Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 26, 1981, Page 36, Image 36

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    Page 22 Portland ObHntar Secti on II February 21. 1•1
Jones sang before President Harri on in 1892 and
Ricordi and Company in New York allowed him the
completed a successful European tour in 1893 . Upon
freedom to write.
her return, she formed Black Patti' s Troubadours with
Burleigh i perhaps be t known for his arrangements
whom he sang operatic arias and enjoyed continuou
of piritual for concert si nger s. Deep River wa
acclaim unt il her retirement from the concert stage in
arranged and published in 1917, and has been perform-
ed by artists for decades. He wrote about his arrange-
During the almost four decades that cclip ed the
ment of spirituals: "My de ire was to perserve them in
period from the end of the Civi l War 10 the Twentieth
harmonies that belong to modern method of tonal
cntury, we have seen that I.he Black mu ician' talents
progre sion without robbing the melodies of their racial
encom passed the broad spectrum of musicianship from
flavor .••
the harmonies of imple folk music to the complexities
Hi composition total more than 250 . Among the
of clas ical ores.
During the latter third of the century were born com-
posers who have co me 10 be called come to be ca lle_d
Bia k Nationali sts, chiefly bcca u e Bla ck folk music
became their raison d 'erre. Although mo I were well-
trained at various choo ls of mu ic or co nscrvatorie
and knew well how to write or perform in the traditional
(i .e. classical) tyle, (and often did o in order 10 support
them elves) they consciou ly drew upon their heritage in
their compo itions.
ballads were : The Prayer, Liule Mother of Mine, Dear
Old Pal of Mine, Just You, Under A Blazing Star, and
The Great Somewhere. He set poems to music: Robert
Burns' Johnson's The Young Warrior, and Walt Whit-
man's Ethiopia Saluting The Colors. He wrote for solo,
quartet s, and choruses and composed for min strel
Honors, such as the Springarn Achievement Medal
{ 1917) a masters degree from Atlanta University and a
Doctor of Music from Howard, were awarded Burleigh .
He was a charter member of AS AP.
,·er hl'tlr of ;i p;1rt-timL' joh th . t Sta rt with a I, 5
o ne doL':... But th e ni c:-t honus is the tra ining yo u re ive fr m top-not h
Arm • " ·huol:-. :in d the h;rnd. -on e pc rie nc o u ga in w rking with a I . I
Rc:-.c rvl' unit. BL· id ·s the bonu s, yo u'll rd ·o e:1 rn over I, 10 a yea r fo r one
wee kend ;1 m rnth an 1 two wee ks of annu al training. And yo u ca n eve n
joinwh ilcynu'rcstillinhi gh s hool,if yo u'r 17or old r. Formorc in fo rma-
tinn. stop hy or all u -.
Call 232-9559
3637 NE Sandy Blvd .
Pays Tribute to:
Pastor Edgar Jackson
1895- 1972
HARRY THACKER BURL!IOH (1866 - 1949) was
the grandson of a runaway slave who was blinded in
slavery but fled north with his wife and family. Their
destination was anada, but the imminent birth of a
daughter (Harry's mother) caused them to settle in Erie,
As a child, Harry led his grandfather on the latter' s
rounds as a lamplighter, all the while Ii tening to his
arandparent's plantation torics and songs . In chool,
he exhibited a good voice and ear, but it wa not until
his mother's employer noticed hi avid intcre t in music
that his abilities were encouraged .
He sana in hurch hoirs and it wa s at the age of
twenty-six that his formal musi education began with a
scholarship to the National on ervatory of Mu ic in
Ne w York . He came to the attention of Antonin
Dvorak, a Czech composer, who taught at the o nser-
vatory, and was through Burleigh that Dvorak com -
posed bis New World Symphony, for Harry sang and
played spirituals for the Czech composer .
In 1894, hi career as a singer began in earne t when
he applied for and received the po ition of baritone
soloist at St. George's Episcopal Church in New York .
He became the soloist at Temple Enanu-El in New York
in J900. He al o taught voice at the Conservatory in his
senior year.
After completing his s1Udies, he began concerti zi ng in
the tatcs and urope . The tour included a command
performance before King Edward VII. The last two
year of the century found Burleigh beginning to com•
po e ballad and a position as mu ic editor for G •
Pastor Edgar L. Jackson was born In Martin
Ferry , Ohio on September 16, 1895. He
departed this life April 4 , 1972. He came to
Portland , Oregon in 1945. He was Pastor at
A ll Nations Nazerine Church for 14 years ,
after which he became Pastor of All Nations
Communi t y Church for 7 years , without salary
and suffering many times in order to help
other people.
Pastor Edgar L. Jackson lived his Christian
life by serv ing God through serv in g his neigh-
bors . He was Instrumental In serv ing with
many Commun ity Organizat ions long before
government programs began . He was found
trying to meet the needs of those who were
less fortunate than he . He not only wore a suit
on Sunday . but of ten tlmep found himself in
coveralls , helping to meet needs where he
found them .
He served on the original War on Poverty
Committee , on the Model Cities Committee,
Metropolitan Steering Committee , Pol ice
Community Relations , Eliot Neighborhood
Community Association and he served as
Secretary for the Albina M inister ial Alliance .
He was instrumental in gell ing the first
Black man hired in the Fred Meyer Corpora-
tion .
H is life touched the lives of not only those
who were members of his church, but also the
common man on the street. He served for 4
years on the Welfare Comm ission , but also
touched the lives of City Commissioners ,
Mayors , Governors and Senators .
Rev . Jackson w1s very dedicated to the
Adult Senior Citizens Program . He was the
originator and helped to organize this program
and then served as Director of the Handy Man
Department after It was organized . It was
through his efforts that many Senior Citizens
are receiv ing Outreach Counseling , Food,
Care and Jobs through th is program . He also
helped to organize Life Center wh ich- Is still
serv ing the needs of People in th is area .
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