Page 18 Portland Observer Section II February 26.1981 The Fisk Jubilee Chorus toured America and Europe in the 1870s. singing traditional spirituals and songs. Their performances helped introduce Black American music to the world. (The Bettman A r chive) without eliminating those qualities. Their first selections were popular ballards o f the day, such as Annie Laune and Horne, Sweet Home. In un structured moments, they would sing some o f their spirituals and plantation melodies for their own enter tainm ent. Hearing these songs, their sim p licity and beauty so evident. White wanted to include the songs in the first concert that he planned for Nashville in 18678, but there was strong resistance by the singers for fear o f ridicule. F in a lly , he encouraged them to sing several o f “ their” songs at the progam...the success and accolades with which the selections were met created a more am bitious local scheduling o f concerts. In 1871, White decided to take the group on tour to raise funds. This was a d ifficult decision, for there were several obstacles; none had the proper clothing fo r a northern tour and no money to purchase any, their program was not in form o f the minstrelsy with which the American (i.e. white) public was fam iliar and, in fact, the genre (spirituals) was quite unfam iliar to the general public. Nevertheless, with borrowed clothing and funds. White and his singers left, with hearts in their mouths, to begin a fundraising tour on October 6, 1871, in Cin cinnati, Ohio. At Oberlin a turning points o f sorts was reached. White being kept waiting in the audience for their turn to perform, at a lull in the proceedings, they softly began to sing. Steal A way to Jesus. As a hush set tled over the audiences, their confidence grew. The purity and beauty o f their singing and the song moved the white audience in a way that nothing else had. W'hite then decided to include more spirituals on suc ceeding program s, and a new name was needed. Remembering the slaves had talked about the "year o f jubilee” that would be celebrated when bondage was ended, he elected to call the group the Fisk Jubilee Sinners. A SALUTE TO BLACK HISTORY Born in New Orleans in 1806 and educated in France. Norbert Ril- lieux, while chief en gineer of the Louisiana Sugar Refining Com pany, made a most important contribution to the advance of the sugar industry. His in vention of an evapor ating pan to refine raw sugar revolutionized the sugar industry. His system reduced the hand labor of refining and saved fuel because the closed system trap ped the heat and boiled the juice at lower tem peratures Everywhere, its use increased sugar production, produced a superior product, and SAFECO INSURANCE COMPANIES N orberl Rillirui. reduced operating costs With this device, patented in 1846, Nor bert Rillieux estab lished the scientific principles that form the basis of all modern industrial evaporation. TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY IN REC OGNIZING THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF ITS BLACKS AND HOPE ALL WILL JOIN IN A SALUTE TO BLACK HIS TORY WEEK. Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Portland salutes Norbert Rillieux for his contribution to the history of America 1500 SW 1st AVE.