -5 Sham poo For Mo'6 Beautiful Her Regular Oty Or Henna t$-oz 29 ©75' © © © © .'»e-BMn» t6 or t '»air std» O Wbnp ■ P-'WCnrr >6 oj 6 «7 « O> 17 01 © 2.89« Tylenol Tablets Luv's Diapers Alka Seltzer Plus Stayfree Maxi P ads, 12” $74« M” »2W Fancy.. Sweet & Juicy Easy To Peel Callea Mugs 99 Sewp Magi 1* Teapot (« '5.99 Crisp Celery NavèlOranges WmATIOM nCHT«« COUPON .9 8 * Variety Pack Lunch Meat ~ Bar-S Biggie Franks ____ Trailblazer Beef Jerky - x : - Variety Super Savers 'F oot m o u m © MR Chunk Bologna 7 u»co SfirW Vegetables 99 59« 49* 79« 39« 89« SCM 88« 'I” ip« © Bisquick Baking Mix •1" ‘ 1** ’ 1" Delicatessen! 28 A : Henry Weinhard's The Links present Debutants The annual “ Starlight C otillion” , sponsored by The Links, Inc. presented twelve debutants on February 15th at the Red Lion, Jan- tzen Beach. Music for dancing was furnished F S ' r/« Rtf' ToBt», IW imtK Of 8 *r horju» lb. *4 ” f e s u M Whole Hog Sausage Sliced Side Pork Fresh Red Snapper © P o rk Spnreribs Assorted Grinds ) lb Mrs W’ghts ( rushed Aheat >00*. WN » Wt»si A Crushed Wheat Sandwv fi ?4 oz Suzanne Barnett is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. C. Barnett. She is a graduating ju n io r and plans to at­ tend the Fashion In stitu te Tech­ nology in New York where she plans to study dancing and acting. Beef Arm Chuck Roast ’ V 7-Bone Chuck Roast “ S .'S - , ’ 1“ Boneless Stew Beef r.X ' . ’ 1” Yuban Coffee * Steak V*« >'«l I« W heat Breads Karen Searcy is the daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Searcy. She is a graduating senior at the C atlin Gabel school. Karen hopes to attend Barnard College in New York where she plans to study music and Liberal Arts. ^Oregon Fryers SmaMCuftJ Pin! Save 14 Ka , Jamie Booksany Ew ell is the daughter o f M r. and Mrs. Edwin I well. Jamie is a graduating senior at Woodrow Wilson High and plans to attend M t. Hood C om m unity College for two years and Oregon State U niversity where she w ill major in Business. Blossom f.me t To Stu« Or For SaUdt ©ft.19' IWTUITION FFGMTTB COUPON ¡S ' Grapefruit — Strawberries s s "¡S Avacodos .39* ..89* 3J1 No. 1 Russets c : 4 J 1 Raisins - t . - ‘ 2 " Daffodils SAFEW AY « SALK lM T ( 0 to RETAIL QUANTITES q y E V E R Y TH IN G Y O U W A N T F R O M A S T O R E ... A N O A LITTLE BIT M O R E ! « * * ' » . V . . ’ « ‘ ' . * ■ * • ;, ■