he's a graduate of Jefferson High in Portland. _ Lolita B u rn e tte is a native Portlander (Oregon). She has a long telephone com ­ pany tradition, sister Benita Stroughter is a Pacific N orth­ west Bell manager in Portland. And, her husband Eric works for Xerox in Seattle. Lolita began her career while still in 1 ligh School working as an operator. She rose through the ranks. After getting a degree in S This Lady’s N ot for Flying Behavioral Psychology from Reed College (Reed, W hitman, Puget Sound and Pomona are the Ivy League equivalent in the Pacific Northwest region), she m ed to join the Air Force as a pilot. H er dad was a W orld W ar II pilot. But this didn't work out so Lolita returned to the bosom of Ma Bell for a fulltime career. Having progressed through var­ ious manageri.il positions, she's now a I district Staff Manager tor Human Resources and Development. A Community Resource W h o W rites History searching Classical History.it the University and has been noted to follow the adage, “Lux Sit" .. . Let there be light. How­ ever, his "light” often sparks ac­ ademic heat. His book, Black Zeus about African Mythology and j History concerns the migration dward Louis Jones, ! of Africans (Black Africans) during the time when ■ from Egypt to Europe. He Sir Thomas Beecham, contends what is now called then conductor of Roman or Greek mythology is the Seattle Symphony, referred in reality African. - to Seattle as “a cultural dust In another book, Profiles bin," was producing In African H eritage, Ed tells i Shakespeare at the Roycroft us that Hannibal was not Victor I Theatre on Capitol Hill. Sir T hom as’ family I founded and owned C arter’s 1 Little Liver Pills. As you can imagine, it was with some trepidation that some of Ed’s friends induced Sir Thomas to attend a perform- | anee at the Roycroft. At a gala reception I following at the home of a socialite Sir Thomas toasted Ed and told assembled cast and guests that Ed’s performance “Shown brighter than a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear" (quoting Shakespeare). This was rare for this musical giant whose talent matched his acid tongue and bilious disposition. Thus, six degrees later, Mamre, Cleopatra was not Eliza­ after an intervening stint as pro­ beth Taylor and that Egypt was ducing director of the Holly­ and is a Black nation. Controversial as he may wood Players Theatre (in H ol­ lywood) Ed became the general be in the academic pond, at administrator for the W ashing­ home Ed is an avid gardener. ton State Attorney General He and his wife Lynn have a son (he's also a lawyer). and a daughter, both University He quit this a few years students, living in their spacious later to take up the challenge of University district home. Lynn manages real estate supervising counseling for the Seattle Industrial O pportunity and plans to form her own in­ C enter when he was tapped by vestment company. the University of W ashington As for his future, Ed says that, "The Lion of Judah has to become a counselor in the College of Arts and Sciences, fought the fight and will pre­ where he also teaches. vail." We agree with Ed and Ed pursues writing and re- Elijah. W e shall overcome. E One Man’s Family arvin E. Glass is the highest ranking Black in Pacific Northwest Bell. H e’s the general manager for residential m ainte­ nance and installation. His cre­ dentials are overwhelming and include a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee Stare University (in Nashville). Added to this, is academic work in Business Administration and Electrical Engineering at the University of W ashington plus graduate work in Business A d ­ ministration at Seattle University. His wife, Shirley, is also an engineer and works for the Boeing Airplane Company. M an in’s oldest daughter, 19 year-old C heryl Linn is an Engi­ neering student at the Univer­ sity of Washington, an outstand­ ing model and disco dancer, a manufacturer of dolls in her own right and a race car driver. Cheryl plans to not only drive her race car in the famed Indy M 500 but to win! Nine year old C h erry Linn appears to be interested in m id­ get race cars . . . time will tell. O ne o f the most signifi­ cant things about this remark­ able family is that what they do is usually done together. For example, Marv and Shirley make up part of Cheryl’s car racing support team and Cherry helps as well. Their handsome residence in North Seattle is the scene of wonderful family parties. Friends know when they are lucky enough to be invited to the Glass’s they can expect m outh­ watering food and a cheerful atmosphere. Two years ago, the Glass family hosted a civic recep­ tion for the visit of one of the Black Astronauts. This hardworking family also plays hard . . . squash, racquet ball, midget and sprint car racing. And, Marvin pre­ sently is doing volunteer work for the Randolph Carter C enter tor the Disabled. Lolita's mother, B enita D uke, is the retired supervisor for the District Traffic C ourt in Portland. As for interests aside from six-year-old G regory and her husband, Mrs. Burnette is active in O ptima (a W om an’s O rgani­ zation) a March of Dimes Board Member and a consultant to Business W eek, a seminar for High School students spon­ sored by the Association of W ashington Business at Ellensburg each summer. Archie L Herring e’s the winner of the coveted Erickson Trophy from the ............. W ashington Military Academy of the W ashington Army National G uard. He worked his way up from Private to Captain. But then just about every­ thing A rchie L. H errin g does is upward bound. H e’s presently a District Staff M.inager in the C ustom er Records Information System of Pacific Northwest Bell. He's d e­ signed and written com puter programs, managed payroll ac­ counting and has marketed Com m unications services to Business customers. Archie earned his degree in Sociology from the U niver­ sity of W ashington through the Pacific Northwest Bell College Assistance Plan. If you want a success story to model yourself after, heeding Terence’s advice, take an exam ­ ple from Archie H em ng, pa­ triot, soldier, corporate m ana­ ger and a well rounded human being. H h \ Marcel Hatch lllu>rr.ition<* pr»»\ uleJ h\ Raylor PuNiUunu ( ’ompany Pacific Northwest Bell