Portland Observer Section II February 26, 1961 Page 3 Balafo in West Africa, sketched by William Smith, surveyor for the Royal Africa Company, 1726. Frontispiece in his New Voyage to Guinea...London: J. Nourse. 1744. Courtesy of the Joseph Regen- stein Library. University of Chicago. .VJW’ WlfAT? Your first step out o f school is an important one. One that can shape the rest o f your life and build a foundation fo r a successful career. Your first positioh should be one that encourages you to grow. King Broadcasting Company is looking fo r career- oriented people with leadership abilities, to grow with us. I f you 're a recent graduate with a degree in Communications, Journalism. Sales & M arketing or Television Engineering, write to us. You could be just the person we're looking for. K G W A M /T V , K IN K FM A Division of King Broadcasting Company 1501 S.W. Jefferson Street Portland, Oregon 97201 An Equal Opportunity Employer M /F /H